Life Saver

By Twizzle_n

1.5M 50.1K 73.5K

Tony thought he was texting Steve, but Steve, still not really understanding phones, gave him the wrong numbe... More

Chapter 1 - I don't want to be Alone
Chapter 2 - I don't know?!
Chapter 3 - Stark Industries
Chapter 4 - Vincent van Gogh
Chapter 5 - Injuried
Chapter 6 - An Accidental Meeting
Chapter 7 - Ned Is Gonna Flip When He Hears This
Chapter 8 - The Chase
Chapter 9 - Late Night Talk
Chapter 10 - The Call
Chapter 11 - An Intentional Meeting
Chapter 12 - Making sure you're okay
Chapter 13 -Peter Parker's Not So Great Life
Chapter 14 -Bullies And Crime Fighting
Chapter 15 - How's That Spider Bite Treating Ya?
Chapter 16 - Getting Picked Up
Chapter 17 - Tower Tour
Chapter 18 - Avengers Tower
Chapter 19 - Part of a Truth
Chapter 20 - Panic
Chapter 21 - The Arrival
Chapter 22 - The Conference
Chapter 24 - Nightmares and Confessions
Chapter 25 - Who are you?
Chapter 26 - A Calm Day
Chapter 27 - Guests all around
Chapter 28 - Goodbyes
Chapter 29 - Everything's Okay
Chapter 30 - Acceptance
Chapter 31 - Relations
Chapter 32 - Strange Things Are Happening
Chapter 33 - The Perfect Dream
Thank You!

Chapter 23 - What the Hell is going on

31.8K 1K 1.8K
By Twizzle_n



I'm just putting a trigger warning here for injuries, a slight mention of suicide and a panic attack.

If you're suicidal, please seek help! It's very important that you get the help you need.

So if you're triggered by any of that, please don't read!

If you're still here,
Enjoy the Story!

Peter's P.O.V

I jump out of the vent and land on top of one of the bad guys that's cornering Mr. Stark. I bounce off his head and land next to Mr. Stark like a gymnast. The guy I jumped off of looks a little confused before his eyes land on me.

"Spider-Man?" He looks at me dumbfound and I just chuckle.

"The one and only." I say proudly, hearing a snicker from next to me.

"Are you copying me, Underoos?" Mr. Stark comments and I just wave him off. At that moment, one of the men run towards me, so I jump over him, webbing his legs together, which makes him fall flat on his face.

"I would never." I hum and I can just imagine Mr. Stark rolling his eyes from under his mask. He shoots a guy running to attack us, but the shot doesn't seem to bother the dude at all. He slams into Mr. Stark, making him fly back and hit the wall. My eyes are wide as I try to take in what just happened.

I shoot a web to the ceiling, so I can't get attacked, but that proved to be false because apparently, I can get attacked and someone can shoot some kind of laser out of their goddamn hands and cut the web. So I shoot a new one and start to swing through the exhabition hall, making sure no one is left. Nearly everyone has evacuated the room, but I see a little girl, who's running for her life and one of the shithats are chasing her. What kind of asshole chases a little girl. This one must be really mental. What is a little girl even doing here in the first place?

I swing up to the ceiling and then push myself towards the moron and the girl. Just as he's about to grace her with his knife, I pick the girl up and hurry towards the entrance of the hall. The girl has a strong grip on my suit and I don't judge her. That must've been scary. I look back and see the moron looking around confused for a few seconds before laying his eyes and me and running with full speed in my direction.

I look back towards the entrance and I see a tall woman in business attire running in our direction. She stops when she sees me and yells a name.

"Maggie, oh thank heavens." She sighs as I land in front of her. I hand Maggie over tothe woman and the girl immediately starts crying into her mother's shoulder.

"Go! Hurry! Get away from here! Now!?" I command and the woman gives me a nod before hurrying away. I watch them for a moment, forgetting I'm in a fight until my spidey sense yells at me to jump, which I do.

At that moment, the moron swings his knife at me and I bounce off his head, making sure to get his attention. The dude is kinda large, like, tall wise, but something seems off. Before I can get a good look at his face, my spidey senes explodes again, but this time two other dudes are attacking me from behind. I duck, and they crash into the moron. It seems like they haven't really been in a fight like this before.

I quickly web them up, making sure they can't move. I look in Mr. Stark's direction and see lasers flying all around. Mr. Stark is fighting 2 other guys and based on how they're keeping up, I think they're more experience than these three.

