10 Days Left.

By Kakyoins_lost_cherry

7.9K 365 572

They don't know it, but they have 10 days left. !![ANGST]!! Also, no characters are mine and belong to the J... More

Prolonge and warnings


562 32 48
By Kakyoins_lost_cherry

Jotaro... Jotaro...

Where are you?

Jotaro's body shook itself awake. He sat up quickly. "What just happened?" He doesn't remember anything but Jotaro... Jotaro...Where are you? It was as if he was being called for and the voice was familiar but yet he couldn't tell who it was. Whoever it was, they fear and despair. Jotaro looked over at his clock. "I suppose I should get ready for school. Today is Thursday I think..."

He took a shower, got dressed, packed his lunch. Mis mother wasn't even awake yet. He grabbed his school bag and left.

He checked the time. He had way more time than usual.

He got to the school and walked inside the classroom. "Ah. you're early Mister Kujo." It was their teacher. "Yeah, I woke up earlier than normal. I had this weird dream that kept freaking me out."

"Oh. That's unfortunate."

"Yeah. It was weird. Like someone was calling out for me."

"I would say that is weird. And Kakyoin is normally the first one in here." They glanced at their watch. "He should be here any minute." Not even 30 seconds later, Kakyoin walked in. "Oh, Jotaro. You're early."

"Yeah. I woke up a bit earlier than normal. I had a nightmare."

"What about?"

"Someone was calling out to me 'Jotaro... Jotaro...Where are you?' "

"Kinda weird that you say that. I had a dream that I was looking for someone. I was looking for someone in the darkness." Kakyoin took his seat. The teacher wasn't watching them. They were planning the school day.

"Oh," Jotaro said with a little curiosity. "That's kinda weird."


They sit and have small talk. They wait for class and soon thirty minutes later, the classes start. They were boring and long. It felt like forever till it was lunch break. "Finally," Kakyoin muttered. "Uh, Kakyoin, If you don't mind, do you maybe want to spend lunch break at the library? Just for a change in scenery and also there is a book I wanna read."

"Sure." Kakyoin seemed eager.

"Then let's go."

They take a walk in the library not too far from their classroom. "Here we are. What book do you want to read?"

"It's a mystery novel."

"Ah. I always liked Romance and Comedy. But mystery video games are the greatest. One of my personal favorites is about a group of teenagers stuck on an island and if they want to leave, they have to murder someone but only one killer can leave. It's fun trying to find the culprit! Also, the island is run by an evil black and white teddy bear. Oh, I've been rambling. I'm sorry."

Kakyoin rambling is the cutest thing ever. I swear to god. "It's all good. And that does actually sound interesting. You'll have to tell me more about it."

"Are you sure I would be annoying you?" Kakyoin moved close and looked at him with his innocent purple eyes. They were just a few centimeters apart. Jotaro's face flushed pink.

Jotaro moved back. "You never annoyed me. I enjoy your company."

Now it was Kakyoin's turn to be pink. "You do?"

"Yeah. Of course, I do." Jotaro said as he watched Kakyoin's eyes tear up but he quickly wiped them away. Jotaro still noticed it. "Hey, Kakyoin, is something the matter?"

Kakyoin held his arms wide open. Jotaro gave him a tight hug. "Thank you. It means a lot." A small hint of sadness could be heard in Kakyoin's voice. "Your welcome. You're my best friend, Kakyoin."

Although Jotaro didn't see it, Kakyoin's eyes widened and the tears came. Jotaro could hear him this time, the soft hiccuping of crying. "Don't be sad." "I'm not sad, I'm just very happy. I don't know who or what I would be without you."

Jotaro let go. "You're my cherry. And I'm your ocean man." Jotaro said with a small grin. Kakyoin laughed a little. "Yeah." Kakyoin checked the time. "Oh, it's almost time to go." He looked disappointed. "I wish I could spend just a little more time with you." Kakyoin sighed.

"Yeah, I hate that we hardly ever talk anymore except school but at least we can talk here for now."

"True. I am happy that I can talk to you here."

They walk to their last class of the day. They had a test today. Kakyoin passed while Jotaro had barely passed it with a C-. "It's still passing," Jotaro argued to his teacher.

"Yes it is but I know you're smart. I want you to study harder. Maybe your friend can help you. " They pointed at Kakyoin. "He's smart."

"I'll see about it."

"Thank you."

Jotaro and Kakyoin walk out of the room. They had clubs today. Jotaro was in the literature club so he went to the library again to read. Kakyoin traveled over to the art room, which was just right across the hall. Jotaro and 2 other girls were in there. They would talk to him sometimes but mostly to each other. They were the only girls Jotaro didn't get annoyed by. They were quiet and reserved, like Kakyoin. One had short brown hair with glasses and the other one had middle length black hair. They were best friends that they both had a matching apple hair clip in their hair and stockings.

Jotaro couldn't concentrate on the book, not because of the girls but by Kakyoin. The girls even noticed this. "Jotaro. Are you okay?" The one with short hair said. "Yeah, you looked bothered by something." said the girl with long hair.

"I'm just distracted. My friend isn't like himself."

"You're talking about Kakyoin right?" said the girl with long hair.

"Yeah, how did you know?"

"Everyone knows you two are the best of friends. Kakyoin is never seen with anyone else."

"It's a little late to ask, but I can get your names?"

"I'm, Hina Himari," said the one with short hair "and she is Yua Sakura." Yua waved. "I'm in your class you know," Yua said.

"I don't really pay attention to people in my class. But I think something is wrong with Kakyoin. Something seems off."

"I wouldn't know but Hina can find just about anything about anyone. But I do agree with you. " Yua tapped her chin in thought. "Why don't you just ask him about it?"

"I was going to today. I forget about it." Jotaro felt like an idiot. How could I forget? God, I'm stupid.

"It's almost time to leave. We'll talk soon, okay?"

"Alright. And thanks. It means a lot."

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