Him... (Idris Elba & Beyoncé)

By LadyLocs_

3.8K 191 300

"All my life they let know how far I would not go..." •••••••••••••••••••••••••• Bey was a very meek and shy... More



217 13 23
By LadyLocs_


I was the first to wake up the next morning. The sun shone bright in King's room, a pleasant change of atmosphere from last night. Looking up at his peaceful state, I gently kissed him on the top of his cheek before sneaking my way out of his bed. I looked to what I assumed was his closet. Being sure to stay quiet, I slowly opened up the double doors that revealed a plethora of his clothes. I managed to pick out a crisp, button down shirt to borrow. After slipping on my panties, I put on his shirt, the end of it reaching the top of my knees. It never really occurred to me how tall he was until just now. Taking one last glance at him, I smiled before closing the door some and venturing my way throughout his home.

I took slow strides as my eyes took in the beautiful architecture. The walls were covered in art that had to have been hand painted from top to bottom. The interior had an old, Victorian style to it that I absolutely loved. It was much different than how people usually lived, especially with the advancement of technology. It seemed as if I was in a time capsule where things were more...real...

I slowly made my way downstairs, catching the sights of our clothing from last night that singed off of our bodies. I giggled as I picked up my gown. I then looked up at the skylight, finally seeing just how big it was.

I walked a little ways further and found myself in what appeared to be a massive study...or library. There were books everywhere, the shelves reaching all the way up to the ceiling. In that moment, I felt like a kid in a candy store. 

I loved to read when I was younger. But being put in the position to lead a million dollar corporation took time away from me doing the things I really loved. Draping my gown down on a nearby chair, I began to peruse my way through the library, browsing through some of the books that caught my eye. I smiled as I got lost in all the literature surrounding me. Then I suddenly felt a presence behind me. It wasn't King, so I got on alert. I turned around swiftly before my eyes widened in surprise. Before me was a beautiful young lady, her hair long and blonde. She wore a long white sweater, and I could tell she was getting ready for her day judging by the freshly applied makeup on her face.

She smiled and waved shyly at me as I returned the gesture. I put the book back where it was as she approached me.

"A bit much right?" she said as she stood beside me, the both of us looking at the library surrounding us.

"I don't think so," I replied. "If it were up to me, it would be much bigger than this."

We both laughed.

"Believe me, he wanted to expand it. I'm Dinah by the way."

She stuck her hand out for me to shake. I took her hand and held it, my skin heating up at the contact as my eyes began to glow. I smiled brightly once I realized who she was.

"Oh wow! You're King's baby girl," I said, making her smile more. "Well, not so much a baby anymore apparently."

Dinah laughed as she ducked her head down a little.

"He's already told you about me I see. Can't say I'm surprised. I'm guessing that was your dress on the floor."

I felt my cheeks turn a little red as we both looked to the gown of discussion. Dinah let out an amused laugh.

"It's a beautiful dress. Had to restrain myself from stealing it and keeping it for myself."

"Sneaky," I said as I playfully side-eyed her. 

Her and I made our way to the kitchen. I was delighted to see King up and about, sipping on a mug of hot tea in nothing but grey sweatpants. I raked my eyes over his physique, meeting his gaze just as he winked at me. I smiled at him as he put his mug down, going in for a hug with Dinah.

"Morning princess."

"Morning daddy. Looks like you had a good night."

King looked my way as he came over to kiss my cheek, bringing me into his side.

"Absolutely. And I see you two have already met."

"We have," I said. "Your daughter's very charming."

"Gets that from me," King said smugly.

Dinah snorted as she made herself some tea.

"What time did you get in love?" King asked as we all sat down at the table.

"I can't remember the exact time," Dinah answered after swallowing some of her tea. "I do know that it was well past midnight. The girls and I stayed a little while after our company's event and hung out with some our extended members."

"What is it that you do for a living Dinah?" I asked as I relaxed against King's body.

"I'm a model and freelance painter," she replied with a meek smile.

"Wow," I said impressed. "Beautiful and talented. What kind of modeling do you do?"

"Mostly fashion magazines and photoshoots. I'm too thick and not quite tall enough to be a runway model, so I chose the next best thing."

I smiled at her as I saw the cutest set of dimples begin to set right below her brown eyes.

"And what about your artwork?" I asked.

"Oh she's a natural," King chimed in, causing the blonde to blush a little.

