Firing Ablaze (Roy Harper/ Ar...

By RaphieTaffie

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Roy Harper and Jason Todd have been growing on a friendship for many year. The two had been through a lot wit... More

The Antihero Duo
New Workout

Digging Deeper

979 10 13
By RaphieTaffie

Both men went back to Gotham for a little bit, to take care of business then plan to head back to their own city.

The sound of two, heavy pair of footsteps could be heard as they walked on an abandoned part of the city. Roy and Jason's heavy footsteps thudded against the asphalt. 

"Well this is creepy as fuck." Roy mumbled.

Jason gave just one nod. "Yeah, something tells me they are having a meeting or we are going to be ambushed."

Roy smirked when he heard a click of guns being cocked, that didn't come from Jason at all.

Jason chuckled a bit, when people started to surround them.

"Video game montage?" Roy asked.

Jason nodded.

((Honestly, that is sometimes what they did in some of their comics. They made it a video game montage. I giggled. It was cool. Anyhow-))

Jason was firing away with his pistols and taking down quite of men. He also ducked under a few men and used them as human shields. What? He was an antihero. He didn't have to save every criminal or person. Jason was basically shooting everyone from every angle, no matter what distance. A few necks were broken too.

Roy had knocked the fuck out of people and he was shooting arrows into some of the members. Forty-seven arrows in the head, and thirty-two in the hearts.

Jason and Roy thought they were finished, but they were wrong. The warehouse, that was about a block away could  be seen, and men were starting to try to hustle out of it.

"Fuck." Jason grunted. "We are looking at a large of head of people."

Roy snickered. "That's what she said."

Jason glanced at his partner. "Really Roy?" 

"I can hear the smile in your voice." Roy said.

Jason smiled under his helmet. It was true, he found it a tad funny. "We need to get on the roofs."

Roy and Jason grappled onto a roof, being able to do it without being spotted. Both landed on their feet and started grappling and swinging to the next building. They were making their way to the warehouse. 

"Hey Arsenal, how do you turn on the thermal vision on this again?" Jason asked.

Roy gave him a look. "It's your helmet."

"Yeah, but you put upgrades on it. You messed with it." Jason growled.

Roy smirked. "Swipe your finger across the right eye."

Jason did so, and it worked. "Oh wow. Thanks."

Jason and Roy were now on the roof. Jason was searching through the roof with his thermal vision. He actually was looking to see if any men were on the floor beneath them. He gave Roy a thumbs up when it was empty.

Roy placed something on the roof's exit door, which was metal and some sort of device. Roy pushed a small button on the side of it and backed up. Since Jason wanted to go in more quietly, he had made a device that would leak acid that could eat through metal. Lord help you if that got on you. 

Acid started to stream downwards on the door and when it stopped leaking, it had taken out the lock on the door. Roy opened it and walked in. "Why are we being so quiet anyhow?" Roy whispered quietly.

"This is someone who I really, really want to take down." Jason said.

Roy nodded with a slight shrug. "Okay." It was odd, but okay.

Jason and him crept down the steps of the stairs and they were on the highest floor, well technically a balcony. Jason pointed to one man that was sitting in a chair and having an argument with a guard.

"What in the hell is going on out there?" The man yelled.

Jason leaned into Roy's ear. "That's one of Black Mask's best friends. He is just as bad as Black Mask. He needs to be taken out." He whispered.

Despite how warbled Jason's helmet might make him sound, it still made it clear as day. Roy nodded.

"We dunno boss! We can't find out the men who did this." The guard said.

The man groaned.

"But I think your life might be in danger." The guard told him.

"Then get me out of here! Get a car, make sure no one is going to kill me, and get me out of here."

Jason looked at Roy. "Take the guard. I got the Trent." That was the guy's name. 

Roy nodded and went to the other side of the balcony, that they were on. He quietly crept through the shadows and aimed his bow. He was ready to go.

Jason was on the rail of the balcony, getting ready to jump down. He looked at Roy.

Roy let go of the string, of his bow, and an arrow landed straight through the guard's eye.

Trent yelled in horror. "What the fuck?!" He scrambled as fast as he could to get out of range.

Jason jumped down and landed gracefully on his feet. "Trent, how are you doing man?"

Roy jumped down too and landed on his feet too.

"Help!" Trent screamed for his men.

