In My Dreams

By kokimonstr25

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Kara Danvers was trying to maintain her normal life. Although strange dreams start to haunt her every night... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 35

2.3K 86 24
By kokimonstr25

Lena's POV

I placed Alex gently into the little carrier that I had strapped around me. Her head still bobbed about not being able to hold her own yet. I place a hand softly on the back of her head so she would rest against my chest. I was taking her to Lcorp with me because I needed to pick up some things from my lab. Kara was at Catco and has been fairly busy as Supergirl lately. Though I missed when she was gone she would still make me feel like she was always there.  I wore flats instead of heels as I have become paranoid with not dropping my precious bundle. Kara had also argued about my safety and the babys with me wearing my usual business attire.

Sam saw me approaching and smiled widely.

"Lena! Is this the new addition to the Damvers household?" She says. Sam lightly rubs the back of her finger on Alex's cheek to which she smiles.

"It is. I'm just here to retrieve something from my lab. How are things here with me on maternity leave?" I respond.

"Everything is fine. I can help you with your things if you want? You've already got your hands full" Sam smiles.

"Sure. I'll show you what it is."

We walk to my lab and Sam looks around in wonder.

"I feel like I'm in the future. What was it that you needed?" I chuckle at the look of a child in a candy store.

"Its that stuffed toy. As well as that pacifier that I have on the table" I say. I motion to my worktable and she picks up the items.

"You thinking of becoming a toy maker?" She asks in confusion.

"No. Kara had gotten them for Alex before she was born but we left them here by mistake. I havent been able to come to retrieve them until now" I explain. It was a lie of course but only to secure the secret of my daughters heritage. Her being a kryptonian was a secret I needed to keep safe. Even from Sam until I was sure I could tell her.

The bear and pacifier I made were specifically equipped to withstand great amounts of damage. In other words a Kryptonian baby who may try to tear it apart. The pacifier was also made to withstand her strong jaw. I couldnt very well let her suck on a normal pacifier and risk her choking on the rubber piece she bit off. 

"That makes sense. Kara is always forgetting something here" Sam laughs.

We make our way back out of my lab and I decide to pry a tad.

"So I've heard that you had drinks with Big Alex?" I grin. We really need to come up with nicknames.

"I did and it was nice. Very different than the guys who would take me drinking. They just wanted me to get drunk, but Alex was good. She wouldnt let me have anymore than two unless she drove me home. She was quite the gentlewoman actually. We are going to take Ruby down to a rope course this weekend" Sam blushes.

"So it was a date then? I only assume because you compared her to the men you've dated. I'm sure Alex will teach Ruby a very tactical approach to the ropes course" I say.

"N-no! We just went for drinks. I mean we did- we werent-...." Her face got incredibly darker and her voice trailed off.

"Dont worry I'm only teasing. I wouldnt be opposed if it were a date. You seem to have feelings for my sister-in-law and she feels the same. Though I should keep to the protective relative role and warn you to not break her heart" I laugh.

Sam could only blush more and smile at me. She nods her head and I leave to go to the DEO. Alex is having a check up today to ensure that she is healthy. I dont believe her to be unhealthy but it doesnt hurt to check.

My daughter stayed asleep, resting against my chest the entire way and our driver pulled into the DEO garage. The large metal gate closed behind us and I stepped out of the car.

I stepped into the elevator and made my way up to the main floor. Big Alex was standing at the table while looking up at the screens. She noticed my movement and turned to me with a smile. I made my way to her with a finger over my lips to signal her not to be too loud.

"Hey! How are you guys today?" She grins.

"We're doing fine. I'm feeling quite well and the baby is sleeping" I say quietly. Alex peeks to see the baby's face and makes an "o" with her lips.

"You can wait here 'til she wakes up. I can just text Kara that you're here now"Alex suggests. I nod my head and sit in a nearby office chair.

With my child still peacefully sleeping her other mother lands on the balcony nearby. I look up and smile her way. Her ocean eyes are trained on me and an unprofessional blush appears on my cheeks. We never break eye contact as she makes her way through the DEO agents and walks to my chair.

Her hands gently cups my cheek and kisses me. I kiss her back and my eyes flutter shut. I completely ignore the agents around us and pull away with a smile.

"Hello darling" I whisper.

"Hello love. I've missed you both today" she smiles back. She kisses the top of Alex's head that has a little layer of soft baby curls. Our daughter stirs and her bright blue-green eyes blink open.

I gently extract her from the pouch shes in and Kara lifts her into her arms, cradling her to her chest.

"Good morning cutie. Are you ready for your check up?" Kara cooed. I stood up and couldnt help the smile that grew on my face at the loving interaction.

"Is she awake!? I want to hold! Let me hold! Fuck out of my way! I want to see my niece!" Alex came barreling out of nowhere with a starstruck look on her face. Kara gently transferred the baby to Alex's arms and Alex wiggled a finger at her.

"Hi there mini me. I waited for you to wake up. I'm going to show you to all of my agents because you're so cute. I'll kill who ever tries to take you from me though. Yes I will" she smiles walking away. I can see little Alex smiling back completely oblivious to what her aunt is telling her but loving the attention. Agents begin to gather around her and talk excitedly about the new baby.

Kara and I exchange a look and I lean on her shoulder.

"How are you feeling today?" My wife asks.

"Much better thank you Darling. How was your day today?" Kara intertwines our fingers and kisses the top of my head.

"Better now that I'm here with you two" she murmurs.

"Do you comprehend how incredibly cliche and adorable you are?" I smile. Kara scrunches up her nose and I giggle.

