Everything is Blue

By toochi_poochi

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You move to England with your family and meet a strange boy on your first day of school, this boy soon turns... More



416 6 10
By toochi_poochi

Eventually Stuart entered the room with Murdoc and Russell. "Alright listen up ya bit-" Russell then proceeded to slap Murdoc across the face. "HEY DONT BLOODY HIT ME" Russell glared at him "this is specifically what I said not to do mudz. You can't just go around cussing all the damn time!" Murdoc crossed his arms in a huff "oh but YOU can swear all you want yeah?" He snaps back Russell face palms "MAYBE ITS COS IM TRYING TO COMPROMISE WITH THIS KID AND YOU AINT LETTING ME" He slaps Murdoc again and Murdoc clenches his fists "FINE WANNA FIGHT? ILL SHOW YA FIGHT FAT MAN" Russell facepalmed and punched Murdoc in the stomach violently. He fell to the ground clutching his chest as the wind was knocked out of him. Stuart snickered at this which made me smile because his laugh was so adorable. Russell smirked "I take it you really don't like mudz" he says as Murdoc was gasping for air glaring at us. "I kinda wish he would've died on impact" I say admitting how much I actually hated the man. Stuart frowned "He's not actually dat bad of person love" I rolled my eyes "he beats you Stu! That's a horrible person!" Stuart frowned more feeling bad for Murdoc and kneeling down beside him sitting him up and rubbing his back. Murdoc grumbled punching Stuart in the jaw. "DONT BLOODY TOUCH ME" he snaps making Stuart cower in fear covering his head. Murdoc stood up "as for you. I was gonna compromise and let ya stay but now I WANT YA OUT" I smirked "no can do you old stinky man I'm staying here to protect my idiot boyfriend" I snap not realizing I had insulted Stu as well. I heard him start to cry "I'm not an idiot!!" He says curling up on the floor shaking. Murdoc smirked "nice job. Ya know what ya can stay. Have fun with em" Murdoc grinned patting my shoulder and leaving the room. Russell sighed "don't worry about it kid. D is very forgiving just make sure he knows what ya said ain't true alright?" He says into my ear so Stuart couldn't hear. He walked out of the room leaving me to deal with my now sobbing uncontrollably boyfriend.

I knelt down and ran my fingers through his hair "Stuuuuu I'm so sorry baby. I was mad. I really didn't mean it" Stuart sat up and stared at me his face all blotchy and his eyes watering more and he let out little sobs and sniffles. "Yew called me an idiot!!!" He says crying more. I frowned sitting in between his legs and looking up at him gently kissing his tear stained cheek. "Baby boy... you are no where near an idiot ok? I said something I didn't mean. I truly regret it and I hate seeing you so sad" he frowned looking at me, he went to wipe his nose in his sleeve "no no! Don't be gross." I say pulling a tissue out of my pocket and handing it to him. He sighed wiping his nose and looking back at me. "Murdoc always says whatever anyone says is usually true doe!" He snaps throwing the snotty tissue at me in anger. I cringed disgusted as I swatted it off me. "Blue bird... Murdoc is a cuck, why would you believe him?" Stuart frowned "because Murdoc would never lie to me" he says crossing his arms. I frowned realizing just how trapped and brainwashed Stuart was.

