The Tales of South Park Debau...

Little_horror_show tarafından

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Enjoy your travels in This snowy little Mountain Town. I mean Seriously, What could go wrong? Daha Fazla

Making my way Down Town
Pizza Party
School bops
Goth Baby
The Haunting in my head
Quality time with Marsh
Friendly Rivalry

Welcome to South Park!

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Little_horror_show tarafından

I rested my Cheek against the window, vaguely watching the blurry scenery that passed by as we drove to our new home.

Ahh, South Park, Colorado. A Hick town in the Middle of No where, Though I couldn't complain. I came from a Small town on the Outskirts of Atlanta, Georgia.

I mean, it's not that I had many friends that I left behind, because I really didn't, but it was still foreign to move to a whole other state across the Country. 

I continued to Stare outside, the Music that I pirated online was blasting through my knock off Airpods that I got at some Janky store. Pink Guys voice rang into my ears, making me crack a smile at the Vulgar lyrics of 'She's so nice' I continued to listen to music until a shake of my shoulder pulled me from my day dream. I looked over to see my Mom Grinning over at me, before moving her head as a gesture to look in front of me. I looked, and I saw our new home.

Our Car was parked out in front of the Garage, which connected to a Faded Yellow House, the house I would call my new home. I looked around and noticed that all the houses looked to be the same, just different colors. I shrugged before opening the Car door and stepping out. Immediately I slipped on ice and Landed on the edge of the car, holding on to the door to try and keep my balance. I managed to find my Balance once again and slowly stand up, making sure to step over the slick ice. I glared at the Ground and started to mutter curses at the Ice when my mother broke me from my feeble attempt to banish the ice into the pits of hell.

"(Y/n), the movers put the boxes into the house already, How about you go see your new room and get unpacked. Then, we'll go meet our new Neighbors." My mom said, Smiling at me. I simply nodded before stalking off towards the front door, almost slipping again from the ice near the front steps before opening up the door.

2nd Pov

It looked pretty nice. Hard wood floors and a nice neutral color for the wall. You could live with it. You walked in and Immediately went for the stairs, not bothering to go look into the Kitchen or Garage, as nothing really interesting would be in there.

You walked up the stairs and immediately took notice of all the boxes that littered the hallway. Looking around you found the boxes with your same written on top in front of a door. You assumed this was your bedroom, so you opened it up. Inside the medium sized room was a bare desk and your mattress on its Bed frame. You pulled i the boxes with your name into the room and began to unpack. You pulled your bedding out and made your bed, putting a sheet on to cover the bare mattress and then the dark blue Comforter on top. It was plain, but you preferred that. You then set your laptop up. After that you just hung decorations and Posters up to cover the walls how you liked them. You then hung your clothes in the closet and put away underwear and such into drawers that were built into the closet.

*Small Time Skip*

You sighed as you wiped your hands on your pants, even though there was no fucking point since you didn't do anything to get your hands dirty. You stared at your work. It was still a little bare, but with time the room will be how you want it. You took a deep breath before walking out into the hall, noticing that mostly everything had been hung up and put away. You nodded in Satisfaction at the work your mom did in the hallway. You walked down the stairs where your mom was finishing up hanging the last of the picture frames and she stepped back. You could see her gazing at the pictures with happiness on the new wall. This move made your mom happy, so maybe everything will be okay. You walked up and wrapped your arm around her, giving her a side hug as you both looked at the pictures. She smiled, letting out a relieved sigh before turning Towards you.

"Alright (Y/n), i'm gonna head off to the Grocery store, I would ask you but i know you would get lost by the time you reached the Mailbox. So, explore the neighborhood. If you get lost just ask someone for directions. Be good, and try to meet some neighbor kids. I love you!" Your mom said before giving you a quick kiss on the cheek. She grabbed her coat, gloves and Hat and made her way towards the door. She gave you one last wave before walking out to her car. You faintly waved back before looking around in search for your Playstation. You found it plugged up into the Tv in the middle of the living room and just let it be. It's not like you had a Tv in your room to plug it up in. You went upstairs and Fumbled around in your closet for the warmer Coats that you and your mother bought right before moving here. It was just a simple black Thick Coat, and you slipped on some plain grey gloves and matching colored beanie. You changed out of your vans into some comfy boots to keep your feet dry and warm. You then walked downstairs and out the door.

