NO MORE SECRETS, beverly mars...


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˚₊·͟͟͟͟͟͟͞͞͞͞͞͞➳❥ ꒰✰ NO MORE SECRETS ꒱ | ೃ࿔₊• ;⇢˚⋆ ✎ SOME PEOPLE CHANGE, SOME DONT !~:✧˖°࿐ ₊˚.༄ ೃ BEVERLY MAR... Lebih Banyak

Thank You!


659 20 2

Ormi got to the inn and dropped her bags off. Once she got to the Chinese restaurant she was late and decided to finish the rest of her cigarettes and threw it out while she went in. Once she got to where the losers were.

"Hey guys." Ormi gave them all a small grin and waved.

Everyone turned to her with a confused look but Mike. "Ormi! You came!" He spoke excitedly. She smiled and nodded.

"Wow! You didn't age!" Bill commented. "Skin care routines and exercise take part in that." Ormi beamed.

"What happened to your hair?" Richie blurted out causing her to laugh. "I still have hair just loc'd." She told him. "Come on. Sit down." Ben gestured to the two chairs. One next to Beverly and one next to Mike and Bill.

Ormi sat down next to Mike and both him and Bill looked at her with a confused look. "What?" She asked. "Your eyes. Are y-you okay?" Bill asked. Everyone looked at her with a concerned look making her feel a little paranoid. She fake smiled and nodded.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little tired. If I interrupted something-" Ormi started to say but everyone told her off. "Nooo! We were just asking about you and Stan." Eddie said. It clicked for her again. Her heart began to speed up and anything else being said was tuned out.

"Excuse me really quick. I think I left something in the car. I'll be right back." She walked back out to her car. She began to hyperventilate, crying while doing so. All she could hear was white noise.

"Ormi!" The very familiar voice pulled her out of this daze. She got herself under control by doing her counting again. Behind her was Beverly and the rest of the losers. "Oh, hey guys."

"Turn around Ormi." Eddie said. "Ormi, it's okay just tell us what's wrong." Richie said. "Orms, turn around please. For me." Beverly said softly. Ormi broke and turned around. Beverly hugged her. "What's wrong." She whispered. "I just- I just have a flash of memories here and it's all bad." Ormi cried as that was half the truth.

"Well it's more good memories than bad, we've had our good days. Remember?" Beverly spoke softly towards Ormi. "That's gay." Richie blurted out.

Both Ormi and Beverly pulled from the hug and laughed. "Oh fuck you Richard!" Ormi laughed out. "Let's go back inside okay?" Mike said to her. Ormi wiped her eyes and nodded. They all sat back down and laughed and joked around. Richie Ormi and Eddie were joking around while everyone else spoke quietly.

"I mean it's weird right?" Ben said out of nowhere. Everyone turned to him. "Now that we're all here everything comes back faster and faster. You know all of it." He said. Beverly nodded. "You know when Mike called I threw up, like I got nervous." Richie said. They all looked at him. "I mean I feel fine now and relieved to be here with you guys. Why is everyone looking at me like that?" He finished.

"When Mike called I crashed my car." Eddie said. "Seriously?" Bill asked. "Yeah." Eddie said. "I mean I hear you. Like my heart was literally pounding outside of my chest." Ben said. "I thought it was only me." Beverly commented. "When Mike called, I thought it was a joke at first and then I felt more panicked." Ormi explained. "Like pure f-f-f-" Bill tried to say.

"Fear. It's fear. What you felt." Mike said simply. "Why'd we all f-feel like that Mike?" Bill asked. Mike looked down. "You remember something we don't, don't you Mike?" Bill asked. Ormi also looked down remembering some of it.

"Something happens to you when you leave this town. Farther away the hazier it all gets, but me. I never left. So yeah, I remember, I remember all of it." He said.

"Pennywise." Beverly said. "Oh, the fucking clown." Eddie gasped for air a little. "Mike, you said you needed our help with something, what was that?" Bill asked. "There's an echo, here in Derry that bounces back every 27 years." Mike said.

"What are you talking about?" Eddie asked. "Hold on, Listen, Listen. We thought we stopped it. Back then. We thought it was done but..." Mike tried explaining and flipped through his notebook. "Mike-" Richie groaned. "A week ago. A man, Adrian Mellon slaughtered. A girl, Lisa Albrecht the other night, missing. There've already been others and there will be more." Mike tried to tell them.

Everyone looked at eachother and panicked. Ben tried to calm everyone down. "Let him explain." Ben told them. "That echo. We might've changed it, just like it changed us but we didn't stop it, Because it just bounced back. We made an oath. That's why I brought you back. That's why you're here to finish it for good." Mike explained.

"Well that got dark fast." Richie said. "Reall fast." Ormi added. "Thanks, Mike." Richie finished. Eddie opened his fortune cookie.

