moral of the story βœ” mileven

By hopclair

16K 686 605

( πš–πš’πš•πšŽπšŸπšŽπš— 𝚊𝚞 / πšŒπš˜πš•πš•πšŽπšπšŽ!𝚊𝚞) in which mike wheeler realizes that nothing feels like her. More

prologue ➳
one. ➳
two ➳
three ➳
four ➳
five ➳
six ➳
seven ➳
nine ➳
ten ➳
eleven ➳
twelve ➳
thirteen ➳
fourteen ➳
fifteen ➳
epilogue ➳

eight ➳

830 38 25
By hopclair

the movie theater was absolutely empty. maybe it was because it was early. hell, mike didn't really know. all they know is that they were giving the girl on the register a hard time and he couldn't help the forced smile he sent her way. she looked absolutely miserable. the party on the other hand, were deciding what to eat. which seemed to take more time than watching the actual movie. they seemed like middle schoolers because they were staring at the candies on display with wide eyes and in that precise moment, mike takes a moment to realize how much the party has grown throughout the years.

he remembers how small and awkward lucas was and now, he was the exact opposite. he was absolutely confident in his own skin and he would sport clothes that would only look good at him. he also takes a look at dustin, who didn't really grow that much but his mind seemed to expand more than any of them. he was their genius, their ace, and he couldn't help the smile that graced his face as he explained how they shouldn't ever eat chocolate covered raisins. 

will had grown too. he was almost head to head with mike, height wise at least. the two of them had been friends since forever and yet, a summer filled with way too many arguments, had mike spewing some hurtful things like"it's not my fault you don't like girls." and it was only obvious that they had grown apart that summer. will didn't really want to be around mike, so he simply branched out more the girls. but eventually, once school started later that year, they were back to being friends. (they might've had an emotional comeback, but nobody talks about it.)

maxine mayfield was simply max. she was as spunky as ever but still, just like they were young, she was the perfect match for his best friend. max had grown taller than el and she had gone through phases where she'd chop her long locks off. she was studying social work and to this day, mike feels absolutely guilty about how he'd treat her when they were kids. sure, they were kids at the time. but he had no right to treat her like that. sure, they didn't get along at times, but the two of them seemed to hang out together every full moon. 

el was the one that changed the most. at least in his eyes. maybe it's because his eyes were always on eleanor. she went from being bright and bold as a child, to turning into this insecure shell once her mother passed, to then slowly budding. he remembers how she'd cry into his chest and begged for her mother back. he remembers how she'd laugh when they'd go on dates to the amusement parks and would beg him to stop bumping into her. he remembers the flutter in his chest after prom where she was a little too drunk and wouldn't stop telling him that she loved him. but then she'd pull away and say that she loved her boyfriend mike. 

god, he had a tendency for fucking things up.

"mike! are you going to share popcorn with el? jesus." max says, obviously annoyed at the tallest party member. she's furrowing her eyebrows together and mike didn't even realize that he was the one that was holding them back. 

"you guys already ordered?" he asks, in obvious confusion and max rubs her temples. 

"dustin and will ordered. lucas and me ordered. we're just missing el and you." max says and he looks over at the brunette. who's sending him a sorry smile. he knows that smiles. she thinks that she's bothering him. 

"yeah, i'll order with el. i don't mind." mike shrugs and he watches how she opens her mouth but he doesn't need to ask her what she likes. he knows her like the palm of his hands. 

"okay, we're going to find seats." dustin says and will's furrowing his eyebrows together. there's nobody in this whole cinema. they could find a seat in two seconds flat. 

"yeah, we'll see you inside." lucas says and max is the one that's hesitant. she doesn't want to leave her best friend with a guy that can't make up his mind. lucas sends her a small nudge and she's letting a small breath out. she follows the others and el can hear her complaining to lucas.

the cashier clears her throat and mike's instantly pulled into reality. "shit, my bad. okay. hi. i'll have the biggest popcorn you have, two packet of m&ms, coke and a cherry slushie. both of them being the biggest ones you have."

the girl charges him, slowly getting their order ready and el stands beside him awkwardly. she's balancing herself on the pads of her feet and she's the one that's breaking the silence, 

"you remembered."

"does your species likes m&ms?" a fourteen year old mike asks and since the beginning of time, he's been fucking things up. he doesn't know if it's a personal talent. they had an argument and he was out her window, chocolates in hands and she's laughing at his dorkiness. 

"you don't forget about the girl that's been in your mind since you were a kid." he retaliates and their order is done. her cheeks are flustered pink. he's reaching for the popcorn and the packets. eleanor comes to her senses faster and reaches for the drinks. he leads the way and she follows him closely. she can hear her heart pounding loudly. she likes this. she likes this a lot. it feels like they're back at hawkins and she doesn't have to compete with anybody. 

they make their way in the screening room and instantly, the party is making noise. they're hollering when they catch sight of the duo and el only giggles. that giggle makes him smile to himself. but still, he thanks god that they're the only ones in this screening room.

because damn, the party is so fucking noisy. 

el's the first one to sit between the two of them. she's sitting beside will and mike's sitting beside her. it's like every single time they went to the movies. the order was dustin, max, lucas, will, el and finally mike. the trailers are playing as mike's settling in his seat. the popcorn is on his lap and automatically, he's reaching for her hand. 

"shit. sorry." he says, pulling away and she's sending him a small smile. 

"it's okay." el laughs and she really did miss him. but she wouldn't make this easy for him. 

the party keeps talking and el soon joins in the active conversation. mike on the other hand is absolutely quiet. he's looking over at the brunette and he has so many thoughts crossing his mind. so many memories crossing his mind. mike remembers the summer where they'd tumble on the hills and giggle too much. he remembers how she'd make flower crowns for the both of them and they'd kiss each other without anything in their minds. 

"hey mike, did you put the m&ms in?" she asks him and that pulls him from his thoughts. he was often an airhead, but he didn't know why he was so in his thoughts today. 

he shakes her head. "no, no. hold on." 

"i'll hold onto the bag. so you don't spill it like last time." 

"last time was a mistake." he laughs and the girl reaches for the popcorn. she has a smile on her face.

"hey, hey! no touching. we're seeing you guys." max yells across the theater and both of them are bursting out in laughter. their friends are so annoying. he swears. 

mike opens the packets and drops the small m&ms in the popcorn. that was probably why nobody wanted to share with el. or maybe they were trying to set them up again. he didn't know why. but he was thankful for that. 

"hey, mike."

"yeah?" he asks, not looking at her and she smiles at how focused he is. 

"does your species like m&ms?"

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