The sun was still high in the sky, so you could tell it was two or three. I mean, You checked your phone like ten minutes ago but you wanted to feel smart so let's just say you could tell by the position the sun was in. You looked both ways on the empty street and decided that left was the direction that you wanted to go in. You walked on the sidewalk, looking around at the new environment. It seemed peaceful here, and you kinda liked it. You continued to walk when you heard footsteps fast approaching from behind. Thinking someone was about to rob you, which you really didn't have anything on you of value, you turned quick and raised your fist, ready to punch the culprit. The said culprit was a boy, no older then you. He had blonde locks and and a goofy expression on his face. His outfit consisted of a turquoise jacket and dark jeans. You looked at him, and waited for a reason as to why he decided that running full speed behind a stranger was a smart decision.

"Oh, Jeez, I didn't mean to scare you! I Just saw you come from your house and wanted to say hello! I'm Butters! Butters Stotch! I live right next door!" The blonde happily told you. You nodded, slowly lowering your fist. He seemed like an Innocent type. Probably got persuaded into doing things. What a small bean.

"Well, I'm (Y/n). I'm glad you're nice, otherwise I probably would've rocked your shit." You said, Chuckling at the thought of you accidentally knocking this poor boys teeth in.

"Rocking my shit? Huh, Never heard that one before! Wanna come over! My parents were talking about wanting to meet the new neighbors!" Butters said, and before you could really give an answer he grabbed your wrist before dragging towards his house, well technically both of your houses since you live next door to each other. You let him drag you, he seemed harmless. He dragged you towards the Rustic red colored house that was right beside your own, pulling you up the stairs and opening the door. You looked around. It was alright. The colors were bothering you slightly, with the green walls and orange Carpet, but you wouldn't judge for now. At least not out loud. You looked over to see a man sitting on the blue couch reading a magazine as the Tv played in the background. By the sounds you assumed that someone else was in the kitchen.

"Hey Mom and Dad, I met the new neighbor and brought her with me!" Butters said, Which caused his dad to turn and look at you and the sounds in the kitchen to stop, seeming to come and meet you, if you had to guess.

"Well, It's nice meeting you. I'm Stephen Stotch, and This is my wife Linda." He said, as the mentioned woman came up to stand with him and smile. I slightly smiled back.

"Hi, I'm (Y/n) (L/n). My mom and I just moved here." You said awkwardly, as butters stood beside you, not seeming to notice the awkward situation he put you in.

"Well, I think it would be lovely to meet your mother. Why don't you both come over for dinner?" Linda asked politely in her soft tone. It's not like you could say no, as she would probably ask your mom personally if you didn't say yes.

"Uh, Yeah Im sure my mom would really like that. I'll make sure to tell her right when I get home." You said, trying to make it obvious that you wanted to leave.

"Then it's settled. Butters, why don't you take your friend here home so she can tell her mommy." Linda said, looking at Butters. Butters nodded, then he took your elbow and led you back out the door. Right when the door closed you let out of a sigh of relief that you didn't know you were holding in.

"Some of my friends are also coming over for dinner tonight, so you can meet them too! Oh man this is gonna be so cool!" Butters said while walking beside you to the short distance to your house. You simply smiled at him before looking over to see your moms car parked back in it's original place. As you were about to walk up the stairs you looked at butters.

"Hey dude, what time are we even supposed to come?" You questioned, as the woman never gave you a time.

"Oh! We usually eat dinner at 7! I'll see you then!" Butters exclaimed before happily racing off into his house. You shook your head in amusement before walking towards the door of your home. You opened it and walked in to see your mom sitting on the couch watching Tv. You looked over into the kitchen and saw that she already unpacked the groceries.

"I could've helped you unpack if you wanted ma. You should've called." You said, Plopping down beside the said woman. She just grinned before wrapping you up in a hug.

"I wanted you to get out and explore for as long as you wanted, I don't mind." Your mom said, giving you a kiss on the temple.

"The Stotch's next door invited us over for dinner at 7 tonight ma." You said, deciding to say it now before you forget. Your mom nodded before sighing in relief.

"Good, I really didn't want to cook dinner." Your mom said. You just smiled before pulling out your phone and checked the time

6:07 Pm

Damn, Where did the time go? Deciding that you should look a least a little presentable you trudged your way up the stairs into your room to look for an outfit.

What to wear.

What to wear.

What to wear

ah hah!

