The Girls of Ever After

By HubbyBubby14

928 17 8

They're seen as the "high and mighty", as some hold the title of "most popular" or "biggest reputation". Yet... More

The Thinking Illusion
The Tension of Consequence


241 4 5
By HubbyBubby14

Chapter 3
Raven Queen

    The full moon was up tonight as the billowing wind was calm, ready to set the festive mood that blindered any definition of suspicion. Even though it was evening, the sky still insisted on wearing it's purple-orange silk dress while the moon stayed hidden in embarrassment. It was safe to say that tonight, at least for me, was something special. The odds could be in our favor for once.

    Dexter's blue eyes reflected the sky, pumped for anything that could happen. One of life's precious moments.

    The two of us just walked out of the theater, still munching on the bittersweet popcorn we bought and stealing some from each other.

    " Grab your own, Charming!" I pulled my bag away from his hands, but he still insisted on "helping" me finish.

    " Come on, you know you can't finish. You're a very slow eater."

    "Uhm, are you exposing me? Shut up!" I hit him. He had unlocked a personality of mine I didn't know I had.

    "By the time we reach that ramen place you'll still have that bag of popcorn with you!"

    " Maybe I could sneak some into my ramen..." I snarked, then spit out some popcorn crumbs in laughter.

    " Ramen with popcorn? You're being too rebellious." Dexter was able to snatch away my popcorn. At that point I turned angry.

    " Give me that back!" I jumped on him as he laughed. His face immediately changed as he halted to a stop. I stopped as well, struggling to get my popcorn though. Yet when I got my bag, he didn't react, so I turned to face the front.

    " Oh my Grimm, what happened here?" I walked forward, simultaneously throwing away the bag of popcorn in the trash. Police tape surrounded the building, in which I soon made out was a bar. Neon lights spelled out "The Wishing Well Bar" and the police cars flashing their red and blue lights only added to the decor. The two of us stayed around to see the Fairy Police take out three people out of the bar. I looked at Dexter, who looked even more worried than I. Did someone from our school get arrested?

    " Is that Faybelle?" Dexter squinted. "Do you think Briar's with her?"

    " I hope not, but probably." I bit my lip.

    The two had just come out with their arms around each other and wobbling left to right. They seemed like they were sneaking away from the scene, as if they had a part in the crime.

    After so, Dexter and I decided to head back to our dorms, we both decided that it was a very long day and it was best if we went straight to our beds. Tomorrow, the weekend would be over and Monday would be on our backs again. When we reached our dorms we both wished each other "goodnight" and waved awkwardly at each other. 

     I closed the door after entering the room, and how stupid of me, I just noticed Briar and Faybelle sitting on two chairs with their arms crossed. The second thing I noticed was Apple close to screaming. I guess I just went deaf for a second because Apple began yelling at me once I stepped foot.

    " Raven, how could you!" Apple shouted as Faybelle rolled her eyes.

    " W-Whut?" I blinked twice, a shock reaction to the sudden change in volume.

    " How could you not tell me that you saw Briar and Faybelle at the scene!" I could see the change in Apple's no longer pale skin. She was turning bloodshot red, so I took a step back. Another stupid move since now I was backed up to a wall with no where to go.

    " I didn't know I had to intervene." I calmly replied, Apple took herself aback. I figured I would make my escape by slowly walking towards my vanity. I began to take off my makeup, and feeling the cool makeup wipe on my face gave me some sort of relief from Apple's heat.

    " I can't believe I'm being held hostage by some sort of damsel. This is pathetic." Faybelle scoffed. " If the school hears this I'll be the laughing stock of the week."

    Briar looked down while Apple was still fuming out all of her anger towards me, like she usually does when something doesn't go her way. Then the princess made a comment I'd never thought I'd hear all this time in highschool.

    " Then let's do it together." I could feel Briar smirking at Faybelle. Apple turned away from me, to start her rage fest at Briar.

    " Look at you Briar!" Apple looked like she was beginning to cry. " You're a mess!"

    " I've been worse." Briar looked at Faybelle, almost lovingly. " Right Fay?"

    " Just being here is giving me a headache. We didn't even drink tonight, why are you so up our--" Faybelle snarked as Briar punched her shoulder.

    " I think you two need a break from each other for a little while, preferably until the end of our highschool careers. Just for the sake of your--"

    On cue, there was a knock on the door. I got up to get it but Apple had already raced to the door. I still walked over to find Ashlynn at the doorway, I could read her face. There was a mixture of anxiety yet irritation.

    "I'm just here to get Briar--" Ashlynn's arm was snatched by Apple's hands. There was a third chair set up just for this moment. Ashlynn was then right back down, and I could see the fear and confusion on her face. Then she turned to the two, and then understood exactly what Apple was coming up with.

    " What is wrong with you two nowadays!" Apple shouted as Ashlynn and Briar slowly turned to each other. Faybelle just sat there crossing her arms knowing nothing.

    " Hey...can I like...leave?" Faybelle rolled her wrist, which made crackling noises.

    " I'm not done with you! I'm going to teach you a lesson in culpability." Apple huffed, then turned to the other victims.

    " First off, Briar why would you go off in the middle of the night just to drink!"

    " I wasn't drinking! I was dancing! You know, having some fun!" Briar snapped, which brought her to the same eye level as Apple. Standing in front of each other caused a long silence. " Oh wait...I forgot! You don't know what that is!"

    " Life isn't all about parties and drinking, Briar! My Grimm! Will you just think for once!" Apple replied with a similar tone.

    " You know what Ashlynn, wait for me outside, I'm leaving." Briar turned to Ashlynn who widened her eyes. "I'm not sucking up to Apple anymore."

    Briar left, leaving a loud thud when she shut the door. Ashlynn stayed, though I knew she didn't want to. Ironically, Faybelle left after asking Apple if she wanted her to.

    " Look Apple..I know what--"

    " What's wrong with you Ashlynn?" Apple rubbed her temples. Ashlynn furrowed her brows, whether confused or offended. I tried to leave but Apple grabbed my arm, so I figured that I'd be comfortable so I sat on the chair next to Ashlynn's. Her sweet floral and oriental scent calmed me a bit, and it made me realize that this was more of the psychological tension between her and Apple.

    " What do you mean?" Ashlynn looked down.

    " First, you...never mind. Second, you come up with this? Why are you starving yourself for attention Ashlynn? Don't you understand that I already--"

    " Hold on," Ashlynn's anger boiled up. " You think I'm starving myself for attention? You must be on something Apple because the last time I checked, I'm looking at myself in the mirror listing all the ways I could look better. I ask myself, everyday, whether I deserve to be here. I look at other girls, whether they are my friends or not, and wonder how I can be just like them so I can at least feel like I belong..."

    " Ashlynn, a thousand times I told you this: you're beautiful." this was more rushed than heart-felt.

   Ashlynn's lips trembled as she looked back down.

    " You're being ridiculous, Ashlynn."

    Ashlynn didn't say anything, I could see a tear run down her cheek at the corner of my eye. Ashlynn then got up, quietly excusing herself, and then left the room.

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