I look back at the the three amigos and they're all yelling nonsense, as if they're drunk, or high. I walk over to the moron who chased the girl and he's trying to cut the webbing, but it's too strong, so instead, he tries to cut my leg, since his hand is kind of free from under the webbing. But that doesn't work so well. He instead cuts his own leg and lets out a cry of pain. I put webbing on the cut, but he continues to yell. God, can't they just shut the hell up.

I get a good grip on the morons face and take my other hand to get a clearer look at his pupiles. They're really dialated. He seems to be on some kind of drug I think. I let go of the dude and as I'm about to walk over to one of the other tied up dudes, one of them throws some kind of acid like liquid at me. It's graces my leg and it burns like hell, making a hole in the suit. Then they attack, somehow getting out of the webbing. I avoid their attacks and look at the place they were sitting. The acid is on the floor.

As I'm distracted, one of them gets a punch in and I fly back, crashing into one of the projects one of the scientists worked on. I feel bad for whoever that project belonged to. I barely avoid the knife being flunged in my direction and the acid landing only a few centimeters away from my face.

So, one of them has some kind of acid power thing, I don't know, and I think the other two just has super strength or something simular because the criminals I met in New York, for exemple, only had super strength... and probably more... buuut, they died before I could know what that was. So the guy with the acid seems to be a biological mutant. Gotta watch out for him.

I make a plan to first web the super strenght buddies up, so they can't escape. Then I get Acid-ass as far away from them as possible so he can't free them. Acid-ass seems to spit the acid, so if I can't just shut his muffintop up, he can't use his power.

I start my plan by webbing the Super Strenght Buddies up and just as Acid-ass is about to free them I go in for a punch, making him fly and hit the wall. At that moment, there's a loud bang and I look towards Mr. Stark. The corner he's in is nearly gone. By that, I mean, the corner of the goddamn building is gone. There's a big hole and I see Mr. Stark being thrown out of the hole. I gotta finish this up quickly.

My spidey sense is yelling at me to move, but I'm too focused on what's happening in the corner to react. All of a sudden, my shoulder has a strong burning sensation and I look down to see the acid burning my skin. I quickly wipe it off with my hand, leaving a burnmark on my hand too. My shoulder is red and small bubbles start to form. But just as quickly as the burn gets worse, my healing starts to heal it. My leg burn is already gone and I redirect my focus on my opponent.

I avoid his attack, but I feel my movement getting slightly slower from the shoulder burn. Shit. I realize Acid-ass is heading towards his webbed up buddies, so I start to sprint and make a web, swinging right into him, making him fly into the tables. He yells out in pain and the moment he closes his mouth, I shoot several webs. Then I web him up, making sure he can't escape.

I look over at the corner and see Mr. Stark still struggling. How the hell is he struggling? He's Iron Man. He's invincible. Right?

I swing over to him and just as one of the dudes are about to shoot him with a weird kind of gun, I make a web and kick him right in the head, making him fly out of the building.

"Is this a hotspot for criminals?" I joke, trying to lighten the mood, but the laser guy and Mr. Stark just looks at me for a moment and I let out an awkward chuckle. "Because, y'know... there are so many criminals now days... heh..."

They both stay silent for a few seconds and I think I just did a goddamn fourth wall break or something. I mean... they could've just... I don't know, like, laughed?

I get tired of the silence and hurry to get a punch in, but Laser guy catches my punch and turn my hand around wiht my body and I land hard on my back. I let out a "Oof" sound and I feel Laser dudes grip on my hand getting stronger, like he's trying to break it. But thankfully, Mr. Stark shoots his own laser, making Laser dude let go of my hand and fly and hit a wall.

I quickly stand up, barking a laugh when I all of a sudden feel a sharp pain in my stomach. I look down and see a bullet has just entered my body. I turn towards the opening and see the other man holding a normal gun. He shoots two more times, both hitting me, before Mr. Stark shoots the ending blow at him.

"Spidey!" Mr. Stark yells out and I chuckle a little at him still keeping my identity secret. My legs give out and I start to fall. Thankfully Mr. Stark catches me. "Come on Spidey, you're okay, you're okay." His voice sounds a little panicked.

"Ow... Mother trucker dude. That hurt like a butt cheek on a stick..." I get out and Mr. Stark's mask retracts, showing his worried eyes, but there's also confusion in them.