Well they heard him and soon men started to run into the warehouse. The men firing away.
"If this was what was going to happen in the first place, Red Hood, then we should have busted the doors down ourselves!" Roy shouted as he had to dodge bullets.

"Oh shut up Arsenal!" Jason yelled.

Jason and Roy began to fire their weapons right back on Trent's men. There was a lot of the sound of the gunfire, but occasionally you could hear the sound of string on Roy's bow.  And Roy was the best archer ever. Keep in mind that this guy was called Speedy for a reason. He could reload an arrow in practically milliseconds!

Jason glanced up and saw Trent trying to escape. "Oh no pal. We ain't finished." Jason took his grapple hook and aimed it at Trent's ankles. He pulled the trigger and the rope wrapped around Trent.

Trent landed hard and groaned.

Jason and Roy finished up the men, then Jason approached Trent. Roy on the other hand, found duffel bags of money and started putting stacks of money in three duffel bags. Roy would have Jason carry two of them.

Jason smirked under his helmet as he squatted down to Trent's body that was on the ground. "I thought we, and a few others, told you to leave Gotham? Was it not clear enough for you?" Jason asked rhetorically.

"You are fucking psycho." Trent hissed.

"Watch your mouth." Roy warned. "I'm the nice one. Him, not so much."

Jason pressed a pistol against Trent's temple. Jason reached into the Trent's pocket and pulled out his cellphone. "Now you are going to call off the deal for human trafficking. Now." Jason growled. 

"Okay. Okay." Trent said.

Jason dialed the number, since he had already found out the number when he had been searching it up before he pursued Trent. He actually put the phone on speaker. It rang three times and someone answered.

"Call it off. Cancel it." Trent said into the phone.

"Are you sure? This is a pretty big deal boss." The person said.

"Yes." Trent said.

"All. Of. It." Jason growled.

Trent was terrified because Jason knew that he had more than one deal that was made. "All of it. Cancel all of it." He told the man.

"Good boy." Jason said.  

"Who's that boss? Who is in the background?" The person on the other side of the phone, asked.

Jason stood up and shot Trent in the head. Well that was clear as day through the phone. "He can't come to the phone anymore, but this is the end. Or I will track you down next. Understood?"

The person agreed in fear for their life.

"Good." Jason hung up the phone and tossed it onto the ground.

Roy and Jason got out of there and were walking away. Roy pressed a button of a remote, that he had. It blew up the warehouse and the heat could be felt. 

"Thanks Roy." Jason said.

Roy smirked. "You are welcome."

"But how come I have to carry two bags?" He asked.

Roy laughed. "You are 6'4" and two hundred forty-five pounds. So you can carry them."
Jason and Roy walked a bit farther and someone dropped down in front of them. It was Red Robin, Tim Drake.

Jason smiled. "How are you doing Tim?" 

"Good. I saw the explosion and I had a feeling it was you two. Kinda good to see you two." Tim said. Honestly Tim was excited when he heard about Jason and Roy coming to the city. He kind of missed the, so in a way he took a special trip out to go see them.

"How are you and the family?" Roy asked.

"Doing well. Everyone is. Especially baby Maddie and Ella." Tim said. "Kon too."

"I want to see a picture of Maddie. I haven't seen her in forever." Roy said.

Tim chuckled and pulled out his phone. He pulled up his camera roll and let Roy scroll through.
Tim had gotten married two summers ago, to a girl named Ella and Kon El... yes he married two people in some weird ass foreign country. Why in a foreign country? Because the United States refuses to let someone marry more than one person. Both Tim and Ella, had a daughter on June eleventh and she was now a year old. She had blonde hair and her nose from her mother, but had the blue eyes and smile from her father. Now Ella was carrying Kon El's baby.

"Aww. Look at her. She's walking now?" Roy asked.

"Yes. And she has learned how to open safety locks." Tim said.

Jason laughed. "She is smart."

The three of them had a small conversation, really small because Batman would be coming. 

"See you guys later, okay? Bruce is on his way here." Tim said.

"Okay." Roy said. "See ya."

"Bye." Jason said.

Tim grappled away and Jason left with Roy. It was around three in the morning when got home.

Jason tossed most of his equipment down and cracked his back. Roy was sitting on the couch and had tweezers in his hand. He took off the top of his suit so he could dig around in a bullet hole.

