Sinful Discovery

By CriticallyIntense

297K 18.1K 8.1K


Sinful Discovery
Bonus - Sky
Story Branch 1 - Chapter 8
Story Branch 2 - Chapter 27
Story Branch 3 - Chapter 28


7.9K 537 372
By CriticallyIntense

A/N: I'm debating a name change. Which do you guys prefer 'Sky Hunt' or 'Theo Hunt'?

Chapter 6

With my back relaxed on my car, I wringed my fingers twisting and turning as Shawn Mendes blares Stiches out the earphones that I have on. Apart from a few gospel songs, this is my all time favorite. I never get tired of the song and I have no idea why. The video completely blew my mind and it's one song amongest a few that I can play to the loudest out in my room without Ma screaming at me saying it's too violent or trashy for my ears.

I think Ma likes Shawn Mendes too.

Playing with my fingers as I wait— occasionally looking at the students coming out the school building — I remember lashing out at Jamal earlier today because he kept joking about a date with Sky

"Would you stop saying things like that," I had shouted at him, after dragging him into an empty. "It's not a date and would never be."

"Chill Issy, I was just joking man." He said raising both hands up for peace.

"Joking," I repeated to myself, pacing a bit. "Why? You know how I feel about that Jamal. It doesn't make sense and I would never date a guy!"

"Fine!" Jamal yelled back surprising me. "Don't get your homophobic ass all up in my face because of a harmless joke okay? I ain't the cause of your issues."

I glared at him, if I was a violent person, I would have punched him right there.

"You do whatever you want," he said before turning around and leaving but not before spitting out a word at me. "Stupid."

"You're the stupid one!"

Now I know that I'm indeed stupid, I shouldn't have come at him like that when we're friends and he was really just joking. I can't even explain why I got that mad, it's so unlike. I was projecting the turbulence I was feeling inside over Sky's annoying smile on him. He really didn't deserve that.

I pull out my phone and quickly type out a sorry to him hoping he forgives me and we go back to normal. I push my phone into my pockets and look back at the school double doors as people exited the building. I almost bail on Sky, I don't see the point of this and I'm probably not going to go. I'm just waiting here to see him so I can tell him that and he wouldn't think I'm an ungrateful brown kid who ran away after he fixed my car up for me. I won't even feel right if I just go, I have to wait and see him then I'll go.

But then he was sure taking his time leaving the school.

I see his teal sweater first before I make out his full body walking out, flanked by two blond girls. The girls were laughing and he had his smile on as usual. It must hurt for him to smile that much every time, I think to myself. I think to see if I know the girls but nothing comes on and before I know it, the girls are waving their manicured fingers at him — one even placed a kiss on his cheek, before leaving.

Sky doesn't waste any time finding me and when he starts walking to me, I straighten up.

"Hi Israel," he says nodding at me and casually leaning on my car, too close to me.

I pull off the car and back out a bit, "done having fun in there?" I ask a bite in my tone.

He raises both brows at me before he lowers his head, chuckling to himself.

"What's so funny?" I ask getting irritated as I cross my arms.

"Sorry," he apologizes as he looks back at me. "It's just we have got to stop greeting like this. I greet and you ask me a question next," he tsks swiping his tongue over his lip. "Looks like it's becoming our thing."

I look at him and shake my head, not finding it near funny as he was. "I was waiting out here for you and you were in there with those blondes." Aren't you rumored gay? I didn't add the extras thankfully.

"Shit, I'm sorry okay," he leans off the car, coming closer. I back up more. "Gina and Penny came up at me last minute, I promise I wasn't deliberately wasting your time."

I want to say more. Maybe ask what they wanted with him but I don't. I shrug, looking down at my tyre. "Whatever."

He watches me carefully and I start having the feeling of being scrutinized when he speaks. "You know honestly, I didn't think you'd show."

"I owe you one, don't I?"

"I guess, but you still could've just left."

"It's whatever."

I feel his smile before I see it and I almost smile too. It's infectious. He pats my arm like he did earlier today to get my attention. "Come on then, let's go."

I completely forgot I was supposed to refuse him when he shows. Instead of saying something on that though, I ask. "Go where."

