Vengeance- RE WRITING

By TheDevilSayares

10K 257 170

Quinton Prep was a place where celebrities, socialites, millionaires and billionaires attended. It was a figh... More

Character Aesthetics
2 | The Beginning
[3]Deal With The Devil

[4] Playing by My Rules, Part 1

1.2K 48 31
By TheDevilSayares

"Don't feed the devil flames, their greed will only grow bigger."

Hypothetically, if Maia still loved Ryan, nothing would've changed. Maia would still be Queen - one with a crown that is slowly slipping from her grasp - and Ryan would still be with Brynn when Maia was not there. Maia wouldn't know that what's hers, isn't anymore. In fact, it got stolen in the midst of night.

But, who's to say she doesn't love him? Don't forget there's two sides to the same coin. Two outcomes, same feeling. It was just a matter of choosing. Maia knows she has to give him up, that she needs to finally turn her back. She can't keep turning the page, only to be disappointed all over again. How can she start her new chapter, when she can't stop re-reading the last?

Letting go isn't easy for Maia. Simply because she's never had to let go. Anything she's owned, she kept. So in a way, Ryan was never in her possession. It was just an illusion she made up in her head. One she was able to convince herself that it was real.

Now that she has come to reality, her heart has still not accepted the truth. The unwavering truth. Maia's mind can try to say it all it wants, but her heart is stronger than her mind. In the end, the heart always speaks. 'Maybe if I pull hard enough, or if I say the right words. Or maybe if I find a way to travel back in time, he will be mine again.' Thoughts like these raided Maia's fine every night. Unfortunately, Maia knows it is not possible.

The hardest part is learning to live again. Before Ryan Wellington blessed Maia's life, everything was black and white. She was simply a doll in the glass case. She was in a world, alive, but not, alive. Ryan showed Maia what having fun really was. And now that Maia looks back at it, he gave his all, while Maia never gave anything at all. She always liked receiving more anyways.

Now, Maia has found 'home' in the wreckage. The complete opposite of calm after the storm. That is how it was meant to be right? After every storm that passes by, everything is still. It is Calm. After the screams and the hounding of the clouds, the tears seem to slowly stop falling, and everything is silent.

Afterwards, you are meant to leave the mess, clean up and keep going on. But Maia has always done differently.

Maia now wishes that the two never learnt to fly together, because then she'd have an easier landing. Maybe it was her fault, Maia thought. Ryan and Maia were practically made for each other, everyone knew that. But Maia knows she can't blame her misfortune on another.

She thought that the more you go through with another, means that they eventually won't leave you. How wrong she was. Even though Ryan and Maia went through so much, he still left. Maia just wishes she was in his arms all over again. That, and see the same mischief in his eyes. The same emotion he'd have whenever he was around Maia; yet he never shared what he was thinking.

Just as Maia was about to run through every single day she lived with and without Ryan, her door burst open revealing her dearest older brother. He speed walked to her bed with an excited look covering his face. "Guess what, Maia." Micah started to shake her shoulders violently, causing Maia to grab onto his wrists pulling him off of her.

"What?" She groaned, rubbing her eyes. It was nine in the morning, the day before school started up again. "We're having a sibling bond day today." He smiled goofily like he was still 5 years old. He was bouncing on the bed, like he couldn't contain his excitement. "No." Maia replied, grabbing her phone. Micah's smile quickly vanished when he heard Maia's answer.

Even though his offer was quickly shut down, Micah knew exactly what to do. He's a Valentine, business deals and contracts are all he does. "Either you go to the country club and play tennis like tradition, or you hang with me."

Micah smirked knowingly. Maia couldn't say no, but that didn't mean she couldn't play around with his offer. "Okay, we'll go to the country club together." Maia smiled sweetly at him as she rose from her unmade bed. She made her way to her closet - towards her athletic wear.

