Aidan Turner one shots

Bởi nz-taika

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These are my short stories starring Aidan Turner. Xem Thêm

Aidan Turner one shots
The Miracle
A series of Coincidences
The Best Christmas Present Ever
The Mistake
First Meeting
Valentines Hookup
The Birthday Surprise
The Wedding
The Proposal
The Billet
Loving Freely
The Forgotten? Birthday
Comic Con Connection
Save Me
The Kiss
The Christmas Surprise
Medieval Proposal
A Day At The Tennis
Christmas Renewal

Tweet Me Baby

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Bởi nz-taika

A/N: Amber Reigns is shocked when Aidan Turner likes a tweet she sends him then follows her. She is even more shocked at what happens next...

Amber Reigns stared at her twitter unable to believe what she was seeing. 

Aidan Turner @ATurner

At Birmingham Comic Con this weekend and donated a substantial amount to the 501st Garrison’s fundraising effort for breast cancer awareness.

<Favourite, reply>

Amber Reigns @AReigns As a member of the 501st I say thank you very much.


Aidan had not only favourited her tweet but he had followed her as well

@ATurner favourited your tweet

@ATurner followed you


Amber was looking at her twitter again and again. She couldn’t think of any reason why he would follow her so clearly it had been a mistake.  She had seen that the list of people he followed wasn’t very extensive and had not expected he would ever follow her back.  It was thrilling to think he had decided to follow her but there was a persistent nag that he would realise his mistake and unfollow her. So she decided to message him about it. Going to Aidan’s profile Amber clicked on the direct message button

@AReigns Thank u 4 the follow. Did u mean 2 follow me or was it a mistake.


Amber clicked send then took a deep breath then after turning her phone’s notifications on returned to what she was doing. 10 minutes later she heard her phone’s notification sound so checked her phone. She had a direct message on twitter. Opening her direct message box she saw that it was a message from Aidan.

@ATurner Oh don’t worry I meant 2 do that. What costumes do u have?



Amber nearly hyperventilated at that.  He was actually interested in her costuming? Is that why he had followed her?  Ever since Aidan had gotten a twitter account he hadn’t used it much and he certainly hadn’t interacted with his fans the way he was interacting with her. She clicked reply

@AReigns I have 3.  A Femtrooper, Sith & a Jedi.

He replied again and the two began talking about her costumes and then about themselves. At first both were cautious with what was asked and answered particularly Amber as she wasn’t sure if it was actually Aidan she was talking to. Until he told her that he had tweeted on his page and she looked at his page and saw that he had indeed tweeted

@ATurner just relaxing @ home & chatting with a friend.

If she, Amber was the friend he was referring to that could only mean that she was talking to Aidan himself.

@AReigns I saw your tweet. So I am really talking 2 THE Aidan Turner.

@ATurner You still have doubts? Well my next message should clear that up


A few minutes later Aidan tweeted again, this time a picture of himself holding his phone and Amber could see their conversation on it. He looked nice in a dark blue shirt, his long hair loose and unkempt with a light beard so clearly he was at home as he had said in his public tweet. She was surprised to see he had a beard again but it didn’t look too bad.

@AReigns Looking good J

@ATurner Thanks. This is me when I’m ungroomed


Amber had guessed that from how his hair looked. She sent him a picture of her so he could see what she looked like. A few moments later she had a reply.

@ATurner Damn girl you’re HOT! Do u live here in London?


Amber began to shake as she composed a reply.

@AReigns I WISH! Actually I’m from New Zealand.

@ATurner U r from NEW ZEALAND??You’re kidding me! Now I really have 2 visit there again and soon. Loved it there it’s so beautiful.


Amber stared at his message in shock again. Was he serious that he wanted to visit New Zealand again?  If he did come to New Zealand would he want to meet up with her? She shook her head telling herself that there was no way he could possibly be interested in her. They lived on opposite sides of the world and there was no way it could work.

@AReigns How about coming 2 the NZ BOFA premiere?