I stood up and tossed out the tissue sitting on his bed and patting beside me. Stuart cautiously stood up and sat beside me. "Murdoc hit you with his car and you are really gonna let him push you around and let him take control of you?" Stuart shrugged "he's a troubled man (y/n) he doesn't mean it. He always comes to cry in my room when he's drunk and he tells me fings." I curiously raised my eyebrows "really? Like what?" Stuart shook his head "he was abused as a child. His dad never loved em. Beat em 24/7. Murdoc always tells me I made em famous when he's drunk. Makes me feel special love" Suddenly I felt a burning rage for this man. It didn't matter if he was abused as a kid he didn't have the right to do this to the man I've loved, I did something I'll always regret. I punched Stuart in the jaw. He let out a yelp and teared up looking at me shocked. I grabbed him by his neck and pinned him down on the bed making sure I was sitting on him. He stared at me now terrified. "STUART HAROLD POT WHAT DO YOU THINK YOUR MUM WOULD DO IF SHE SAW YOU LISTENING AND TAKING CARE OF THE ONE WHO DESTROYED YOU?" stuart closed his eyes and sobbed "please!! Stop! Love yew are scaring me" he says shaking and trying to get out from under me. "MURDOC ONLY WANTS YOU TO BE FAMOUS HE DOESNT CARE ABOUT YOU AT ALL. Stuart he beats you for fucks sake! How do you not see that? If he cared about you he wouldn't beat you!!" Stuart sobbed struggling and squirming more. The door slammed open and there was Murdoc he stared at me confused "are ya trying to fuck em or something else?" I glared at him and grabbed the remote controller off Stuart's night stand chucking it at Murdoc. It hit him square in the forehead. "YA CRAZY BITCH!" He screams tackling me and wrestling me off of Stuart. He was surprisingly strong. "Maybe I should've raped ya! Maybe that would've knocked some damn sense into ya!" He growls getting off me and looking over at Stuart who was crying hysterically. "Mate. Go wash up yeah? You'll pass out if ya keep crying like a bloody baby" he snaps. Stuart quickly gets up and runs off sobbing harshly. I sat up rubbing my back and Murdoc kicked me in the hip. "Don't fucking try. What makes ya think that ya can just waltz into my band and ruin my singer?!" He snaps slapping me across the face. I frowned "I wasn't ruining him. I was trying to knock some sense into him. He lets you beat him! It's pathetic! I always knew Stuart was a pushover but I didn't think he'd something slide this far!" I fire back standing up being taller then Murdoc and trying to look as intimidating as I could. Murdoc rolled his eyes "he's an idiot, ya said it ya self. I've been able to get em to do the stupidest shit. He once ate noodles cats cat litter because he thought they were chocolate covered in pop rocks" i gagged "that's disgusting" Murdoc nodded "listen kid. The reason I steal his girlfriends is because he shouldn't be dating em. They are all incredibly smart and he's incredibly retarded. That's why I keep tell ya to not date em" I glared at him and slammed my fist into his nose. He frowned and covered his face coughing. "Really? What is your deal with me?" He says annoyed sheer agony now making its way into his face. "That's a dumb question to ask considering the fact that you just insulted Stuart." Murdoc teared up "because you need to realize that he's fucking stupid!" He uncovers his face for a second to show that his nose was now gushing blood. "What the hell even happened to your nose?" I asked now curious. Murdoc shrugged "hmm I dunno maybe it's cos YOU JUST PUNCHED ME?" I rolled my eyes "no I meant in general. Why is it so weird looking?" Murdoc sighed "it's broken. I've been punched in my nose atleast 7 or 8 times now. Can't fix it even if I tried." I frowned "how the hell do you breath from that thing?" Murdoc sighed covering his nose again "with great difficulty. Quit it with the nose questions" I sighed handing him a wad of tissues. He took them confused and held them to his nose. "Thought you hated me?" He asks "you were bleeding onto the carpet." I say gesturing to the blood stain between his feet. Murdoc sighed "alright whatever. See ya then" he turns away. Now I could see he was shaking a lot. I grabbed his shoulder "why are you shaking so much?" He sighed "YA PUNCHED MY NOSE AND ITS GUSHING BLOOD! I'm just scared..." he whispers the last part. I frowned now feeling guilty remembering what Stu had said. "Sit on his bed. You need to calm down. Stu gets nosebleeds a lot so I know what to do... even if it was from me" Murdoc stared at me emotionless probably shocked. But he listened sitting down. "Now what?" I reached up to his nose and gently pinched above where it was bleeding. He would not take his eyes off me. "Now focus on your breathing. Just relax. Don't think about what just happened." Murdoc didn't answer he just closed his eyes. I started to breath louder hoping he'd calm down with some help.

Eventually he did calm down, I let go of his nose and gently rubbed his back "hows it feeling there?" I asked calmly gesturing to his nose. He still hadn't said a word to me. He slowly removed the tissue to show his nose had stopped bleeding. He stared at me more and quickly stood up and left the room. I frowned "didn't even bother to thank me for actually helping him." I mutter going to start cleaning the carpet that had his blood on it.

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