Life After Tragedy: A Dricki...

Von _Sabriniii

219K 3.4K 732


Life After Tragedy: A Dricki Sequel
Chapter 1- Rehearsal
Chapter 2- What's Best
Chapter 3- CoastEnd
Chapter 4- Clue
Chapter 5- Lost and Found (Part 1)
Chapter 6- Lost and Found (Part 2)
Chapter 7- One Thing After Another
Chapter 8- The Trial
Chapter 9- The Favor
Chapter 10- The Results
Chapter 11- ALMOST Paradise...
Chapter 12- Daddy Daddy
Chapter 13- Story Tellers
Chapter 14- A Little Too Late
Chapter 15- Celebrate Good Times and Remember The Bad
Chapter 16-Like The Very First Time
Chapter 17- Please, I'm Begging You
Chapter 18-No Lie
Chapter 19-Unexpected and Unforgettable (Part 1)
Chapter 20-Unexpected and Unforgettable (Part 2)
Chapter 21- Flashback
Notification To Readers!
Chapter 22- Remember Me?
Chapter 23-Makes You Stronger
Chapter 24-Visitors
Chapter 25- Bad Karma
Chapter 26- A Very Special Day(Part 1)
Chapter 27- A Very Special Day (Part 2)
Chapter 29- Heart Beats
New Book!

Chapter 28- Playing Match-Maker

5.4K 136 69
Von _Sabriniii


So I know I said that this chapter would take place a week later, but lets make it a month later since we are coming to the close of the story .. :"(  Anywho, the twins are doing great! [Picture of them on the side: ADORABLE!] They laugh and play together. Liv takes Casey to the Clarke School for Speech and Hearing for musical therapy with other blind infants and toddlers atleast twice a week. It raises the strength of hearing and touch to help them interact more. Kylee is a good baby. She only cries when she's hungry, tired, or needs a diaper change. And she loves to help her sister. Sometimes when Caseys' pacifier falls out her mouth she picks it up for her (Aww!)Oh and Cam'ron, well, he's making an effort to improve his life for his baby girls. He comes to see them everyday after work. With Drake's help he got a job working as a set creator for E! News. Also, Cam'ron graduated in the beginning of the month and Liv was promoted to Sophmore year without having to go to summer school with some extra credit work. But unfortanately she does not like the idea of a nanny so she isn't continuing high school to stay home full time with the twins. As for Nicki and Drake, they're vacationing for two weks to a private estate in Anguilla (the place in the Diced Pineapples video by Rick Ross) for their 10 year wedding anniversary. Speaking of anniversaries, Austin and Riley are celebrating 3 months next week, they are always together, you won't see one without the other. And in case you were wondering, they still haven't had sex yet. 

P.S.- At Cam and Dana's court trial. He was found guilty of assault, domestic violence, and endangering the welfare of a child. Therfore, Dana now has full custody of Ty'Shawn and whenever Cam wants to see him he has to call first and is limited to 3 visitations per month. He only got 48 hours of community service for the sentence instead of jail time because he was able to prove that Dana had once been on drugs and had a criminal record, but didn't have enough evidence to prove that she was still an addict and unfit to be a mother. And it turns out that Imani, the girl Cam was cheating on Liv with, is NOT pregnant, thank God.

(So Liv is at home feeding Kylee and keeping an eye on Casey who was asleep in her arms)

Olivia-(trying to get a spoon into Kylee's mouth) Come on Ky-Ky, eat just one more spoonful for mommy

Kylee-(keeps her mouth shut)

Liv-Pleaseeeeee Kylee.

Kylee-(starts crying)

Liv-Fine. But you're finishing this for dinner tonight. (shifts Casey onto her hip and picks up Kylee from her high chair and puts her down in the play pen in the living room and puts Casey in the rocking swing to keep her asleep through her nap. Then she started cleaning down the high chair and washing the dishes)

Cam'ron-(coming in the front door and setting down his work stuff on the kitchen table) Hey.

Liv-Hey, you scared me, I forgot I gave you keys. How was work?

Cam-It was so much fucking-(gco)

Liv-The girls can hear you!

