Loathed Treasure

By FreshRawRot

421K 16.3K 12.6K

Why does Jennette get all the love while Athanasia is overshadowed by her? Claude ignores his own daughter on... More

Chapter 1: Face to Face
Chapter 2: Meeting
Chapter 3: Cold-Blooded
Chapter 4: Adventure
Chapter 5: Thoughts
Chapter 6: Destiny
Chapter 7: Lady Angel
Chapter 8: Worries
Chapter 9: Undead
Chapter 10: Surging
Chapter 11: Whole
Chapter 12: Pampered
Chapter 13: Gift
Chapter 14: Emerging
Chapter 15: Rise
Chapter 17: Deceived
Chapter 18: Issues
Chapter 19: Encounter
Chapter 20: Debut
Side Story: The Maid and The Knight
Chapter 21: New Start
Chapter 22: Gone
Chapter 23: Lies
Chapter 24: Redemption
Chapter 25: Trickster
Chapter 26: Fame
Chapter 27: Charmed
Chapter 28: Grand
Chapter 29: Obsession
Special Extra: Bidding
Chapter 30: Conflict
Chapter 31: Frick
Chapter 32: Bloom
Chapter 33: Peace
Chapter 34: Farewell
Chapter 35: Familiar
Chapter 36: Relations
Chapter 37: Entrance
Chapter 38: Recognition
Chapter 39: Misery
Chapter 40: Despair
Chapter 41: Change
Chapter 42: Retribution
Chapter 43: Journey
Chapter 44: Cleave
Chapter 45: Fin
Author's Note
New Fanfic

Chapter 16: Stalemated

8K 354 255
By FreshRawRot

~ Athanasia POV ~


"Miss..?" Lily talks through the door while I sulk in bed. "Your father is going out again... Don't you want to say goodbye?" She asked in concern.

It's only been 2 days since that time and we still haven't made up. Father would often stay in his office or go to business meetings and during those events is what I get out of the room. Mother tells me to at least talk and works it out but we're too... stubborn...

God this is so childish.

"It's fine. He's going to come back anyway" I got up and went to my bathroom. "Besides I gotta wash up"

Lily understood and left me alone to deal with my feelings. I go to the sink and wash my face. Then I stared at myself for a while. The spell is taking its effect already...

I rub my cheeks and go closer in the mirror. I've grown taller and my face has matured. I'm aging too fast. Sigh. So this was the price of raising the dead. My magic is mixed up too, making a mess and getting stronger at the same time. It's either I'm cursed or my magic is...

Basically, in order to get rid of this, I have to get rid of my mana or... pass it on. Ahh, I have to read more books now.

"Athanasia" I get startled by her voice. "You should've talked to him!"

I turned my back on the mirror so my mother couldn't see my face. "But he's pissed and refused to speak"

"Sigh. You only assumed that because that's the first time. He's not mad at you, he was worried." She said. "He cares about you..."

"...I know" I frowned. "It's just that... he's frightening sometimes" I admit. I'm too afraid to approach him and would avoid seeing him too. Every time I need to submit my work for the city, I would send Lily instead.

"... He may seem like that but Athanasia, please. Do talk to him, he's worried about you" She reassures me. "You're still his daughter in his eyes and heart no matter what"

"... Yes, mother" I sighed. "Can you go? I want some privacy right now.."

"Of course"

When she disappeared in the mirror, I grabbed a towel and covered it so she wouldn't see the things I do. God, I need to go outside.

*TIME SKIP* - Hours Later -

At this time, the maids should be drinking and they are already aware that I'm locked in my room. So while they drink, I decide to dress up and go out with Raven. However, this time I felt like playing outside of the mansion rather than the garden. Another place that holds memories.

"This place is more disgusting than before" I roam around the palace. "Raven!" I called out and whistled.

'Master!' Raven runs to me. 'This place is deserted!' He sniffs the air. 'But I sense another presence nearby' He wags his tail.

I rub his head. "It's probably a servant from the Garnet Palace. Don't worry too much about it" I reassured him.