I look on to see Alex showing off the new baby and we could hear her from where we stand.

"Shes going to be my little apprentice. She'll shoot better than all of you by the age of 10. This girl is going to be the next super agent" she gushes. 

Kara laughs beside me and Alex brings the baby back to us. We get her check up done and of course she is in perfect health. Alex continues to coo to her and suddenly she stops.

"I have the perfect nickname!" She says. We look at her in confusion and she grins wildly. "Alligator!"

Kara and I exchange a look and we shake our heads.

"We are not going to call our child a reptile" Kara says. Alex sticks her tongue out at her sister and goes back to playing with little Alex's fingers as she lays on the bed still.

"Why not just Allie? Like Allie-bear?" Winn had walked in out of no where and I instinctively grasped my wife's arm, startled.

"I actually like that. Good job Winn" Alex smiles. Winn puffs out his chest and I shake my head. Such a strange family. Ex continues to play with Allie and I look on as the proud mother I am.

Kara's POV

Having a baby is something I've always looked forward to but have never prepared for. Thank Rao I have Lena. It still amazes me how she had completely changed from badass business woman to soft mommy in the blink of an eye. Watching her and Allie bond has by far been my favorite. The way both of their eyes sparkle and how their smiles match. Sometimes their babbling seems like their really having a conversation.

Lena was to go back to work in a few weeks and I would take maternity leave to take over. I was excited to spend more time with my daughter but worried about Supergirl troubles that might come up. I had tried to think of ways to be able to do both but I just couldnt. There was a primal instinct to drop everything and take care of my child. Even now as I watch her sleep soundly in her crib I find myself rooted to the ground. Yet National City needed its hero. I wasnt sure how I would be able to juggle these things at the same time.

I feel my wife's arms slither around my waist and she snuggles into my back.

"You seem to be deep in thought. I apologize for the interuption" she murmurs. Lena kisses my shoulder, or at least where she can reach, and I sigh.

"I think I'm going to tell Alex that Supergirl is also going on maternity leave" I say. I feel her stiffen and I turn around but not able to look at her face.

"Are you sure Darling? I am not opposed to the idea but I understand how important this is to you. Please dont feel like you have to choose. Our daughter has plenty of people who would protect her" she says. I noticed that her accent has nearly grown thicker over time.

"None of them are Supergirl. I dont want to put them at risk as well. Alex has told me before that the DEO can manage without me. I would only help unless it's really a crisis" I reason, more to myself.

"This decision is yours to make but like I said dont give up what you love. Do you remember what I told you on our honeymoon?" She asks. I tilt my head slightly signaling that I didn't remember.

"Dont choose between me and Supergirl. The people of this city need you and I'm not about to deprive them of that because I want to be selfish. The same goes for Allie. I know shes our daughter but maybe keeping a normalcy will help her in the end. Less will suspect that Supergirl and Kara Danvers are one in the same with a child. Dont you think leaving at the same time would be suspicious?" She says. I nod my head knowing that shes right. If both of my identities happen to disappear at the same time anyone would try to put two and two together.

"As per usual you're right. You know I'm really glad I married a genius?" I smile.

"And I'm glad my soulmate is a goofy reporter" she laughs. I kiss her softly and we walk out of Allie's room quietly.

When we close the door Lena has gone quiet. I dont think anything of it at first until a while has gone by and still nothing.

"Are you ok? Did the conversation about Supergirl upset you?" I asked.

"No, not at all. I was just thinking" she says absently.

"About what?"

We were sitting on the couch together and she had both her legs tucked up on the sofa. She played mindlessly with one of the small cushions and looked away from me.

"What will you do about Supergirl when you get pregnant?" She asks nearly inaudible. I stop and think for a moment and realize it's the same predicament as earlier.

"Well, like I said. Alex said that she will be fine without me for a while. Really you dont have to worry so much love" I lay a hand on her thigh and squeeze comfortingly.

"I just hate to be the reason you have to choose between things" she mutters.

"And I will always choose you. Without fail" I smile. Lena looks up then to meet my eyes and I lean forward to capture her lips.

It starts as an innocent kiss as a promise to each other but quickly grew heated. I knew that the baby monitor was on and we would be able to hear Allie when she woke up and gently pushed Lena back on the couch.

"Speaking of more kids" I say huskily. I see a blush on my wife's cheeks and smile.

I kiss her lips, nose, forehead and move to her neck. I kiss just under her jaw just how she likes it and her hands grip my hair.

"Kara" she half moans out. This spurs me on and I kiss her neck. My body is completely covering hers and I keep myself up on my arms. Lena's hands lead my face back to hers to bring our lips together again.

Her tongue lightly grazed my bottom lip and my arms buckle a bit. I part my own lips to grant her access and our kiss deepens. With our current position I'm straddling one of Lena's legs. Her knee comes up and I groan into her mouth.

"Lena. I cant- we have to go to the room" I manage to get out. I lean back to let her sit up but her lips follow mine and continue to kiss.

I place my hands just beneath her ass and lift her with ease. She wraps her legs around me and I carry her to our room. Once there I lay her on the bed and lower my body to hers. She groans at the contact which goes through me. I shutter at the feeling and co1ntinue to kiss the night away.

Omg please dont kill this poor author. I tried to write for this story but I have so extremely busy and unsure of where I wanted to take the story. I made this chapter a little longer than others to hopefully say I'm sorry. I hope you all are doing well and I love reading your comments! If you have any suggestions just let me know! Thanks for reading raccoons!

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