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"Bella I swear to god, if he does not stop staring at me, I will lose my shit." Jackie groaned, twirling the spaghetti with her fork, as she leaned her face into her hand, her elbow set on the table. I just sat back, listening her ranting about her ex, which is my brother, for the last five minutes or so.

"He misses you," replied, grabbing a fry from my plate and munching on it. Jackie gave me a disgusted look, almost as if she was about to gag. I playfully rolled my eyes.

"Anyways, enough about dick head Diego," she pushed her tray away and leaned forward, her arms now crossed at the table, "So new kid hm?" She wiggles her eyebrows. I don't think she's going to ever stop bugging me about him now.

"Jackie, I don't even know him." I huffed out, leaning back and crossing a leg over the other.

"Get to know him then." She replied. My eyes was focused on her for a bit, I didn't know what to say but then I remembered earlier, what had happened.

"He's quite," I paused, trying to figure out the proper word to describe him, "Weird but in a good way." I told her. She raised both her eyebrows.

"And you know that because?" She trailed off. Great, now she probably thinks I was flirting with him or some shit. Never that. I don't flirt.

"Well, I woke him up earlier." I replied shrugging, she bummed and leaned back in her seat, pursing her lips.

"You better shoot your shot, he's fucking attractive Bella." She lowly said. I gave her a look before standing up, "Where you going?" She asked me, standing up as well.

"The library." I replied to her. She gave me a confused look, "I uhm, I like it there." I shrugged, grabbing my tray and walking towards the garbage, throwing the remaining fries left.

"Since when do you go the library?" Jackie asked me, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, as she followed along.

"I don't, I just," I sighed pausing and turning around, facing Jackie, "Marco was making me uncomfortable. He kept staring at me." I mumbled, Jackie rolled her eyes.

She knew the problems Marco and I had, although I had lied, Marco was surely not staring at me. The cafeteria was just getting too noisy and plus, I had yet to check out a few books. I like reading. It gets my mind off things.

"Fine. Go to the library," Jackie rolled her eyes. I let out a heavy sigh before walking away, I had no time to argue with her, she'd always get grumpy over the smallest things, "I'll just go uhm, do something productive I guess." She called out.

I kept walking till I reached the door that read 'Library', I opened the door and quietly closed it behind me. A table in the corner sat a group of people as they talk about the books they've been reading, we don't label groups of people here but you'd call them the 'bookworms'.

"Bella?" I turned around seeing it was Ms. Johnson, the librarian that fortunately is still here. God, she was the only teacher slash staff that I could handle. Everyone here just pisses me off.

"Ms. Johnson, hey." I smiled at her, strolling towards her. She sent me a smile and immediately pulled me into a hug. I considered Ms. Johnson a mother to me, she was always there for me when I needed it the most. She even attended my parents funeral, oh and also, Aunt Maria loves her, so she's always welcome home.

"I haven't seen you since," she paused, humming as she squinted an eye, "Last day of school I believe?" She finished off. A smile was kept on my face as I nodded my head. Ms. Johnson couldn't visit us this summer since she traveled right after school ended, she went back home to Maryland, she's originally from there and not from here, New Jersey.

"I missed you," I pulled away from the hug, she kept her hand on my arm and rubbed it gently, "How'd your summer go?" I went on to ask her. I hoped she had a way better summer than mine. Trust me, if I had the chance to go back to school instead, I would. Summer, was horrible.

"It went alright," She replied, slowly nodding her head, "What brings you here? Looking for new books to read?" She asked me, letting go of my arm and slowly walking towards the front desk. I followed behind, I really did not know what brought me here.

"Well uhm-" I was caught off guard when I noticed a familiar figure sitting by the corner, he held a book in his hand as his eyes roamed through it. His lips were moving, he was reading, "Came here to visit a friend." I told her, I excused myself and I watched as she gave me a small smile before going back to her work.

I slowly made myself towards him, "Mind if I join?" I asked him, I saw as he jumped before putting a hand over his chest, "Sorry." I mumbled, feeling a little embarrassed. I shouldn't have intrude him like that.

"Don't care." He shrugged, mumbling. I pursued my lips, god, I felt so embarrassed. It wasn't like he said no, right? I went on and gently sat down next to him. He was interesting and I'd like to get to know him better.

"What're you reading?" I asked him, I saw as his jaw was set tight and clenched. Have I annoyed him? I probably did, Jesus Bella why do you have to be so darn annoying! I then noticed the title of the book, Cut. He ignored me and continued back to reading, I sighed heavily, "You know," I paused, leaning forward and grabbing the book out of his hands, "Ive read this before, it's a good stor-" I was cut off by him harshly standing up and snatching the book from my hands.

"Don't ever fucking do that again." He spat out, in a low tone before walking away. I parted my lips, shocked as I saw a few people staring at my direction. I turned in my seat seeing him open the door and slamming it quite hard behind him, leaving the library.

I stood up and gulped, I felt my eyes become glossy. I quickly took a deep breath before exhaling, it was a method my mom had taught me whenever I felt like crying, I did not want to cry, especially over someone who I had just met and was trying to be their friend, "Is everything alright?" Ms. Johnson spoke up, I stopped in my tracks and looked at her with a small smile.

"Yeah, everything's fine," I paused, biting my lip, "I should probably go back to Jackie, I'll see you around Ms. Johnson." I sent her one last smile before walking out the library. Kairi was nowhere in sight. He was mysterious. It's something about him that makes me want to get to know him some more and be his friend.



Kairi's a little mysterious hmmm

𝙈𝙔𝙎𝙏𝙀𝙍𝙔 𝘽𝙊𝙔 | 𝙆𝘼𝙄𝙍𝙄 𝘾𝙊𝙎𝙀𝙉𝙏𝙄𝙉𝙊Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz