Loathed Treasure

By FreshRawRot

430K 16.5K 12.6K

Why does Jennette get all the love while Athanasia is overshadowed by her? Claude ignores his own daughter on... More

Chapter 1: Face to Face
Chapter 2: Meeting
Chapter 3: Cold-Blooded
Chapter 4: Adventure
Chapter 5: Thoughts
Chapter 6: Destiny
Chapter 7: Lady Angel
Chapter 8: Worries
Chapter 9: Undead
Chapter 10: Surging
Chapter 11: Whole
Chapter 12: Pampered
Chapter 13: Gift
Chapter 14: Emerging
Chapter 16: Stalemated
Chapter 17: Deceived
Chapter 18: Issues
Chapter 19: Encounter
Chapter 20: Debut
Side Story: The Maid and The Knight
Chapter 21: New Start
Chapter 22: Gone
Chapter 23: Lies
Chapter 24: Redemption
Chapter 25: Trickster
Chapter 26: Fame
Chapter 27: Charmed
Chapter 28: Grand
Chapter 29: Obsession
Special Extra: Bidding
Chapter 30: Conflict
Chapter 31: Frick
Chapter 32: Bloom
Chapter 33: Peace
Chapter 34: Farewell
Chapter 35: Familiar
Chapter 36: Relations
Chapter 37: Entrance
Chapter 38: Recognition
Chapter 39: Misery
Chapter 40: Despair
Chapter 41: Change
Chapter 42: Retribution
Chapter 43: Journey
Chapter 44: Cleave
Chapter 45: Fin
Author's Note
New Fanfic

Chapter 15: Rise

10.4K 390 488
By FreshRawRot

~ Athanasia POV ~

It's been a few weeks and I'll say. Our city has truly grown big and more powerful but the pace is still too fast. I'm afraid that it'll become unbalanced and we'll lose our city quickly. So it's my job to keep it stable and safe while also taking care of the people. Though father is doing a lot more now that he's back, we work together. We became getting recognition for our work in the city that father had gotten so many business invitations from other nobles. He didn't want to go but I convinced him to because it'll benefit us if our popularity spreads all over the empire.

"Lily. How are the farms?" I check the data.

"Well thanks to your methods, the dirt managed to become soil and they were able to grow enough crops to feed the whole population. Though more people are moving in."

"Good. More people would support us considering how we got 20% of the empire's land and it'll raise our budget too. Our land is growing too." I grinned to our success. "Are the roads finished yet? And what about the dams too?"

"Well, the roads are almost complete and the dams are finished thanks to the help of the animals which is fascinating how nature is cooperating with us."

Yes! I wanted to climb on the table and dance with all my might at our achievements. However, I can't celebrate yet because I don't know how long this "easy" life will last.

"Next build a river that streams with the fields and plant sugarcane." I think about the people that need help. Hmm. Will father let me host a social event? "Build an orphanage. There are too many kids lost in the streets and the church can't handle all of them but school is more important so add that to the list too"

Lily writes all my proposals down on her paper and smiles gladly at me. "Athy, you have grown into a fine woman!" She pinches my cheek.

"Lily, I'm not a child anymore" I whined.

"Yes, but you're still precious in my eyes no matter what" She cups my cheek and inspect my face closely.

I cringed at her motherly side and bear with it for a while. But I couldn't handle it anymore and came up with an excuse so that she'll leave. "Shouldn't you be training??"

"I'm still your maid, Athy"

"Yeah but you haven't gotten enough," I said as I raised my hand. "Like if someone suddenly... ATTACKS!" I hurl my hand towards her head.


She acted quickly and blocked my attack. Then she twists my arm and turns my body around even forcing me on the ground, paining me more by twisting my arm way past my limit. "Owwie!~" I cried and tapped out.

She sighed and let go of me. "Athy, you shouldn't surprise me like that!"

I looked at my wrist and it was red from her grab. I rub it to ease the pain as she scolds me. "Sorry, Lily. I thought you were still an amateur because I don't see you train often"

"Whatever. If you wish to be alone, then I'll excuse myself" She pinches my cheek and gives me a scary face. "But you are right. I still need to work on my strength" She kisses my forehead and then leaves the room.