"He calls me 'Picasso of the 3000's'," she giggled. "A lot of my pieces have been submitted for our town's art exhibit. There's an art museum in Manhattan that has a few of my pieces too."

"Impressive," I smiled. "So you're definitely no amateur."

"Maybe I could show you some of my work sometime," Dinah suggested.

"Sounds like a plan," I smiled.

Her smile grew a little before she got up from her seat. King looked at me, giving me a wink before kissing the crown of my head. I smiled and melted into the gesture as Dinah put her mug in the sink.

"I hate to rush out," she said, "but I have to finish getting ready. I have a big photoshoot today that I can't be late for."

"Alright princess," King said as he got up to engulf his daughter in a hug. "Knock 'em dead, yeah?"

"I will," she giggled into his chest before kissing his cheek. "Love you. I'll be home before dinner. It was nice meeting you Bey."

"You too sweetie," I smiled.

Once she left, I got up to walk over to King as his arms wrapped themselves around my waist, mine around his neck.

"She's such a lovely young lady," I whispered against his lips.

King smiled before bringing his lips to mine.

"That she is. And she seems to have taken a big liking to you."

"We had a chance to chat in the library," I giggled. "I'm curious though...is her mother in her life?"

King's eyes dulled at the very mention of the woman in question. I felt his spirit almost deflate while he stared into me deeply.

"King?" I asked worriedly as I put my hand to his cheek.

"Unfortunately," he uttered, "she passed away while Dinah was still a little girl..."

My heart sunk as his forehead touched mine, his eyes closing as he breathed in deeply. He must have loved her so much before he lost her.

"I'm so sorry," I whispered as I held him close. "It wasn't my business to ask."

"It's alright lovely," he whispered back, opening his eyes before a small smile crept its way on his lips. "We'll talk about it later. But for now, I do believe we need to get you ready for work..."

I smiled at him as he snuck kisses on my neck. My lips danced on his shoulder before he smoothly picked me up. He wrapped my limbs around him as we made our way back up to his room.

(Listen while you read: "Brazilia" by Wayman Tisdale)

What little amount of clothes we had on was easily stripped away as we finessed our way into his shower. His hands roamed my body as mine did his, the steam from my body mingling with the steam from the hot water pouring onto our skin. We couldn't keep our lips from meeting as we bathed each other. Even the process of us getting dressed was a playful ritual as we kept sneaking sly touches. Soon, we were both dressed, my gown in an overnight bag he gifted to me before heading out to his car. She was right where we left her last night, the remnants of the previous night's misty rain decorating her design. I tapped the emblem between her lights, and her engine came to life before me. I smiled as I put my bag in the backseat, King keeping the passenger seat open for me as I got in.

"Shall we drop off your bag at your apartment before I bring you to work?" he asked as he got in, the both of us buckling ourselves up before he began to drive out into town.

"Please?" I replied. "I have to get my work bag from home anyway."

"Of course," he said, taking my hand and kissing the back of it before lacing our fingers together. "We'll stop somewhere and get you breakfast as well. Can't have a beautiful woman off to work on an empty stomach."

I laughed as my thumb slid back and forth against his skin. As he continued to drive into the city, my mind replayed our intimate time together the previous night. I turned to him as his eyes stayed on the road ahead of him.

"What's on your mind love?" he asked as a smirk grew on his lips.

"Last night..." I said, "...there was more to it than just...sex...wasn't it?"

King's smirk grew as we got onto the main highway.

"So much more," he answered. "There are aspects of your life that have been kept from you for so long. But they're slowly beginning to unfold."

My eyebrows furrowed a little as I continued to look at him.

"What do you mean?" 

"I'm afraid it's too much to explain in such a short time. But don't worry, I'll tell you everything you need to know soon. Just know that there is far more to you than what meets the eye."

I continued to look at him as something in me began to stir. I couldn't quite put my finger on it, but it really seemed like I had known King much longer than what I currently did. What I do know, is that I've been feeling different ever since last night. Like I've been elevated...enlightened. I feel like I have a new sense of self. And for that, I was happy about. Especially with King being the cause of it.

Before I knew it, we were nearing my apartment in SoHo. I directed King to our parking garage, us finding a spot near the elevator. We got in and made our way to the lobby. Me and Kelly's loft was on the top floor, so it took a little while to get there. All the while, King kept me close to him, having a protective hold on me as I melted into him.