Amber pressed send her heart pounding. She didn’t expect for one minute that he would be able to and she hadn’t really been serious about him coming. For that matter she didn’t even know if there WAS going to be a premiere of BOFA in New Zealand. Going to Facebook she went to Peter Jackson’s profile to see if anything had been said. Her phone’s notification sound went off and she checked her notifications and found that she had a notification from Twitter. Going back to Twitter she saw it was from Aidan.

@ATurner I’ve had a better idea. How about u being my guest @ the WORLD PREMIERE of BOFA


Amber almost dropped her phone in shock. He couldn’t be serious. She lived on the other side of the world from him for goodness sake.

@AReigns I like it. But I would need 2 get 2 London and it’s only a few days away.

@ATurner I will arrange 4 ur airline tickets. They will b emailed 2 u.


Earlier in their conversation Amber had established that Aidan was no longer seeing Sarah and she’d told him that she was single too.  Amber was still in shock at Aidan’s invitation and found herself texting her best friend and her sister Nicole and sharing the conversation with Aidan with them. They both replied instantly, unable to believe how lucky she was and wanting to know if she was really going to go to London to the BOFA world premiere.

“YES” Amber replied to them.

They chatted via txt for a while in between Amber replying to messages from Aidan which she shared with her friends. Amber and Aidan were chatting about the premiere.

@ATurner I can’t wait 2 meet you & get to know you.

@AReigns same here. It’s going 2 b an amazing night.


In the end Amber fell asleep as it was night time for her and she’d stayed up late tweeting with Aidan. The next morning when she woke up she wondered if the previous night had been all a dream but when she checked her phone there was a notification saying she had a message from Aidan.

@ATurner I guess you fell asleep on me. Forgot it was l8 @ night 4 u.

@AReigns Yeah I did. Sorry.



She also noticed she had emails to check so went to her Gmail account. To her shock there was a message from Air New Zealand containing an attachment. Opening it she found that it was two tickets, one to London and one back to New Zealand and the dates on them were the 30th of November and the 6th of December. So Aidan hadn’t been joking about her being his guest at the world premiere. Excitedly Amber printed off the tickets then sent a text to Nicole and Vicky telling them the news. She then messaged Aidan.

@AReigns Got the tix. So excited now. This is REAL.

@Aidan Turner Don’t worry about what 2 wear or how u’ll do your hair. U will have a stylist who will take care of all that 4 you.

Amber’s jaw dropped. She would have a stylist? This was getting better and better. It would be fun getting all dressed up for the premiere and she couldn’t wait to see how she looked.

@AReigns I am looking forward 2 the flights too. I haven’t flown long haul b4.

@ATurner U do have a passport right?

Amber told Aidan that yes she did have a passport but that she’d only been as far as Australia which had been a 3 hour flight each way. Going to London would be at least 25 hours including a stopover somewhere.

@AReigns Will someone meet me @ the airport?

@ATurner Either I or my rep will meet u. You’re staying @ my place.



So that explained why he hadn’t arranged for her to stay at a hotel. Amber had wondered about that. She was a bit concerned about staying at his place as she was waiting until she was married to lose her virginity but figured she would be in the guest room and that he would respect her decision to wait.

@AReigns There is something you need to know. I’m waiting till I’m married.

@ATurner WOW you’re still a virgin?? Seriously?


Amber replied that indeed she was


@ATurner I would love to be your first ;)

@AReigns Dream on, so not happening. @ least not this weekend. Sorry


Aidan replied with a boo and a just kidding and assured her he would respect her wishes.

@AReigns Let’s see what happens when we meet in a few days’ time.

@ATurner Definitely.

A few days later it was the morning of Amber’s flight to London. She had been walking on air for the previous few days and it had been exciting to pack and prepare to go to London.

@AReigns Good morning Aidan, I’m on my way up 2 Auckland 2 fly out. I can’t wait to meet u.

@ATurner See u soon!

The two messaged back and forward during Amber’s trip to the airport. After she checked herself and her luggage in and went through customs and security she found a seat in the departure lounge.

@AReigns In the departure lounge waiting 2 board my flight.

@ATurner How soon do u board?

Amber checked the departure board and told Aidan the time her flight would be boarding. They spent the time Amber had to wait messaging back and forth. Finally the call to board was announced and that’s when Amber checked her boarding pass and noticed that she was in business class. The business class passengers were called to board before the economy class so when Amber heard the announcement that business class was to board she messaged Aidan one last time.

@AReigns Boarding now so will message when we get 2 LA. Won’t be able to message while in flight.

@ATurner K. Have fun.

Amber boarded her flight and after getting settled and buckling her seatbelt she had a look to see what the inflight movies were. It was going to be a long time before she could message Aidan again. After all the passengers were on board the safety message played and Amber watched the air hostess near her as she demonstrated various things. The plane was beginning to move while this was going on and Amber knew she was on her way to London. 13 and a half  hours later the plane landed at LAX and Amber wearily made her way off the plane and through customs to the transit lounge she would have to wait in for the two hours they were off the plane. Once there she connected to the free airport Wifi and messaged Aidan.

@AReigns Arrived @ LAX and am in transit lounge. Will re board plane in two hours time. Then I have another 10 hours of flying 2 go.

@ATurner Good 2 know you made it 2 LAX safely

The two messaged back and forth while Amber waited in the transit lounge to re board her plane. Aidan talked excitedly about showing Amber around his place and London. Just before boarding the plane again Amber messaged Aidan

@AReigns Time for me 2 re board the plane. I will b arriving @ 10.40am.

@ATurner When you’ve landed text me baby. J


Amber replied with a will do and then logged off twitter as she needed to re board the plane. The next ten hours were long and boring but finally the plane landed at Heathrow Airport. After it had taxied to the terminal there was a short wait while the air jetty was attached to the plane and then the passengers were able to leave the plane. Amber made her way off the plane and down through the gate, entering Heathrow Airport. She logged onto their wifi and messaged Aidan.

@AReigns Landed at Heathrow & heading 2 get my luggage.

@ATurner Yay ur here @ last J After u’ve got ur luggage go 2 the main entrance. My rep will meet u!

Amber replied with an ok and Aidan then explained in a series of messages that he was sending a rep to meet her because there was the likelihood that he’d be recognised and things would get crazy if that happened. His rep would drive her to his apartment. Amber collected her luggage and after going through customs and immigration procedures she headed out to the main entrance. As promised she was met by Aidan’s rep, his PA.

“Amber Reigns I presume. Aidan sent me to meet you,” the rep said.

“Yes that’s me,” Amber said.

“Aidan’s really excited about meeting you,” the rep said.

“I know. And I’m excited about meeting him,” Amber said.

The rep loaded her bag into the car and then Amber got in the passenger seat and going to her twitter direct messages page sent Aidan a message.

@AReigns In rep’s car on way 2 ur apartment. See you very very soon.

@ATurner Yay.

It was a bit of a drive to Aidan’s but when they got there Amber messaged Aidan again.

@AReigns Have just arrived @ ur’s. Coming up drive way now.

@ATurner Be right down.


Amber got out of the car and Aidan’s rep got her bag out of the boot and then left. A door opened and Aidan was there. He looked amazing in black skinny jeans, and the dark blue shirt he’d been wearing a few days earlier in the photo he’d tweeted to her.

“Heyy it’s awesome to finally meet you,” Aidan said.

He enveloped her in a hug and it felt amazing. His accent was to die for.

“It’s fantastic to meet you too,” Amber said.

“You’re even more beautiful in person and I’m so glad you were able to come. And I love your accent it’s gorgeous,” Aidan said.

He smiled at her and she smiled back.

“Thanks. I don’t think I have an accent but I suppose as you’re not a kiwi you would think I do,” Amber said.

“Something like that,” Aidan said.

“Just like when you talk you wouldn’t think you have an accent but to non-Irish people you would,” Amber said.

“Come let me show you around,” Aidan said, slipping his hand into hers.

He led her into his apartment block and they made their way upstairs to his penthouse apartment.

“Is this where Sarah used to live too?” Amber asked, once they were inside.

“Yes… yes she did. But not anymore,” Aidan said.

He showed her the guest room and she put her bag there. His bedroom was right next door and it was a typical guy’s room. The apartment itself was modern and very flash with open plan dining, lounge and kitchen. After Aidan had finished showing Amber around he led her over to the couch and sitting down gently pulled her down to join him, wrapping his arms around her.

“I’ve been waiting so long to do this,” Aidan said, his lips inches from hers.

The feeling of being so close to him was amazing and Amber snuggled into him as he closed the gap between their lips and kissed her softly.  Their kiss quickly deepened and one kiss followed another.

“I’m taking you out to dinner tonight,” Aidan said, after they came up for air.

“I like the sound of that,” Amber said, nuzzling into him.

“And this afternoon we’re going sightseeing around London. I want to show you all the sights,” Aidan said.

“Sounds good and I’d love to see Buckingham Palace and Westminster Abby” Amber said.

“We can do that,” Aidan said.

He lowered his mouth to Amber’s again and the two kissed again.

They stayed snuggled up and spent the next couple of hours talking. It felt so right and comfortable being snuggled up with Aidan.

At lunchtime Amber offered to make lunch for the two of them.

“Go for it,” Aidan said.

She found that he had a reasonably well stocked fridge and pantry and put together a healthy salad which they had on bread rolls. After they’d finished lunch and cleaned up they headed out in Aidan’s car. He had a BMW i8 and it was very fancy just like his apartment.

“Ever thought of having a personalised plate such as Kili1 or something like that?” Amber asked, noticing he had a regular number plate.

“I wouldn’t do that. Everyone would know who the car belonged to. I don’t want that as I value my privacy. Mark Hadlow has a personalised plate. It’s Dori1 or something similar to that. He can have that,” Aidan said.

“That’s totally fair enough. Your private life is your private life,” Amber said.

“You bet it is. I just wish that some fans would get that. Most are fantastic but there are a few who think its ok to take photos of me when they encounter me. Sometimes that can be a tad annoying.

“They should ask if it’s ok or do it discretely so they don’t annoy you,” Amber said.

“Yes they should but they don’t,” Aidan said.

“I wonder how soon it will get out that you’re seeing someone new,” Amber said, “That is if I am your girlfriend,” she added.

“Of course you are. There isn’t anyone else I’m interested in right now. I know you live on the other side of the world from me but we will keep in touch via twitter after you go back to New Zealand and I will definitely visit and fly you here to see me like I have now,” Aidan said, “And as for when it will get out well we will be going public tomorrow night at the BOFA premiere. It will be the first time we’ll be seen together in public,” Aidan said.

“Unless someone sees us out and about today,” Amber said.

They spent a fun few hours driving around London with Aidan showing Amber all the touristy sights. She took lots of photos including some selfies of her and Aidan sharing them on her Facebook with the status of ‘you guys can be the first to know. I’m seeing someone new and I’m his guest at the BOFA world premiere tomorrow night!’

Not surprisingly her phone went crazy with notifications as her friends liked her photos and commented on them. Everyone other than Nicole and Vicky were shocked to see her with Aidan and could hardly believe that she was going out with him.  They were insanely jealous that she was getting to go to the BOFA premiere with Aidan but happy for her. Back at Aidan’s the two relaxed until it was time to go out to have dinner. After they had showered and changed, Aidan drove Amber to the restaurant he’d chosen for them to go and after finding a park the two made their way inside.  There weren’t many people around so they made it inside unmolested.

“We’ll be eating in a private booth so that I’m left alone. That’s one reason why I like this place,” Aidan said.

They were shown to a private booth as he had said they would be and were given menus. It didn’t take Amber long to choose what she wanted and soon they were ordering. While they were waiting for their food to come Aidan shared with Amber what to expect at the premiere.

They enjoyed a delicious dinner and when it was over Aidan drove to his favourite make out spot. After he parked they got in the backseat of his car and cuddled.

“I’m having a really good time with you Amber,” Aidan said.

He leaned over and found Amber’s mouth with his. Amber responded to his kiss and one kiss followed another and another.

“Even though we’ve just met this feels so right,” Aidan said when they came up for air.
“I wish I didn’t have to go back to New Zealand,” Amber admitted.

“We will make it work. We have twitter and we can visit each other,” Aidan said.

He smiled and kissed her again. Soon they were making out and it felt incredible. Amber’s hands were entangled in Aidan’s long dark curls and his hands were caressing her back.

“I can’t believe that this time tomorrow night I Amber Reigns will actually be walking on the red carpet at the BOFA premiere,” Amber said, when they came up for air.

“Actually its green carpet and you better believe it,” Aidan said.

He smiled at her and gently squeezed her.

“I can’t wait to see you all dressed up. I know you’re going to look beautiful,” Aidan said.

“Thanks. I can’t wait to meet Richard and Orlando and everyone,” Amber said.

The two headed back to Aidan’s place after making out for a little while longer

The next morning Amber checked her Facebook and discovered that fans had to get wristbands to be in the pens near the green carpet.

“Man am I glad I’m your guest,” Amber said showing Aidan the posts about it.

“Please enjoy yourself today. I want you to have an awesome time. The fans will be pleased I’m happy again so will be nice,” Aidan said.

“What is the plan for today?” Amber asked.

“We have to go to a hotel near the venue of the premiere where your stylist and the person grooming me will meet us. We will be apart while that is done but will meet up again after that and travel to the venue together. Then when we will arrive we’ll get out of the car and walk down the green carpet together. The press will be out in force so we will probably be asked to pose for photos and I may have to do some interviews. We may also interact with the fans before going inside. Once inside we will be seated in a separate area that is especially for the celebrity guests. I may have to go on stage with Peter who will undoubtedly say a few words and I may have to say something myself. After the speeches we will watch the movie. And it won’t have trailers like it will in other theatres. After the movie is over we are going to an after party. We may interact with fans again when we leave as they often try to catch us coming out,” Aidan said.

Amber nodded. It sounded exciting and a lot of fun.

After lunch Aidan drove himself and Amber to the hotel where they were to meet the people styling and grooming them. On the way Aidan explained to Amber that the gown she’d be wearing would be one that had been leant to the stylist by a designer for her to wear.

“So it will have to be returned,” Amber said.

“Unfortunately yes,” Aidan said, “Same with my suit and tie,” he added.

Once they were at the hotel they were introduced to the people who would be styling them. All too soon Amber was whisked away from Aidan. The first thing that was done was to color and cut her hair. Her regrowth was bleached and toned and once that was done she was given a light trim then her hair set in curlers. Once the set had dried her the curlers were taken out and her hair pinned up in a fancy hair up style. A few curls were left out to frame her face and they softened the look. Then her makeup was done and the overall effect once that was done was stunning. Amber picked up her phone and went to her twitter private messages box.

@AReigns Am loving what is being done so far. I think you’ll like it too.

@ATurner I look forward to seeing your finished look.


The final part of the styling was for Amber to try on the gowns that had been selected for her and to choose one to wear. It was fun trying on the gowns and seeing how she looked. Eventually Amber and the stylist settled on a rose one shoulder chiffon dress with decorative beading on the bust. The dress’ bodice was fitted and the skirt hung straight down. The finished look was stunning and Amber smiled. Her lipstick and eye shadow matched the dress and some eyeliner made her eyes pop out. A small purse and some heels which matched the dress completed her look.