Wahhh. She's such a fast learner and much stronger than I am! I trained for years and she only trained for about a month and a half!! God! This is what I get for being so lazy and using magic...

I got my stuff together after suffering from losing my pride a bit and went back to work...

I scroll through the book and research as I carefully think of a solution. I stole some of daddy's research papers for the sake of this experiment. It may be a little guilty but the end result will make up for it!

"... Sigh. I should test it first on a subject before going directly to her"

Just wait for me, mother. Soon you'll come back.

*Meanwhile* ~ Anastacius POV ~

The carriage carries me to this useless noble gathering that I despise so much. A meeting just to talk about businesses? Ugh. I don't need money but I'm only doing this to get power.

I took out the embroidery from my pocket that was made by Athanasia and looked over her work again. "It's flawless..." I comment and put it back in my pocket.

She's too impressive...

~ 3rd POV ~

Meanwhile, in the meeting, the nobles that meet regularly talk among themselves about the newcomer that had suddenly moved from another country. Although he barely exposed himself to the public, rumors had already spread throughout the empire.

"I heard he's just a poor farmer whose business failed before" One insults him.

"I heard he's single! Maybe if I pair him up with my..." The ladies gossip about seducing the high-rising mysterious noble that already achieves most of the commoners' support.

However, the tensest group was the Dukes. They were the highest ranks behind the Crown and like any of the few nobles. They felt threatened by the newcomer who claims to be a duke. Not just "a duke", but the Grand Duke.

"How can he have such a title if he's not involved with the monarch?" One complains

"He did come from another country so we need to be careful around him" Another warns.

"Yes... you guys cannot assume things just based on rumors until we see the man himself" Duke Roger Alpheus warns them and they all listen and nod in agreement.

An ambitious man that only wants more power thought his plan thoroughly in order to get on the new Duke's good side. The works he did for the people were so phenomenal, of course, he'll be the talk of the empire and not to mention, he already has so much power in hand. If he continues doing such remarkable improvements, then he will soar and overpower all the nobles combined. It'll be as equal as the Royals which will cause lots of tensions between the Aristocrats and the Monarchs. For now, Duke Alpheus will try to create a friendly relationship with the newcomer.

"What's his name again?"

"We only know that he goes by Duke Karalis or Mr. Karalis. We haven't heard of his first or any other family members of his." They exclaimed.

'As expected of a mysterious man. I will have to get it out of him with caution' Duke Alpheus thought to himself. 'But even if I fail, I still have Jennette'

Then all the heads of each household gathered around the table, most were men but very few were women and all of those women were widows. And the rest were put in another room to talk. Some were respectable but most desires for power and Karalis was one way.

They all chat about business and current affairs while waiting for the new guest. Then when they heard footsteps coming from the other side of the door, they all shut their mouths and kept their eyes on the door. Then guesses came into their minds.

'Is he nice?' 'A stern man?' 'A dense person?' 'Cold and heartless?' They all thought as the footsteps got louder and louder. Some were anxious and nervous as sweats appeared all over their body and their hearts beating fast. Others thought he was inferior so they didn't care about him. While few like the Dukes expect to see a professional and excellent man coming through the door. Then the footsteps stopped by the door and they all patiently waited.

On the other side of the door was carefree Anastacius in his disguise, he stood strong and chuckled in mockery at the nobles. He knew they were anxious to see him because he got spies to get information for him. Nevertheless, he thought it was silly for them to think they would capture his attention and get on his side. The knights that were assigned guard the door had their hands on the handle as they waited for his command because he stopped them.

"Sigh. Let's get this over with" He signals them to only the doors and so they did.

The nobles stare at the man walking in with fascination. Anastacius' eyes wander the room and make eye-contact with everyone on the table.

Duke Alpheus was lost in his thoughts as he continued examining Duke Karalis. 'Why does he seem so familiar??' He thought.

Then when he realized that he daydreams, he quickly went back to conscience and stood up. "Welcome to the nobles meeting" He stands up and looks at him seriously along with others. "You may sit here" He points to an open chair.

Duke Karalis smirks and opens his mouth. "Thanks for the invitation!" He said in the dark atmosphere. "Though it's so quiet and gloomy in here. I don't mind" He hums and goes to his assigned seat as the noble watch him act someone that's way out of their expectations.

