Why Can't We Just Be Friends...

By ducksnstufff

92.1K 5.2K 2.2K

[TRIGGER WARNING] Involves scenes of domestic abuse and panic attacks. Kellin Quinn is happy being alone at... More

1. Coming out, aint it fun!
2. A lonley night in the tree tops
3. Hoping for the best
4. Music class with a mexican
5. Looking the part isn't so hard
6. Life isn't always fair
7. The best there ever was
8. Kiss and Tell
9. Why can't we just be friends?
10. Will you be the Vic to my Kellin?
11. And a Band is Born
12. I like drinking whiskey with my friends
13. King for a day
14. We are the champions
15. Words cant express your beauty
16. Who are you now
17. Heaven help us
18. The truth is a terrible thing
19. Take a breath, let the rest come easy
20. Kick me when I'm down
21. Move along
22. Not just a cardiac arrest
23. Safe and sound
24. The true lives of the fabulous gay guys
Authors note {updated}
Hi sorry to bother you (:

25. Will you be my Romeo?

2.6K 177 197
By ducksnstufff


"So class, as you know, it's nearing the end of the year, and..." My form teacher babbled on. As usual I zoned out, thinking back to the night before.

Vic's parents were very happy that he had 'finally come out to them.' At this me and Mike laughed, because it was obvious they had already guessed Vic was gay.

"Vic, you used to have little pink clips in you're hair when you were you younger!" His mum chuckled. "And if anyone touched them, you would yell at them!"

"And I doubt we'll ever forget the time you got a princess dress!" His dad laughed.

Gladly, I hugged Vic and kissed his blushing cheeks, despite the fact that he looked like he wanted a black hole to swallow him up.

Things couldn't have gone better! By that point, I was getting suspicious of all this happiness, something was bound to go wrong sooner or later.

"Could you please fill in you're sheets." The teachers voice faded back into my head. Frantically, I looked around at everyone else scribbling away, thinking, dammit, this always happens.

'What are we doing?' I mouthed theatrically at the person sitting next to me, I think I vaguely knew them. In reply, they pointed at the sheet in front off me, and then to their sheet, which was filled with names of people i couldn't be bothered to remember.

Oh! The yearbook. At the end of each school year we had to vote for people who are 'the best this' and 'the best that'. Quite frankly, it's pointless.

Feeling blank, I stared at my sheet:
•Best at maths? I don't care.
•Prettiest girl? Hahahahahhaa nope.
•Most handsome boy? Vic Fuentes obviousllyyyy, I thought scribbling down his name
•Romeo and Juliet? Why can't it it be Romeo and Mercutio, GAY RIGHTS GOD DAMMIT!

Soon after looking at the sheet for a while, I brushed it away and rested my head on the cold desk. Just two more weeks then I can spend the summer with Vic.

I sighed and daydreamed of sandy beaches and the summer sun -not forgetting that hot mexican body...


Assembly. Can anything get anymore painstakingly boring, than the end of year assembly? I can feel my legs cramping up a the memory.

"Good afternoon students, as you very well know, this has been an excellent year, and some of you will now be leaving us..." The head teacher said, with sadness that was obviously fake.

Unsurprisingly, there were a few girls weeping, with their makeup smudging everywhere - a stressful experience so I've heard. Rolling my eyes, I sunk deeper into my uncomfortable plastic chair.


At some point I must have fallen sleep because I was suddenly awoken with: "KELLIN QUINN AND VIC FUENTES!" Being yelled across the hall, "Have won Romeo and Juliet in this years year book!"

What?! I shook off my sleepy state as quickly as possible, before standing up. Stunned, I wandered numbly to the stage, and saw Vic doing the same. He snuck a glance at me, 'who the fuck did this' we eye talked across the chairs full of rowdy students. This question was answered, when I saw a group of girls doing what most people would recognise as 'fangirling'...

It seemed word had got around about us since me and Vic gave up on hiding out relationship. Fangirls though, I guess being gay really is...what? Interesting? Rare? I have no idea.

"Oh my god! They are so adorable." I heard a voice chirp.

"I hope they get married and have loads of babies!!!" Another student squealed, clearly being uneducated on anatomy.

"I SHIP IT SO HARD." One girl was wigging in her seat; it was quite alarming.

Not sure whether to laugh or run away from the fangirls screaming for help, I reached the stage at the same time as Vic.

"Congratulations boys." The head teacher said looking a little uncomfortable, as did all the other teachers. Some people were whispering to each other, or shaking their heads disaprovingly. They were probably being homophobic, but our school clearly wasn't used to gay couples getting Romeo and Juliet.

We collected a certificate for doing nothing apart from aparently being 'adorable'. To be honest...we are pretty darn cute.

Suddenly, a group of shrill voices erupted into the air.


Vic looked at me, mortified.

One voice rose louder than the rest, "KEEELLIICCC!!!"

"Oh my god yes Kellic!" Another fangirl agreed.

Soon most of the crowd was shouting "KELLIC, KELLIC, KELLIC. " Me and Vic were still stood on the stage, not entirely sure what to do.

Kellic, cute.

For some reason, the situation didn't send too many stabs of panic through my heart. Since me and Vic became open, everyone accepted us and we didn't get much hate for being gay, which is great. After my dad passed away and I moved into a better, loving home, I became a lot more confident.

Strangley, I was beginning to like the sound of the crowd calling our name, it filled me with an odd sense of pride.

Vic's bright red face looked more adorable than ever when I leaned in to kiss him. His little round mouth opened with surprise showing his adorable tiny teeth. When I pressed our lips together breifly I felt him gasp, but he wasn't ashamed to kiss me back.

Some cheers erupted, and I swear I heard someone complain of their ovaries exploding or something? Bit strange.

Pulling away, I saw Vic looking like a human raspberry he was blushing so much, but he was smiling.

And that is all that matters, that my adorable boyfriend is happy.



The End (:


A/N: Was that cheesey enough? Hope you liked it c;
Much love is sent to all of you :D

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