Jason was wide eyed. "You got shot?!"

"Yeah." Roy hissed because he was digging the bullet out, without any numbing anesthesia.

"You absolute dumb fuck! You have had that in for you for so long! You could have gotten lead poisoning." Jason ranted.

Roy laughed. "Sounds fucking awesome to me." He joked.

Jason snatched the tweezers and growled. "Give me those."

Roy gave Jason a look. 

"Stay put. Do not move." Jason said. He began to search for the bullet. Well he got it out, but it wasn't in all one piece. "Shit Roy... this is going to take longer. There is shrapnel in there."

"No Jason. Seriously stop." Roy pushed Jason away. 

"Roy you need to get the pieces out of of you." Jason said.

"No I don't." Roy said and stood up. 

Jason growled. "Roy you better sit your ass down." 

Roy was getting pissed. "No."

Desperate times called from desperate measures. Jason tackled Roy to the ground and had him pinned, where Roy couldn't get up, but also where Jason had a clear pathway to get to the wound. Roy couldn't really move since Jason had inhuman strength, a permanent side effect from the Lazarus Pit, so it was pretty easy now for Jason.

"Stay down Roy! Stop squirming!" Jason demanded as he grabbed the tweezers and began to pull out the shrapnel.

Roy hissed and was growing even more pissed. "Jason I swear to god!" Roy yelled.

"Just a few more pieces and you're done!" Jason yelled.

Roy was trying to fight, but was failing miserably. Jason had all his strength on him. When it was over, he was waiting to get up. "Jason the shit is out. Let me go."

"You don't do a great job at stitching yourself when it comes to your sides. When you do it, by yourself, it doesn't end well. I mean when you stitch your own side up, you end up tearing them up because you lost your focus on something so close." Jason said.

Roy growled and stayed still. 

Jason stitched Roy up and smiled. "See. All done."

Roy decided to make a stupid pun. "I didn't know you wanted to play doctor. Should have asked me when we were younger. Didn't know it was your favorite game."

Jason laughed and kissed Roy's stitches. "Well it is."

Roy fucking froze, tense as could be. Jason dismissed it and got up. Jason thought Roy was just tense because of the pain he caused on him, not from that small kiss. But that wasn't the case.

Jason sat down on the couch now. "So I heard North Woods Law was new last night. I recorded it last night. Want to watch? I know how you like to hunt and you always are happy when they make sure that the hunting and fishing was done in the correct way." Jason offered. "I know you are a red neck anyhow." Jason teased.

Roy stood up and shook his head. "No thanks." He said.

Jason wondered what was going. Roy never missed a night to see people get in trouble for not hunting or fishing properly. Roy usually loved watching some people getting arrested for illegal hunting, crossing property lines, and so much more. It was funny to him, especially when they got to arrest drunk people. 

Roy grabbed the top of his suit and his supplies. He was silent and his face was a tad red, just a tad. He didn't make eye contact with Jason.

"Hey, did I make you upset? Roy, you know I don't mean those words right?" Jason tried to clarify. "I was just joking about calling you those names." Roy usually wasn't this sensitive, and now he was refusing to look at him.

Roy nodded. "I know you don't." He said. "I'm just tired Jaybird." He said and grabbed a bottle water. "I am going to lay down."

Jason was confused. "I'm sorry."

"No, I know you are." Roy said. "Calm down dude. I am just tired."

"Then how come you aren't looking at me?" Jason asked.

Roy sighed. "Just brooding on something disturbing on the past. I don't want to talk about it. I want to sleep." He said.

"Okay then." Jason said in a soft voice. Jason was a bit concerned. 

"See you when I'm awake." Roy said and went to his room. He kicked off his boots and took off the rest of his suit. Then he laid down on his bed. He was a stomach sleeper, so he laid down on his stomach. The left side of his face was in the pillow.

Roy liked that kiss on his stitches, but... he shouldn't like it should he? And when Jason said the words, "Roy, you know I don't mean those words right?" it hit him kind of hard. Roy knew Jason was referring to the name calling. But Roy felt like he would hear those words if Jason was to say that he cared, romantically, for him. He envisioned Jason playing a card saying that he loved him, then joking saying it was all a lie.

"You're just a friend to him." Roy whispered silently to himself. "Don't make it complicated."

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