Pulling out a Lightning McQueen Sweater from your closet you tugged it on and snuggled in to it. Cracking up you pulled on a pair of black leggings before pulling some nike socks on. Looking around at your shoes you noticed your transformers crocs in the back of the closet, so you slid them on. You looked in the mirror hanging on the wall to fix your hair before going toward the stairs. Attempting to slide down the banister did not work in your favor, as soon as you were close to the bottom you fell backwards, right onto your back. You groaned before rolling over and standing up. You looked over to see your mom waiting you with a look of disappointment from the scene she just watched. She then looked at your outfit before cracking the fuck up.

"(Y/n), God I love you." Your mom said, trying to contain her laughter. You just snorted before following her out the door towards the Stotch's.
You both walked the short distance to the Aforementioned neighbors, walking up the steps and ringing the doorbell.

Fumbling and muffled laughter was heard in the house, so you assumed that the friends that Butters mentioned earlier were already there.

Suddenly, The door opened to reveal Linda standing there, her apron still wrapped around her.

"Oh, hello! I'm so happy you could make it! Come in, Come in! I'm almost done cooking." Linda said before gesturing you into the house. You walked in, sliding your crocs off at the door. you heard the laughter and ruckus upstairs, so you assumed that they were playing around or rough housing. Your mom seemed to be getting along really well with Butter's mom. Honestly, that woman could get along with anyone if she tried.

"(Y/n) Dear, Butters room is just upstairs. I'm sure you can make good friends with his. Why don't you go on up and we'll call you when dinner is ready?" Linda said to you, and your mother gave you the nod of approval. You just gave them a thumbs up.

"You got it dude." You said before sprinting up the stairs.

Your mom and Linda just stared at your retreating figure before looking at each other and giggling.

You got to the top of the steps and looked around. Seemed like a nice house. You looked to see one of the bedroom doors slightly ajar, with the noise coming from that. You walked over and slightly opened the door to see who his friends were. Standing around the computer, was 4 unknown boys. They looked to be around your age too, probably so since they were friends of Butters.

One boy was wearing a green jacket, with a green hat snug on his head. From the tuffs of hair that poked out, you could tell he had red hair. It was pretty. The best boy was standing right beside the first. He adorned a Brown jacket with a blue hat. Red outlined the perimeter and A red puffball sat atop it.  His hair seemed to be a Raven Black. The next boy was wearing an Orange Parka and matching Orange pants. That's what you could see since his hood was pulled over his head. The last one, or what you could see of him since the others blocked him mostly from view as he was the one sitting at the computer.

From what you could see, the other boy seemed pretty chubby. Not too much but there was some extra fat there. He was wearing a Red Jacket with a Blue and Yellow hat. That's all you could see of him.

Butters was sitting on his bed a little ways from the group, when he turned and saw you. His eyes immediately lit up and he jumped off the bed and bounded over to you.

"Oh (Y/n)! I didn't know you were here already!" Butters exclaimed, grabbing your hands and dragging you further into the room.

That Caught the others attention, as three of the four turned to look at you. You could see two of the boys eye color now.

The boy in green had pretty Emerald Green eyes, which you somehow expected. The Ravenette had Ocean eyes. Dark blue and seemingly endless.

You still couldn't make out any features on the Orange clad kid, but you managed to catch a glimpse of sky blue eyes.

"Oh, Hey dude! I'm Kyle. Nice to meet you." Kyle Said, giving you a smile, which you returned. Stan smiled too.

"Hi, I'm Stan, and this is Kenny." He said, pointing to the Orange covered boy in question. Kenny just mumbled something in response, inaudible because of the fabric covering his mouth. You nodded before glancing over at the other boy, still playing on the Computer.

"Oh, that's Eric, but you can just call him Cartman. Just ignore him." Kyle said, which you just snorted under your breath at the weird name.

"Well, I'm (Y/n). Nice to you all too." You said, before looking over at Butters.

"Your mom said Dinner was almost done when I first got here, so it should be really close to being done." You informed Butters.

The talk of food brought the boy from the computer out of his game, as he stood up. You guessed he was ready to eat.

"Oh, Hell yeah! I'm ready to eat." Cartman said, Causing you to give him a weird look.

"Bro." You laughed, making all the boys look at you.

Cartman, probably thinking that you were about to insult him, was ready to defend himself.

"That's a Fat Mood." You finished before walking towards the door, looking over and waiting for the others to follow you.