They now have mixed feelings about the Duke. Most of them were unpleased with his first impression and so their respect for him plummeted. However, he didn't care and sat in his chair and even slouch on it. Duke Roger who was the leader of the meeting was bewildered by him and couldn't believe him.

"So are we going to start or what?" Duke Karalis frowns at him with cold eyes that made him shiver with fear along with some others who noticed his death glare.

"... Yes, let's all introduce ourselves before we begin the meeting"

Duke Roger started first and started a chain. But before the next person could even start, Duke Karalis snickers at him and covers his mouth when the others see him. It got awkward but they continued and went around the table. Each noble would stand up, introduce themselves, and sit right back down. Then when it got to the man himself, he lays back in his chair and smirked with arrogance.

"Grand Duke Karalis." He said and rolled his eyes.

Such action triggers the nobles as their blood pressures increase at his rudeness. They were all insulting and cursing at him in their minds while giving the dirty look. He had already gotten on the bad side of the Aristocrat's party but he didn't care. All he could think about was home. Only Duke Roger and very few others remain astonished at him unlike most of the nobles.

Then one slam both of his arms and called him out. "How can you act so cocky in front of us?!" He yelled at him.

Anastacius turns with a stern face and glares at the man. "Oh my. Is that how you greet your guest?" He scoffs at him as the man's face turns red.

Duke Roger acts fast and stops them from arguing. "Enough! We are all gathered here to discuss the empire's state and if you have a problem with this meeting, then I suggest that you leave!" He threatens both of them.

The man covered in sweat obeys and sat back in his chair while Anastacius enjoyed the show of Duke Roger's leadership.


"The meeting is adjourned. Thank you for coming" Duke Roger ends the meeting and they all get up to leave the room.

'Well, that was boring' Anastacius gets up from his chair so he can go home as quickly as he can only to be stopped by his peers.

"Duke Karalis! I've heard about all the greatest accomplishments that you have done for the people!" The Marquis prevents him from leaving and soon other nobles crowd him.

"You're very intelligent! If you didn't come to the meeting, then we all wouldn't have heard such great ideas from you!" A Count compliments him.

During the business meeting, Duke Rogers would talk about one concern to the next and nobles would have to express their opinions and alternative solutions. This was a great opportunity for Duke Karalis to prove himself worthy and so he did. Giving proposals that instantly came into mind due to his excellent brain and wisdom from all the experiences he had when he was the Crown Prince and Emperor. Everyone dumbstruck by the Duke soon forgets about his rude impression in the first place. Although not instantly, they begin to think that he may be different from the rumors and so the only way to find out is to get direct answers from him.

"Duke Karalis, which country did you come from?"

Anastacius grips his fist in fury as he stares at the Count's neck. "The Sidonna Kingdom" He wanted to stab his neck for stopping him from going back to his carriage.

"And might I-"

Anastacius raised his hand and silent him. He turned his head side to side and saw that all eyes were on him. He knew that they had all sorts of questions for him so he came up with a solution.

"To answer all the basic questions you have." He announces and says loudly for everyone to hear. "I left because the king is an asshole. The land had so much potential. I married a princess but she's currently busy in the kingdom." He shows off his ring that was actually his disguise. "And most of the help for the people came from my child. Also, I'll talk to you about investments in the next meeting. However, I'm busy and so I need to get home. Bye!~"

The people gape at him in shock at such surprising facts he gave about himself and wanted to ask for more details but are scared of triggering him. He walked through the crowd and they made way for him. He was satisfied that they were being polite to him for once and when he reached the door. Someone prevents him.

"Stop." Someone commands.

Anastacius' eyes glowed to jewel with anger but went black again once he calmed down. He turned around irritated and sneered at the man who dared to stop him from going home. It was none other than Duke Roger Alpheus.

"Before you go, let me ask you one important question before you go" He walks toward Anastacius confidently as the bystanders watch the intensity between the two powerful nobles. "What is your name?" He comes face to face with him.

Anastacius rolls his eyes at the question. 'Seriously?' He thought to himself. He grinned and leaned closer to his face with a smug look.

"Name's Athanasius. Roger" He snickers.

"... What's your child's name?" Duke Roger asked in curiosity. If he got the gender alone, he could get Jennette or his son, Ijekiel to be friends.