@AReigns I’m wearing a rose pink dress if you need your tie or anything to match.

@ATurner Thanks will let the guy grooming me know.


Once Amber was styled she was able to return to the room where she and Aidan had met the stylist. A short while later Aidan came in, dressed in a blue monogram tuxedo which Amber would later learn was from Hardy Amie’s Fall Winter 2014 collection. When he saw Amber his eyebrows shot so high that they nearly disappeared into his hair.

“Babe you look stunning. Absolutely stunning,” Aidan said.

He smiled and Amber smiled back.

“You amazing yourself,” she said.

Aidan’s hair had been pulled back in a man bun and his beard had been trimmed so he looked tidy. Over all he looked very very sexy and Amber felt her body going hot just looking at him.

“You don’t know what you’re doing to me,” Aidan said in her ear.

“Think about someone other than me if you need to,” Amber advised.

They chatted until it was time to go to the premiere at which point they made their way out to the car that was taking them to the venue. After they got in the car they were whisked to the venue where they got out of the car at the start of the green carpet. Aidan got out of the car first and Amber could hear the fans screaming when they saw him. She saw Aidan holding out his hand to her so taking his hand got out of the car and joined him. Aidan slid his arm around her waist and the two smiled at the fans. They were staring at Amber with shocked and amazed looks on their faces. Clearly they hadn’t expected Aidan to be with anyone.

The two began making their way down the green carpet stopping to pose for photos and to interact with the fans. At one point Amber heard one girl say to the one next to her that she wished she was her as she was so pretty. It was a nice compliment and Aidan smiled at her having heard it too. When they reached the press pen the two had to stop and pose for photo after photo. It quickly grew annoying but Amber continued to smile and put up with it, doing what the press asked. Then she waited patiently as Aidan was interviewed by a number of people. Finally they were able to carry on walking and made their way past more fans, Aidan stopping and interacting with them. They too were looking shocked to see that Aidan had Amber with him. Then they went inside and joined the other cast members.

“Hey Aid, who’s the looker?” Richard Armitage greeted Aidan.

The others were all looking at Aidan and Amber and there were some surprised looks on people’s faces.

“This is Amber,” Aidan said, introducing Amber.

“Hi everyone,” Amber said.

There were a few stunned looks as the others realised where Amber was from.

Aidan introduced everyone to Amber then told them about how the two had met via twitter.

“That’s crazy,” Richard said.

“Amber is the nicest loveliest girl I’ve met,” Aidan said, “I don’t regret inviting her to be my guest tonight for one minute,” he added.

“Well good luck to you,” Richard said.

Amber chatted with the others and watched as the cast members posed with each other and for some group photos. Finally everyone made their way to the area reserved for the cast members and celebrity guests and took their seats. Peter Jackson took to the stage in front of the screen to introduce the movie and then the cast members each spoke a few words. Amber quietly drooled over Aidan when it was his turn. When Aidan re-joined her he entwined his fingers with hers again and squeezed her hand.

“You were awesome,” Amber said softly,

“Thanks,” Aidan said.

The movie started then so the two had to stop talking. It was exciting and Amber enjoyed every moment of it except for when Kili and Fili died during the battle of the five armies. It was very upsetting to see them die even though she knew it was going to happen and she ended up in tears.

“Sorry babe I should have warned you,” Aidan said softly.

“It’s ok I knew it would happen,” Amber said.

Aidan slipped his arm around Amber and gently hugged her. She composed herself and continued to watch the movie but broke down again during Kili, Fili and Thorin’s funeral scene.

“Thank goodness my makeup is waterproof,” Amber commented softly to Aidan.

“Yeah,” Aidan said.

Once the movie was over the celebrities mingled in the foyer until it was time to go to the after party. Amber chatted with the other cast members getting to know them. Aidan had his arm draped lazily about her waist.

“Everyone’s going to be talking about you guys tomorrow,” Orlando said.

“No one expected you to turn up with a girl,” Richard said.

