i love you from afar β™‘ (jaehy...

By demigxddess

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COMPLETED | Lennox tries five things she has never done before for her 16th birthday with Jung Jaehyun. Howev... More

25 Valentines with Jaehyun
Long Slow Distance (Song Inspiration)


148 10 1
By demigxddess


~ Third Person's POV

Lennox sat at their balcony that morning and thought of writing on her diary while waiting.

She was startled when a motorbike stopped in-front of their house. She immediately closed her diary and placed them inside her bag.

It was Jaehyun...

She stood up and she saw him getting off his bike, he immediately took off his helmet and wave to her.

She waved back as Jaehyun made his way to their house.

"Good morning!" he greeted her.

"Good morning." she responded.

They had a quick chat along with Lennox's parent who were very fond of Jaehyun.

They were really supportive of their daughter having a crush on Jaehyun because why not?

He's handsome, talented and he is well-mannered. What more can you ask for?

"Put this on." Jaehyun gave Lenox a helmet.

"Safety first!" he said.

"Thanks." she said and she placed it on her head.

Jaehyun helped her secure the helmet and clasped it,  he also wore his helmet. Afterwards, Jaehyun hopped on his motorbike and gestured Lennox to hop on.

"Grab unto me so you won't fall." he said.

"U-uuuh?" she literally didn't know where to grab unto.

"Hold unto my waist." he said.

She was shaking while stretching out her arm along his waist, she felt a bit shy at first and her ears were red.

"Hold on tight." he started his engine.

"Drive safely, Jaehyunnie. Be safe and enjoy your date!" Lennox's mom shouted.

"Mom?!" Lenox groaned in embarrassment.

"We will ma'am. Thank you!" Jaehyun waved at them and they immediately went off.

Lennox was trying to calm herself, she was really panicking not because they were riding a motor bike.

It was because she felt like she was hugging Jaehyun and her heart was going nuts.

"How many rides do you actually have?" Lennox broke the awkward silence.

"Uuh? A-about five." he said.

"Wow, that's a lot. I can't even drive a car." she said.

"You never rode a motorbike before?" Jaehyun asked her.

"No, my parents will never allow me." she said.

"Then how come they allowed you this time?" he asked.

" 'Cause you're the driver, they trust you more than they'll ever trust me even though I am their daughter." she laughed.

"Well, I'm very honored that your parents trust me. I won't let them down." he said.

— — —

Once they arrived at their destination, Lennox got her ticket and waited for her turn.

Meanwhile, Lennox viewed the bungee jumping site from afar and she began to feel nervous.

The site was at a lake, so basically she was going to fall from a height of 1,000 ft., swing freely for about a minute or so and then a boat will be waiting for them in the lake to fetch her.

"Wow, it's steep." Jaehyun said.

"I-I know. This is like my worst nightmare."

Jaehyun looked at her and he immediately knew she was tensed.

"Just relax, you can do this." he said and patted her back.

Lennox looked at him with worried eyes. "I hope so, my list will be ruined if I fail on this." she said.

— — —

It was finally her turn and she was called to go to the site, Jaehyun followed her just to give her moral support.

Walking towards the site made her legs feel like jelly and she began to wobble as she walks on the transparent glass bridge where you can see the lake below.

"You okay?" Jaehyun held her arms.

Lennox shook her head to avoid feeling dizzy. "Y-yeah, I'm fine." she said and continued walking.

Once they got there, they gave her safety equipments and started to tie the rope on her foot. She looked pretty nervous and you can tell 'cause she was already shaking.

"You can do it, Lennox." Jaehyun said to her to calm her fown.

Lenox smiled at him even though she was feeling petrified.

"Miss please step unto the edge of the plank."

She took shaky light steps towards the plank and her heart brace even faster. When she was near the edge of the plank she saw how steep it was.

"Oh God!" she said and closed her eyes tightly.

It was even scarier when you're at this spot, she felt like throwing up all of a sudden and got dizzy so she stumbled backwards.

"Miss, you okay?" the guy who was assisting her asked.

Jaehyun immediately ran towards her and he kneeled beside her. "Lennox? You okay?"

"I-I'm fine, I-I'm fine." she said but her vision was spinning.

Her breathing started to become irregular and Jaehyun noticed it.

"Do you still want to continue? O-or you want to leave?" he calmly asked while rubbing her back to calm her.

"I-I will continue." she answered.

Jaehyun assisted her up even though her legs were wobbly and she took light steps again on the plank.

"I'm going to count to three and I'm going to push you off this plank, okay?" the guide told her and so she nodded.

"One... Two..."

"Wait wait wait!" she cried and stumbled backwards again.

"I-I can't d-do it." she said and her breathing hitched as she placed her hand on her chest, she started to have panic attacks.

"Miss, if you can't do it. You should back out already there are a lot of people waiting." the guy said scratching his head.

Jaehyun watched her and he felt sad.

He knows how much she wanted to complete her list but she's just too scared... too scared to do it alone.

"Can we bungee jump together?" Jaehyun asked the guy in charge and Lennox averted his gaze at him.