Anastacius glares at him with contempt as blood boils to his brain. He thought of hundreds of ways to kill him on the spot but then Athanasia came into his mind. And so he calms down and looks at him with pride again.

"Hmmm. No, maybe next time when we get to know about each other, Roger" He gives him a friendly smile before going through the door.

Duke Roger's pupils shrink as he stands still in defeat. He was shaken by such an attitude that he thought was childish yet it didn't feel new to him at all. 'It's ok, we'll talk more next time and maybe just maybe I'll gain his support' Roger convinces himself that he'll get his goal.

*TIME SKIP* - More Weeks Later - ~ Athanasia POV ~

It's been 2 months and a half since I moved here and spring is starting soon. Just the perfect weather for my experiment. I sit by my window and look down at the garden that father had built for me. I sighed and opened my mouth.

"Anastasia," I said my name that was given by my own father. "... Anastasia. Athanasius" I smiled to myself.

Father basically switched our names and just barely changed it. Well, I asked him why such similar names and he said that it's for the sake of our disguises and also we won't raise much suspicion if we mixed up our fake and real names. It's strange because they're both linked to immortality and mean resurrection.

"I'm happy..." I mumbled to myself. It means we kept our royal links together.

I walked out of my room and straight to the garden to get some fresh air. But when I went out, my nose was hit by the strong smell of alcohol and the worst part... I took a deep breath and inhale the air the moment I went out of the doors.

"Miss??" Hannah shouts in confusion and Ces spits out her drink in surprise.

All the maids were gathered outside by the table and were drinking lots of alcohol, strong alcohol... Some of their faces were red but others were still sober. Lily stood up and grabbed a handkerchief to cover my nose. She furrowed her eyebrows in concern and even walked with me to get further away from the drunk tables.

"Continue drinking! I'll guide the Miss away!" Lily commands them and they all nod.

When we got far enough, I took the cloth off my nose and took a big whiff of the fresh air. But then the peaceful moment got interrupted.

"Athy! Did you not read the sign??" Lily scolds me. "You're lucky that your magic is preventing you from getting drunk!!"

"Ah... I do feel lightheaded a bit" I awkwardly smile. "Sorry. I was too focused on going outside that I forgot you guys drink at this time"

"I'll get you water but you need to be aware of our time schedule" Lily leaves me to get my drink.

Every day the maids gather outside at the same time after finishing their duties and drink the strongest alcohol this empire can provide for the people. Then after drinking past their limits to the point where they would vomit or blackout, they would have to eat fruits and vegetables and lots of water to relieve themselves. I feel bad for their livers so much but father cast a spell that would prevent the organ from failing.

"... Everyone is getting stronger" I sighed and touched the flowers in the garden.

'Master!' I heard Raven's voice then a force pushed my back and I fell on my stomach.

Raven stood on my back and then jumped off. 'Sorry, Master' He apologized as his ears flap down.

I sit up and brush it off. "It's nothing," I rubbed his head and made my way to his stomach. "Who's a good boy??" I tease him and play with him.

While I have fun with Raven and forget about my nausea, Lily comes back with my water but quickly goes back to the others because she is the head maid after all. When my time with Raven was up, he went back to his house and took a nap. Even though he's around a husky size, he would've been bigger if it wasn't for his special collar that would shrink his size but still kept his strength. If I took that collar off, he'll become a giant wolf that I could even ride on him!

"..." I look at the blue clear sky. "Spring...It's time to spring something up."

Ahh. that pun was horrible...

*TIME SKIP* - Night-Time -

"Father, another meeting again?" I whined to him.

He was already dressed up and at the door. "Yes, why? Do you not want me to go?" He took a step back inside, hoping that I'll beg him to stay.

"Well, it's just you're going out so much and I'm worried about your health." I pouted. "But I'm not stopping you" I put on a smile.

"You sure?" He asked as he nodded slowly. "Because I'm going" He took a step outside.

I grinned with an innocent face. "Ok! Be careful on your way back, father!~" I giggled.

He weakly smirked and went out the door to his carriage. After he had officially left the area, I went back to my room as the maids all gathered outside for their next training. I watch them from the window as they put on their blindfolds and stand still in the cold night for the longest time.

