The Quarterback

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Okay the beginning of this will be based off of the song Quarterback by Kira Isabella. I know by telling you this you'll probably go and look up the song. Please if you don't want to ruin the first few chapters don't look it up but I know I can't stop you if you want to. But for those of you who don't look it up I will put it at the side of the last chapter that follows the song.

Okay that's enough of me talking...

No wait! Haha just kidding go ahead!


Alyssa is you typical nerd. She gets straight A's, her homework is always done on time or early. She's never gone to a party and definitely has never had a drink. She is actually very beautiful but no one -except for a couple close friends- can see past her glasses and her nerdy good girl reputation. The other thing only her close friends know about her is that she has a beautiful voice and has been dancing since she was 3.

That is until one day after the football game the quarterback asks her to go to the after party. Pulled in by his dark eyes and just rolled out of bed hair style.

One night, one mistake, destroys her reputation and changes everything.

Everything in his and Alyssa's life changes that night, although he doesn't know it yet.

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