"You gotta be kidding me underoos. You just got shot and... and..." He stutters and there's something in his eyes I can't decipher. He looks away from me and it looks like he's about to say something but his eyes are glued in one spot. I look in the direction he's looking at and I see Laser dude, Acid-ass and the two morons make their way over to us, their weapons out. Mr. Stark carefully sits me down on the floor and stands up, bringing his arm up, ready to shoot, when all of a sudden, we hear glass balls break around us and a thick green fog engulfs the room.

I can hear the enemies breathing quicken. All of them. Then, in the fog, there's a shadow flying around, attacking the enemy and I watch in awe as the shadow figure is able to take them down without a problem. For a moment, I even forget I got shot.

We hear yelling and when the fog is gone, we see the enemy on the floor, unconscious and a man in a weird green looking suit with a weird mask, on a flying thing, hovering above the bodies. He flies down to us and takes his mask off, revealing Norman Osborn himself.

"Osborn?" Mr. Stark and I look at Mr. Osborn in shock. We suspected him of being some kind of evil bad guy, but he just took those guys down. He saved us. Maybe... Maybe we thought wrong about him...? I really hope so because he is kinda nice.

"I'm sorry I couldn't come earlier. This suit is a prototype, so it wasn't the easiest thing to get into." Mr. Osborn explains, looking at the thugs for a second, before looking back at us. "Are you alright. Oh goodness me, Spider-Man? Oh, and you're shot. I've already called the police an-"

At that moment, gunshots are heard and the unconscious bodies are laying lifeless on the ground.

"Holy shit..." I hear Mr. Stark whisper and Mr. Osborn just looks at them. I can't really decipher what his facial expression is suppose to show.

"Wait... wasn't there another one?" Mr. Osborn breaks the silence.

"I shot him with a laser." Mr. Stark explains and Mr. Osborn nods. I look at the bodies, not being able to peel my eyes away from the scene in front of me.

"Spidey, think you can get up?" Mr. Stark's voice is quick and firm, but I can hear there's something he's hiding behind the confident tone.

"Y-yeah... I think... ow... so..." I chuckle, taking the hand he's holding out. Mr. Stark helps me stand and even though he can't see my face, I shoot him a thankful smile. I then realize my backpack is still in the vents. "Mr. Stark... my backpack, in the vents. Can you fly me up?" I whisper, trying to ignore the pain.

"No way. You just got fu- goddamn shot. You need medical attention before anything." Mr. Stark hisses quietly and I keep my head down. I can feel Mr. Stark's glare on me and... I feel like I really did do a big fuck up. "*Sigh* Fine... Sit here, I'll get it." Mr. Stark whispers but I take his arm, making him turn towards me. "What?"

"You don't fit in there." I simply say and Mr. Stark gets a blank face.

"Right..." He chuckles and I look in Mr. Osborns direction. The police and some medical professionals have arrived and Mr. Osborn points at me while talking to one of the nurses. They walk over and Mr. Stark helps me sit on a chair that's not destroyed. He seems to take this whole 'I've been burned and shot' thing really good. Too good... I feel like this is the calm before the storm.

"Spider-Man, let us help you." One of the nurses say.

"You think you can remove the bullets here?" I ask, catching them all off guard.

"What?" Mr. Stark barks.

"When the bullets are out of me, my healing factor will... well... heal me." I chuckle and the medical professionals look at each other before shruging and getting their tools.

"Spidey, you need a hospital, you can't be serious about thinking you'll be okay just because they take out the bullets." Mr. Stark barks and I glare at him for a moment before relaxing my expression. "If it's money your worried about then-"

"I'll be fine Mr. Stark. I've gone through worse." I cut him off.

"You've W H A T ?" He's glaring a hole through my head and I avoid looking at him. One of the nurses walks up to me again, holding a tool that will take the bullet out and I gulp.

"This will hurt a little, so, sorry in advance." The woman says and I take a deep breath before my world is filled with pain for a few seconds. I grit my teeth, keeping a scream in. it takes a few minutes before the first bullet is out and the wound starts to bleed profusely. Another nurse comes over, starting to clean the wound, then they move on to the next bullet.

I look over at Mr. Stark and he seems to not know what to do. He's looking at me and when we make eye contact, I look away. But then Mr. Osborn walks over to him and I make sure to listen to their conversation while trying to ignore the pain.

"I hope he isn't too hurt." Mr. Osborn says, nodding towards me. I hear Mr. Stark let out a deep sigh.

"No, don't worry. He even says he's faced worse." Mr. Stark chuckles dryly and I can't help the shiver runing down my spine from his tone.