"Hmmm. I should go now" I get off my window's seat and go towards my closet where my essentials were. I changed into a different attire that was fit for the night and put on a cloak.

Then I looked at myself in the mirror and put on a stone face. "I'm ready"

"Ready for what, young lady?" Mother appears in my reflection. "It's past your bedtime and you're going out now?" She frowns at me.

"Oh erm. Mother, I can explain!!" I staggered and tried to not worry her but she shakes her head in disapproval and demands that I go to sleep now. "... Mother, you won't understand but I need to go out!" I pleaded.

"... You're still trying?" She gives me a sad face. "Athanasia..." She looks at me with eyes that showed remorse and pity. Her pink orbs express many negative feelings that made my heartache.

"Mother... I-I..." I had no excuse. "I'm going"

"Athanasia!" She yelled at me.

"Bye mother" I put on a sad smile.


I teleported out of my room and to my destination. I put on the new ring that my father gave me which changed both of my hair and eye color. I stepped out of the back alley and carefully made my way to the place. "I need to study the map of the empire now" I mumbled to myself.

After wandering around, I had to go to a local vendor and ask for help but stopped first as I thought of my plan. I need to be cautious.

"May I get a bouquet?" I asked with a friendly face.

"Oh my!" The nice middle-aged lady said in a soft voice. "Well, what kind would you like?"

"Asphodel, please," I said without any hesitation and placed a bag of coins on the table. "Keep the change"

The vendor didn't question me and put together my bouquet. "What made a young lovely lady come out this late at night? You look a bit too young to be off alone too" She assumed that I was a lost child and offered to help find my parents but I reassured her that I was not.

"But I do have one question.." I smirked and the flower lady raised her eyebrows in confusion. "Where is the nearest graveyard?"

*Meanwhile* ~ Anastacius POV ~

God, this business meeting is so boring. Why did I even bother to go?

"Duke Karalis! How are you?" A Baron greeted me and held out his hand for me to shake.

"Good enough. How about you?" I crossed my arms and leaned against the wall.

He awkwardly pulled her hand back and shook the back of his head. "I'm good! Erm, I heard that your daughter's charity work in the city! It's amazing how much she did in just 2 months and they were all successful too!"

I smirked in pride. "Of course, that's how magnificent my daughter is!" I slick my hair back with an arrogant face. "She has the brain, look, skills, and so much more." I bragged. "Argh. But she's growing up too fast and one day she might become independent!" I grip my fists at the thought of it. "I'm so proud of her..."

Then I realized that I did something I shouldn't have done. Brag about Athanasia...

Revealing her gender was already troublesome enough but that was due to her donations to the people in which she used her name because it'll give us more attention. However, with so many achievements that an average noble child couldn't come close to... How can I resist the urge to not talk about it??

"Oh my! It seems that you love your daughter very much!" The Marquis comments and the others laugh jolly with him.

"Yes, I do. She is my precious only daughter" I glared at them with a murderous face that made the atmosphere gloomy.

"So you have a daughter?" That white dog walks into the conversation which ruined everything. "Might I ask? What's her age?"

I kept an angry grin as my vein popped on my forehead. "She just turned 14" God. If he mentions his son, I will kill him with no hesitation.

"Oh! I have a girl in my household that's the same age" He said and I looked at him in confusion. Who is... Oh no. "How about we let them meet and become friends? It'll be nice to have a friend that's the same gender and age"

"... No" I rejected him. As if I let Athanasia near her. "My daughter has social anxiety so she doesn't like seeing new faces maybe next time," I told him.

"I assure you she's very nice and I'm sure that they'll become great friends like sisters" That sly bastard tries to lure me into his trap.

"I said no. Roger." I give him one last threatening look and he stumbles back. "Now excuse me, I will speak to others and I advise you to do the same" I walk past him.

"...Of course, sorry for my rudeness" He apologized as I left him behind.

Tsk. He already has Jennette with her jewel eyes, why would he even bother using her to get close with me? Dammit! This is getting complicated now!

"Duke Karalis!" A Lady greeted me and held her hand up for me to kiss. "Countess Sava at your service."

"Yes... What is it that you wish to speak about?" I give her the stone face while crossing my arms and she puts her hand down to her side. Isn't she married already?

