Sinful Discovery

By CriticallyIntense

292K 17.9K 8K


Sinful Discovery
Bonus - Sky
Story Branch 1 - Chapter 8
Story Branch 2 - Chapter 27
Story Branch 3 - Chapter 28


8.5K 519 346
By CriticallyIntense

Chapter 5

"I agree with her on this one," I say avoiding Mal's eyes and looking at the label on my juice bottle. "It's high time she breaks up with you, you don't treat her as well as you should."

"Wow, best friend." Jamal says looking at me like I just betrayed him.

I shrug, "I'm on your side and the truth hurts. She needs the kind of attention you can't offer now, let her go."

"True that," he sighs, "I'll still miss her."

He just recounted the events that led to his girlfriend breaking up with him over a text while he was at his mum's. I feel bad for him but I'm also happy for his girlfriend, she finally had the courage to end things. Gone are the days when she'll be following me around asking about his whereabouts and I'd just keep telling her about the different things Jamal was always involved in. He barely had time for himself talk more of her and she was being homeschooled. If she was here with us, it'll probably be better. After everything she'd end up alone for the day asking herself unnecessary questions like if she's the one pushing him away to join stuff when that's just the way he is, Jamal is just too goal driven for his age.

"So tell me the non boring thing that happened to you," He asks and I resist the smile as I recounter yesterday's event, starting from the parking lot.

"So do you know a Sky?" I ask before I bite into my sandwich.

"Sky," he repeats, turning his hand about with his eyes closed. His eyes pop open as if he got something but then he shakes his head. "I know a Sky alright but he can't be the one you're talking about."

"Why not?" I ask furrowing his brows.

"Well the Sky I know is Sky Hunt, he's been living in town for a long time, four years probably," he waves, "something like that but since his granny died."

I perk up, "that's got to be him."

Jamal pinches his brows at me, "you and Sky Hunt?" He laughs, "no common ground."

I scoff, "does car accident ring a bell?"

"You're serious?"

"Of course I am," I've never been more serious about anything in my entire life.

"Whoa Issy, that's crazy."

I ignore him, "how come you know him and I don't?"

"Well, I know everybody," he lets himself smirk for a minute. "And I once tutored him. He's not always in school or in town, always bouncing from one place to another."

I nod but it's still weird that he's been around since his grandma died, four years, and not once have I met him. We were even in the same school, I look up at Jamal with a frown. "Wait, you tutored him? Are you the one that told him my name then?"

Jamal shrugs, "I don't know, it's been a while. I might be or he might have heard someone call you or anything."

I return to my sandwich remembering the way he called my name like he knew me. "Why is it so weird we conversed?"

"Because Sky is your total opposite," Jamal says, clears his throat and starts listing off a finger. "He's rumored to be gay—" my heart plummets at that but I force myself not to betray any expression and listen to Jamal. "— he's rumored to be a druggie. He's like a street dude, no filter at all and he would not hesitate to rearrange your face if you so much as look at him the wrong way."

I am completely speechless.

"Whereas you are," Jamal continues when I say nothing. "probably straight—"

"Probably?" I cut him off and glare.

He completely ignores me, it's like I didn't even say a word. "—homophobic," okay not ignoring me then by the stress in that one word and the glare. "Against drugs, a prim and proper home boy and have never thrown a punch in your entire life."

"I'm not homophobic," I say, my voice lower and close to a whisper.

Jamal leans in closer and whispers back, "really? What are you then?"

I glare at him, ignoring his question. "Homosexuality is a sin." It's like it's not even my own voice.

Jamal looks like he's about to slap me but he sighs and leans back into his seat. "I'm not doing this with you."

Thank God.

"Yeah and I'm not probably straight, I'm straight."

He shakes his head at me, "I've seen the way you look at Lou, you have to consider being at least bisexual."

"I don't look—" I stop myself there because Jamal and I have had this conversation before and it leads no where. "Can we go back to Sky?"

"Please, before I jam your teeth in."

I roll my eyes, "the things you said, half are just rumors. He might be be different."

"There's no smoke without fire Issy and sure he might be different," Jamal smirks. "He said he'll see you today right? I dare you to find out."

I scoff, not playing into anything he's planning. "Sorry Mal but you know only a stupid person would act on your dare and I'm not stupid so, no thanks friend."

"You're such a bore, if my ex was dating you she would have killed herself just for an out." He fires and we burst out laughing. "Or killed you to save herself and other unlucky person that might fall into your trap."


Sky didn't come. He didn't see me like he said he would and I suspect he didn't even come to school.

After school and parting ways with Mal, I waited in the parking lot for him or any sign of his truck but I saw none. I had to leave so the events of yesterday don't repeat themselves again but I followed a long route, one that would eventually lead me to the junction Sky said I should drop him off. I idled there for minutes but there was no sign of him and I left with a heavy heart.

