Gotta Be You - Zarry

By penguini88

312K 7.4K 2.3K

Harry Styles is one of the most popular guys at school, and also the school slut. He has a tough reputation t... More

Chapter 1 - The Project
Chapter 2 - Downpour
Chapter 3 - Checking Up
Chapter 4 - Guilt
Chapter 5 - Confusion
Chapter 6 - Unfocused
Chapter 7 - You are?
Chapter 8 - Work and Play
Chapter 9 - Best Friends and Betrayal
Chapter 10 - Goals
Chapter 11 - Janitor's Closet
Chapter 12 - Plans
Chapter 14 - Truly Madly Deeply
Chapter 15 - Anywhere is
Epilogue 1/2 Zarry Puppy
Epilogue 2/2 Zarry Wedding

Chapter 13 - Your Song

13.9K 416 176
By penguini88


*Harry’s POV*

I entered the school building and headed towards the cafeteria. I had called Louis before and he had explained to me that Niall and him had gotten most of the ‘stage’ set up. As I entered through the big doors of the lunchroom I saw the brunette and blond standing at the back smiling like idiots.

“Come on! We have half a class left until lunch begins!” I bellowed out. Our school wasn’t the best on security and monitoring if we were in class. It was probably because we had so many students and most teachers didn’t even bother to check if you were there except for homeroom classes.

Niall and Louis scrambled to pick up cords lying on the ground. I sighed, stress setting in as I realized what I was about to do and how little time I had to prepare. As they picked up the papers I saw Louis’s hand niall something and their eyes met for a second, only a second before a blush covered both of their faces. They both looked away and niall had already turned that tomato red shade around his face. Ah, they are going to be a really cute couple... Harry, you need to be thinking about Zayn and you. Well, if there is going to be a Zayn and you...

I smiled down at the lyric sheets in my hand. This song was special. I knew this song well, hell, who didn’t? If they didn’t know it when Elton John sang it they sure knew it now. A few months ago some teen boy-band sang this on the x-factor and now they’re some world wide pop stars. They were called ‘Niall and the potatoes’ or something... it included Wayne, Kyle, Hughey, Ian, and Barry. I only know this because Gemma is a huge fan of them. Plus, that Barry guy looks oddly similar to me... I mean at least the hair does.

I looked up from the papers and grinned as I heard Niall and Louis laughing. Louis had ruffled his hair up in a weird fashion. He then began to smooth it out and their laughter faded.

“So the people will come in and get food...” Niall whimpered at the thought of missing his lunch for once before continuing, “and then Lou is gonna settle them down if needed and then you get started, right?”

“I got my megaphone!” Louis squealed happily.

“Lou, why do you need a megaphone? Everyone usually shuts up when you start speaking!” I reasoned.

“FOR EFFECT!!” he said waving around the massive megaphone like it was a ribbon he won at the county fair.

Niall burst out laughing as I tried to suppress a chuckle. I needed to be serious about this  and having these two around wasn’t helping. Though, it did ease my nerves a bit to just laugh a little. I ran a hand through my hair and tried to see if there was anything else that needed to be setup before the bells rang.

“Harry maybe I can multitask! If Louis stands here and feeds me a burger while I sit here and you sta-”

“Niall, it’s not going to work. I promise Louis will take you out to a buffet at Nando’s afterwards.”

He cheered at the thought and Louis smiled at his childishness. I pulled a chair from a nearby table and situated it in the middle of our little ‘stage’ area. I took a couple steps back to see if it looked good and groaned. I was a perfectionist and it didn’t ease up when I was nervous and pressed for time.

The chimes of the bell made my heart beat quicken. I could just end this all now and save it for another day. Or save it for the end of the year or something.

“It’s show time lads!” Niall exclaimed, energetic about all of this while I was exactly the opposite.

My blood began to run cold as I saw kids entering the room. Their curious murmurs as to our setup echoed around the room. Some people began filing towards the back and I began to fumble with my hands as their gazes landed on me. I was used to being the center of attention, but usually everyone was expecting me to talk about the girls I slept with or make a witty comment. Not anything like what I was about to say. I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up to see Louis.

“Relax, and remember it gets better,” he whispered in my ear. I took a deep breath and counting to ten before signaling to him to do a quick check over everything. He nodded and began.





“Suits on?”

“Liam changed into his last period in study hall so check.”

“Table steadied by pole?”

Niall looked down to make sure it was still there, “check.”

“Nandos for niall during break?”

“I texted Liam a couple minutes ago and he said he placed a takeout order last period so half check. Bloody hell, he says I owe him 30 pounds for this and all the other times I made him get us orders” I cried checking the latest text I received.

“YAY!” Oh that little leprechaun.

“distraction to make zayn late?”

“I got Mr. Manelonna to talk to him since I’m still holding the whole ‘I found your porn magazine in my desk’ thing over him” Niall chuckled.

“Wait, didn’t you already hold that over him for your last test grade?” Louis laughed.

“Shhh” Niall said walking over toward the doors

“Wait, but I thought that was yours?” I questioned. Niall’s face burned as Louis’s turned from one of confusion to shock.

“YOU READ IT!“ Louis accused.

“Maybe... AND DIDN’T I SAY SHHHHHH!!!!” Niall yelled since people were now surrounding us, puzzled as to why we were wearing suits. Niall muttered something to low for me to hear as he walked out, but I looked over to see Louis had caught the words and looked a mix of surprised and hopeful. I gave him a questioning look and he just smirked at me.

*Louis’s POV*

I felt my jaw drop as Niall muttered, “It’s not like it was even that interesting... just full of naked women.” I looked over to see Harry hadn’t heard what he said and I quickly returned his questioning look with a smirk. So did this mean Niall was gay? Or maybe he just wasn’t into playboy... a magazine filled with naked woman that any straight man would drool over and never use the words ‘not’ and ‘interesting’ together to describe it. Yea... he sure is straight, note the sarcasm. Maybe I had a chance? Or was I just reading into things too much?

I sighed and turned the megaphone on.

“Listen up lads if you have anything to say in the next ten minutes... DON’T. Harry has a few things to say and then you can resume back to your normal dull boring routines,” I said through the microphone piece. I scanned the crowd and saw Niall run in waving his arms signalling Zayn was coming.

I smiled and picked up an active microphone and handed it over to Harry. He cleared his throat and frantically spoke into it, “Ok here’s what I need you guys to do...”

*Zayn’s POV*

Well that was odd. First off my teacher pulled me into his room and started talking to me about stuff. Like STUFF stuff. I just got “the talk” from a teacher I have to see for the rest of my highschool days. Lovely, this oughta make for a great and totally non-awkward class period for the next 6 months.

When he finally let me go he just had to put the icing on the cake by asking me about my virginity status. I had to answer or he wouldn’t let me go! It’s not like the answer was bad but he then continued on to tell me... nevermind. I wonder if I should report him... am I even able to report him for something like that?

I groaned and searched my pockets for any cash. I just want to get my lunch and then go to the library away from everyone. I wheedled through the empty hallways. He held me for quite some time, everyone else was already gone. Or I guess everyone just heads straight to lunch and doesn’t dawdle.

I pushed open the cold metal doors and saw a huge swarm of people at the back. What the... everyone was hushed but there were still a few whispers going around. My gaze soon landed on the blond, Niall, sitting on top of a table tuning a guitar. To his right was Louis staring at him while holding a megaphone. And in the center of everything was none other than the one and only... Harry Styles. All three of them were wearing suits and Harry clutched a microphone.

He looked absolutely stunning that I almost didn’t notice that he was speaking, or that I had somehow made my way over to the back of the crowd. His rich slow voice vibrated through the speakers set on each side of the table he stood on.

“Things have got to change and I want them to change now. I want to see that I didn’t just stand up here on a table, in front of the entire grade, to have my words mean nothing to all of you. That my words had left no one with a change of mind or heart.” He took a deep breath and looked over the ever growing crowd.

 “Has anyone realized that Zayn Malik, or I guess as you guys know him ‘the art nerd’ has never given anyone a reason to bully him?”

I froze. The whispering increased and grew a bit louder. I heard my name being tossed around the room tagged along with some other nasty comments. My blood ran cold and I began yearning to escape, but the people entering just packed me further into the crowd with no exit.

“Because that is what you guys are doing to him. There is no way to sugar coat it, it’s bullying. And it’s not just one person it’s everyone,” he took a shaky breath and closed his eyes, “ including me.”

Murmurs and cries of outrage erupted throughout the room. It looked as if people were going to get violent and I began wishing I had just packed my lunch this morning. Louis quieted them without having to use the megaphone.

I stood speechless, dumbstruck, shocked. A mix of emotions flooded me. What was he doing? Oh my g-d, this morning... I didn’t know he would actually go through. I felt fear take over my mind at the thought that people might turn around and single me out. Would they even listen to anything he said? Would this speech make any form of a difference? .

He opened his eyes and spoke, “but I want it to stop. Do you guys even know why you tease him or go out of your way to make him miserable? You don’t even understand why you are tormenting him, yet you do! If you took one minute to get to know him instead of that time to push him down, you would see what an amazing, deep, thoughtful, kind, gentle, sweet, caring person he is.” we locked eyes and his cheeks began to tint red remembering that everyone was still watching him. People exchanged puzzled looks since it looked like he... no. It couldn’t. Yet, he could, but I still don’t believe it.

