Wrath of time

By CuParacelsus

10 3 1

A war of territories has begun after a man of absolute power resolved to split up all the territories of well... More

Turf war Part 2

Turf war

9 1 0
By CuParacelsus


All in a moment the sound of falling glass could be heard throughout the building, and every voice talking right before ceased.

With a spark of movement and a swing of a hand a gorrila of a man wearing a simple tank top and slacks cracked the jaw of someone in more casual wear.

After that had happened all hell broke loose and 20 guys scattered all over a warehouse started fighting. The fights couldn't be lamented as simple and that would be because all the occupants within the metal walls were acting with magic as if out of a fairytale or comic book. Each fight more unique then the last.

"Boss what do we do now that the 'Stones' have thrown the first punch and attacked us." Said a man slick with sweat and eyes racing back and forth like a metronome.

A man roughly the age of 30 said while looking over at the fight from behind a cargo container "We end the fight before this gets out and finish off there group."

"Now watch the money while I put an end to the real threat." Exclaimed the "boss" as he suddenly vanished from sight.

"WHERE IS THE MAN KNOWN AS BOS..." shouted the gorrila man before suddenly stopping mid-sentence. The surroundings quickly turned red as an arm extended from his chest.

The nearest fight between a man who could partially turn into smoke and another who could drizzle acid like sweat from his pours stopped to see that the man who had tormented the district was finished near instantly.

One by one the fights slowed to a finish as all the onlookers watched every movement of the man now standing atop the former king of the territory.

The man looked out and scanned all the faces looking at him expectantly and began to speak "The ones who followed him are now left with a choice. I wont make it for you and I dont expect for you to answer right away."

He once again looked around before exclaiming "I will be taking this territory and with the men I have now I'll be fully capable of controlling it as well as my own. You may fight my group as well as I or you can join us, but just know if you weren't able to handle this behemoth then your leagues apart from taking me."

The sounds of discussions went for a few minutes before nearly half of the other group decided to join. The other half were too loyal.

After waiting for a moment and leaving the group puzzled the man known as boss raised a single hand and uttered the word "fall" before numerous cargo containers spawned from the sky and fell on the defectors leaving only the loyalists safe.

"I have no need for companions that so easily give in and switch sides." He then looked at the people that were left and said with a smile "Congratulations on becoming the new members of my group and sorry about lying earlier but none of you are allowed to leave here alive unless its under my orders."

"This territory is now apart of the phalanx crew and the surprise draft just came for you guys."

The left over members comprising of a merely 9 resigned themselves after witnessing the man's power and brutality.

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