I still can't believe that I snuck back in here without anyone's knowledge. Raven and I teleported back to the Ruby Palace since we did meet there for the first time...

I lift my head up and let my eyes explore the area then it stops on a tall tower. "The wizard tower" I mumbled to myself. That's where I met father...

I shake my head and smile at Raven who was very looking around for any threats. He kept his guard up as he continued to search for the threat. 'Master! There!' He points his nose in the direction of the Garnet Palace.

Ah, so it really is someone from the Garnet Palace. Then I get goosebumps all over my body as I feel a tingle in my spine.

"Your Majesty, we should..." I heard a voice from afar thanks to my enhanced senses.

Crap! They're walking again??

"Raven, let's play in the field near the wizard tower!" I suggested and he jumps up all excited with his tongue out.



"Phew. Ok... Raven" I pat myself to confirm that I'm still not too old.

'Master, you have gotten bigger and prettier!' Raven licks my face as I try to get him off.

"Stop flattering me!~" I giggled and played with him.

Still, I had troubling thoughts haunting me. If I'm right, each day is like a year for me. Which means I have about 90 days to live until I find a solution. I need to get rid of my mana quickly... My lifespan is limited...

Then Raven stops and goes into his attacking position with his ears all the way up. 'An intruder!'

Shoot, are there wizards here? I thought this tower is stranded too but I guess not. "Sigh. Raven no need to be like that. We're the intruders here" I pat his head and calm him. "We should go..."

He sniffs and looks at me. 'May I go in there to mark my territory?'

I gave him a weird face and allowed him to. "Sure... but alert me if you get in trouble"

'Ok!' Raven goes into the forest and I lay down on the ground while looking up at the sky.

Then a minute later, I sat up and picked flowers. Raven sure is taking long just marking his territory... I began making a flower crown. "I wonder how big father's head is" I murmured to myself.

*TIME SKIP* - Minutes Later -

I finished the flower crown and looked at the forest where Raven went into but never came out. "Raven?" I whistled to get him out.

He didn't and I got concerned. I stood up and dropped the flower crown as I kept my eyes on the mysterious forest. He's probably lost so I should check on him.

"Silly wolf" I reassured myself that he's not in danger because he's trained to fight and even use magic. So he should be able to take care of some people unless... they're... "oh no"

An image of Raven dying appeared in my mind which was enough to trigger my senses. I used a spell to trace and locate Raven as I ran through the forest. But my magic traced him someplace far from here. It was in the field of the Ruby Palace. "How did Raven even get there??" I questioned.

I teleported to where my magic tells me to be in but the curse takes effect and forces me to appear in the sky. "Argh!" My magic fights against me and harms my body as I fall down.

Considering how I could see all the palaces from this distance, I'll probably die. Ow! My magic goes crazy as many small lightning bolts electrocute my skin while falling to the ground. Is this how I'm going to die? By falling to my death to the place where I was raised in?

I took a deep breath and engaged all my muscles in my body as I thought about my last words.


*Meanwhile* ~ Unknown POV ~

"Wow, you're a feisty one" I laugh in amusement at the growling holy beast. "I can't wait for you to be a part of me" I teased it and he barks at me.

So annoying. This pathetic little thing better be worth-it considering it managed to deflect my magic and hit me. I can't believe I'm fighting this thing.

"GROWL" It lashes at me and I reacted too slow. It bites my arm with its jaw and I rip his head off me and throw his body to the side.

I look at the bite mark on my arm and the wound begins to bleed. "Now I'm mad," I glared at the thing. "I was going to give you a merciful death but now you'll die a painful one" I threaten it as I heal my injury.

As I took a step forward as we kept on eyes on each other with a thirst for murder. Our fight is interrupted by an echo... No, a scream... from above?

I lifted my chin and looked at the sky. "What the fuck is that?" I asked as I saw a weird shape thing come falling down above my head.

"Woof!" The thing barks and wags his tail while looking up.