Micah was dumbfounded by her answer. After all, the country club they were attending was invitation only, and club members were the most prestigious families out there. Not only that, but it was owned by two families. The Valentine's and the Wellington's. Micah thought Maia would never step foot in there ever again, seeing as he knew that Ryan would most definitely be forced to attend.

Maia raised her feathery brows at her still surprised brother. She snickered at his expression - one that no one can ever take out from her memory. "But, Maia, you know who will be there. Don't you?" He shot up from his position on Maia's bed.

"Yes." Maia replied with a bored and plain expression. "Then you know that going there is just asking to go back to square one." Micah tried to reason with his little sister. "Micah, I think you're forgetting something." Maia smirked at him through her bathroom mirror.

Micah waited for her reply rather impatiently, his arms crossed loosely and his foot tapping against the floor. "I never go anywhere without a bullet proof plan." That was the last thing she said before devilishly grinning at Micah.

Maia continued her morning by taking a quick steamy shower in her marble bathroom decorated with splatters of gold. Micah on the other hand was in his room getting ready with a worried expression. It was meant to go his way. But he was also worried for Maia, he knows her. He knew her well enough to know that Ryan had the power over Maia's head, and yet she's still willing to go into the ring. The only thing Micah could do was pray that Maia's plan works out. Not like he needs to anyways.

The day at the country club began at 11:20 am. That left Maia forty-five minutes to get ready. She applied a light red blush to the upper part of her cheeks, lifting her face a tiny bit. She then applied highlighter to the bridge of her nose and tip. She brushed her eyebrows up with a bit of pigment. She quickly found a pair of natural fake lashes and glued them on as stiff as possible so they would randomly fly off when she played. Finishing the look with a lined glossed lip, she made her way to her bed where she laid her outfit.

She slipped her bathrobe off her shoulders and down her hips. Maia picked up her white tennis skirt and lifted her legs one by one through the opening. She then pulled the fitted fendi collared polo over her head - avoiding her hair and makeup - and flattened the non-existent crinkles.

Maia made her way back to her vanity and picked up at white ribbed scrunchy. She tied her hair up effortlessly into a loose middle part mid-ponytail. Maia grabbed the baby hairs in front of her ears and at her forehead and pulled them down.

Maia took one last glance at herself in the mirror, making sure her outfit was the best it could be before she grabbed her white LV tennis sneakers and socks. She sprayed her signature perfume on her pin points and dashed out of her door with her phone and her fendi duffle bag hanging from her shoulder.

When she met the top of her marble stairs at the foyer, she was also accompanied by Micah once she stepped down the first step. "I have a feeling you're going to make this a memorable day, not only for you, but for everyone that is attending and everyone that reads the tabloids." Micah predicted from beside Maia.

She simply smirked and put her sunglasses on when the guards opened the large black doors on the estate. Maia made her way to one of her family's many high end cars and unlocked it. Today it seemed she wanted to take the convertible porsche.

Maia - with a small jump in her step - walked towards the car and slid into the driver's seat. While Micah on the other hand, was having second thoughts about asking Maia to hangout in the first place.

Maia seemed to notice Micah's hesitance and laughed. "Get in loser, we're going to bash some heads with a few tennis balls." Finally, Micah seemingly remembered that he isn't the only Valentine that thinks of everything as a business deal. Micah scoffed at her and hopped into the car and straightened his polo. The siblings had a similar sense in style, easily proven by the fact that both of them were matching. Micah had the same brown fendi polo with the logo covering it, and whtie tennis bottoms and shoes.

Before Maia drove out the grand front gates of the Valentine Estate, Micah spoke up. "I hope you have a plan B Maia, and I'm talking about the pill." Micah's voice lingered with protectiveness and worry. Maia dove into her own thoughts quickly before replying. Just this morning Maia woke up swarmed by thoughts and memories of Ryan. Ever since the Gala, that's how it's been. She went to bed thinking of the fond memories of the two, then she woke up thinking of every moment that led up to her downfall. Their downfall.

"Micah, if you need a plan B. There's no use in having a plan A." Maia sped down the streets of the rich neighbourhood of the privileged. "We're playing my rules today."

Maia and Micah walked into the grand country club, everyone parted ways to make sure they had more than enough space to walk through to reception. No one could ask why though, and if they did question it, they'd be kicked out and banned forever on the spot. The Valentine's were one of the most prominent aristocratic families in New York. With power and money overflowing their household name, everyone knew who they were.

When they made it to the counter, the lady taking care of it told them she had already signed them in ten minutes ago because she knew she'd find them arriving soon.

Without another word the two left the counter and walked towards the back, where all the tennis courts were. Maia walked over to the railing, leaning on it by her elbows. She looked over the courts with analysing eyes. No one would dare look at Maia in any way, even if it were with good intentions. The authority and power the Valentine family had was indescribable. With a mother that is born from generations and generations of old money, and a father that started his own company from the bottom and made his way to the top. Valentine enterprises is a well known company, one that everyone could only imagine the amounts of money it earns a day.

The last time Maia was here, she was at the top room in the three story building. It was a penthouse, one where Maia, Ryan and the rest would hang out. However, now that a certain unfortunate event has occurred, there is reason to believe none of them are going up there together.

"Do you really have something planned, Maia?" Micah stopped next to her. He was leaning on the railing on his left side facing her, but his head was turned towards the courts as well. Almost as if he was trying to spot the same thing Maia was staring. She looked around a little longer until her gaze met another. Two pairs of eyes actually.

Their presence alone would make others avoid any contact. Maia on the other hand, has learnt to not be afraid of anyone. Instead give them a reason to be afraid of you.

Though, with double the set of eyes, the more powerful the tension was. Maia could feel the hairs going up along her spine perk up, goosebumps arising on her arms. Her fingers started to play with the white wooden railing. Maia couldn't focus on answering her brother's question, when the plan was going to start earlier than she thought.

Finally, before Maia's gaze fell, the two boys looked away first. Maia could feel her heartbeat steadying. That was not a good sign. After the whole incident, Maia lost some of her easily gained confidence. It completely destroyed her. Maia was untouchable. A gem in its casing being adorned by people that can't help but feel attracted to it. Maia knew she had to cover this up with even more fake laughs and smiles. Almost like she was a complete doll.

The brown haired girl cleared her throat and moved her attention back to her brother. She turned her neck to look at him and smirked mischievously. "Never go into a battlefield as an innocent little bird, Micah. We're snakes. Don't forget that." Maia simply left after that.

She headed down the stairs of the veranda she was standing on and headed for one of the empty tents. On her way there she could feel everyone staring at her with either envy, lust, or surprise. No one would think she'd be here. But Maia always loved to prove others wrong.

She placed her duffel bag on the table and unzipped it. She took the time to look around for a second, examine what everyone was doing. It seemed as though - like usual - everyone stuck to their own group. Or also stuck to their status group. It would be awfully off putting if you saw a pawn with a noble.

As Maia was tightening her hair and was about to grab a few tennis balls, she heard three pairs of footsteps coming from behind her. Even though it was only the sound of feet contacting the ground, she knew who they were by the pace and heaviness.

"Why is it I always find you alone. Especially always with that look on your face." Malachi's voice came from beside her, sitting on the stool that was next to her. The other two boys sat on the stools in front of her.

Without even glancing at the dark skinned God himself, she shrugged her shoulders. "It's not like I'm lonely." Maia knew she didn't have to explain herself, after all with the status she holds she should not ever be second guessed.

"But you always have this look, like - ugh, I don't know." Malachi Leaned on his right elbow facing Maia with eyes that told her he was thinking. Maia finally turned to face him, taking the time to look at his appearance. Malachi came from a family wear if you were going grocery shopping, put your cartier watches and bracelets, wear your best pair of heels and let's go. His mother was a well known socialite and his father owned his own cologne of perfume brand.

