Chasing Love

By booklovertash

51.1K 1.9K 256

Charlotte, a failed artist, finds herself stuck between the man she loves and her fiance who loves the power... More

Chasing Love
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 21

1.3K 55 3
By booklovertash

One day that will be us


Chapter 21 

When Charlotte woke up the next morning her throat was still sore. Her nose was still blocked, but she felt a little better. Her head was throbbing with an incoming headache and she wished she wasn't feeling so sick so she could enjoy her weekend away.

Chase was still asleep underneath her, and her head was resting on his hard chest. She was warm, and she felt safe. Slowly she got up, careful not to disturb letting him get a few more hours sleep. Charlotte walked over to her bag and grabbed 2 cold and flu tablets and grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge. Looking at her phone she saw it was 9 in the morning and new Chase would have to get up soon as he was part of the wedding. The wedding wasn't until 12pm and Chase had to be up at 10am. Though Charlie wasn't part of the bridal party, Harriet said she could get dressed with her bridesmaid as she had no other way to get to the wedding.

Walking into the bathroom she went bathroom before turning on the shower hoping a nice hot shower would make her feel better. She was still blowing out green stuff from her nose and knew when she got back home, she would have to book a doctor appointment to get some antibiotics.

Once the shower was steaming Charlotte turned on some cold water before stripping her pj's and stepping into the hot water. She wasn't alone for long before Chase joined her.

" Good morning." She smiled to herself and turned around and saw it was a good morning. She hummed, and she ran her gaze from head to toe and raised an eyebrow at Chase, at his erection, and watched as he shrugged his shoulders. Smiling, she passed him the soap and watched as his hands ran lazily over his body.

"We will be late if you keep washing yourself like that." Her voice was still husky from being sick, but desire was also laced within the sickness.

"We have time." Charlotte licked her lips, and Chase stepped closer to her until they were chest to chest. He reached out and placed one hand against the wall behind her as water cascaded down the both of them. She could smell the soap that clung to his chest. As she looked up to see his hazel eyes darken with lust as his erection sat heavily between them.

"I'm not sure we do." She said and watched as Chase lowered his head until his lips were a breath away from her. Her chest heaved with anticipation as her nipples peaked against his warm, hard and inviting chest. Her body felt warm as she clenched her thighs together, already feeling the slick growing evidence between her legs.

Her body shivered as Chase ran a single finger down from her neck just shy of the junction between her thighs. His finger danced crossed her pubic bone and before she could complain about him teasing her, he slid a lone finger inside of her, curling it in a way that had her gasping for air and shivering from delight.

Her mouth opened in an O shape as he slowly withdrew before adding a second finger making her head spin as pleasure wrapped around her body. Her moans were throaty, and she gasped for air like she was a drowning fish but none of that mattered as Chase gazed down at her with the only connecting their bodies were his fingers inside of her and their chest pressed together.

"Chase." She warned, knowing she was close as she wrapped her arms around his necks to stop herself from falling. She was building rapidly as her head spun and she knew if she didn't hold on she would fall over and crack her head on the beautiful light grey tiles.

"Come for me, Charlie." As if his words were magic with the combination of his curling fingers she came on command and exploded as her world spun and she tried to ground herself. Breathing heavily, Charlotte didn't realise she had closed her eyes until she was opening them again to see Chase still starring at her, making her feel self-conscious.

"So beautiful watching you fall apart beneath my hands. They way for body relaxes right before you come or the blissful smile you have afterwards or how your eyes darken to a dark green when you are filled with desire. Beautiful." He kissed her gently on the lips before pulling back and resting both hands on her shoulders to make sure she didn't fall down.

His words made her want to cry. Instead she blushed and looked down and tried to grab his erection to return the favour. However, he grabbed her hands and shook his head.

"What about you?" She asked and watched, and Chase turned her towards the shower door.

"I am fine, Charlie. That was for you. If we continued, we would be late. You need to dry and style your hair before we head over." His pale hand shot out in front of her and opened the door.

"I can be quick." She questioned and turned her head around as he threw back his head in laughter.

"I know, beautiful, but for now I can wait. Go put some warm clothes on before you get even more sick and start drying your hair." Charlotte left the shower and wrapped herself in one of the towels from the villa provided and quickly left the bathroom to let Chase shower. She quickly put on an oversized white button-down shirt and some thick black tights and socks before walking into the bathroom and started the hair dryer.

Chase had come out of the shower wrapped in a white towel and kissed the top of her head before going to get dressed. Once Charlotte's hair was dry, she started the curling wand and set out her makeup figuring it would be easier to have anything done so all she would need to do is get dressed.

While the curling iron heated, she applied her makeup, aiming for the natural look. It didn't take her long to finish her makeup and hair and was surprised when she had done it in 40 minutes. She could hear Chase on the phone in the next room as she lined her lips and applied her nude lipstick. Smiling at herself in the mirror, she quickly sprayed her hair with hair spray to keep the curls in place.

