My Stupid Senior (Troyler AU)

By SoobinsEuphoria

565K 21.3K 20K

Would you know that you and another person are meant to be if he lived in the same room as you? In most cases... More

Chapter 1//Troye
Chapter 2//Troye
Chapter 3//Troye
Chapter 4//Troye
Chapter 5//Troye
Chapter 6//Tyler
Chapter 7//Troye
Chapter 8//Tyler
Chapter 9//Troye
Chapter 10//Troye
Chapter 11//Troye
Chapter 12//Troye
Chapter 13//Troye
Chapter 14//Troye
Chapter 15//Troye
Chapter 16//Troye
Chapter 17//Troye
Chapter 18//Troye
Chapter 19//Troye
Chapter 20//Troye
Chapter 21//Austin
Chapter 22//Tyler
Chapter 23//Troye
Chapter 24//Troye
Chapter 25//Troye
Chapter 26//Troye
Chapter 27//Austin
Chapter 28//Connor
Chapter 29//Troye
Chapter 30//Tyler
Chapter 31//Troye
Chapter 32//Tyler
Chapter 33//Troye
Chapter 34//Troye
Chapter 35//Troye
Chapter 36//Troye
Chapter 37//Tyler
Chapter 38//Troye
Chapter 39//Troye
Chapter 40//Troye
Chapter 41//Tyler
Chapter 42//Connor
Chapter 43//Troye
Chapter 45//Tyler
Chapter 46//Troye
Chapter 47//Troye
Chapter 48//Troye
Chapter 49//Tyler
Chapter 50//Troye
Chapter 51//Troye
Chapter 52//Troye
Chapter 53//Troye
Chapter 54//Troye
Chapter 55//Troye
Chapter 56//Tyler
Chapter 57//Troye
Chapter 58//Troye
Chapter 59//Tyler
Chapter 60//Troye

Chapter 44//Troye

5.6K 312 145
By SoobinsEuphoria



We walk back to the picnic tables and I'm glad to see that Tyler and I aren't the last ones to arrive back here. Most of them are here though and they are moving to field where I see two ropes about fifteen  feet from each other. Tyler pulls me in the direction of the ropes and the last two people, Ana and Trevor, arrive looking down at the ropes with confusion. One person, other than Will and Stephie, seems to know what is going on. Shane is looking at the ropes with an almost terrified expression on his face, but it looks like he know exactly what is about to happen. 

Will motions for us to step behind one of the ropes and then I realize that we are probably going to be walking to the other line. Will doesn't look too pleased with the order that we've put ourselves in. He doesn't say anything just moving the couples and best friends away from each other. Eventually I end up standing with Chris on one side of me and Grace Helbig on the other side of me. I'm starting to get nervous wondering what this challenge could really have in store for us. These challenges are always emotional or they are trying to teach us something. I feel like this is probably going to be a mixture of both.

"Shane seems to be the only one who has any idea to what we are doing. We are going to be doing a little challenge that I like to call the 'Walk the line' challenge." Will looks up and down the line watching for our reactions. I've done a version of this before but I lied. I didn't move from the line once the last time I did it. I'm not going to lie to these people though. I feel like I need to step out of my comfort zone and try to trust these people. I've already made so many new friends this year. Why shouldn't I try to make even more? I've talked to Tyler about my trust issues before and he says that I'm never going to get anywhere or make any new friends if I don't trust them at least a little bit. He's really helped me. He knows how to tell me something. He knows what I need to hear, when I need to hear it.

"I'm going to make statements. If that thing has ever happened to you please step onto the line, then turn around to face your peers. I will then ask you to return to your original position. Some of these questions may be more difficult then others to be truthful about. Remember that we are here to learn and grow as people and to build stronger relationships with our groups. Truth and Trust are two very important keys of a successful group. Please remain quiet during this challenge." Ms. Kale, I mean Stephie, says looking down the line making sure to make eye contact with every single student as she speaks. "Alright then. First statement. If you have ever been forced against your will to do something you didn't want to by a peer please step onto the line."

I take a deep breath knowing that I need to step up onto the line but my legs won't move. I see my fellow peers walking onto the line and turning around to face me with looks of displeasure on their faces. I think of running out of Austin's room after what he did to me and my legs finally move me forward to the other line. I turn to see about ten people left on the other line. I also see that Yovanna has joined in the activity and he's on the line with me.

"Please return to your original position." We walk quickly back to the line and I try my very hardest to banish the thoughts of Austin violating me. I start thinking about all the things that I've done with Tyler and that successfully empties my mind of that nasty football captain. "If you have ever been teased, harassed, or excluded because of your perceived or actual sexuality please step onto the line."

My legs act on their own walking me forward and turning me around. Words that I don't want to be thinking of are buzzing through my head. Jared's words are running through my head. Every word that Marcus has said to me. All the times I have heard countless people say 'he's so gay' or 'what a faggot' directed towards me. It feels like I'm reliving every beating Marcus has ever given me. Its a pain that I hate. Its hot anger and the reminder that I used to think they were right when they called me worthless. My heart is pounding in my chest and I can feel tears starting to form in my eyes. I blink quickly as I hear Stephie telling us to return to the line. I walk back looking over to see that a decent amount of people had been on the line with me. Including my boyfriend of course. That makes me want to slap anyone who has ever called my baby a bad name.

