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By acidmattia

41.4K 1.4K 1K

"Why's he so quiet?" "Bella...." "What?" "I think he's mute." More

hi baes


2.7K 89 66
By acidmattia


"If I were you, I'd back off," Jackie started, I was talking to her about my encounter earlier with Kairi, "What if he's a serial killer?" She then stopped in her tracks and turned around to face me.

"Jackie," I rolled my eyes, "You watch too many horror movies." I told her. Jackie's a huge fan of Horror Movie to the point she thinks that Freddy Kruger exists and is undercover. I remember the day she told me that, I couldn't take her seriously for almost a week.

"Well," She trailed off as we began walking towards the parking, "He's staring again Bella! Tell him to stop it!" She crosses her arms and groans. I turned to see Diego leaned against his car, and is in fact staring at Jackie.

"You should talk to him," I told her, shrugging. She looked at me as if I was crazy before sighing and walking away, What? I'm serious." I called out as I rolled my eyes and walked towards Diego, his eyes shifted towards me and a small smile appeared.

"How's school?" He asked me, pulling out his car keys and unlocking his car. I didn't know weather to tell him about 'Mystery Boy' yet so I just shrugged in return.

"It was alright. Typical first day of school." I chuckled as the both of us got in the car. Diego hummed and started the car. I looked out the window as Diego pulled out of the parking lot.

Someone caught my eye.

It was Kai, he held his backpack over one shoulder and his hood was yet still up. I didn't get it why he had on his hood for such long time. I sighed softly, "You good?" I heard Diego ask from beside me. I nodded my head.

"Just tired." I mumbled, as we pass by Kairi, I notice him looking up before quickly looking down. He had seen me. Was he taking the bus? Or walking home? Confusion hit me, no one ever walks to school around here unless you live in that old trashy apartment building right beside the school.

We were finally home and the first thing I've done was hop in the shower. After a decent warm shower, I wrapped a towel around my body and looked at myself in the mirror, "I'm so ugly." I mumbled to myself, before tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear. I wish I wasn't so insecure about myself, otherwise then everything would be good.

A knock was then on my door, interrupting my thoughts, "Bella?" I heard out my brother from the other side of the door.

"Yeah?" I replied, quickly slipping my undergarments

"I'm heading out with the boys, Aunt Maria is off at work, you'll be alright all home alone?" Diego asked. I sighed heavily, was I really going to be alright all alone? Who knows.

"Yeah! Have fun." I yelled back, I then heard his footsteps travel away and was further and further. I then decided to grab my laptop and sit by the window, as I typed in my password into my laptop, a bunch of noises were being heard from outside.

I looked seeing it was Diego and his asshole of a friend, Marco. I thought they had headed off? I then noticed that the two of them were in some sort of an argument with another guy. I watched as Diego shoved the guy, stumbling him before Marco hovered over him. What was going on?

I had to do something. Why in the world where they fighting? And right outside the house we're our neighbors would gladly tell Aunt Maria and then we'll both end up in some trouble. I opened the front door, seeing Marco and Diego kicking and punching the poor guy.

"STOP!" I yelled out. The both of them paused and turned to look at me. Marco let go of the guys collar, and I instantly noticed it was one of their guy friends, Julian.

"Go back inside Bella." Diego instructed. I shook my head and walked towards Marco and Diego, pushing them both away.

"Oh my god, are you okay?" I asked Julian, he backed away and stood up, spitting out the blood. I noticed his lip bleeding and his bloody nose. I gasped at the sight, "Just walk away." I told him. He glared at Diego and Marco before walking away towards his car.

"Bella-" Diego started but I instantly cut him off.

"No, I don't wanna heart it," I stepped in, "What in the world was that for? You guys can't just go around and beat the living shit out of someone! Especially right in our neighborhood, and outside of our house!" I yelled out. The both of them just stood there, I could see that Diego was starting to regret his poor choice and Marco, just stood there, with a slight smirk.

"I'll explain everything, just go back inside." Diego told me, I rolled my eyes and walked away. I thought that they had went off for a boys night? A lot of questions ran through my mind as I walked back into the house.


Hm....I wonder what happened 👀

I also wonder if Julian is somehow related to Kairi hmmmm

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@brandolover21 on tiktok not proof read, sorry if there's any mistakes <3