Sinful Discovery

By CriticallyIntense

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Sinful Discovery
Bonus - Sky
Story Branch 1 - Chapter 8
Story Branch 2 - Chapter 27
Story Branch 3 - Chapter 28


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By CriticallyIntense

A/N: so regarding the name change, Sky won. Anywhere you see Theo, please tell. x

New Edit: Guys, you'd notice that among the chapter list, there are new new ones; exclusive chapters also known as Story Branches. So after reading this part, if you want to see an alternative side to which this chapter could have gone, then you absolutely need to read the branched part.

Preview of the the Chapter 8 story branch: Israel agrees to go to the party, and sneaks out his house for the first time. How on earth does he and Mal pull it off?

Sky walks up to me and pats arm. It's like that's a hug replacement. "You came. I really thought you wouldn't anymore."

"And be seen as a wuss?" I shake my head. "No way. But we actually have Jamal to thank."

"Mm," he extends his hand out to me. I look at it and back at him and he nods towards his hand, then I smile, putting my hand in his, and he holds me, pulling me closer. "And I wouldn't see you as a wuss."

Please check out the story branch for more details. x


Chapter 8

Sky doesn't let go of my hand and I don't think much of it until we enter the cafeteria and I pull away. If he feels any way towards that, he doesn't show it and I quietly lead us to the table where Jamal is already sitting. Jamal perks up as he see me, then raises a brow when he sees Sky beside me.

"Israel, you fucker, I was worried sick about you," Jamal says and I wince a little at the cuss. He doesn't cuss much only when he's agitated or trying to drive a point home. "Where did you storm off too?"

Sky pulls out the chair I'm about to sit on and when I look back at him he ducks, walking away to another sit with red ears. I purse my lips confused as to whether he wanted to sit here or was pulling out a sit for me. I sit down ignoring Mal's curious look. "To the bathroom," I answer him taking my bag that was beside him and offering a nod of thanks.

"Hey," Mal and Sky shake hands before his attention to returns to me. "And were you giving birth to that invisible baby no one knows about in there?"

A throaty laugh escapes Sky and he stop himself when I snap my eyes to him, mumbling an apology.

"Shut up Mal," I snap at him and pull out my lunch out my bag. "It's not your business, what if I had a really bad number two?"

Jamal's face scrunched up in so much disgust, I share a look with Sky and we break into a laugh. I hardly laugh, the amount of times I laugh is almost equivalent to the amount of time I take coffee in a week - one mug every week and on special occasions, two maybe. Anymore than that and Ma would freak, she says too much coffee is bad for the brain, growth and teeth. I don't think that's true because she can't exactly back it up with science but that's what she says and stands by.

Plus too much coffee floods my anxiety, gives me this hyper feeling and generally just makes me uneasy - so in a way I guess I believe Ma's nonfactual theory.

Just this week knowing and hanging out with Sky, I've laughed so much already it's weirding my brain out and giving some airy feel in my stomach. I wonder if it's like coffees and when I take too much of it, it's affects me. What are the side effects of laughing so well then?

"Okay," Jamal says nodding to himself with a small smile. "I'm going to let this one slide."

"Thank you," Sky says, then tries peering into my lunchbox.

I push the box closer to him, "wants some? It's rice."

"It looks tasty and smells really good." Sky says already taking out a spoon.

I nod, "my mother made it."

Sky moans deeply as he chews and my face warms up. "It's spicy alright and sooo good."

"You're welcome," I say in sing song manner. I was happy he liked my food.

"Do you know how to cook like this?" Sky asks swiping his tongue over his lips.

My eyes follow his movement and I shrug, "a little. My sister and I sometimes take turns cooking."

Jamal clears his throat and we turn to him. "Israel's just being modest, Sky. He can cook maddd."

Sky smiles in admiration and I blush. "Why thank you Jamal." I force out at him.

He winks, "you're welcome."

I shake my head silently asking what his deal was but he just smiled.

"Well," Sky starts talking and I turn back to him. "I hope I upgrade and one day get invited over to taste your kitchen skills."


"Of course, we could hang out over at your place one day, right Issy?" Jamal pipes in and I just know he's plotting something stupid.

"Of course." I bite out glaring at Mal and he just grins widely.

"Okay then," Sky says and eats another spoon, moaning again. "So spicy."


"Hey Israel," I hear my name and stop turning to see Sky jog up to me.

"Sup?" We parted ways after lunch and I didn't think I'd see him again today but here he was looking as handsome as always.

"So today's a Friday and I was wondering..." His hand goes up to touch his neck, eyes darting around and looking anywhere else but my face. "... Um, wanna come over to Jim's party tonight?"

"Jim?" I asks the wheels in my brain churning. Why's he inviting me to a party and being so awkward about it?

Sky shrugs, "a guy that throws sick parties. I was thinking since the restroom incident you can come cool off at the party. I feel guilty somehow."

"Oh," I nod, "I'd love to but I don't attend parties."

His face falls but it's like he was expecting that because he quickly pulls out a pouting face and raises a pinky, "just this one then?"

I chuckle at his cuteness but still shake my head, it's impossible. "My parents won't let me and parties aren't really my style."

"How do you know if you've never attended any?"

I think about for a second. "I just do?"

He exhales in disappointment. "Damn, I really thought I could convince you. Maybe I haven't begged enough?" And the puppy face slips on.