"If you have let a stupid little fight with your significant other turn into something much larger than it actually is, please step onto the line." I hold my place on the first line watching as most of the people around me step onto the line. I can see Tyler looking at his feet with tears about to spill over his eyes. I want to hug him so bad right now. I look to my left seeing that Chris is still there but Grace isn't . I feel like I'm learning so much about these people already. Dan and Phil keep glancing over at each other and they both already have tear tracks on their faces. I don't blame them. They are already sensitive right now and now they are being put through all of this. Stephie asks them to return to the line and I pat Grace on the back when I see tears filling her eyes.

"If you have ever kissed, dated, or had any kind of sex with anyone at this camp, please step onto the line." I watch Tyler's purple head as we walk to the line. I look around seeing that both Chris and Grace had come with me. There is more people on the other line (Including Will) than on the line I'm standing on but I see that Phan is standing next to each other on our line. Phil leans over to whisper something into Dan's ear and Dan turns to Phil so I can't see his face. Then Ms. Kale asks us to return to the line. Dan looks a bit happier as he steps back to the other line and that makes me happy. Seeing him crying was absolutely terrible. He and Phil are the cutest couple I ever see, other than Tyler and I of course.

"If someone has ever purposely publicly humiliated you, please step onto the line." I walk forward as the memory of Freedom Fest last year assaults me. The only thing that keeps me from crying is the memory of the then strange purple haired boy who was someone almost completely different then. The boy that cared about me when he didn't even know me. The boy that has somehow become my boyfriend and the love of my life in less than a year. 

Ms. Kale continues to ask us questions for several more minutes and I am crying by the time we get to the final question. She tells us to give hugs to the people around us and that we are free to roam around camp for the rest of the day. I give hugs to Grace and Chris before running into Tyler's arms and hugging him tightly. I can see Phan over  my shoulder and they are kissing. That's a good sign. I bury my head into Tyler's hair and he squeezes me tightly. We stand like that for quite sometime before heading off into the forest for some privacy.

I don't really want to do anything right now. I just want to be with him. That was a pretty emotional challenge and I just want him close to me. He takes my hand and we just keep exploring around the forest. Stopping every once in a while to kiss and rest a little bit. We start heading back the sun starts to set. Tyler looks absolutely beautiful in the dimming reds and oranges of the sun. He catches me looking at him and he smiles at me.

"I love you, Tyler." I say as the mess hall comes into view. I can see that everyone else is already in the mess hall chowing down. I pull Tyler insistently as I hear the rumble in my stomach. Tyler giggles then remembers that he needs to reply to me.

"I love you too, Troye." He kisses my cheek then slips his hand out of mine to run into the building so he'll get food before me. That little shit. I walk in after him not particularly feeling like running after all that hiking we did. I fill my plate and sit down with Tyler, Phan and Chris. They are already speaking about something. I'm not really paying attention. I'm just watching Tyler's facial expressions as he talks and how his face lights up when he laughs. He's just so cute and I just love him so much.

"Troye? Troye? Earth to Troye?" Chris snaps his fingers in front of my face and I look around to see that he's the only one left sitting in front of me. The room is cleared and I didn't even realize that everyone had left. I stand up and Chris follows me out of the mess hall. I walk to Tyler's cabin instead of my own wanting something that I know he'll be glad to give me. 

Tyler glances at me when I walk into his cabin then he looks back at me and his eyes widen. He grabs a backpack beside his bed and we leave his cabin earning strange glares from his cabin mates. We walk somewhere. Tyler knows where we are going but I have to idea. He takes me up this grass hill then he stops at the top and opens his bag pulling out a little blanket. He lies it down then pushes me on to it. We embrace each other and start laughing looking up at the stars.

"Shall I compare thee to the stars above?" Tyler asks and I mock shove him making him cackle. I kiss his neck loving the feel of his soft smooth against my lips. I suck at the skin hoping to leave a pretty little mark. He hardly ever let's me leave marks on him. He's always the dominant one. I like it when he's like that but I've kind of always wanted to try it myself. Maybe I'll ask him about.

I continue to kiss at any exposed skin that I can find and Tyler starts moaning letting his hands work their way under my shirt. He's running his fingers lightly against my skin leaving goosebumps and making me shiver. I move my lips to his and we begin kissing slowly. Our lips are absolutely lazy against each other's and I have to say this is definitely my favorite kind of kiss. We aren't trying too hard or worrying too much. It's sweet even though we both know where we want this to lead.

We kiss for awhile slowly pulling off each others clothes until we are both in just our boxers. I kiss a trial up his neck to his ear letting my breath hit the inside of his ear before I ask him about my earlier thought.

"Tyler can I take you tonight?"
______________________________ did you like this chapter. The walk the line challenge was inspired by a similar challenge I did at RYLA (leadership camp) Also I just like this so much and don't worry the next Chapter will have smut. if you liked any part of this chapter please:


I love you guys!

Twitter/Tumblr: SmilingTilly

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