Cam-Sorry, anyways it was so much fun. (pumping some hand sanitizer from the kitchen counter onto his hands before he goes over to the play pen and picks up Kylee who was smiling hard as soon as she saw her daddy) Hey beautiful! (kisses her cheek) Did you miss daddy? I missed you Ky-Ky (kisses her cheek again then tickles the bottom of her feet causing her to make the cutest little baby laugh) 

Liv-(smiling at the 2 of them together) Don't be too loud, you'll wake up Ci-Ci (Casey).

Cam-K. So like I was saying, today we started working on a special three part documentary on Angel Foxx (fictional pop star).

Liv-(whisper yelling) Oh my god I LOVE Angel Foxx! Her new song is my ringtone. (starts singing off key) Come on baby just dance with me, get on the floor and take a chance with me. Just put your hands on my hips, and we can rock our bodies like thiiisss! 

Cam-Ummm, has anyone ever told you that you uhh... sound like shit?

Liv-Shutup! I never said I was the best singer in the world, gosh!

Cam-Anyways! So I got to the set and she was there getting her make-up finished so I asked her for a picture and well yeah, I got it. But my point being: I met Angel Foxx!

Liv-No fair...

Cam-I got you an autograph...(takes a napkin out of his pocket with pretty black ink scribbled on it and gives it to Liv)

Liv-What? (takes the napkin and reads it out loud) "To Olivia, with love, your favorite singer, Angel Foxx." Oh my god, Cam'ron! 


Liv-You're the best!

Cam-I know, I know

Liv-Thankyou! (hugs him tight)

Cam-(not expecting the hug since Liv and him were still pretty rocky, but tolerated each other because of the girls.. But still hugs back) No problem Livey :)

Liv-(notices that he called her by her old nick name from when they lived together but let it slide) Umm, I think I heard Casey crying. We probably woke her up

Cam-I'll get her. (hands Kylee to Liv  and goes over to the swing and turns it off and takes Casey out) Hey Ci-Ci. Don't cry, daddy's here.

Casey-(stops crying)

Cam-(smiles) Are you starting to learn daddy's voice?


Cam-Aww, I'm so proud of my big girl. (kisses her cheek then takes his phone out realizing it was vibrating in his back pocket) 5 missed calls? (puts Casey down on a blanket on the floor next to Kylee infront of where Liv is sitting. It was good to let her explore and feel around on her own.) Olivia, I'm going outside to make a call real quick.


*Outside the front of the house*

Cam-(going through the missed calls and calls the number back)



Cam-Um, hey, you called my phone a few times by accident I think.

???-Oh, Cam'ron. Well, it wasn't an accident. 

Cam-(starts to recognize the voice) Angel Foxx?

Angel-Please, just call me Angel. 

Cam-Umm, ok, Angel. Not to be rude or anything but, how did you get my number?

Angel-Oh, I asked your boss. I'm not a stalker or anything don't worry (giggles)

Cam-(laughs a little)

Angel-I just wanted to talk to you, that's all.

Cam-Oh. What about?

Angel-Well, let's not play games. I saw the way you were looking at me today...

Cam-Umm... You did?

Angel-Mhm. And in case you didn't notice, I was looking back, the same way.


Angel-Yep. I'm pretty straight forward so, I'll just say what's on my mind. 


Angel-I just moved to LA all the way from Miami, and it would be nice if I had someone to show me around, and just, be a good friend. I was thinking that could be you...

Cam-Oh well, umm, yea, I could show you around LA, I know a few spots

Angel-Great. So, tomorrow, I'll leave with you. 


Angel-Ok, and just so we understand each other, I meant friends... With benefits. Well bye, Cam. (hangs up)

Cam-Wait but-(phone disconnects and he sighs then turns to go back in the house but stops and finds himself starring into the living room window at Liv reading to the girls and sighs heavy) What did I just get myself into.... (goes back inside) 

Liv-You ok???

Cam-Uhh, yea. Hey, I gotta get going home 'fore it gets dark.


Cam-(kisses Casey and Kylee's foreheads') Bye Olivia


Cam-(leaves and is on his way home)

Liv-(hears her phone ring and answers) Hello?

Phone Convo:




Riley-CHICA! I got great news!

Liv-Umm, what?

Riley-Well first of all, how are my neices?