He took a deep breath and continued answering the question that was surely on everyone’s mind, “Yes, while all you guys are calling him a faggot, it’s me who’s gay,” a couple gasps arose as people made sense of his words. He smiled at me and I realized that I had a huge grin on my face too.

“But i don’t care, you guys can call me gay, or a fag, or whatever you want, because I honestly don’t care anymore. I’m just happy now not living a lie because the truth is,” he came down from the table and started walking towards me. People moved out of the way, him still receiving the respect he always got. “I may have messed up, big time. But through it all I thought of you Zayn. You kept me going and you may never want to talk to me ever again and you don't have to, I wouldn’t blame you for it. At least need to hear me out,” he said now a few feet away from me.

My face paled as I noticed everyone's attention focused on me waiting to see my reaction to all of this. I crossed my arms and managed to steadily say, “proceed.” I waited, but was shocked

No one called out anything. No whispers or chuckles. For once everyone was listened to me and not a single word to criticize or contradict me was spoken.

He put his hand on my shoulder and kept me in place as if afraid I would run away. He  said five words I don’t think anyone in that room will ever forget, “I’m in love with you.”

My eyes widened as I saw how intense and truthful his eyes were. My mind went blank and was screeching for me to say something.

A melody soon began filling the silence and I looked at Niall to see him strumming on his guitar. Harry sighed and removed his grip on my shoulders. He sauntered back to the middle and kept eye contact with me before singing,  

 (A/N: Play song on side)

“It's a little bit funny

This feeling inside

I'm not one of those who can easily hide

I don't have much money

But boy if I did

I'd buy a big house where

We both could live”

His voice was amazing. I wanted to tape this and put it on repeat just to hear his voice. It was deep and smooth and he sang every word with such passion and meaning. I couldn’t tear my eyes away from his. They were full of so much hope and lit up when he sang each note.

“So excuse me forgetting

But these things I do

See I've forgotten if

They're green or they're blue

Anyway the thing is

What I really mean

Your's are the sweetest eyes I've ever seen”

I had no idea what I should be doing as he sang. I just stood still listening to every note as if my life depended on it. If I had any doubt about Harry before it was disappearing.

“And you can tell everybody,

This is your song

It may be quite simple but

Now that it's done

I hope you don't mind, I hope you don't mind

That I put down in words

How wonderful life is now you're in the world”

I had no clue this boy could sing like this. He was practically an angel singing right before me. He looked stunning and he sounded stunning. He’s trying, he’s trying to make everything better and he’s genuine about all of this. Forgiving no longer sounded like such a foreign idea to me.

“If I was a sculptor

But then again no

Or girl who makes potions in a traveling show

I know it's not much but

It's the best I can do

My gift is my song and

This one's for you”

Realization hit me, this was one of Harry and I’s favorite songs when we used to be friends. Harry’s mum was going through some boxes and gave him some of her old CDs. It was on an Elton John CD and we instantly fell in love with it. One of our favorite covers for it was by Ellie Goulding. I forced back the tears that were starting to brim. I can’t believe I didn’t remember this song at first.

“And you can tell everybody

This is your song

It may be quite simple but

Now that it's done

I hope you don't mind, I hope you don't mind

That I put down in words

How wonderful life is now you're in the world”

I choked back a sob as the music faded out. Everyone around me began to clap, but my attention was focused on the curly haired boy in front of me. He walked closer to me and I didn’t even know what to say. .

“Zayn, do you forgive me?” He asked. Tears ran down my face as I nodded my head not trusting my voice at all. The commotion all around disrupting the peace, but it felt as if it was just me and Harry at that moment.

I finally managed to croak out, “Yes, yes Harry. I forgive you.”

He smiled a smile that showed all of his teeth.

“Well then, Zayn Malik will you do me the honor of being my boyfriend?” I froze. I had not expected that. My mind was wearing down with all these emotions. In a second,  I ran and engulfed him in a hug.

“Oh, Harry, yes! Of course!” I sobbed into his shoulder. I felt his arms wrapped around me and nothing else mattered. Not all the students cheering, not the bell signaling lunch was over or the teachers to get us all to leave.  

It was just Harry and I.

And nothing else at that moment mattered.

“Harry?” I whimpered.

He hummed in response.

“I love you too.”

 A/N: Thank you all so much for being patient! I had no power because of hurricane Sandy. I just got it back! I hope everyone is safe and healthy! This is not the last chapter, but the story is closing up. There might be one or two chapters left and then I believe I will end it. 

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