Malachi took on both of his parents genetics, making him look even more ravishing than his mother and father. He was known to be a young millionaire bachelor to the rest of the world, as well as Theodore and Asher. The three were always the topic of conversation in families. Talking about marriages or business deals, never anything else.

Maia already knew what look Malachi was talking about. It was a condescending vile stare that Maia held. One that no one can escape out of. Everyone knows that once you get caught in it, it's like a spider web. Because once you're under the gaze of Maia Valentine, you've become her new prey.

Something else that made it even more powerful and intimidating was the fact that Maia could act upon her prey at any given time. And she could do it with the snap and call of her finger and lips. Maia was born into a prestigious family; one that has sat at the top of the ranking since generations before she was even born. Her brother, Micah, was king of Quinton Preparatory, it was only undeniable that Maia would be crowned Queen. First she had to prove herself of course, and that she did. In fact, she climbed the ranks in ways no one had before. Faster than anyone had before. But, she was a Valentine for Christ sake.

Valentine's get what they want when they want it. They never have to wait. Those words were etched into Maia's mind. They play over and over again. She was taught that she should always have the power over someone's head, never the other way around.

In conclusion, Maia has the power and the will to do whatever she wants. So if she wants you gone, she will do just that. That's why her plan will work out so perfectly before her eyes. Maia is ambitious and cunning, she can of course just make a few calls and Brynn and Ryan's life will be over with. But Maia wanted the pleasure of doing it herself.

As Malachi was still actively thinking, Theo spoke up for him. "You know, the look that says all your words for you." Theodore smirked, knowing Maia just wanted to hear it come from someone's mouth.

Malachi's face suddenly lit up, "Yes, that's what it is!" Malachi's smile was evident, showing his pearly white teeth that he often kissed when pissed. Maia looked away from the boys, and turned her attention to the grey blue eyes boy sitting next to Theodore. He simply sat there with a neutral expression as always. Not an ounce of emotion leaking from his face.

Even though he wasn't doing anything but watching the scene happen in front of him, he angered Maia. She never liked his presence in a room. Mainly because she could feel it. It was undeniable that the Bentley's had unexplainable power and money, sometimes Maia doesn't even know where it comes from. However, there was so much power that the smallest glance felt like a boulder falling on top of you.

The group made small conversation, a small joke here and there but nothing deep and serious. Nothing that held any value for Maia. Suddenly, Theo's phone started to ring during their conversation about Maia's 'memorable return'. He answered it and subconsciously started to touch up his attire. That's when Maia could tell he was speaking to his father. It was something they all did without even realising. They may be powerful and poised, but to their parents, they were mere pearls in their stock of diamonds and gold.

After a few 'yes, fathers' and 'of course', Theo finally removed the phone from his ear. A low frustrated groan escaped his mouth and he tightly closed his eyes. "Malachi, come with me. Our parents want us to meet a few people." Theo got up from his respective seat and walked over to Maia. He engulfed her in a tight hug and kissed the top of her head affectionately. "I'll be back soon, princess." Maia nodded her head and loosely wrapped her arms around Theo's shoulders. It was normal for the two to show affection, after all Theo was practically raised by Maia's family. Malachi rubbed Maia's shoulder as a farewell and Theodore kissed her head one more time before fleeing towards the main building.

This left Asher and Maia alone. The two didn't really have anything to talk about, at least not without it turning into a full blown argument. However, that fact didn't stop Asher from asking a simple yet hard to answer question. He lifted his head and placed his elbow on the armrest of his seat, displaying the three rings on his fingers - one of them being a family heirloom - and the expensive gold watch decorating his bare wrist. A small and subtle flex of money, money that Maia also had.

She lifted her left arm that was holding three cartier bracelets and two tiffany rings. Not only that, but she started to play with a new diamond chain she bought back in Italy. Asher immediately saw what Maia was doing and smirked at her shaking his head. He breathed out before speaking up, his thumb and index fingers playing with each other.