"Sure thing sir." they immediately took safety equipments.

Jaehyun gave Lennox an assuring smile but Lennox was just staring at her dumbfoubdedly.

She couldn't fathom that Jaehyun would actually volunteer to go with her.

"Jaehyun, a-are you sure?" she asked the moment Jaehyun had his safety gears on.

"Of course." he answered confidently.

"I wouldn't want your checklist to be ruined." he smiled at her.

Lennox felt her heartbeat bracing swiftly again but it's not because of fear.

She gave a smile back at him and she nodded. "Thanks Jae."

They did the same thing they both step on the edge of the plank but they had to face each other.

Lennox was still a little bit nervous but it was much scarier doing it alone.

"Just be calm and don't look down." Jaehyun told her.

"Can you please hug each other?" the guy said to them.

"What?" Lenox said.

"It would be better if you hug each other, like this."

The guy took Lennox's arm and wrapped it around Jaehyun's neck while Jaehyun's arm were wrapped around her waist.

Lennox's eyes were glued unto Jaehyun's eyes the whole time.

Her heart was beating more rapidly than before and she felt butterflies in her stomach, her ears and cheeks were all red and her hands were shivering.

She didn't even know what she's feeling anymore.

"Move closer." the guy said and Jaehyun pulled her closer making her bury her head on his chest and she could actually hear his heartbeat.

"Okay, I'm counting one to three and I'm going to push both of you. Ready?" he asked.

Lenox was too occupied at that time to even ansser back.

"Ready!" Jaehyun shouted.

"One... Two..." Lenno closed her eyes and tightened her hug around Jaehyun. "Three."

They were finally pushed off the plank, Jaehyun tightened his grip around her waist.

CTTO: B. West

Lennox screamed at the top of her lungs while falling off.

The rope attached to their foot swung them up and down over and over again. Lennox still had her eyes shut the whole time and continued screaming.

"Open your eyes, Lennox." Jaehyun said.

She gently opened her eyes and saw the magnificent view but only upside down.

She felt like she was flying and she felt free. She slowly started to feel excitement and forgot about her fear of heights.

"Yeeeaaah!" Jaehyun screamed while he enjoyed being swung around.

"I'm flying! Jaehyunnie ~" she screamed as well, feeling overjoyed. "Yeaaaaaah!"

After almost a minute and a half of being swung around the boat finally arrived the fetch them.

She feels a little weak and lightheaded after bungee jumping but atleast she conquered her fears.

Both of them were laughing weakly as they got on the boat, Jaehyun helped untie the rope on Lenox's foot as she sat on the boat.

"That was fun." Lennox said as she rested her head on the edge of the boat.

"Sure was."

Jaehyun assisted her off the boat and once they got on land and he got startled when Lennox gave her a tight hug all of a sudden.

"Jaehyunnie, I finally conquered my fear of heights!" she said joyfully.

Jaehyun just hugged her back. "I'm so proud of you!"

Lenox broke from their hug and took his hands. "It wouldn't be possible without you Jaehyun. Thank you so much! I couldn't have bungee jumped alone."

She made a little jump looking overjoyed. Jaehyun patted her head like a puppy. "You're welcome."


Both of ghem shifted their gaze to the middle aged woman on the boat, they forgot that they weren't all alone.

"You're such a sweet boyfriend young man for accompanying your girl."

They both froze with what the woman said and Jaehyun had an awkward smile while Lennox jaw was about to drop on the ground.

"Uhm... sorry but we're not a couple ma'am." Lennox said and both of them released each other's hand feeling a little embarassed.

"Y-yeah ma'am, we're just... friends." Jaehyun said politely with an awkward laugh.

"Oh that's too bad. You two would look great together, trust me." she said and winked at them.


They were finally heading their way home and it was already sunset. Lennox was silent all through out the ride and Jaehyun was just focusing on the road.


Jaehyun suddenly felt Lenox resting her head on his back. "Hey Lenox, you're not asleep, are you?"

"No." she answered weakly. "I'm just a little drowsy."

Jaehyun became alarmed so he held her left hand placed on his stomach while his other hand was driving.

"Keep yourself awake, okay? You can't fall asleep here unlike in the car last time." he said taking a quick glance at her and shaking her hands to wake her up.

Lenox yawned before responding. "Yes, Jaehyun."

"You want me to stop, you sound sleepy you might fall over." Jaehyun sounded really worried and he tightened his grip on her hands.

"No, it's okay. I can keep myself awake." she said as she made herself more comfortable on Jaehyun's back.

"O-okay." he said.

"J-just tell me if you can't control it aanymore so we could stop." he said shaking her hands lightly to keep her awake and Lennox laughed.

"You worry too much Jung Jaehyun, I'll be fine. I promise."


They made it home safely and Lennox was half asleep throughout the ride.

Jaehyun was invited for dinner again and he bid farewell to Lenox and her parents before leaving.

Lenox took a quick shower before heading to bed and while she was taking a shower she noticed something on her bare skin.

"Oh no."

When she got out of the bathroom she went infront of the mirror in her room and looked at reflection.

"Not again."


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