Sheesh, I should move out of the way before it falls on me. I walk forward and suddenly the dog runs to me and even jumps on my chest. It bites my hair as the paws hit my face and neck. I can't be losing to this fucking stupid thing!

"Get off of me!" I kicked it in the stomach and it went flying to the ground as its body got dragged through the dirt. I tiredly got up on my feet and glared at it as it struggled to get back up. "I told y-"

"WAHHHHHHHHHHH!" A high-pitched shriek disturbs me and is so loud that my ears hurt from it.

I looked up and saw a lady with wavy blonde hair and deep blue jewel eyes right above me. She was so close to my face that I got surprised by the fact she was crashing down on me fast. "What t-"


~ Athanasia POV ~

Oh god... I seriously landed on someone! I got off of the person and he/she was laying on their back with their chin up. Gah! Did I kill that person? "... Hello?"

The person does not respond nor move. I nervously grab the person's wrist and check the pulse... "Sigh. Thank god" They're still alive. They're just unconscious.

I slowly scoot away from the body while keeping my eyes on it. The person looks like a woman judging by the hair and pretty face... but her chest felt too flat. Gahh! Who am I to judge a woman's breast size?? Other than that, she looks beautiful and handsome at the same time!! Even that beauty mark adds more shine to the face! 

Thankfully, she broke my fall and sacrificed her body for me to live. I am forever grateful for it. However, the strange part is... I didn't break a single bone nor is there a scrape on my skin. Though I do feel pain from the impact.

'M-Master...' I heard Raven's voice and turned to his direction.

"Raven...!" I huffed harshly and ran to him.

He was laying on the ground with a trail of dirt following his body. His fur was messed up and I saw a few bruises on him due to my magical vision. Blood begins to drip out of his mouth and he starts coughing!

I go comfort him and hug his head. "It's ok. I'll bring you home and we'll get you to heal up!" I reassured him as he looked at me with droopy eyes.

I place his head on my thighs and his tongue sticks out as he breathes hard. My heart throbs in pain just looking at him in this state. "Who did this?" I asked as I grit my teeth in anger.

'Master!' He becomes alarmed that he sits up and bares his fangs.

"What are you doing?! Can't you see you're hurt?!" I got up on one knee and questioned his sudden behavior.

His eyes were no longer the cutesy and innocent ones that he would greet with every single day. Instead, there was fire and fury that he growls harshly at the person. I didn't know how to react... I was disturbed to see this side of him yet I'm not shocked.

'Master! Stay behind me! I'll protect you!'

"Ahhh. What little shit did you just pull, bitch?" I heard a cruel and male voice say.

I slowly turned my head to the person and it was the lady that I fell on... or a man. Whatever the gender doesn't matter because all I felt was anger. I wanted to hurt someone for some reason.

"Did you do this to him?" I asked as I stood up with a glare.

He shrugs and rolls his eyes. "So what if I did? That beast is my meal now." He gives me an emotionless face. "Don't interfere or else" He threatens me.

'Master... Run! I'll take care of him!' Raven tried to take off his collar with his paw but I stopped him.

I softly rub his head and whispers in his ear. "Go back and heal. That's an order from your master"

He tilts his head in confusion at him and shakes his head in refusal. 'I can never leave you with that man! He's dangerous!'

"It's ok..." I step backward with a sad smile. "Goodbye!~" I said with my palm facing him.

'Master!' He runs to me and tries to bite my hand but the moment he opens his mouth. He disappeared from my sight.


I'll avenge you, Raven.

"Hey! That was my meal after my nap!" The person appears in front of me. "How dare you do that?" He scowls at me.

I stared directly into his red eyes that were glowing up fiercely. His long black hair was floating slowly up as the atmosphere became blue. I felt pressure on my shoulder and my lungs began feeling heavy yet I kept a stone face.

"Heh. I should be asking that since I'm his owner" I scowl back at him. "How dare you touch my beast?" I grip my fist hard and scan him.

"Oh, so you're the owner? Well I guess you're going to replace him so I can replenish my mana"

Mana? This guy's mana should be low because he just fought with Raven but I don't know how strong he is. Not to mention, he also trespassed in the palace without worrying so I can't be too reckless for now. My magic is also crazy too so it might not cooperate with me for some time.