"You know my husband's business in silk has risen a lot" I rolled my eyes. Of course, investments...

As she continues to talk and I pretend to listen and nod my head. I looked to the shoulder and noticed a mirror on the wall. Although it reflected everything in its sight, I saw something else in there. Then a beautiful goddess suddenly emerged in front of me and looked directly into my eyes. "Anastacius!"

She had to shout my name in a crowded room. Luckily it was noisy and her voice was muffled thanks to the glass but it didn't prevent this lady in front of me from hearing it!

"Huh?" She turned to the direction of the mysterious voice. I coughed very loudly into my hand nervously. "Oh! Are you ok?" I successfully gained her attention and stopped her from looking at the mirror.

She takes out a handkerchief and offers it to me. Gah! This is the worst place and time to do this especially in the view of a woman who can see through all mirrors! "No. No. I have one" I take out the handkerchief that Athanasia embroidered on.

The lady becomes dumbfounded by my action and fascinated by the work of the cloth in my hand. "What beautiful work! Who made this?"

"Erm. My daughter" I shove it in my chest pocket. "I'm feeling a bit under the weather so I need to leave early, ok?"

"Oh ok! but ..." I quickly made my way to the door as the Countess' voices got softer and softer.

*TIME SKIP* - Minutes Later -

I went inside the carriage and told the driver to take me home fast. As the carriage moved, I made a hand-mirror appear in my palm. I directly look at it and immediately talk.

"Diana, come out!" I summoned her and she appeared in the mirror. However, she looked distraught and worried. "Ugh. What happened?"

"Anastacius, you have to hurry!" She yelled through the glass.

She was so distressed that the mirror began to shake in my hand. I was tired of holding it up so I dragged her soul out and sat her in front of me. "Ok. Diana, tell me the problem" I asked her.

Judging by her look, it does not seem like a joke. I mean she wouldn't risk going to me during a business meeting so it had to be something very serious.

"Anastacius" Her face becomes pale and then she frowns sadly.

"Diana, it's ok! I'm here! Tell me what's the problem!" I wanted to grab her shoulders to comfort her but instead, my hand went through her body. How can I forget? She's not here yet.

"It's about Athanasia" She gets her shit together and tells me the problem. I only stared at her in confusion when she mentioned Athanasia. My mind went blank as I thought about my daughter.

"What about her?" I asked as my heart tightened in pain as the worse imagination came into my head. But it should be fine, I cast a protection spell on her that not even Claude can hurt her. However, that doesn't mean it's unbreakable...

"She went out... alone," She said and I got a bit relieved because I thought she would say something worse. "Please you need to bring her home"

"Sigh. Diana, I will. It's fine, she knows how to defend herself." I tried to reassure her. "Trust her and me.."

"It's not that." She gives me a stern face. "She's trying to do the impossible"

"What impossible?" I asked in bewilderment

"Reviving the dead" She said. I wasn't expecting that but at the same time, I wasn't surprised. "You must stop her!"

"Diana, I revived myself and trust me, those are hard." I calm myself. "And besides how is she going to revive you without a body?"

"That's the thing. She's not doing it on me..." My heart dropped as I gaped at her. "She's 'experimenting'"

~ Athanasia POV ~

"Ok..." I wander around the graveyard. "Come on, just choose a grave. Revive the person and kill them quickly before they go out. Or let them go back and it's a miracle for the family" I mumbled to myself as I touched the knife that was attached to my thigh. "Or a nightmare..."

I stood in the middle of the nobles' graves and closed my eyes while pointing my finger out. Then I spin around as I count to 10. "9....10!" I stopped and opened my eyes.

It was pointed at one of the fanciest tombstones that are basically just a prison for the dead, it was a Duke's family member too. Eh whatever, as long as I succeed, I don't care what happens to the person. I go through the gate after breaking the lock and inspect the interior before gently placing the bouquet on top of the casket.

Then I went on my knees and prayed to the dead person with respect for them before I began the experiment. "I humbly ask to disturb your peace in the afterlife only for the sake of this ritual. I apologize for anything that I do in the future after this." I bow my head and stand up.

"Phew. Ok! I can do this!" I used my strength to push the heavy stone lid off but only slightly moved it, only showing the feet. "Woah" I gasped at the sight of the body.