"You guys coming? I'm ready to stuff myself." You joked before opening the door and walking out the door. The other boys look at each other. Kyle and Stan Laughed a little before following you. Kenny gave a Muffled Chuckle before going along as well. Butters grinned. In his thoughts, he was happy that they seemed to like you already. He then went along with the rest of them.

That left Eric Cartman, stranding there, deep in thought. It was weird for him. He really expected you to say something about him. Maybe it was silly, why would you bash him when you didn't even know him. You were mean, but not that mean.

He shook the thoughts out out of his head before Catching up with everyone else.

You all were seated for dinner. You were in between Stan and Kyle. Your mom was seated in front of you beside Butters' mom. She was talking to the boys, who seemed to really like her. The table was lively and you smiled to yourself while eating your pasta. It's been so long since you've had something like this, and you didn't want to let it go. You and Stan were quietly talking amongst yourselves when you turned your head when you heard your name come from your mother's mouth.

"I hope you can take care of my (Y/n), She's usually by herself, and I would hate for her to start school without any friends." Your mom told them, causing you to slam your face into your hands and grow. That's Embarrassing.

"Of Course, Mrs. (L/n). We'll definitely take Care of her." Kyle said, using one hand to pat your back. You looked up at him and slightly smiled.

Kenny, who pulled down his good to eat, agreed.

"Yeah, We'll definitely take good care of her, Mrs. (L/n)." He grinned, looking at you and secretly giving you a wink. You rolled your eyes before looking back at your mom. She was smiling. It even almost seemed like she was gonna cry. You smiled back at her. If this made her happy, then you would hang out with these guys.

"Thank you, so much." Your mom whispered, as Linda comforted her the same way Kyle did you. Dinner then proceeded. No one seemed to notice the oddly quiet Cartman, but that was a  question for the boys to ask later. You didn't know him, so you didn't know it was odd behavior. You ate and it was finally time for everyone to leave. Cartman seemed to leave faster then anyone, for why you weren't sure. You hugged Butters and Kenny, as he was planning to stay over, and Waved to his parents, stepping outside with Kyle and Stan, talking with them as you waited for your mom to finish saying goodbye.

"It was nice meeting you guys. I hope that we'll be good friends." You said, grimacing at how unlike you that sounded. They didn't seem to catch on, both giving you smiles.

"Yeah, I hope so too! We both live just down the street, and Our moms would probably really wanna meet you guys, so you can stop by sometime." Kyle spoke for himself and Stan, who just nodded in agreement. You nodded back.

"I think She'd like that." You said, glancing towards the house your mother was currently in.

"School doesn't start back for another week, it's our winter break right now. So, You don't need to worry about that just yet." Stan said, and you let out a sigh of Relief.

"Wait, What grade are you in?" He asked, hoping that you all were in the same year.

"Oh, I'm a 10th grader." You said, and saw the relief flash through the boys eyes.

"Same here, You'll at least have one of us in a class." Kyle spoke. Your mom then opened the door and stepped out, Giving another hug to the blonde woman before meeting your eyes.  You nodded, knowing it was time to go home.

"Maybe we can hang before school starts back." You suggested, to which they both nodded before you pulled Kyle into a hug, giving him a good squeeze, which he returned. You then reached for Stan and gave him a hug as well, to which he also squeezed back.

"I'll see you guys later." You said before turning around and walking off with your mother to your house. They both looked at each other and smiled before turning and walking down the street to Kyle's House, where Stan was currently going to stay the night at.

You and your mom walked in, and your mom looked at you.

"I'm gonna go to bed sweetie, Thank you for trying to be good tonight." Your mom said before hugging you and ascending the stairs up to her room. You smiled to yourself before going up as well, traveling to your bedroom to get night clothes and walking into the bathroom to take a shower.

You dried your wet hair with a blowdryer while wrapped up in your towel, deep in thought. You hoped this new school wouldn't be awful. Your hair was finally dry and you slipped on your underwear and a large Clifford the big red Dog tee shirt, not bothering to wear a bra. You walked into your bedroom and placed your phone on your charger. You slipped under the covers and closed your eyes, slowing drifting off.

That night, Kyle couldn't sleep. He was too busy thinking about the new girl that now lived in their neighborhood. She was really pretty, and seemed really cool. He continued to think, not knowing the friend sleeping on the floor and the rest of the boys she met that night were up thinking the same thing.

-I hope you guys like this so far!

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