Creepypasta Boyfriend Scenari...

By TrixxieTheGreat

62.3K 911 418

Just your everyday average creepypasta boyfriend scenarios! I'm taking these off my Quotev account and postin... More

~This is who's being done~
How you meet!
When you hang out!
His feelings for you! his P.O.V
When he asks you out! you're P.O.V
The date!
The kiss!
His nickname for you!
When he gets jealous!
you're guys songs!
Liu (Sully)'s catch-up chapter!
When you call him daddy!
When he's drunk!
When you dance together (the soft boys)!
When you two bathe together

When you mess around!

3.5K 57 9
By TrixxieTheGreat

~Jeff the killer~               
        You and Jeff were sitting on your bed watching Youtube on your laptop/tablet. You were laying on his back looking over his shoulder. He didn't mind this, (Your smart you can guess why.) so he let you do it.
         After awhile you got board of watching (F/Y) so you started to play around with Jeff's hair. He got rather mad at this and told you off, so you gave up on braiding his hair. You once again got board and decided to do something else.
         You moved yourself into his lap and wrapped your arm's around his neck. Jeff just grumbled and rolled his eye's, then went back to the video. He was really committed to that video. Well it was about how to sharpen knives, so no surprise there. You took your right hand and traced his cut forever smile with your index finger. Jeff winced in pain and you quickly pulled your finger away. Jeff glared down at you. "You have until the count of three." Was the only thing he said before you found yourself running out the door. Jeff was playing with you, he actually enjoyed what you were doing and he never did come to chase after you or find you, so you just sat behind the couch until it was time for dinner. (Wow classic Jeff.)

~BEN drowned~
          You were leaning against BEN's shoulder and watched as he played fortnight. He loved fortnight, you hated it. (Sorry if you love it, but just pretend ok.) You soon got really board of watching and tried to find something to do.
         Looking around you found nothing that caught your interest until your eye's landed on BEN's ear's. You loved his ear's, you thought that they were so cute, but BEN hated them. You couldn't understand why though. You smiled and reached up for his ear. He was way too immersed into the game to see what you were doing. You poked his ear and it twitched. BEN glanced over at you but then back at the game. You poked his ear again and it twitched. You giggled to your self and tried something different. You took his ear and rubbed it. BEN moaned and paused the game to look over at you. "What are you doing?" He asked. You just shrugged. "Playing with your ear." You say matter-o-factly. Just to bug BEN you rub his ear again. BEN moans and push's you to the floor. "Alright (Y/N) you wanna play, then lets play." He says with an evil grin. You wiggle free and run out of the room with BEN hot on your tail.

~Eyeless Jack~
(This is going to be a bit different then others, just because everyone who makes these things has you touch or mess around with that black goop stuff.)
          You and Jack were on the couch not really doing anything. The T.V was off and you both just sat together on the couch. You look over at him. He had his mask slightly raised above his mouth. He was sleeping and as he snored his mouth was wide open. You had a vary stupid idea and put it into action.
        You crawl over to Jack without waking him up and just sit there and stare at him for a few minutes. After that you reach your hand over and poke his cheek. Jack hums and wakes up. "What is it?" He asks rather pissed off. "Can I touch your teeth?" You ask. "Do you wanna lose a finger?" You shake your head. "No not really." "Then no, no you may not. Now don't wake me up." He says, and goes back to sleep.
         You just wouldn't take no for an answer. Hell he wouldn't even French kiss with you because he didn't want to hurt you with his teeth. You just really wanted to touch his teeth so you did it any way. You pulled your finger away and sucked on it. Jack smiled. "Told you." He said, and you just stuck your tongue out at him.

           You and Masky were at the computer today. He was typing up a story on the computer. You were really surprised at how well written they all were. You just sat in his lap as he typed away. He had his mask off and you could see his handsome face. His eye's were what really got your attention though. They were just gorgeous. You couldn't believe that he ever thought that he was ugly.
          You soon got board and started to play around with his sideburns. you just stroked them with your index finger. After awhile Masky started to giggle. "(Y/N) stop that tickles." He said. You smile evilly and do it again, but this time Masky stops you by grabbing your wrist's. "Enough." He says playfully, and rubs his nose against yours in a nuzzle. (Aww you guys are just too cute.)

       Hoodie was sleeping in your room on your bed. You peek over the side of the bed to see that he had his hoodie down and his ski mask off. He really did have it off! You just stare at the ginger. He was so Fing cute! You smile to your self. He even had freckles! Why did he hide himself from you for this long?
        You carefully got up on the bed with him without waking him up. You then brushed your hand through his ginger hair. Hoodie opened his eye's and they became wide. Shit even his eye's were perfect, they were a dark shade of green. "Good morning sleepy head." You say happily, but he only stares up at you with wide eyes. "Hoodie is something the matter?" You ask, and Hoodie nods. "Yes, its just that I cant believe how beautiful my girlfriend is, to be honest I really couldn't see all too well with the mask on..." He says, and twiddles with his finger's. You giggle and lean down closer to his face. "Well that makes both of us." You say, then give him a peck on the lip's.

~Ticci Toby~
        You and Toby were sitting on the couch together. You were really board and decided to do something about it. Sadly you couldn't find anything around the room and you were just too lazy to do go upstairs to look for something. You glanced over at your boyfriend and an idea popped into your head.
        You reached up and brushed your finger's through Toby's soft hair. Toby looked over at you and took his mouth guard off. Toby gave you a smile before he leaned over and gave you a peck on the lip's. Saying nothing you continued what you were doing and Toby turned his attention back to the T.V.
(Sorry that this one is so short. I didn't really have a lot of ideas for Toby's this time.)

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