"To my car." He says like it's supposed to be the most obvious thing in the world.

"And what about my car?" I point at it in case he missed it.

"We'll come back for it, come on."

I shake my head. "No, I'm not leaving my car here. I'll follow behind you."

"Really? You know it's safe here right?"

"I know but I still want to drive myself in my car."

Sky surprises me by smirking then muttering, "Stubborn." Before running off. I look around confused until I hear his truck start and see it drive up to my side. "Fine, just try to keep."

I refrain from sticking my tongue out to him and instead get into my car and following behind him. We drive around and I notice that he's driving a lot slower than he was the last time and I can't help but smile, finding it cute.

I start wondering if we're going to another shady mechanic because of the distance but he then pulls out the road, drives a little more and parks in the lot of a small frozen yogurt shop. I pull up into the driveway and park too, getting out the car. I look around and the place is pretty deserted blocked out here by the big buildings, trees and the main road up in front.

Frosty is the name boldly on the building with the R bending forward like it's gonna fall with one more hit.

"Frosty," I say out loud, looking over to Sky who was standing beside his car too waiting for me to be done sight seeing I guess.

"Yep, soon to become Fosty if that R isn't fixed." He points out and I chuckle.

"Fosty doesn't sound so bad though," I say walking around and close to him.

"I think so too and that's why I don't pester Jake about it."


He points at the building, "the guy that runs this shithole."

I nod, "why did you bring me here?"

"Because, my dear Israel," Sky smiles taking hold of my hand and pulling us forward and into the building. "This shithole happens to be one of my favorite places in town."

He let's go of my hand as he gestures around the interior and I gulp, trying not to think about why his skin on mine felt like a burn. Well, not exactly like a burn like the first day. Today's was warmer. I look around the place and it's pretty much okay, better looking than the outside for sure. Plus it smells heavenly in here.

"Would you like anything in yours?" He asks beckoning me over.

"Blueberries," I replied without missing a bit and pull out my wallet from my back pocket but then Sky's already paying. "Hey, it's my treat."

He purses his lips, "says who?"

"I owe you remember? Isn't this supposed to be a way of me paying back?" I ask getting confused.

"I never said so Israel," he collects our yogurts and cocks his head asking me to follow as he walks to a small booth by the glass and I slid in, sitting across from him.

"I should be the one paying, Sky." I remind him, the situation not making any sense.

"Look, okay since this is your first time here and I'm the one showing the place out to you. How about I treat this time and next time, maybe in a different place, you do too?"

Next time?

I frown at him, taking my yogurt and muttering that I can pay for myself under my breath. He hears me but smiles instead, ignoring it. I look up at him, noting that he took his yogurt plain with nothing on it. "Why did you take me here then, if not to pay back?"

"I wanted some frozen yogurt and I needed someone to take it with," he shrugs like it's nothing.

I don't take my eyes away from him. "Gina or Penny would have sufficed."

He shakes his head, "no way. They won't get this place. Probably say trash about it that I won't like very much."

"And you think I won't?" He looks at me and I realize that I'm leaning closer. I back up.

"Well first off, you don't talk trash." He looks so smug saying that and I shake my head, seriously amused.

"You're a crazy person."

"So you've said, twice now."

"You're counting," I point out, then lick off my yogurt spoon. "Good."

His eyes stay on the spoon longer than necessary and then he shakes his head like he's shaking a thought away. "You know I like you, Israel."

My heart jolts and I doubt I heard well. "What?"

He looks at me, holding my eyes hostage. "You're quite a character. Pretty interesting so far, I'm intrigued."

I gulp, "how so?"

He drops his spoon and leans forward, eyes looking at me like he's penetrating my soul. "Charismatic, witty with that hidden spunk. Quite charming."

"You've know me five seconds and you have all that?" I shake my head, not knowing whether I was amused or irritated. "I'm yet to know just who exactly you are."

"At your service," he gestures with his palm bow fashion, grinning at me.

"I do know one thing though," I point my spoon at him and he perks up, listening. "All those smiles can't all be genuine."

His expression falters and I smile, knowing he did not expect that. He recovers too quickly and smirks at me. "See? Very interesting."


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