"Well, you'll have to kill me first or at least try to" I felt my magic swirling around as my jewel eyes reflected in his red eyes.

"Don't act so cocky. I don't care if you're part of the royal family" He smirks at me.

I revived someone, I might as well kill in the same week.

A ball of fire forms in his hand and he hurls it towards me. I teleported behind him and kicked his back hard so that he stumbled forward and fell on the ground again. Damn! If I didn't have this curse, I would've electrocuted his nerve and knocked him out. Gahhh! At this point, I can only exhaust his mana and then we can go physical with our fists.

I looked at my hand and an idea came into mind. Wait a minute...

"Shit" He groans as he gets up from the ground.

"Pff." I cover my mouth in mockery at him. "You're weak and pathetic" I insult him so he'll get pissed at me.

He gave me a frightful and ferocious face that made my spine shiver. Oh crap, I have done it! "You know I can destroy this entire empire with a snap of my fingers," He said. "Don't you dare laugh at me" He scorns at me.

"... You think I care about that right now?" I give him a dirty look. "I only want to punish you for touching my beast," I said.

He rolls his eyes and clicks his tongue at me. "Whatever, I just want to get this over with" He summons another attack at me.

I evaded the attack with my arms covering my face as I jumped to the side. I'm definitely not prepared for this. His expression changed instantly from anger to a frown then summons multiple magic arrows running towards me. I get my sword out and block the ones that are aiming my body.

"... Ha. I see you can't use your magic" He smirks.

"... Not really." I said with a contemptuous smile. "I just want to see the look on your face when you realized you got defeated physically!~" I wink and finger-gun him.

He becomes puzzled by my sudden action and stares blankly at me. Ah. Was that a little flirty? He probably thinks I'm into him or something. OH MY GOD!

I cast a lightning spell and struck it at him. He reacts too slowly and clumsily blocks my attack with his arm that made him fly back. After that, I teleported out of the field and went to the wizard tower.

"This is too serious!" I muttered as I grabbed books and threw them out of the shelf. He's strong so I can't defeat him like this!

"Plan B! Plan B!" I go to my back up plan. "B Plan! B Plan! Blan P! Blan P!"

~ 3rd POV ~

"Shit" He gets up from the ground and traces her from afar. "You think you can escape?" He grits his teeth and teleports outside the tower.

"I sense you in there!" He yelled out and prepared to demolish the tower. He flies up in the air and goes toward the open window.

Then suddenly a blast from the side above came crashing down on him but he blocked it with his arms covering his eyes.


"What the?" He said as he let his arms down.

"Surprise," She said up close as she attacked him in the chest.


She pushes him down and drags him across the ground and through the forest. "It's best we don't attract much attention from the monarchs" She sits on his stomach while pinning him down.

"You're finally using magic" He cast a fire spell that was aimed at her face but she dodged it and flew back. "It's been a long time since I ever had a battle like this" He gets up.

She puts on a straight face that shows no emotion, not even anger. He becomes perplexed by her expression and continues talking. "You're weird"

"Said the one who wants to 'eat' my mana" She bluntly said. "But you should be embarrassed right now. This is my first battle"

"... First battle?" He hurls ice spikes at her and she melts them with a fire spell. "You're very interesting. It's too bad that I'll have to kill you"

"If you can..." they walk around in a circle. She stays wary of his next move as he taunts her.

"Well, we should at least know each other" He shrugs his shoulders with an evil grin. She stayed silent and stared at him blankly. "What's your name?"

"... My name?" She becomes confused and shakes her head. "... No"

He snickers at her response and mocks her. "Harsh but I did try to consume your beast"

"I guess I shouldn't be too rude" She sighs. "What's yours?"

"The name's Lucas" He snaps his fingers

*TIME SKIP* - 10 Minutes Later - ~ Lucas POV ~


I punched her in the stomach and she went crashing down onto the ground like a meteor. I fly down as I shake my fist off and land softly. "You're weak. Give it up" I said.