"I have to say. I was certainly not expecting Spider-Man to show up. Especially here and upstate New York." Mr. Osborn laughs and Mr. Stark also forces a laugh. I take another deep breath, as the nurse is about to pull out the last bullet.

"Well, I guess we were lucky. I've worked with him a few times and he is quite the intellect. So, no wonder he would be here." Mr. Stark replies, looking at me for a second, before returning his glace towards Mr. Osborn. "I must say though, this suit, is... really extraordinary."

"I must admit, I didn't get heavily inspired by you and your suits." Mr. Osborn holds his hands up in surrender. "It's a project we've been working on for quite some time now. I call it the Green Goblin project. I got some of the inspiration when reading a book that had a green goblin character and he was portrayed as quite the hero. Isn't it humorous."

"I suppose so." Mr. Stark simply answers and he looks over at me. The nurses are done taking the bullets out and have now bandaged it up. One of them also treated the wounds from the acid. Mr. Stark walks over to me and the nurses leave, telling me to be careful. Mr. Osborn walks over to the police again, explaining once more what happened.

"Next time you do that, I'm grounding you." Mr. Stark says with a strict tone and I keep my laughter in.

"It wasn't my fault I got shot." I hum, but Mr. Stark's expression doesn't falter.

"Don't- ... Come on, let's go. You gotta get your backpack, right?" He says, helping me stand. I look at him for a moment, but he avoids eye contact. I realize he  still has dark rings under his eyes and his movements are quick.

"I'll head to the bathroom. From there I can climb into the vents, get changed and then head out somewhere else." I whisper. "I'll meet you outside." I finish, getting out of Mr. Stark's grasp before he can protest and hurry to the bathroom I went to before. I get into the same stall and climb up the vents. My stomach and shoulder really hurts but I ignore it. The burn on my hand seems to be nearly fully healed though.

When I get to the backpack, I quickly change since there's enough room. I make sure to cover my stomach and my shoulder. Then I climb through the vents and get to another bathroom. I jump down into an empty stall, close the hatch to the vents and flush the toilet, so it sounds like I was here from the start. I only hear one persons breath in the room, so I know I'm not alone.

I open the door and see an older man in the corner, mumbling to himself. He's wearing simular clothes to the bad guys we just fought, but something's off. His eyes are dark and he's holding a gun in his hand. I slowly walk over, standing about 1 meter away from him.

"Mister... please put the gun away..." I carefully say and his eyes glance at me.

"He... he say... he said we get money... I no want hurt people... I didn't mean... I not want..." The man mumbles in a heavy accent and I can tell he's not a native english speaker.

"It's alright... Everything's alright..." I say softly, moving towards him and holding my hands up in surrender, showing I'm not going to harm him. But all of a sudden, he points the gun at me, like he didn't see me before.

"Away...! Go! I danger...! I no good...!" He yells and his hands are shaking. I move a little closer, putting my hand on the top of the gun and lowering it.

"It's okay... Everything's okay... Take deep breaths..." I say and his breathing quickens. "Slow, Slower. You have to breathe slower." I try to emphasize my words clearer and he seems to calm down a little.

"I... He said... He say we get money... if do bad things..." The man explains and I nod in understanding.

"Who said that?" I ask, hoping he'll understand.

"Boss... Boss say we get money. Take medicine. work. money... but bad work, very bad work. kill, take...and... and..." His breathing quickens again, and I try to calm him. He points he gun at me again and I take a few steps back. "He going kill me... my family..." His hands are shaking again and my spidey sense warns me for something.

At that moment, the man shoots the gun, but I avoid the attack with a harsh movement, to the dismay of my injuries.

"No... nonononono... Away! You go! You go now! Leave!" He barks, still pointing the gun in my direction. I gulp and walk out, hoping to find someone who can help. But then I hear a bang coming from the bathroom and I don't look back when I sneak out of the building.


I make it out of the building without anyone noticing and I hurry into the crowd of people waiting outside. There are a lot of business people (of course), but also some younger people, like Harely's class.

Speaking of Harely. I see him standing alone looking around. He's frowning and when we make eye contact he rushes over to me.

"Dude, where have you been? I've been looking all over for you." He yells, but quiets down when people turn their heads in our direction.

"I was trying to get out. But I came face to face with one of the bad guys, so I had to run and hide. I wasn't sure when it was okay to go out, so I waited for a while." I lie and I mentally pat myself for the well crafted lie.

"Okay. Good... It's good that you're not dead at least." He chuckles.

"Yeah..." I sigh in relief.

"Did you by any chance see Tony?" He asks and I shake my head. At that moment, I feel a hand on my shoulder.

