By zarry_destroyer

49.5K 3.4K 1.7K

{COMPLETED} ~~~ "You're looking in the wrong place for my love, Don't think because you're with me this is re... More

Four (1)
Four (2)
Nine (1)
Not Nine (2)
Finale (1)
Finale Finale

Nine (2)

2.3K 211 43
By zarry_destroyer


Harry nodded as Lottie stood from behind her desk and repeated the word again like a spell. "That was..." Lottie hesitated then looked at Harry straight in the eyes and said carefully, "sudden."

"Sometimes you just have to seize the day." Zayn took Harry's hand, nearly startling him, and smiled.

Harry swallowed, caught up in the glow of that simple act, the way Zayn's face transformed into something that stole the uncertainty from his lips. How good an actor was he?

Harry returned Zayn's smile, which he took in his pace, squeezing Harry's hand in acknowledgement.

"Well, Zayn is nothing but unpredictable," Lottie finally said, walking over to place a congratulatory kiss on Harry's cheek. When she pulled back, she scanned Harry's face, her eyes radiating concern.

Harry offered a smile and met his look head-on. "Given the time-frame, we should announce it a week out from the ball."

At Lottie's silence, Harry added hastily, "You've seen the media with this. We want the ball to get as much publicity as possible before diverting attention elsewhere."

Lottie nodded and sat on the corner of her desk. "Okay. I've emailed you the final guest list, so after the invites go out, you can make that public. If you need anything, let me know."

"Thanks." For one second, Harry thought Charlotte would add something more, but instead, she let them go without further interrogation.

"Do you think she bought it?" Zayn asked Harry as they walked down the corridor to their office.

"Probably not."

"I wanted to tell her the truth."


"Why not?"

Harry walked through the glass doors, his back straight. "Because it's embarrassing, okay? Normal, well-adjusted people date, fall in love and get married. They don't coldly sign a contract for mutual gain."

Zayn smiled at his resentment. "You're one of the most normal, well-adjusted people I've met, Harry."

"Am I?"

Harry didn't need to be a mind reader to work out just what was going through Zayn's head as they stood there. He blinked slowly, desperate to hide his expression, but his body betrayed him. He felt the heat blossom across his cheeks, spreading warmth into his limbs.

Just when Harry thought Zayn was about to say something, his phone rang. He tapped it, said, "I'm on my way," and dropped a hurried kiss on Harry's cheek before he strode out of the door.

Harry's fingers traced the rapidly cooling warmth where Zayn's lips had just met his skin.

Harry had been dismissed, and just as quickly, his heart began to pound in irritation.

He tried not to let it get to him, to focus on the ball preparations, but like a nasty, annoying itch, he kept returning to the irritation. Was this an indication of things to come- an abnormal marriage, made from an abnormal deal?

Harry would be a professional husband, all show and smiles, Zayn's escort to all the proper functions. There would be no intimacy outside the public eye, no sudden romantic gestures, no happy-ever-after dreams that he had envisioned all his teenage life. No promises of everlasting love.

Why should that upset Harry?

He squeezed his eyes shut and breathed deeply. You need to get real, Harry. That's not going to happen. There would be no physical contact unless he told Zayn he wanted it, like last night.

Harry jolted, his eyes snapping open.

He wanted it, he wanted it so much. But could he walk away after a year was over?

Enough. You need to focus on the here and now. With a determined straightening of his shoulders, he reached for the phone and dialled.

"So what's the big secret?" Daisy asked after they'd both collected their lunches and taken a seat near the sun-drenched windows.

"Why do you think I have a secret?" Harry glanced around the Tomlinsons' cafeteria before biting into his chicken salad sandwich. Daisy's eyes followed his.

"That's the only reason we're here at two o'clock, long after the lunch rush. Why you chose this table, away from everyone else..." She dropped her voice now. "What's going on? Is everything alright? Is Zayn putting you in a tight place?"

Harry nearly spat out his food. In a flurry of coughing, he grabbed the bottle of water as Daisy gently patted his back.

"No," he finally choked out.

"Well, it has to be something big to warrant this sudden meeting. Not that I don't enjoy our infrequent lunches," Daisy said quickly. "But I know you're flat out with this ball, and handling Zayn can't be a walk in the park." She picked up her spoon and dipped it into her pumpkin soup. "How's that going, by the way?'

Harry hesitated, heat prickling his skin. "Busy."

Daisy smiled. "It's okay, Harry. Louis told me."

He did? "How does he know?"

Now it was Daisy's turn to be confused. "About Zayn being Javadd?"


"What did you think I meant?"

Harry took a bite of his sandwich to stall. Zayn had been busy at his company all day and whether he wanted to admit or not, Harry missed him. His thighs tingled at the memories of last night. How he'd made Harry feel. It had been simply... amazing. Zayn certainly had the Midas touch when it came to pleasuring. And he was all Harry's for a whole year. That thought sent a wicked thrill through him.

A year. Twelve months. Fifty-two weeks. Three hundred and sixty-five days.

Harry focused on the tabletop and took a thick swallow. No. It wouldn't be all Zayn, all the time. Zayn led a busy life that centred around making money, not keeping a husband happy. Harry was purely there to bolster Tomlinson's standing, and he had gone into it willingly, with eyes wide open.

"So that's it."

"What?" Harry refocused on Daisy, who was now grinning like an idiot.

"You've got a thing for Zayn Malik."

Denial teetered on the tip of his tongue, the second before he realised that he needed Dais- in fact, everyone- to believe he and Zayn had fallen in love in less than two weeks.


Daisy leaned in conspiratorially. "I saw that look. Your insides went all gooey just thinking about that dark angel of corporate muscle."

"Power does not turn me on," Harry said primly, picking out a piece of tomato from his sandwich.

"Well, must be those eyes, then. That face. Hmmm... have you kissed him yet?"

"Daisy..." Harry squirmed in his seat.

"You have! I knew it. Tell me."

Harry took a deep breath and said slowly. "It's a bit more than that."

"Ohh, a scandal!"

"He asked me to marry him."

Daisy's spoon clattered to the floor. "No."

"Yes!" And he felt the wide grin ear to ear.

Daisy grabbed his hands, her joy evident. "This is wonderful! I'm so happy for you!"

At last, the reaction that was worthy of such a life-changing event. A rush of relief flooded him, easing the tension from his spine. "Thank you."

"I thought I saw something between you two at the store," Daisy teased. "Have you told your parents?"

"Yesterday. I don't think Mum can comprehend it. She asked when Zayn was coming to visit."

"That will be a cultural shock." Daisy murmured.

An understatement, Harry thought as Daisy stared on which wedding suits magazines to stock up on, who would be available to cater, decorate, design. And for once, Harry shoved away the gloomy realities and instead let Daisy's excitement buoy him. 

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