Though, I must admit she's strong but not as strong as me. The only reason why it took so long to defeat her is that I woke up from a nap and fought a magical beast before. I also need her mana to replenish mine.

She sat up and I looked at her in surprise. This girl is very ambitious and tough because I only bruise her somehow...

However, she struggled to get up on her feet and I pitied her for that. So I went in front of her and I offered my arm for her to hold on before her death.

"Dude. You're dead already" She looks at me expressionlessly while trying to balance her body. "How can you still have that face even when you lost?" I questioned her. I can't tell if she's strong or crazy anymore.

"I..." She lays her head against my chest and wraps her arms around me.

"Flirting with me won't mean that you'll live" I warn as I hug her back. "Whatever, this is the least I can do for an admirer"

"... I'm not allowed to have emotions" She mumbled. What is she talking about? "Because master is the one who decides for us"

"What?" I tried to pull away from her but she tightened her grip around me. "What do you think you're doing?!"

"... Dragging you down with me for her to soar" I felt something heating up on my stomach and I look down.

What the hell?? She's suiciding?? Oh fuck Nah! I didn't wake up for this!

I cast a force that should push her off me but she kept her grip! Dammit! I need to think!

I glanced at her shoulder and a plan popped in my head. I cast an attack spell that would send blades to her arm and so it sliced her arm which gave me an opportunity to push her away. However, when the arm fell down from the shoulder, I couldn't proceed any further but stared at it in shock.

There was no blood.

Which means... "I fell into a trap"

I turned my head back to the girl or her clone and knee it in the stomach. "I can't feel pain" She whispered as the ball of energy on her chest grows. "Goodbye"

"Shit!" I jumped back but it was too late and the ball exploded.


~ Athanasia POV ~


I heard a loud explosion outside the wizard tower. Then a thought instantly came into mind. "He already killed my clone?" I used my magic to trace her being within this world and yep. I can't find her...

I closed my book and looked out the window. Sigh. I should bargain with him now...

During the rest of the battle, I sheltered inside the wizard tower and began reading books about magic so that I can come up with a proposal that will let us come to an agreement. It's a good thing that I did because only ONE solution came into my head but it won't guarantee that I'll actually live. Plus I gave most of my mana to my clone to fight with along with the storage ring that had some magic in it. Right now I'm powerless and only have my brain to work with.

"Sigh." I walk downstairs and not caring about getting caught by other wizards. Well, I actually stole some wizard clothes and put it on with the hood so it'll hide my face. As I continue my way to the bottom, I would pass by some wizards that talked about the loud ruckus they heard outside but they weren't allowed to check it and simply just forget about it. This tower is really... isolated...

"Where do you think you're going?" I heard an old and strict voice asked from behind my back as I reached the bottom floor.

I pretend to not hear him and go toward the door. So close!!! "Stop!" I get startled and obeyed automatically. "You're not allowed to go out for now!"

"Ermm. I need to... eat" I respond with a deep voice as I pull my hoodie down to cover my face more with one hand and hug my book with the other.

"Who are you? Identify yourself!"

I heard him coming close to me and I looked at the doorknob. "I'm...." I heard him stop and felt him right behind my back. "Leaving!" I panicked and teleported out of the place with the last of my mana.


Gahh! I only barely moved from the tower! I was right outside the door!! I have to make a run for it! To the woods!

I ran straight into the forest without thinking and never looked back as I listened to the old wizard shouting and even using magic to stop me! Vines appeared from the tree and they aim for my body but I dodge them quickly as I dash forward. "I don't have time for this!" I cried as I slowed down to catch my breath.

Phew. I am so out of breath...

Then roots from the ground creep up and trail to me. I let out a wail in exhaustion and climbed up the tree. I do a loud whistle to attract the animals and they come to help me. "Thank you, mother nature" I clapped my hands together and thanked her in my head.

The animals would eat the roots and birds like hawks or eagles would chop up the vines on the branches with their claws then it would fall down to the herbivores. While they do that, I open the book and continue reading where I left off. I relaxed and laid on the branch that was big enough to support my weight and comfortable too.

