The Quarterback (1D Fanfic)

By TheBookNerd96

469 24 17


The Quarterback
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

Chapter 5

31 1 1
By TheBookNerd96

6 Years Later

"Toby, please tell me you're free today" I ask him my phone pressed between my shoulder and my ear, while making three plates of eggs and toast.

"No, sorry Lyssa I'm not. I have to go into work, I was supposed to be off today but I just got called in. Why? What did you need?" He asks sounding like he's getting ready and I groan.

"I have an audition to be a backup dancer for this band. They want to stay anonymous so crazy fans don't show up. I was hoping not to have to bring Greyson and Chance with me, but I guess I can get one of the other dancers to watch them while I dance. One second." I say while putting two plates on the little breakfast bar. "Grey! Chance! Turn off the TV and come eat your breakfast." I call out, the sounds from the TV go away and I hear their little feet pounding against the floor, then they hop up on their stools quickly starting to eat. "Okay, back."

"I'm guessing the girls are busy as well..?" He asks and I laugh.

"Yea they are but I knew that before today, they have classes all day today. I have their schedules for something like this. Anyways I have to eat and get Grey, Chance and myself ready. I'll call you, Anna, and Ever after the audition, bye Toby!" I say then hang up after he says his goodbye. I sit down between the two with my plate ruffling Grey's dark brown hair. He looks up at me with his big brown eyes that he got from his father and swats my hand away.

"Umma!" He whines making Chance and I laugh. Even at the age of five, he still had an obsession with his hair. Which always made me smile because I remember his dad back in high school and how much of a hair freak he used to be. Chance has the same obsession, but hers is a little more on the controlled side.

"I'm sorry Grey, will you forgive me? I pinky promise not to do it again." I say putting my fork down and sticking my pinky in the air. In our family, a pink promise are as serious as taking a blood oath.

"Otay. I fowgive you Umma." He says slurring his words. It was one habit I was having trouble getting rid of for him. But we are working on it. He twists his pinky around mine and pulled away and started eating his breakfast again.

"Chance, honey, you can't eat that slowly or mommy's going to be late for her audition. And you guys are going with me remember?" I say taking a bite of my food as well.

"Yeah, but, but, I don't have clothes mommy. What do you want me wear mommy?" Chance asks sweetly while taking a bite of her bacon, while also brushing some loose strands of hair away from her face with her with her fingers.

"Yeah Umma, me too! What clodes do I wear?" Grey asks while finishing up the bit of eggs on his plate.

"I've already picked them out for you guys. All you have to do is finish your breakfast now, and let mommy get you guys ready super fast, so that mommy can get dressed also." I say taking the last few bites of scrambled egg I'm eating.

"Umma do peoples have switches on them?" Grey asks after eating his bacon.

" sweetie. Why do you ask?" I ask him.

"Because I could be like da macuum van, and eat my food weally fast." He says grinning from one side to the other.

"Well you can be vacuum man even without a switch." I say laughing. I look over at Chance whose food is almost done now.

"Wow Chance, you're like vacuum women!" I say smiling at her.

"Yup, I wanted to make you happy mommy." She says smiling while taking the last bite on her plate.

"Aww! Chance beated me!" Grey huffs angrily.

"No sweetie, see you can still beat me! Look, mommy's a slow poke." I say taking a really small bite and slowly chewing it.

"Okay!" He says excitedly while shoving spoonfuls into his mouth.
I see him finish and he looks up and he has scrambled egg crumbs all over his cheeks and bread crumbs all over his lips. If only we weren't running late. I would have laughed and taken a picture.

"Chance, baby, why don't you go get ready? Your clothes are on your bed in your's and Grey's room. I'll clean Grey up and I'll come in to help you." She nods sweetly while jumping off the stool and taking her plate into the kitchen. Honestly I wanted to coo at the cuteness of my baby girl because she looks so adorable. Her five year old self walking around with a plate and tip toeing to put the plate into the kitchen sink. She then skips off to her room to change out of her pyjamas and into the outfit I picked out for her earlier.

"Stay here Grey," I say before getting off of the stool taking our dishes over to the sink rinsing them off before grabbing a damp cloth before walking over to Greyson. I wipe his mouth and cheeks then tap his nose with the cloth as I finish.

"Okay go get ready I'll be in, in a few minutes." He giggles and nods hopping down from his seat and practically running to his and Chance's room. I quickly wash and dry the dishes then go to my room throwing on an old pair of jeans and a band tee brushing through my hair, tying it up into a simple high ponytail before walking over to the twins room.

I smile as soon as I walk into the room seeing Chance dressed in her pale pink lace babydoll dress with black leggings and her little ballet flats. I lean in the doorway watching as Chance helps Greyson put on his blue and black striped, collared shirt already having on his light tan cargo shorts.

"Okay," I say when she finishes helping Grey. "Chance sit on the bed so I can quickly do your hair." She nods and does as I tell her, I brush her curly black hair. She's her daddy's little girl with my eyes as Grey is my little boy with his fathers eyes. If only he knew what a beautiful girl and boy he has... I feel a tear slip from my eye but I quickly brush it away before it can fall onto Chances head. After all the knots are gone from her hair I put in a slim white headband on, then I grab their pre-packed 'fun bag' as we call it.

"Time to go you guys." They nod, Chance takes mine and Greysons hand in hers as we leave the room making me smile down at her. We leave the apartment after I grab my outfits for the dances already having called my partner.


"Okay thank you Claire!" I thank her when she agrees to watch Grey and Chance.

"It's no problem Aly, I seriously have no idea how you do it... I mean you're a full time student, you have a part time job and you make time to spend with these two little angels..." I laugh and smile down at my two unexpected and unplanned miracles.

"I do what I have to, to take care of them." I say and she nods.

"And last but not least Alyssa Williams?" A male voice calls out in an english accent. I take a deep breath then walk out onto the stage with my dance partner Kent.

"Are you both auditioning?" The same voice asks and I step up in my white button up crop top with a tie loosely around my neck and a high-waisted blue pleated skirt with my glasses on instead of my contacts since they're part of my outfit.

"No, just me. This is my dance partner Kent and he agreed to help me with my audition since the dances I thought would be perfect for this were ones I had a partner for." I say with a smile looking over at Kent who's wearing his foe glasses rolled up jeans and white button-up shirt.

"Alright between your two dances you'll have one minute to change and get back out onto the stage or your audition is over, got it?" The same fatherly voice says into the mic and I nod. "Good, You may begin." And with that I start what turns out to be the biggest audition of my life.


So what do you think? Please leave a comment to tell me what you think! (: the video to her first dance is at the side, the second dance it with the same two dancers from the same show and it's collide. Hope you enjoy them!

Question of the Chapter:

What's your favourite colour? Mines a dark blueish purple, just incase you were curious :P 

Print book/ series of the chapter: 

I Am Number Four. I saw the movie first then read the book and watched the movie again... The movie was totally horrid compared to the book but on it's own its a very good movie. If that makes any sense... Haha! Anyways it has action, romance, aliens, and much, much more...

Wattpad book/ series of the chapter:

Our Song by @MP13Girl is followed by it's sequel Our Everlasting Melody. This series will have you falling in love with characters that you never thought you would even like and hate the characters you thought you'd love. This author will make you smile, swear, awe, cry, laugh, pull your hair out in annoyence, and even throw your phone or slam your laptop shut. 





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