Falling For Heather |✅

By ceciloray

18.2K 746 54

The crowd cheered immediately "yeah!" Alexis eyes widened in horror as red hair got on top of white short's b... More



816 40 2
By ceciloray

The next day Rodney didn't show up in school. Well Alexis wasn't expecting him to, he was probably busy nursing his wounds and explaining to his parents how he got them. That's if he made it out alive the thought hit her.

Don't know. Don't care. Not my business.

Knowing his dad personally, he was in for some real deep shit. At least he wouldn't have the time or energy to chase after Heather.


Her lips tugged up in a smile.

After receiving Heather's reply she'd slept peacefully last night and even wandered off to have a sweet dream where they were cuddling and doing all sorts of things, Heather brushing her hair and telling her how beautiful she was.

It was weird, all this. She just went through a break up and she should be having the worst time of her life but she seemed to be doing the opposite instead.

"Are you okay Alexis?" Jene her friend asked her noticing the weird state she was in. Alexis snapped back to reality realizing she was in the cafeteria having lunch with her friends.

"You've been smiling a lot for no reason and talking to yourself, you don't seem okay" added Sally as she picked up her sandwich and put it on Alexis tray "eat and feel better"

"It's okay, I'm okay" she placed back the sandwich on her tray. They looked at her not feeling convinced.

"I'm okay I swear" Alexis assured.

"Okay" Jene sighed dropping it "what of Rodney? Haven't seen him all day. It's unlike him to skip school."

"Yeah" Sally nodded agreeing with Jene "You know why he skipped?" They both turned their head to her waiting for answers.

Alexis ate her sandwich non-chalantly "Don't know. Don't care. We broke up" she said the last part as if it was nothing.

The table went quiet. Not for long though.

"I knew it!" Sally almost screamed "that's why you've been spacing out and smiling to yourself trying to pretend you're okay!"

"Turns out it's because of the break up" Jene shook her head in pity.

Alexis had no energy to argue with her friends so she just went along with the flow.

"What did he do?" Jene asked and they both looked at her hungry for the answer.

"Cheated" she stood up at picked her tray throwing it in the nearest dust bin, walking to the exit as her friends gaze burned holes through her back.

They hadn't bothered to stop her, to them she was heartbroken and grieving her lost love but the main truth was that she couldn't get a certain red hair out of her mind but she was not about to let them know that.

Her attraction to girls was something foreign to her. She was not in a moment of denial but she certainly didn't want people to know.

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