This body is really preserved... "It'll increase my chance right?" I asked myself.

Whatever, I should start the process. I reached into my bag and took out important and rare magic stones for the ritual. Once I organized all of it together, I centered myself and relaxed to begin the call.

"Ok, you can do this. Father managed to get mommy's soul back which means you can too, Athanasia" I motivate myself. "Phew. Let's go"

I held both of my hands up and face my palms to the casket. Ok. Let's do this!

All I have to do is let my spirit go and call for the soul of the dead person. While casting the spell, I heard the strong wind blew in the air outside and the wind made its way inside this tombstone but I kept my posture. Focus! The ground under the box traces a circle around and then random lines from the edge go to the center while making a symbol. Then a blue light from below shines through the crack as I saw the soul forming right in front of my eyes.

"... Wow," I gasped at the soul gathering together and recreated itself. It formed a pretty lady in a deep sleep and when her body was complete. She disperses into magic and goes inside the tomb where her body laid.

A loud thunder struck through the roof and formed a hole in the ceiling. As soon as it strikes her, a sudden flash blind my eyes that hurt my corneas too. I put both of my arms on my face and bend down in response. After that, it got quiet and I slowly let my arms down as I looked around the room. There were rocks and debris everywhere yet I didn't feel a single stone hit me. The lid was gone due to the lightning so all I saw was the coffin with smoke coming out of it.

"Ughhh." I heard a groan coming out of the box. Then I saw hands on the edges. It seems very alive.

I-It worked?? Then it means I did it! I did it! I jumped up and down in glee. Then I took a step forward to check on the person. "Hey. Are y-"


... Suddenly I stopped walking and froze in place. Sweat forms all over my body as I shake in fright at him. "F-Father?" My voice trembles along with my legs. I've never seen him with that face before.

"Athanasia. What did you just do?" He asked as if he was threatening me. His cold eyes had no emotion like he doesn't think of me as a daughter anymore. His glare was so heartless and deadly that I got chills from it.

The maids in the back were anxious as they stood on the side and watched us. I swallowed my saliva anxiously and answered him. "I... revived someone," I said. "But I-"

"What were you thinking?!" He scowls at me and I get startled by his sudden yell. My eyes widened at his angry face as he glared at me. I've never seen him like this before... "Do you have any idea how dangerous it is?! You could've gotten hurt! God, you left all us worried!" He shouts. "I didn't allow you to do this!"

I put my head down in shame as he continues to scold me about doing dangerous spells. What is this scary feeling inside? Why is it getting harder to breathe?  Does father suddenly hate me now that I disobey him by leaving the mansion? Does he want to kick me out? Was it a mistake to revive her? Or even have the desire to get mother back? Or was it a mistake to meet him in the first place?... no, it's my magic that caused all of this.

"You caused so much trouble, young lady!" He said and my lips begin to quiver.

"I'm sorry..." I bit my lips and slowly lifted my chin to face him. "I wanted to see mommy..." I said sadly.

But his back was turned on me and he looked irritated. "I don't want to hear anymore. Next time don't do it again" He grits his teeth and lets out an angry wheeze.

"Ok..." I said as tears formed in my eyes. I was so upset that I didn't want to use my legs to go to my room. I wanted to disappear and so I did. "*Sniff*"


I jumped into bed and shove my face into a pillow. I scream into the pillow with all my might and kick my legs into the air to vent out my anger. "God! At least I managed to revive someone!" I yelled out in frustration. "Are you disappointed...?" I questioned.

I only wanted to be like you, father...

I cried on my bed as the neverending tears streamed down my cheeks. I don't want to get abandoned. This is the first time he ever got so mad at me that he even gave me a death-threatening look. It was not my father's loving eyes, but Anastacius' cruel eyes. He was staring at me as if I was an enemy...

"Hiccup. I just want this day to be over already" I whined to myself.

~ Anastacius POV ~

"God!" I cursed as I stomp inside my office. She actually did that!? "Why would she go that far?!"

Athanasia... she managed to successfully revive a person! However, that's still reckless of her to do that without my knowledge!

"Anastacius!" Someone shouts my name in fury. "That was too much!" She frowned upon my actions earlier.

"Leave me alone, Diana!" I turned and glared at her. "I don't have time for this bullshit!" I glowered at her.