"Why are you here Maia?" His voice was deep and husky, and it held so much dominance over Maia. She stared at him for the first time that day, slowly running her eyes over his features. His Golden dirty blonde hair shone brightly in the sunlight, the curly hanging over his forehead. His shark jaw was clenched, almost as if he was frustrated over his own question. She then ran her eyes to his grey blue ones. They held so much mystery to them, and she knew that. There are things behind them that she will never get to know of, and Maia doesn't really want to know either. But something that she absolutely hated about his eyes, was that they reminded her of Ryan. They were just a few shades different, Asher's eyes closer to grey or white than blue.

Something she also hated about them, was that they've seen something that no one should ever see. It was tears. Tears from Maia herself. It was the day before the night Maia left for Europe. The day Maia found out Ryan was being unfaithful. He was the first person to see Maia cry for the first time since she was six years old. She was surprised by the fact he comforted her. It was a secret between the two, one that they promised that no one else would hear or talk about. Asher took Maia into his arms and let him cry into his chest. It was something neither of them would ever forget, and they hated that.

"Do you mean here in general? Or here at this country club?" Maia questioned, diverting her gaze to the two teens versing against each other in tennis. Maia watched as they lazily hit the ball to each other, both of them going slowly and gently, making sure not to make a full of themselves.

Asher's gaze however, stayed on the fallen queen. "Here, I meant. This place doesn't seem like one you should go to in the circumstances you're in." He sighed and started to play with one of the tennis balls Maia set out on the table. He threw it up in the air, and as he awaited to catch it he spoke once again. "But, after years of being stuck with you, I've learnt that you don't let anything get in the way of your plans." He caught the ball with his left hand and stared into Maia brown eyes that held specs of gold.

"Well, you assume right. I obviously have a goal for today." Maia stood up from her chair and walked over to one of the empty courts, racket in her hand and a few tennis balls in the other. She left Asher with only his thoughts consuming his mind. He watched and she elegantly and confidently walked to the empty court.

Asher's gaze was left on her and he watched as she spoke to the new girl, Chloe Archwood. Asher wasn't stupid, she was using Chloe to her own advantage. He just didn't understand why she was so interested in a girl that was a pawn in the chessboard, not even a knight. She could've gotten anyone she wanted, one with more power - but instead she chose to use Chloe.

He caught Chloe look over at him for a quick second before looking back at Maia. It looked as though the two were just stretching to prepare for a small game they'd play with each other, but Asher knew better than that. You shouldn't first guess Maia by the look of what she is doing, because most likely she's doing something so much more differently than what it looks like.

Asher didn't have to try to figure it out though, because Chloe made it too obvious. Her eyes were on Maia the whole time they were stretching, her head nodding at the same time. It was clear that Maia was speaking to Chloe about some sort of plan.

Maia spoke in a low voice so no one else would hear. Knowing the nosy privileged snobby people that would take anything to try taint the Valentine - or any powerful family - name.

When Asher heard about Maia returning, the main thought that still lingers in his mind is; how far are you willing to go, Maia? It's no secret to anyone that Maia does not do things with hesitance. Whatever she does, she does it with a strong hand and emotionless facade.

But Maia wants revenge. She's seeking pure revenge, and she will get it by taking down those that took down her. In other words, half of the chess board. In Maia's eyes, the board needs a cleanse. And she will go to all extents to achieve that.

However, what if the person she needs to cleanse the board of, leaves a stain? a mark? One that with any amount of scrubbing cannot wash away. Maia is a perfectionist, and Asher can not wait to see how this scheme will go. 


This is part one only, part two will be up when it's finished. I felt bad for making you guys wait so long, so I just decided to publish part one so you guys aren't left like this.

Anywayyss, it's kind of boring whoops, tell me what you wanna see next chapter or in the future of the book luvss!!

Luv u all,

Or do I?

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