Mr. Billionarie Doctor

By Milky_Blue_Sky

777K 25.6K 763

Zoya Anwar an innocent Muslim girl. She is hardworking, always smiling, and is always ready to help others. M... More

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By Milky_Blue_Sky

"Austin, Ash! Stop running around!" I shouted while braiding Aria's hair. 5 years ago I and Anthony were blessed with triplings. 2 boys and 1 girl. I always wanted a boy first so that my girl at least had a big brother who would protect her.

It came true, Austin was the eldest, he was born 5 minutes before Ash and 10 minutes before Ash. Ash was born 5 minutes before Aria, and I couldn't be happier when I saw them.

Anthony cried when our babies were born, he couldn't be with me when I was in labor because he had surgery at the cancer hospital. He was sad and disappointed in himself, it took me 2 weeks to make him realize that what he did was much better than being with me.

I heard something falling downstairs, I quickly braided Aria's hair "Thank you mom," She said while standing up. She kissed my cheek and ran downstairs. I stood up and tried my best to hurry downstairs.

When I came downstairs I saw cookies all over the kitchen, "Boys, what is going on here?" "It was all Austin's doing!" Ash suddenly shouted while pointing at Austin. "No mom! Ash wanted cookies!" He shouted back.

What to do with these boys? They argue so much, I get worried when they are like that. What if they start fighting one day? I sighed and looked at them.

"First of all, you both know that no cookies or chocolates before dinner, and you also know that you don't come alone in the kitchen" "Sorry mom," They both said while looking down.

"If you are sorry, then clean it up or no chocolate cake after dinner" They looked at me and started to clean the cookies. I chuckled and went into the living room.

I sat on the sofa while holding onto my back, "Mommy, does it hurt?" Aria asked while seating beside me. I chuckled and shook my head, I put my arm towards her and she happily hugged me.

"It's because your siblings are on their way that's why it hurts a little bit," I said while she put her hand my baby bump. "Mommy, when are they coming?" "Anytime baby"

I heard footsteps coming into the living room. "Mommy, we finished cleaning" "Good, now sit like good boys and don't shout or yell, or else Jonathan will wake up"

I said while pointing towards Jonathan who was sleeping on his Stokke bounce. They both nodded and sat down on the sofa while turning the tv on. I stood up and walked into the kitchen.

I started baking the cake, like Anthony they love chocolate. That's when I realized why I kept eating chocolate when I was pregnant with them. I put the cake in the oven and cut fruit for the kids and made food the little Jonathan.

Right when I finished making his food I heard him crying. "Mommy, Jonathan is awake!" Ash shouted. I chuckled and took the plate with fruit and Jonathan's food to the living room.

I put the plate with fruit on the table and looked at them, "It's time for fruit" They all happily started eating while I picked Jonathan up. "My baby is awake" He sniffed and looked at me with those beautiful green eyes like his father's.

"Let's eat" I took his baby chair and put him in it. I put the spoon towards his mouth and he happily took the bite. I was feeding him when I heard a car honking outside.

"DADDY IS HERE!" Aria shouted and ran towards the front door. "Careful Aria!" Austin was busy eating an apple while Ash was busy eating an orange.

"I'm home," Anthony said while coming into the living room. He sat beside me and pecked my cheek before wrapping his arm around me. "Where is Aria?" "Here she is" I turned around and was so happy to see him.

"Aayan!" I handed Anthony the plate and walked towards Aayan. "Wow, you are big now," He said while putting Aria down. I hugged him tightly, "I missed you, my baby" Aria chuckled while looking at us.

"Uncle Aayani mommy has been weird these days" I looked at her with a playful glare, she chuckled and she ran to her dad. "Why haven't you visited me?" "Sorry, I have been busy with the company"

I sat down beside Anthony while Aayan sat over for us. "Look, kids, what I got for you" He put the shopping bag on the table, and took cars and dolls out.

Anthony chuckled when he saw my expression, "I've told you so many times not to spoil my children" "Sorry baji, can't hold myself" I looked at Jonathan and was shocked.

"Anthony! You can't even feed him properly" I took a few tissue papers and cleaned his hands and mouth. "MY CAKE!" I tried to stand up but then I suddenly felt pain in my lower part.