"My fortune cookie just says could." Eddie said. "Guess they don't know how to do fortune cookies here. Mine says guess." Richie complained. "You wanna throw that over here?" Bill said getting up. "What you got Mikey?" Bill asked, taking the fortune. Bill tried to put everything in place.

"Guess. Cut. Not. Could. It." Richie guessed. "It's a message." Mike said. Eddie and Richie tried to guess also. Ormi was freaking out in her head and just put her hands over her face. Everyone started to panic again. "You fuck with the fortune cookies Mike?" Richie blamed.

Everyone started arguing and then it went quiet as everyone but Ormi looked at Beverly. Ormi looked out of her hand to Beverly's fortune and her jaw dropped. Beverly put the fortune down and Bill put it all in place. Beverly covered her mouth at the message.

"Why does it say Stanley? Someone else fucking answer me!" Eddie yelled out. The table shook and noises came from the fortune cookies. "Ohh my god." Ormi said getting up. A fortune cookie jumped out of the bowl and some alien like thing came out of it and scattered the table. Everyone got up and away and more cookies jumped out.

"Hey, Hey! That fortune cookies looking at me!" Richie yelled as a slimy eyeball came out of one of the cookies. More cookies cracked opened. "I don't wanna be here. I can't fucking do this. I wanna go home. I don't wanna be here!" Eddie said over and over again. A bat started flying around.

Ormi hid in a corner and covered her eyes as black stuff came out the bowl burning the fortunes. Some singing started and there were decomposed heads in the fish tanks singing.

"It's not real!" Mike yelled. "This isn't real! It's not real!" Mike yelled and started hitting the table with a chair. Everyone backed up against a wall.

"Is everything alright?" A waitress said. "Yeah, can we get the check?" Richie told her. Ormi uncovered her eyes. Everyone was leaving.

"That's what Pennywise does, right? He fucks with us. So Stanley's probably fine." Eddie said. Ormi walked faster and outside. She called Patty. "Patty? You okay?" She asked as soon as she answered. Patty started crying over the phone.

"Listen Patty, As you know me and Stanley w-were childhood friends. Well I'm with more of his friends, can you speak to them?" Ormi spoke shakily. "Yes, where are they?" She asked. "They are coming okay?" Ormi said. "Okay." Patricia sniffled. The losers came outside.

"Guys, I have Patty- Stan's wife on the phone. Here." Ormi said, wiping her face and giving Beverly her phone. "Hello? Mrs. Uris. My name's Beverly Marsh. I'm an old friend of your husbands." Beverly said. Ormi sat on the curb and started crying. "Oh, he passed. Didn't Ormi tell you?" Patty's voice cracked.

"No, When did it happen?" Beverly asked, looking at Ormi. "Yesterday. It was horrible the way he died. His wrists. In the bathtub." Mrs. Uris spoke. "I'm sorry. I have to go. Have Ormi call me back please." Patty said.

"Okay. We're all so sorry." Beverly said as Patty hung up. "Stanley." Eddie said. "Pennywise knew. He knew before we did." Eddie said. "Ormi why didn't you tell us? How'd you know? Is that why-" Richie bombarded her with questions.

Ormi looked up trying not to break down. "I didn't think it was in my place too. I only know because I'm their neighbor and yeah, that's the reason why I wasn't so good when I got here. I just didn't want to mess up anything. This clown did that to him, Stan wouldn't do that if it wasn't for a reason I know that." Ormi said truthfully.

"We have to stop it! I have a plan!" Mike tried to tell everyone. "I got a plan. Getting the fuck out of Dodge before it ends worse that one of Bill's books. Who's with me?" Richie said, raising his hand. Eddie raised his hand.

"We made a promise to each other." Mike said "Let's unmake the promise." Richie tried to make up. "Richie, other people are going to die." Ben tried to explain. "Other people die everyday man!" Richie said. Ormi got up and walked towards him. "Not everyone wants to die a bad death man!" She yelled.

"Dying to a clown? That's fucking horrible! We went through this already! He already got Stan!" Ormi scolded him. "Yeah well you should've been there to prevent that. I'm fucking leaving! Fuck this!" Richie yelled. "Fuck you." Ormi muttered and walked away grabbing a cigarette from her pocket.

Ormi sat on the front of her car and smoked. Eddie left also. Ormi saw Beverly and Ben walking away too. "I'm going. I can't-" Ormi told Mike. "Wait. Please. Just wait and listen. Please." Mike said, grabbing her arm lightly.

She turned to him and he let her arm go. "Bill! Please I'm begging you two! Please. Just listen." Mike pleaded. "What are you going to say? What could you possibly say that would make any difference. They're all gone." Bill said.