Her fist shakes as she gives me death stares that send a threatening message straight to my soul but I didn't care. I was too exasperated. "You shouldn't have yelled at her!"

"Shut up! You have no idea what she just did!" we sneered at each other. "Diana, don't get involved just because you're her mother!"


A bird flies and breaks through the window but I still kept my eyes on her. She scrunched her nose and furrowed her eyebrows with resentment. "I... shouldn't get involved...?" She grips her fist hard.


Another bird flies in and breaks the glass but still, I didn't flinch nor react.

"She only did it because she wanted to revive me! I have every right to get involved! I gave my life for her!" I rolled my eyes at trump card. It's too old now. "She's a child!"

"Well, she needs to learn!" I argued with her. "She still attempts to do magic that could've endangered her!"

"Yes she did, but that doesn't mean you can yell at my daughter!"

"She is my daughter too!" I turned around and leaned on the table with my blood pressure high. "She's my daughter... Our daughter" I calm down as I slowly breathe. God. What did I just do?

"Anastacius..." Diana speaks gently to me.

"Sigh. Athanasia may not be aware of her actions but I got so mad at her that I forgot who she was to me..." I get a headache from stress. "God, I'm a horrible father" I rub my forehead.

Diana stood silent and watched me go in agony after making Athanasia cry. I think this is the first time I vented my anger to her. Diana is right, what I did was too much and I should've dealt with it properly...

"Anastacius, I'm sorry" Diana apologized.

"No, don't be." I turned to face her with sad eyes. "I'm the one who's in the wrong so I should be sorry" I frowned.

Diana lifts her hand and tries to touch my cheek only for it to go through my head. I reminded her that she couldn't touch me but still, she wanted to try something and gave up soon. Instead, she stared at me softly with a small smile. "I'm the one who's sorry and you're not a bad father either."

"What do you mean?" I asked in confusion. She shouldn't be sorry at all...

"When you were venting your anger at Athanasia. You weren't mad at her specifically. It was something else and you just raged..." She leans closer to my face. "Why are you mad that she revived a person?"

I sighed. "You're right, I wasn't mad at her. I was just frustrated about what she did." I said. "Still I can't believe she revived the woman" I grit my teeth.

"Are you angry that she revived a woman?"

"It's not just 'a woman', Diana. It's the woman"

~ Unknown POV ~

"*huff*" I stomp my way to the house.

I feel so tired but it doesn't matter anyway. God had given me a chance... A chance to live again and reach the top!

"Yes..." I smiled to myself.

It's a miracle that I resurrected from the dead and now I'm back. Before this day, I had lived a horrible and pitiful life that no one can ever imagine...

Being raised in a noble family and treated as an object, I even had private tutors and rose to the top in academics, but then everything went downhill ever since I got engaged to a pathetic man. I thought my life was over after that day and begged my father to cancel it because I couldn't bear being with him until I met him.

He was my way out of my miserable life and so we talked. We both found out that we were so similar and had many things in common. It was the greatest moment of my life when he managed to break off the engagement and we got together. Until one day, he got killed by my ex-fiance.

I made my way up the doorsteps and laughed in pleasure. "I'm back!!"


I pound on the door as hard and loud as I can until someone opens the door. Then it opened and of course, I made a surprise visit to my family after being confirmed dead so I wouldn't expect much. The person in front of me gasped in shock at the sight of me and covered her mouth with her hand.

I stepped inside and hugged her in amusement. "Sister! I'm glad you opened the door!" I giggled.

She pulled away and looked at my face cautiously and even touched my face. "You're actually back?? Is this a dream?" She asked.

I pinched her cheek and she reacts painfully to it. "As you can see, it's not!" I grinned. "God has given me a chance to live again!"

She smiled widely and hugged me tight as I did the same to her. "I'm so happy you're alive, Penelope"

"Yes... I am" It's good to be living again.

I, Penelope Judith, have come back to life to claim my place as Empress of Obelia and live the luxurious life that I deserved!

End Of Chapter 15

AN: This is the longest chapter so far... Btw I specifically chose the names so they're not too different from the original because why not? And plus I've pronounced 'Athanasia' as 'Anastasia' since the beginning until now...

|Word Count: 7105|

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