The Tension of Consequence

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Chapter 2

Briar Beauty

   " You really packed for this huh?" Ashlynn hiccuped a laugh that ended quicker than lightning. She scurried over my suitcase ripping out any article of clothing she found. No one knows this about Ashlynn, bit she's got a vision of an eagle. Which could explain why she is so conscious of herself.

   " I mean, it was a hiking trip with Faybelle. Anything could happen." I laughed as I helped fold some of my clothes. I'm not much of a tidy person but even I know it wouldn't be fair to let Ashlynn all lone handle this mess.

    Faybelle is such a cool person now, well actually she's always been one. We've been starting to hang out a lot more lately after a cheerleading competition. We didn't win regionals, but the two of us had lots of fun. Everything else just blossomed from our love of sports.

    " You two are joined at the hip nowadays, huh?" Ashlynn commented as she took out a romper and began to fold it. I nodded quietly as I just looked out the window. Ashlynn noticed.

    " You know Briar, we're more alike than we think." Ashlynn stood up from the bed and walked over to the dorm door. I then heard the door's lock click. I turned around and saw Ashlynn right behind me with her hand on my shoulder.

    " How are you doing?" I smiled as Ashlynn darted her eyes to the floor.

     " I mean, I'm doing a bit better. Been eating more lately...I just didn't think my state of health would come to this."

    " I'm sorry." I said as I quietly placed my arm on her shoulder. She stumped a bit at my weight but quickly adapted to it by holding my arm with both of your hands. " I should've stayed. You needed me at my most and I just left you."

    " Its alright Bri," Ashlynn gave a small smile. " Our friends kept feeding me at the doorstep. I swear, I don't think I can eat another bite! Oh my Grimm! You should have seen what Hunter brought up for me! You should have seen his face, the poor guy."

     " By the looks of our fridge it looks like he brought a feast." I then recalled moment when I barged the fridge right after returning from the hiking trip. There was a bunch of the bbq vegan salad Ashlynn loved to order and our favorite caramel cheesecake. " You don't mind if I barge in?"

    " As if you haven't already." Ashlynn laughed as she returned to my bed and continued folding the clothing. " Hey, has Apple talked to you lately?"

    " She talked to me last week, when she wanted to hang out. Why?" I already knew why, but I didn't feel like leaving Ashlynn in the dark.

    " Apple's been avoiding me," Ashlynn stared at once of my shirts. " I think I might know why, but I really don't want to find out. She might give me a lecture on something."

   " Who visited you? Any of our friends?" I asked, curious for the wrong intentions as one might say. Ashlynn saw right through me, but answered as if she didn't have a clue.

   " I hung out with Raven and Cerise over the weekend, had a nice picnic. I actually invited Maddie over for some pink rose tea the day right after you left."

   " That's nice." I smiled, trying to avoid any topic regarding Apple. Then there was a knock at the door. Ashlynn perked up, looking a tad excited and slowly got up from the bed.

   " Who could that be?" I asked, hoping to Grimm that it was either one of our friends of Hunter. Which was something I never thought I would be thinking in a thousand years. Ashlynn looked back at me and shrugged innocently. She slowly tip toed, in large steps, towards the door and turned the door knob. She peeled away from the door and gave a short: "oh".

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