"He's right love bug." Ormi told him. "Let me show you both something and if you want to leave you can leave but let me show you this. Please." Mike said. "Fine. Okay." Ormi gave in. "We need to go to the library." Mike said.

"Okay need a ride?" Ormi asked. "No, it's not far." Mike said. "I'm not leaving my car here. I'll drive and follow you okay?" Ormi tried to get him to say okay. "Yeah." Mike said. They got to the library. "The library? Didn't this place used to be bigger?" Bill asked.

"I've only ever been here once." Ormi said looking around as Mike started walking. "Yo!" Bill yelled causing Ormi to snap out and catch up to Mike. "Where are you going?" Bill asked, causing Ormi to laugh a little.

Mike, Bill and Ormi upstairs to a book filled attic. "Mike, you like here?" Bill asked as Ormi looked around. "Yeah, Make yourself at home." Mike said. "You guys want some water?" Mike asked.

"Yeah lovebug." Ormi said, turning to him. "Yeah, sure." Bill spoke quietly. Bill and Ormi walked up to him and both got a glass of water. Bill took a sip and scrunched his face as Ormi did to but kept drinking it and they both put it down.

"You see, this memory thing. It's a key, It's the key to everything." Mike explained. "If it doesn't want us b-b-back her don't you think the smartest thing we can do is just the hell out of Derry?" Bill asked.

"Sadly it's not that simple boo." Ormi sighed. "It does want us back, of course it does, but it doesn't know I know what I know." Mike continued. "What do you know?" Bill questioned. "How to kill the shit out of It!" Mike yelled. "You do?" Bill asked. "I've read every book, I've talked to every person in this godforsaken town, everyone who would talk to me anyways and that's not a long list but it wasn't enough I had to know how this all started." Mike frantically spoke and picked up something.

"How'd It start and It started... here." Mike said handing the thing to Bill. Ormi and Bill looked at it. "Uhh what are we looking at Mike?" Ormi asked him. "An artifact. Early 18th century, Shokopiwah." Mike informed them.

"'d you get it?" Bill asked. "I found it in, no they gave it to me. I stole it." Mike stuttered. "You stole it from Native Americans?" Bill interrogated. Ormi laughed a little. "That's cool." She said. "It's complicated." Mike said.

"Yeah it iss!" Bill agreed. "They helped me on my journey, they showed me things. A vision." Mike told them. Ormi and Bill looked at the artifact more and the web was moving up and down. "Ow, holy fuck. I feel kinda funky." Bill said.

"Yeah, I don't feel so good either." Ormi said as she got dizzy. "Am I sweating?" Bill asked. Ormi looked towards Mike along with Bill. "I need you two to see what they showed me." Mike told them. Everything was shaking to Bill and Ormi.

"They lived outside of Derry." Mike started. There were the Shokopiwah people. "They moved there many years ago. Their holy man, their holy of holies. He took me in. Fed me their sacred Maturin. I started to react." Mike said.

"While I sat there, looking over the valley, I saw It arrive." Mike continued. Both Ormi and Bill tried holding their hands up. "I knew that one day I would have to make you all see." Mike said as the room stopped shaking.

"Love bug did you put somethin in our drink bro?" Ormi asked looking around. "It's's a root." Mike truthfully told them. "You- You drugged me- you drugged us?" Bill asked. Ormi started breathing heavily and sweating. "Oh my god." She whimpered a little bit and then took her pills out of her purse.

She quickly took them. "It's a root. With properties. It's just a microdose of what the Shokopiwah gave me." Mike tried calming them down. "Why would you do that?" Bill asked with a little high pitch in his voice.

"To open my eyes..." Mike started again. "I don't feel real good." Bill said. "I don't either bro." Ormi said, putting her hand on his shoulder. "Open your eyes." Mike said and they looked at the artifact this time seeing everything. "They showed me the past." Ormi and Bill saw a bright light hit somewhere causing them to fall.

"Showed me they way It appeared to them." A bird like thing flew at them "No!" Ormi jumped back and squealed. There was some fetus like thing and the bird ate it. "They showed me their pain." The creature was transforming. Ormi started crying as the creature screeched.

"They showed me how to stop it." There were Native Americans doing a ritual and chanting. Everything stopped and Mike set down the box and sat next to them. "It's okay. It's over. You're okay." Mike tried to calm them down as they panted heavily.

"Did you see it? The ritual." Mike asked. "The ritual of Chud?"Bill and Ormi asked. "I knew you would see it." Mike said. Bill grabbed onto him. "We saw the whole f-fucking thing, Mike." Bill told him."That's how we kill it." Mike responded.

Bill went back into the books. "How are we going to do it? Everybody already s-said no." Ormi spoke up. "But you...both of you, They'll listen." Mike looked at Bill. "This wont work without all of us."

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