"A-AH!" I held onto my baby bump and everyone looked at me. "Are you hurt?" Anthony worriedly asked. I felt something wet between my legs, I looked down and saw my clothes wet.

"M-My water broke" "What? But there are still 6 days left" "Anthony my water broke! Hurry up you asshole!"

He quickly stood up and helped me up "Aayan, take care of the kids!" He picked me up bridal style and went out to his car. "DRIVE FASTER!" I shouted out in pain.

"David, I want you to have the labor room ready and call Mrs. Edgar" He ended the call and drove faster. "Baby, just take deep breaths" "ANTHONY IF YOU SAY ANYTHING MORE THAN YOU ARE MAKING YOUR OWN GRAVE!"

When we finally arrived at the hospital he carried me bridal style in. David and a few nurses ran with a bed towards us, he laid me on the bed and started to take me to the labor room.

"IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE!" "I'm sorry baby, I'm sorry, please relax" When we arrived at the labor room Anthony carried me to the other bed. He helped me change into the hospital gown and then Mrs. Edgar walked in.

"It's time to push," She said while looking at me. Anthony held my hand and stroke my hair softly. "Come on baby, you can do it" "On the count of three push... 1, 2, 3" "AAHH!" I pushed and pushed.

After 7 minutes our first baby was finally born. "Congratulations Mr. Lopez it's a boy" I was breathing heavily while tears welled up in my eyes. "Our baby" I whispered while looking at Anthony.

"Are you ready to push Mrs. Lopez?" I took a few deep breaths and nodded. "1, 2, 3" "AAHH!" I pushed and pushed and pushed.

After 10 minutes our second baby was born, "Congratulations, it's a girl" She handed our baby girl to Anthony. He looked at her with tears in his eyes, I looked at the weakly and smiled.

"Mommy, why is Lily always sleeping?" Ash asked while looking at Lily who was sleeping peacefully. This little baby liked to sleep a lot like Austin and Jonathan.

"Zoya!" I heard Anthony shouting, I looked towards the stairs and saw him coming downstairs with Luke in his arms who was crying non-stop. "What?" "He keeps crying!"

I put my hands towards him and took Luke from him, "He is hungry" I said while chuckling. Anthony sat beside me while sighing, "For god's sake, why is he always hungry?" "He is like my sweet husband," I said and kissed his cheek.

"Like me? I'm not the one who kept eating 2 weeks ago" "Excuse me? I ate for three, and it's all your fault you're the one who couldn't keep your *** in your pants" I said while looking at Jonathan who suddenly started crying.

He sighed and stood up, he picked Jonathan up in his arms, "What's wrong with my boy?" "D-Daddy" I looked at him surprised. Anthony looked at me surprised and then looked at Jonathan.

"His first word is daddy! Wah! My baby boy!" He shouted happily and started kissing Jonathan all over his face, he giggled and held Anthony's face in his small hands.

"All our children's first word was daddy, I can't be happier," I said while taking Luke away from my breast. I started patting him on his back, he burped and I looked at him.

"Your and Lily's first word must be mommy, or I won't give you cake" "You are talking to Luke who is only 2 weeks," Anthony said while chuckling and sat beside me.

I pouted and tried to make him sleep. Jonathan fell asleep in Anthony's arms while Luke was also slowly falling asleep. Anthony laid Jonathan in his Stokke bounce, while I laid Luke on the baby bed beside Lily.

I sighed and sat on the sofa while closing my eyes. I felt Anthony wrapping his arms around me, I put my head on his chest and wrapped my arms around his waist.

"Daddy, why is mommy crying?" Anthony pulled away and looked at my tears which were running down my cheeks. "What happened? Why are you crying? Are you hurt?" I shook my head and hugged him tightly.

"Thank you Anthony" I whispered in the crock of his neck. He sighed in relief and hugged me tighter. "You scared me" He whispered before pulling away.

He smiled and kissed my tears away, "Why thanking me?" "For loving me even after knowing my bad past, knowing about my scars" "I love you for who you are, not because of your body or your past"

He smiled and pressed his lips on mine. "Ew, mommy, and daddy are kissing" We pulled away and chuckled and their cuteness. "Don't be too loud" I said while putting my head on Anthony's shoulder.

"I love you"
"I love you more my sweetie pie"

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