The squirrels offered me food but I rejected them politely and told them they can do their thing. As I read, the wizards came and searched for me, they really don't like mischievous wizards huh?

I ripped a portion of my wizard clothes and gave it to the hawk. It grabs the rag with its claw and I make eye-contact with it. "Lure them away and make sure nobody comes here" I commanded.

'Yes,' the hawk said and flew off, guiding the group away from me. I continue to rip the clothes up and give them to each animal so they'll think I'm officially gone or whatever. I just don't want them on my tail again.

Then a few minutes passed while reading my book and I found an interesting fact. Hmmm, maybe I can use this spell on him. I thought about it but then my alone time got interrupted by another presence. I sensed him from the side a bit behind and what gave him away was his loud breathing.

"I see you finished the fight. How was it?" I closed my book and turned to take a look at him. "Woah!" My jaw dropped at the sight of him all beat-up. I was shocked to see the damage my clone did to him. His clothes were burned and ripped up and his hair was messy. He had bruises and cuts on him too.

"Don't laugh at me!" He groans in pain and slumps down on the branch next to me.

"... I didn't know she would hurt you that much" I thought he's stronger than that. "But you won anyway right?"

"Seriously?" He gives me a weird look. "You're going to say that when I'm trying to kill you"

"Well, you're not in the right condition to do that now" I stood up and dust myself off. "Do you need some help?"

He looks at me in disbelief and becomes speechless. "... You're suicidal?"

My blood pressure increased as a vein popped in my head. "No. With your wounds" I slam my book close. "I know how to treat them," I said.

"Why are you being nice to your murderer?" He asked. "Are you a masochist or bipolar?"

"Shut up and take my offer already," I said as I grip my fist in fury. Dude, I want to live!

"You're going to kill me anyway! Or at least try to..." He exclaims. "Why would you help your enemy?"


I felt my magic surging out of control again and thunderbolts wrapped around me as they electrocuted me. "Argh!" I cry in pain.

"What's wrong?" He ties up his hair even though he was bleeding.

"... Nothing" the magic dies down and stops hurting me. Damn, that was short "I'm still an amateur in magic," I walked over to him and leaned over his face. "But that doesn't mean I can't kill" I threatened him.

"I don't care," He said. "Scaring me isn't going to do anything nor flirting either" He brushes off his hair and avoids my gaze.

"That's it" I smiled angrily. "I'm going to force you whether you like it or not"

"Force wha-"

I kicked him off of the tree and he fell down on his butt. I looked from above with a smug face as he cursed at me and even looked at me with contempt but I brushed it off.

"How dare you kick me, you mere peasant! I can destroy t-"

"Yeah, yeah. A slap of a butt or whatever that shit is" I finished his sentence and he glares at me more furiously. I return it with a scowl and jump off the tree. I landed on my feet and looked at him with an evil grin.

"You're vulnerable" I grab his collar and drag him with me. His face becomes pale and blue as he twitches in fear.

"I refused to be harassed by you!" He gets up and pulls away from me.


I hit him in the head and gave him death stares. "I'm treating your wounds, goddamn! Stop being stubborn and let's go to the river already!" I breathe fire at him and he becomes dumbfound. "Sigh. I want to bargain with you" I decided to tell him the truth earlier.

"Bargain? Don't mock me, I'm not doing it"


I hit him in the head again with my fist and he rubs the pain while giving me the dirty look. I kept a smile and an innocent face. "Just listen to what I have to say and then state your opinion,"


"I wasn't asking!"

*TIME SKIP* - 30 Minutes Later - 

In the end, we went to the river where I treated his wound as he complained to me about my strange behavior but I ignored him. I would peek at him every once in a while and examine his pretty-boy face. With that hair and that beauty mark, I didn't think he was a man at first... I should've known when I didn't feel any boobs on him. Gah! What the hell am I thinking??

I shake the thought out of my head. I can't be perverted!


