Falling For Heather |✅

By ceciloray

18.2K 746 54

The crowd cheered immediately "yeah!" Alexis eyes widened in horror as red hair got on top of white short's b... More



890 44 6
By ceciloray

Alexis drove home that night feeling a million things. She couldn't figure out what was with her reaction to Rodney's cheating revelation. I mean at first she'd felt sad, cried and bawled her eyes out. But now she couldn't help but feel glad he cheated.

Something in her felt glad that Heather only liked girls. Meaning Rodney would never stand a chance. I mean it meant he would get his heart broken because she would never accept his love no matter what he did and she also had a chance. A chance at getting Heather to like her.

"Damn Alexis what is wrong with you!" She mentally slammed her head on the door. "Get your shit together."

She banged her head on the pillow instead frustrated, nothing seemed to be working.

She'd been laying on her bed for hours eyes wide open unable to sleep. She couldn't get Heather out of her mind. The beautiful girl with red her, the one who had knocked out a girl twice her size, the one she and her boyfriend ex-boyfriend was going nuts for.

She rolled over and her eyes fell on her phone. She looked at it before removing her eyes then she looked back at it again. Her lips curved into a smile.

Heather was the one that sent that text.

She picked up the phone immediately and opened her messages clicking on the text.

Heather was the one that sent that text which meant she had her number.

She might've used someone else's phone the thought came in.

She might've also used hers another came in knocking the previous one away.

Alexis smiled as her fingers began working on the keypad.

"Hi it's Alexis"

Hesitating for a while she finally clicked on send and threw the phone away the minute it sent burying her head in her pillow nervously, what if she didn't reply? Few seconds later her phone made a sound and she picked it up nervously, eyes closed.

Taking a deep breath she opened them and looked at the screen "I know" the message read. Alexis smiled, her fingers began working on the keypad again.

"Why aren't you asleep?" She clicked send. Few seconds later she got a reply.

"Because you woke me up" she could imagine Heather rolling her eyes at that reply.

"Shit I'm sorry"

"Just kidding"

"Why aren't you sleeping?" Asked Heather this time

Alexis paused for a while. Because I was thinking about you a smile made it's way to her face and she clicked on send.

"Shit no!" She looked at her phone in horror "I wasn't supposed to send that!" She screamed slamming her head into the pillow.

It took Heather a while to reply but she finally did.

"Me too"

Alexis tossed her phone on the bed like immediately and laid down heart beating fast. That's enough texting for one night Alexis. You should sleep. Forcing her eyes close her mind drifted back to Heather's reply, me too. Heather was thinking about her, Heather was thinking about her. That was all that mattered and she drifted into darkness, wandering off to somewhere peaceful, somewhere where there was Heather.

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