"You guys are really loud. Let's get out of here." Mr. Stark says and he's not wearing his Iron Man suit anymore. "Harely, think you can get away from your class?"

"Yeah, I'll text my friend and tell him someone from my host family came to pick me up." He explains.

"But aren't they in New York City though. There's no way your teacher will believe you." Mr. Stark says and Harely is quiet for a moment.

"Then... I tell my friend to tell the teacher my host family called one of their relatives that live up here to pick me up since they wanted to make sure I was okay." Harely says and Mr. Stark looks at him for a moment before nodding and we get out of the crowd and head towards Mr. Stark's car.

I stay quiet on the way to the car, not feeling like speaking. Today's just been... a lot. Like, a lot, a lot. I can feel Mr. Stark glance at me from time to time and when we get to the car I tell Harley he can sit in the front seat while I'll sit in the back. Harely also seems to notice somethings off, and not just because we were in some kind of attack, but he stays quiet and gets into the car.

I have a strong grip on my backpack and I ignore the conversation happening in the front seat, but I do notice the concerned glances being thrown at me from time to time. My stomach doesn't hurt as much as before, so my healing is really back and kicking.

When we arrive at the hotel, we keep our heads down, so not to be noticed. We make it to the elevator and head up to the room. As we walk in, Harley takes his shoes off and plops himself on a couch in the living room, like he owns the place. Mr. Stark does the same, except he sits in one of the arm chairs. I, however, continue to stand in the hallway, fearing another step will break me. 

My head feels light and I'm tired. I fidget with the straps of my backpack before deciding to maybe just call it early and go to bed.

"Hey Mr. Stark." I call out. He hums. "I think... I'll take a nap. I'm... I'm feeling a little tired." I say, taking careful steps over to my room.

"... Alright. Get some rest. I'll wake you up for dinner, alright?" He yells back and I hurry into my room, shuting the door behind me.

I just stand by the door for a few minutes without doing anything. Then the reality of things really hits me and I slowly sit down, putting my backpack next to me and bringing my hands to my face. I try to breathe, but it just comes out harsher and harsher. I feel warm and detached from my surroundings. A warm liquid rolls down my cheeks and I can't stop it. I want it to stop.

I'm weak. I wish I was stronger and better. I wish I was like Mr. Stark. He's amazing and he's a hero and nothing ever seems to bring him down. And here I am, sitting on the floor bawling my eyes out like a disappointment. Ben would be so disappointed. May would be so ashamed to have a nephew like me. I don't deserve to have Mr. Stark as my mentor. He deserves someone so much better than me.

Mr. Stark deserves someone as good as Harley. I bet Harely just took pity on me and Mr. Stark wants to be nice so he's forcing Harley to socialize with me, which I totally understand why he would do that. I know everyone hates me. I know that. And that's okay.
Because I hate me too.

No. Stop. Stop thinking negative. You're just making things worse. They do want to be with you but you're just pushing them away.

Exactly. And they would realize how good life actually would be if worthless Peter Parker wasn't bothering them all the fucking time. It doesn't matter what I do... I'm just...

I'm a bad person. I'm selfish, I'm rude, I'm weak, I'm... I... I don't deserve anyone...


I carefully stand up and wobble my way over to the bed. I don't care if I'm still in my suit and clothes. I just... I'm probably just tired. I get under the comfy covers and keep my eyes fixated on the ceiling.

"God Peter. Stop feeling bad for yourself." I mumble before closing my eyes.




I'm sorry for how depressing it became in the end, or, I mean, kinda throughout the chapter. I'll just say that writing Peter's panic attack just kinda became personal and if you're a little confused about it. He's talking (thinking in his head) to himself when both doubting himself and trying to think positive.

Btw, did you hear that Steve Cash, the creator for the "Talking Kitty" series is dead. Apparently, he comitted suicide and it's just so sad that so many people in the world are dying.

Rest In Peace Steve Cash. You were amazing and your "Talking Kitty" series was my childhood.

Again, if you're suicidal, Please, Please seek help. Quarantine can be really tough for some people, especially when you're depressed. even if a person normally was alone before, now that they're more alone, it can be more dangerous since it can feel like no one is really there.

I know I'm kinda going on a tangent, but it's something serious that we need to acknowledge in this rough time.

But, to end this on a more positive note.

I suck at writing fight scenes, so I'm sorry you had to read through that confusing mess.

That's All For Now Folks!

G'night, G'day and G'morning!


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