"Ow! Be careful when wrapping my injuries!" He slaps my hand off and pulls his arm back. "I didn't even ask to be treated!! I can heal this with magic!"

I rolled my eyes at him and heavily sighed. "Don't you think you're relying on magic a bit too much?" I asked him.

Judging by his attitude and skills, he's not your typical wizard. From what I read, if you have very powerful and strong magic, then you'll appear younger than your age. Sigh. I guess father is going to live with his handsome face forever huh? Anyway, this man could be 30 or 50 for god sake so I need to be cautious around him. But I also look old for my age...

"You won't understand even if I explain it to your tiny brain" He avoids answering me.

"Wow, you're like a grumpy old man" I wheezed. "Who are you? I definitely know that you're not normal at all considering how you would kill me knowing that I'm a royal" I said.

"Ugh. How long had it been?" He ignores my question. "Whatever, you should run off to your father, Kylium or maybe Ternithas."

I wheezed again at him in disbelief with a gloomy face. Why does he act like those dead emperors are still ruling? Is he schizophrenic? "What year do you think it is?" I asked.

"..." He gives me a soleum face that obviously says 'how should I know that?' 

I frowned in tiredness at him. 

"... How long did you think you slept for?"

"Only about 50 years," He said. "It was when Ternithas was still a crown prince why?"

....................... This man...

"... it's been 200 years" I told him the truth and he widened his eyes in shock. "... Yeah, I don't blame you because I would do the same if I can live that long"

"You're not shocked by the fact I'm way older than you think?" He asked.

"I'm still stunned by the fact you're a man and not a woman with that face" I sighed heavily.

"A woman?" He sneers at me. "Is that a joke?"

"Sadly, no. I wish it was" I shake my head as that memory haunts me. "Anyway, I decided that I'll give you my mana" I stated.

He stares at me blankly and becomes speechless by my proposal. "Seriously? Just like that?"

"What? It's not like you're a bad person but you're also not good either" I open my book and stop at a specific page. "While my clone was stalling you..."

"Stalling? It was stalling me? Your clone intended to kill me!" He yells at me but I kept a stone face.

"Ok kill, stall. Whatever!" I show the page to him. "There's this one spell that transfers mana between two magicians and besides I want to keep my life" I exclaimed.

"... So you'll give me your mana in exchange for your life, is that it?" He squinted his eyes and stared at me suspiciously.

"If you agree, then yes" I play it safe. "Do we have a deal?"

"... you better not pull any trick"

"I won't if you don't"

"Then we have a deal" He gets up and dust himself off. That was quick...

I stood up next to him and told him to meet at the river at the same time tomorrow when I recover all my mana. He gives me an attitude and disrespects me but I tried my best to ignore it.

"By the way..." He holds me back before I can even teleport out of here. "What's your name?" He asked me with a stern face.

"... I rather not say" I respond emotionlessly. "... What's yours?"

"Ha. Your clone said something similar.." He lets go of my hand and snaps his finger. "Remember me as Lucas" He disperses into bubbles and disappears from my sight.

I stood still and dazed in wonderment at what had happened to him. Father did the same thing when I was a little girl...

*TIME SKIP* - Hours Later -

"Raven, you may have healed but why didn't you go to the maids?" I asked as I cast healing spells over his wound.

'Sorry, master but they'll alert your father and you'll get in even more trouble with him' He licks my face and I pat his head. 'I'm sorry I couldn't come back to you'

"It's fine. I already dealt with him" Raven's ears perk up and he asked me what I meant. "... I bargained with him but don't worry too much about it" I tried to reassure Raven but instead he growls in disappointment at me.

'Master, he's not your average wizard though!' He whimpers all of a sudden. His mood changes really fast... 'Don't risk it!'

"It's fine. I'll be ok once it's all over"

And besides, I kinda played him dirty since I do have one trick up my sleeve. 

End Of Chapter 16 

Bonus Story: ~ 3rd POV ~

"So... Claude is emperor now?" Penelope sips her tea with her sister in silence and begins feeling regret after hearing such information.