"I shouldn't be too long okay?" I told him as I kissed his lips.

He smiled before giving me a kiss of his own as we stood in my living room.

"Take your time lovely."

I smiled at him before making my way to my bedroom, calling Kelly as I got my things together. After a couple of rings, she answered.

"Never in a million years would I have thought that I'd actually beat you to work."

I chuckled as I connected my earpods to my phone's bluetooth.

"Haha very funny. I'm just letting you know that I'm getting stuff together and am about to head over to the office. I had a...late start to my morning so I needed some time to recuperate."

"Oh I'm sure you did," Kelly giggled. "And I'm sure it's all thanks to Mr. Tall, Dark, and Handsome from last night."

I giggled beside myself as I looked in my doorway to see King smirking at me before snaking his way behind me, giving me the softest love bites on my neck. I bite my lip as my free hand caressed his.

"Mhmm...don't think I don't hear ya'll being nasty over there either."

I laughed before pecking King on his lips and shooing him away, him chuckling before walking back out to the living room.

"Alright mom! I'm sure you and Normani had ya'll fun last night too. Which, by the way, I want to hear all about."

"Then you better hurry up and get down here miss ma'am!"

"I'll see you in a little bit sis. Love you."

"Love you too!"

Hanging up the phone, I gathered the rest of my work belongings and packed them in my bag. I met King out in the living room, his hand outstretched waiting for mine. I happily intertwined our fingers as we made our way back to the car.

"Your sister sounds like such a character," he chuckled as he opened my side of the door.

"You have no idea," I replied as he got in on his side. 

We made it to HQ in no time, me eating the last of my breakfast as King parked. I kissed him tenderly on his lips before touching my forehead to his.

"Thank you for escorting me to work kind sir," I whispered against his lips.

He chuckled before kissing me again.

"Oh I would be of complete disservice if I didn't walk you to your office Ms. Knowles."

I giggled beside myself as he got out, opening my door and helping me out. We walked in HQ hand in hand. All my specialties greeted us as we leisurely made our way to my office. We were on the main walkway before Kelly spotted us.

"Well well well," she smirked as we approached her.

"Good morning Kelly," I retorted.

"Good morning sister of mine. Care to introduce me?"

I laughed as I playfully rolled my eyes.

"Kelly, this is King. King, this is my sister Kelly. She's-"

"The COO of Theta Beasts," King finished as he took Kelly's hand, bowing his head respectfully. "It's an honor to meet you. You and your lovely sister run an impressive business."

"Why thank you," she smiled, her shooting an impressive facial expression towards me. "Will you be staying with us today?"

"Oh I wish I could," he said as he put his hand on the small of my back, "but unfortunately, I have other obligations. The gentleman in me couldn't pass the opportunity to bring Ms. Knowles to her empire, however."

I blushed beside myself before Kelly spoke.

"How kind of you. Well, I'll let you too have some alone time. It was nice meeting you King."

"You as well Kelly."

Once she got out of sight, King pulled me close to him. I smiled before kissing him, our foreheads meeting once we separated.

"So...is last night going to be a one night thing?" I asked.

"Of course not lovely," he replied confidently. "I'd love to see you again. I was actually wondering if you'd have dinner with me this Friday. I'll cook us all dinner."

"All?" I asked with a smile.

"Yeah," he smiled. "Dinah really does like you. Thought it'd be nice for the three of us to get to know each other better. Spend a weekend together. Or is that too soon?"

I giggled before shaking my head.

"No. I'd love that. That would be a great start to my weekend."

He let out a low chuckle before leaving a lingering kiss on my lips, one that had me melting against him. I was so lost in him that the thought of us not having one another's numbers slipped my mind.

"Maybe we should exchange numbers..." I giggled against his lips.

"Oh of course," he said playfully.

We pulled out our phones and gave each other our numbers. Once that was done, he gave me one last kiss before making his way out. Kelly came up behind me as we watched him leave.

"He's cute," Kelly said as she stood beside me. "You guys gonna see each other again?"

"I'm having dinner with him Friday," I said dreamily.

Kelly's eyebrow raised as a smile grew on her face.

"Trust me, we're gonna talk more about this tonight. But since you're a couple hours late to work, I figured we could talk about my night with Normani while we go over our stats."

I laughed as I looked to Kelly, the both of us heading to her office.



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