I chuckle again, "that's really cute but still, no thanks."

He smiles and attempts to take a step forward but then thinks about it and stays rooted where he is. I guess this afternoon in the restroom is still fresh in memory and I should be happy he's staying in his bubble but then why do I feel disappointed? Sky reaches for my hand and I let his hold it because his touch feels good.

"It's fine, I guess." He runs his thumb over my fingers then lets me go, putting his hands back in his pocket. "What are you doing then?"

"I'm just going home and getting on my assignment and reading, I've been slacking lately."

"Boring," he sings and laughs. "Fine, give me your number so I'd slam your phone with pictures of me having fun out while you're in your room and maybe you'll get so jealous, next time you'd agree to party with me."

"Okay then, game on." I type my number into his phone. "Don't get mad if I don't get jealous though."

"I bet you would."

I hand him back his phone and we just stand there looking at each other until some group of girls scream and I look away to see them laughing and hugging themselves. When I turn back to Sky his eyes are still on me and I don't think he looked away at all. His beautiful eyes look electrifying. "Well, goodbye Sky."

"See you around." He says his usual parting line and I smile.

"See you around too, I'll be expecting at least ten pictures." I'm already backing away as I raise my ten fingers at him.

He just smiles in return and the walk to my car is pretty long because I can feel his eyes on me. Even after I've driven out of the parking space, he's still there and he waves as I drive away. I have a silly smile on my face as I drive and I have to place a hand over my heart and tell it to calm down.

Driving into my driveway I spot Darcy sitting on the front steps, a book spread open in front of her. Her dirty blond hair is up in a bun and the turtle neck sweater she has on covering every inch of skin above her waist. Her skin contrasting highly with the dark brown wooden floor. I sigh, parking the car and trying to think of things that could have brought her over. I just hope there's no church vigil I'd have to attend tonight.

"Hey Darcy," I call walking towards her and my house. She looks up startled but then her smile adorns her face perfectly as she sees me and jumps to her feet.

"Israel," I reach her and we wrap our arms around each other in a hug. She scents of strawberries. "You're one hard person to find in school."

I chuckle, not knowing what to do with my hands that she still holds. "Sorry? How did you even reach here before me?"

She shrugs, releasing her hold on me. "My last period was free so I left earlier." She pouts, "Not that you even looked for me."

"C'mon you always insist on taking the bus," I point, wondering if I'm supposed to feel guilty for not looking for her in school when we're supposedly friends.

"Yes, that's before you started driving," she hits me it her soft hands on my arm and the act causing Sky to flash through my mind, he does that to grab my attention and his hit is surely harder but with a soft touch to it and not in the least bit painful.

"What?" I tune back into the present when my eyes catch Darcy's lips moving as she talked. I didn't even know when I tuned out and starting thinking about Sky that I waved at thirty minutes ago.

Darcy's eyes look at me curiously for a second before she relents and repeats what she was saying, "I said we could drive to school together now that you've learnt."

Darcy and I completed driving school together but her parents refused her a car until she was seventeen. Darcy thinks she might have to start saving for her own car because with how her parents are, driving might wait until eighteen if care is not properly taken. I myself wouldn't have had a car if it wasn't a hand down from Nessa and Nessa didn't require a car now that she was working.

Driving with Darcy everyday? I bit my lip to hold in my shudder at just the thought of of. She's a great person and I've known her for a really long time and we're friends but I just can't stomach the thought. First off, Darcy talks a mile a minute. There's never a completely quiet moment with her, which is supposed to be a good thing but to me, it gets annoying. Secondly, she's quite imposing. No matter what your opinion is on a subject, as long as it doesn't tally with hers she drag and drags it until you find yourself agreeing whether out of believe or just so she'd let you be. She's someone who doesn't understand the word no, and honestly I don't know if that's a point to her or not.

And last and foremost, spending any more time with Darcy would lead to both families planning our wedding before I can say tik tok. Yes Darcy is very pretty with her long dirty blond hair and pasty white pale skin. We have a lot of things in common together and like Ma jokes, "our kids together would be so fine and pretty" but- I didn't like Darcy Pickett romantically at all. Nothing about her sparks my interest. In short, she wasn't my type.

Then what's my type- Lou? Glowing skin and entrapping eyes?

I could feel my heart thud harshly and I immediately pushed to thoughts down to the farthest part of my brain where I'd hopefully not find again.

"I don't think that's a great idea Darce," I say grasping at straws to end the doomed rides before it started. "I mean, I'm not that good at driving yet, being with you or someone else in the car would definitely increase my nervousness and there's no telling what could happen."

She pouts thinking about it and then nods understandingly offering me a smile. "Of course, until you become an expert then." I offer her a smile too and she moves a little. "Oh, I actually came to ask if you'd want to go over to confession together tomorrow, then maybe after we do a little grocery shopping."

Ask, I repeat in my head, correcting it to make instead. Like I had so much of a choice.

"Sure," I agree, having no strength to argue and no reason why I wouldn't want to. We usually went for our confessions together in preparation for a hopefully holy Sunday and week.

"Great," she bends down to retrieve her bag and book on the floor and walks down. "See you at 10." She waves and I have back watching her walk away, her skirt swaying to wind and her movement until she disappears from my view.

What exactly was my type?


Thoughts on Darcy? Israel's type?

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