"Yes, and there are also rumors that he had a daughter with a concubine but she's never acknowledged by him." Countess Rosalia said. "Hence she officially became known as the 'Forgotten Princess' though she is the first princess. Which means she's a threat"

Penelope grip onto his teacup's handle hard and scowl while keeping her head down. Angered by the thought that the man she was supposed to marry in the first place became emperor of the empire. If she had just bear with Claude and not seduced Anastacius, then she would've lived a luxurious life as the Empress. But it's too late and so she had to come up with another solution.

"... Where is my daughter?"



Duke Roger hears a knock on the office door. "Who dares disturbs me during work?" He complains and groans in frustration. "Come in!"

The door opens to reveal Rosalia with an evil happy face that was unusual because she always keeps a straight and boring face. "How are you?"

"Rosalia, what's so important that caused you to come to my household uninvited?" He asked in a stern and displeased tone that his cousin came to him out of nowhere.

"I want to see how my soon-to-be crown princess niece is doing" She sits on the couch and relaxes while Duke Roger becomes tired of her visit already.

"She's fine!" He exclaimed. "You're the one who gave her to me!"

"And you didn't reject it" She smirks. "Don't forget we both aim for the same thing..." She said. "Well the three of us are..."

He looks at her in confusion with an angry face. "Three?" He questioned her and asked what she meant.

"You can go check the main hall. The third person is there" She smiled at him and a roll of sweat slid down the side of his face.

He didn't know how to react to her properly. He had mixed feelings and thoughts rambling around in his head. Should he be angry that she got a third party who also wants to benefit from Jennette? Or should he be satisfied that they have more allies? Nevertheless, he had to check on the person.

He immediately went out of the door and straight to the main hall where the special guest was waiting in. As he speeds through the halls, he encounters a familiar person in his way.

"Father, why are you out of your office so early?" Ijekiel asked him in curiosity.

"I have guests within the household so I have to welcome them." He said as Countess Rosalia comes up from behind.

Ijekiel properly greets the lady and faces his father again. "I see... I will be in the garden reading my book then..." He states.

"Ijekiel, I suggest you study in your room or library many times before" Duke Roger can't even tell what was going on with his son. "But I won't stop you from going... As long as you're studying then you can go"

They both go off into different directions and do their own things. When Duke Roger reached the door of the main hall, he turned back to Countess Rosalia with a stone face. "If it's a trick, I'll kick you out of my house" He threatens her.

"First you should see who it is and maybe you'll think twice about your plan"

He sighs and nervously puts his hands on the doorknobs. Then after reassuring himself that it'll just be another noble, he instantly opens the door and becomes stunned by the unexpected guest.

She gracefully turned around with a smile and stared at the shock Duke. "It's been a long time, cousin!"

He becomes speechless and steps forward with a blank mind. "... Penelope?" His eyes widened in surprise.

"Yes it is!~" She giggles. "We have a lot to catch up on!~"

*Meanwhile* ~ Ijekiel POV ~ 

I sit in the shades of the tree and lean against the wood. I took out my book and begin reading. But then my interest in the book slowly dies down as my sadness overpowers me. "It's today..." 

Today is the 6th anniversary when I met my friend who had fallen from the sky. Lady Angel. She seemed young but very smart for her age. Though I don't know her age, moreover her name at all. The moment I was going to ask her, she disappeared from my sight and then appeared again. But it was only to tell me that we couldn't see each other anymore... 

That made me very sad. The fact that I lost a friend that I liked... 

"When will you come back?" I looked up at the sky and imagine her falling down again. 

I scroll through my book and stop at a page. Then I took out a very valuable letter that was precious to me and opened it. 

Thank you for being my first friend. I will never forget you, Ijekiel! - A

I read the goodbye letter again as always on the same day each year. That's the only hint...

A. Her name starts with an A... However, even if it's been years. I will not stop searching for you, Lady Angel... Not until I find out who you are... 


AN: Yeah, I planned to make him appear later but I didn't so you're welcome. 

|Word Count: 6802| 

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