My disappointment at not seeing him was startling. I never knew I was looking forward to it this much and just one meeting and I already want to see him again. Well, I don't miss him like that, it's just he was good company and his smile was refreshing. And it wouldn't be bad to tell him thanks again, he really did me a solid with the headlights.

I arrive home early and I help Ma prepare dinner. Nessa comes back from work about the same time dad does and after dinner and night prayers, I go up to my room to do some assignments. I open my book but end up just looking at the words on the page like they are foreign, my hand unconsciously scribbling on the paper. It's no surprise when I snap back to reality and see that I've scribble the name Sky all over my page. I quickly tear it out blushing profusely and tossing my books away, switching it for my laptop.

I go unto Facebook and search Sky Hunt. I don't know what has taken over me but I really want to do this and I know if I don't, I won't sleep well this night. His name and face pops on and I immediately click it, a little bit impatient. I pout when I see that there's no much on his account, it looks like it's been dormant for a while. The most recent picture is dated seven months back. I click on the picture nevertheless and his smiling face comes into view. He's not smiling at me but seeing his smile makes me smile too.

It's dark in the picture and it seems like he's on a beach. The buttons on his shirt are popped open and I can see his tanned chest and the freckles scattered around his shoulders. And then— my eyes widen as I zoom in on the picture more and notice the glinting silver on his chest. Nipple piercings... My face flames up as I quickly save the picture and shut my laptop close.

I stare at my laptop and quickly return it to it's place on my table before curling myself on my bed. I tried not to think about Sky and his nipple piercing, as usual, I failed. I prayed to go to sleep faster and while I waiting I wondered what having a nipple piercing would feel like. Why Sky had it and maybe the rumors Jamal told me about him was true after all.

What I do know is a nipple piercing would get me killed in this house. Any piercing at all. I remember how Nessa pleaded and begged before she got her ears pierced in senior year and started wearing ear rings. Ma won't hear that in my own case, no way.


"Did he show?" Jamal asks relaxing on the locker next to mine casually the next morning.

I watch Lou walk by from the corner of my eyes as I answer him. "No."

"Did you call him?"

I raise my brow at him, "Why would I do that? I don't know him and I don't have his number."

"Say the word and I'll get it for you."

"Shut up Mal," I smack his shoulder as I turn around. "I'll probably never see him again."

The words have barely left my mouth when my eyes meet with glinting grey ones heading towards me. I almost miss a step and I have to hold Jamal for stability as I stop moving all together. He walks towards me in long sure strides, hands in his pocket, looking so effortlessly put together. I barely take in his black jeans jagged a bit at both thighs and the teal coloured sweater he has on before he standing right in front of me.

"Hey," He greets with a casual smile, eyes locked on mine like this is a normal thing.

When I don't say anything Jamal does, "hi Sky, how's it going?"

Sky slowly drags his eyes away from me and to Jamal, then smiles at him in recognition before they shake hands. "Great Jamal, it's been a while." He returns his hand his pocket his eyes flicking to me for a second before it's back on Jamal.

Get it together, Israel!

"Yeah, it has. You look good," Jamal says and I look at him asking myself how he can say that so casually. Then I mentally slap myself, of course he can say that, there's nothing wrong in that.

Sky gives him a lopsided smile. "I try." His eyes are on me again as he asks Jamal, "and Israel?"

Jamal pinches me and I yelp, jumping away. "He's fine, just going through a brain damage phase."

Sky laughs and I glare at Jamal before turning back to him. He smiles and laughs so easily like he has no problem with anything and is always enjoying himself. It's a bit unsettling to be honest and I have a feeling he's just not a pretty smiling face with pierced nipples but the thing is, did I want to find out who he was then? Yes, but it's probably not the best idea.

"How's your truck?" I say in lieu of a hello, hoping I sound less of a mess than I actually am.

He smiles like he's in on some joke and cocks his head to the side a little. "Fine, I got it out yesterday afternoon. And your headlight?"

"Working perfectly," I answer, "your truck... Is that why you didn't come to school yesterday?"

He purses his lips in but I could still see the smile in his eyes. "Let's assume so."


"Did you look for me yesterday?" He asks instead of answering and I shake my head looking at feet.

"Not really."

"Ouch," he smirks. "And here I thought we've bonded on the truck."

I look at him with pinched brows and he breaks into a grin showing he's not serious. Jamal clears his throat, "Israel's a lot of work to be honest."

"I can see." Sky says, his eyes still on me, like he's trying to figure something out. Figure me out.

I turn to Jamal, "what's that supposed to mean?"

Sky pats my arm to get my attention and he doesn't have a smile on now, looks a bit serious. "I'll pick you up after school."

I splutter over my words. "W-what?"

"See you at the parking lot," he keeps his eyes on me backing away until he turns around and disappears into the crowd.

I look after him in awe.

"Looks like someone has a date." Jamal sings wiggling his brows.

"Shut up."


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