Liv-They're good, getting bigger each and every day

Riley-Great. Anddd, the ex?

Liv-He just left...

Riley-You sound upset

Liv-I mean, well, something's up with Cam'ron


Liv-I dont know yet Ri, but he was on the phone then he came back in the house and he wouldn't even look at me, like he knew something but couldn't say it ya know?

Riley-Don't stress him, please.

Liv-Yea you're right.. But hey, he got me an autograph from Angel Foxx!!!

Riley-Shut up!

Liv-I'm serious!

Riley-Oh. My. Freaking. God.

Liv-I knowww!!!!

Riley-Ok, 2 points for Cam, but we're still not stressing him

Liv-Ok.. And didn't you have to tell me something?

Riley-Ohh yeaaa. Sooo, You remember my cousin Drew?

Liv-Umm, the one with the nice smile and the short hair?

Riley-Yea, him. Well, he has a friend, a best friend actually, who uhh happens to think you're kinda cute.


Riley-You remember all those modeling profolio pictures you took before you uhh... got.. umm..

Liv-Knocked up?

Riley-Well, yea. So I was asking him if he remembered you from my birthday party last year and he asked what you looked like so I may have showed him the website on which your virtual model profolio is :)


Riley-Sorry.. But anyways, all I wanted to say is that he thinks you're cute... That's all...

Liv-No, there's more...

Riley-Welll, only if you want there to be more ;-)

Liv-Stop with the fuckery Riley. Soo... What's his name?

Riley-Ahh!!! You're interested!!!

Liv-Not if you're gonna keep screaming like that!

Riley-Sorry, sorry. K, so his name is Evan. But everyone calls him E


Riley-Because its more appealing! 

Liv-Ok ok... 

Riley-Well, next week, as you know, is my Quinceanera (15th birthday party) and everyone and anyone is going to be there... Including my cousin Drew, who's bringing Evan.

Liv-Ummm, ok

Riley-So look sexy for him!

Liv-It's not like we're dating Riley, I don't even know him!

Riley-But still, this is gonna be the first time you guys meet, and my invitation CLEARLY states that the dress code is "Sexy Casual" which means "Slutty Formal"


Riley-So, bitch it's my birthday party, dress to fuckin impress! 

Liv-(laughs) Ok, I'll see. But even if I do, I'm not promising that I'm gonna like him or go out with him, or even give him the time of day if I'm just not feeling him. Ok?!

Riley-Yes, your highness!

Liv-(laughs) Shutup!

Riley-Love you girly bye!

Liv-Bye Ri 

End of Phone Convo

(Austin comes in the front door leaking sweat)

Austin-Hey (grabs a bottle of water out the fridge, finishes it in only a moment, then wipes the sweat from his head with a towel in the kitchen)

Liv-Hey. Where ya been?

Austin-Out, playing ball... Why?

Liv-No real reason.. I was just on the phone with your girl tho


Liv-2 things.


Liv-Well, one, next week is Riley's party, and of course I have to go. Her and her mom have been planning her Quinceanera since she was like 6. BUT, if mom and dad don't come back for 2 weeks. And we're both going to the party. Then who's going to watch my babies?

Austin-Call a baby sitter.

Liv-Austin! I can't just leave the girls with any ordainary baby sitter for a whole day. Casey has special needs!

Austin-Ok, ok. Don't get loud... Have you considered letting their father watch them for just one day

Liv-Cam'ron? Alone?? With my babies???

Austin-They're his too.

Liv-(sighs) I know. It's just... I forgave him, but I can not trust him

Austin-Not even for these two beautiful girls? (gesturing towards the twins sitting on the blanket on the floor) So they can see their mommy be happy and go out for just ONE day since like almost a year ago. Do it for them!

Liv-(rolls her eyes in protest but finally gives in) Fine. i will call Cam'ron...

Austin-Yes! (singing) We goin to the Par-Tay! We goin to the Par-Tay! (goes upstairs to shower)

Liv-(looks at the girls) Well I guess I should go call your daddy then...



FACT OF THE DAY: Drakes two favorite colors are brown and blue. He said himself he likes the color brown because of the way it looks on him and he liked the color blue since... Well, forever. lol


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