“We all thought you were single still,” Ryan Gage added.

“Let them talk about us. We’ve gone public tonight,” Aidan said.

“Everyone’s going to want to know who you are and all about you Amber,” Orlando said.

“I am prepared for that. I know that dating Aidan means our relationship will be very public,” Amber said.

“We will still try and keep our private lives private,” Aidan said.

He and Sarah had managed to do just that.

“You look amazing Amber,” Luke Evans said joining them.

“Thanks,” Amber said.

“I can see why you’ve fallen for her,” Luke said to Aidan.

Everyone continued to chat until the cars arrived and then Amber and Aidan made their way outside. The fans were still there and they cheered for Aidan again. He headed over to interact with them and Amber couldn’t help but laugh when he didn’t lift his foot high enough to clear the velvet rope and caught his foot in the rope. He teetered comically trying to free his foot then finally freed it and got over the rope. The fans let out an ooh when he teetered wondering if he was going to fall. When he finally re-joined Amber she grinned at him.

“Fail,” she said.

“Shut up,” Aidan said.

“Did you go for a nice trip?” Amber said.

Aidan shot her a dirty look then laughed realising he had to have looked really silly.

“I hope no one caught my fail on video. I must have looked a right plonker,” Aidan said.

“I have no idea,” Amber said,” And yeah you did. Sorry,” Amber said.

“At least I didn’t hit the deck. That would have been much worse as it would have been way more embarrassing,” Aidan said.

“Yeah and even funnier,” Amber said.

Aidan glared at her then grinned.

“Yeah it would have been I guess,” Aidan said.

“You didn’t hurt yourself did you?” Amber asked.

“Nah only my pride was hurt. I laughed it off though,” Aidan said.

Amber was relieved about that as she’d have hated for him to have gotten hurt. The two made their way to the car that was waiting for them and got in it. They were whisked to the after party which was at a nearby club. There they socialised with the other cast members and celebrities that had attended the premiere. Some of them had seen Aidan’s fail and gave him some good natured teasing about it. Aidan had bought Amber a drink as well as one for himself, a Guinness. Amber had a glass of wine. It was fun mingling with the celebrities and the fans who had won a trip to the premiere. They chatted with Aidan and he introduced Amber to them.

“Is she your girlfriend?” one of them asked.

“Yes,” Aidan said.

“I thought you were single,” another of them said.

“Things change. I met Amber on twitter and invited her to be my guest tonight. Best decision I’ve ever made,” Aidan said.

“Wow that is so cool. You’re so lucky Amber,” one of the fans said.

“I know. I couldn’t believe it at first that Aidan wanted me to be his guest,” Amber said.

Aidan smiled and gently squeezed Amber and the two chatted with the fans about how they would make it work.

At the end of the after party the two made their way out of the club and were driven back to the hotel where they had been groomed and styled to collect Aidan’s car. As Aidan had had a few drinks but Amber had only had a couple and was still sober Aidan gave her his car keys and she drove back to Aidan’s place. There she put his car in its allotted space in the shared garage the apartment block users used then the two headed up to Aidan’s apartment.

“So how did you enjoy yourself tonight?” Aidan asked.

“I had an absolute blast,” Amber said.

She smiled at Aidan who smiled back.

“I can’t wait to get out of this jacket. Truth be told it’s a bit small so it’s a bit tight. I’m not sure how it happened but I suppose I must have gained some muscle since I was measured a few weeks ago. They do that so they can provide outfits in our size.  That’s why after you said you’d be my guest tonight I asked you for your dress and shoe size. I gave them to my PA who gave them to the lady styling you,” Aidan said.

Amber had noticed that his tux jacket seemed a little tight but hadn’t commented on it.  The two headed to their rooms to change and get ready for bed. Amber thought about her evening as she changed. She was the luckiest girl in the world to have been able to attend the BOFA world premiere as Aidan’s guest and to have become his girlfriend. To think liking and replying to one of his tweets had led to this.


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