When she walked into the bedroom after double checking she turned all the appliances off she found Chase sitting shirtless on the bed typing away at his laptop with his phone to his hear. He smiled at her when she walked in and found he had already laid out their clothing on the bed ready to go. Charlotte looked are her phone and saw it was almost 10:30am and they would have to be leaving in a few minutes. Charlotte added her watch, ignoring the white lines on her wrist, and stopped when she glanced at her engagement ring on her left finger. She knew Chase was watching her, and she wondered if she should take it off or not. Sighing, she left it on, having a weird feeling like Landon would know if she had taken it off. Sighing, she dropped her hand that felt like it weighed hundreds of kilos and slipped her joggers on ready to go once Chase had finished his call.

"Yes, I'll get back to you during the week. Okay, bye." She watched as Chase hung up the phone and closed his laptop and stood up from the bed throwing on a plain black shirt.

"You ready to go?" He questioned her and she stood up from the bed grabbing their clothes and smiling at him.

"Yup." They both left together and got into Chase's car to drive to the wedding venue. When they arrived Charlotte got out and saw Chase's mum waving her over.

"I'll see you at the wedding." Chase gave her a nod, knowing his mum was watching, and she watched him walk over to the other cottage just down the road from where the women were. Making sure her dress didn't touch the floor, she walked over to Mary who kissed both her cheeks.

"Don't you look beautiful and you aren't even dressed. Here, let me grab your shoes." She passed the shoes over and saw Mary look at the brand, but said nothing. They walked inside the cottage and the first thing Charlotte heard was laughter. She followed Mary, and soon they were in the room with all the bridesmaid and bride.

"Charlie." Harriet weaved her way over and gave her a huge hug. Her hair and makeup had already been done, and she knew they would get photos soon once everyone was dressed.

"Hey Harriet. You look beautiful, Robert will fall over when he sees you." Charlotte smiled at her friend as she draped the dress over the back of a chair.

"Thankyou. How are you feeling? Chase said you have been sick." Charlotte sniffled her nose, not wanting to blow it and remove the makeup covering her red and cracked skin from where she has been blowing.

"I've been better. Still sick, as you can tell. So don't get too close, I would hate to get you sick before you go on your honeymoon." Her voice was still husky, and she kept sniffling, but overall Charlotte felt better than she had yesterday.

"Harriet the photographers want to get some picture." Mary said from deeper inside the room and Charlotte smiled at Harriet.

"Go, I will be fine." She waved her hand and watched as Harriet smiled at her glowing on her wedding day. Charlotte went to go sit down when her phone started ringing looking at the caller Id she sighed when she saw Landon was on the other end and knew she had to pick up despite not wanting to. She left the room for some privacy and stepped out onto the front porch and answered the phone.

"Hi Landon." She leaned on the wooden rail and looked at the beautiful green landscape and bare wine trees in the distance.

"Hello Charlotte. I've been trying to get a hold of you. Rose said you have gone away for the weekend to a wedding. I don't remember giving you permission to go to the Hunter Valley, I said you could go to the wedding, but I was under the impression it was in Sydney." Landon hissed on the other end, and she sighed. She knew it wasn't Rose's fault she was just doing her job.

"I didn't think it would be an issue Landon. I'm coming home tomorrow." She heard him tsk on the other end and she wished for a cigarette right about now, but she didn't bring them with her on the trip.

"I see. Know tell me Charlotte dear, how did you get up there because I checked the credit card and you didn't catch an Uber so tell me." His voice was calm, but Charlotte knew better. Landon was most dangerous when he was calm. When he was yelling and angry, she knew what to expect but this calm was unpredictable and it scared her more than him yelling at her.

"I caught a lift with the bride's brother and his girlfriend. I was going to catch an Uber and when I told my friend she organised for me to ride with her brother and his girlfriend." The lie slipped through her teeth, and it almost felt like second nature lying to Landon.

"I see. And where are you staying because I have seen no deposit put down or anything paid for?" Closing her eyes Charlotte started coughing, so she moved the phone away from her ear as she had a coughing fit as cool air blew through the valley.

"Sorry." She sniffled and heard typing coming from Landon's end.

"I'm still waiting for an answer and why are you there when you are sick?" His voice was sharp as disappointment came through in his tone.

"My friend the one getting marry is paying for it. She got a package deal with so many people staying the night. I offered her money to pay for my share, but she said it was like $100 and not to worry about it. About being sick, I'm feeling better." Another lie, but by now Charlotte had stopped counting how many times she lied to him. Lying was better than telling him the truth because if she did, she would be dead.

"Fine. When you get home on Sunday, there is a surprise at the house for you. Oh, and Charlotte tell Chase I said hi and wish his sister all the best with the wedding." Charlotte drew in a deep breath and nearly fainted on the deck when Landon hung up the phone.

She wasn't sure how he knew, but a deep panic settled into her bones that made her almost blind. Her breathing was shallow, and she knew if she didn't take some deeper breathes she would pass out. She was shivering, not for cold but from a deep-rooted panic that numbed all her senses and made her paralysed.

She tried to call Landon back, but the call kept growing through voicemail. She didn't know if this was another one of his games and he was doing it to fuck with her and see her reaction or if he would kill her when he returned from his trip in a few months.

As her shallow breathing tried to pick up, she wondered how many moves ahead Landon was and was trying to work out how she had fallen so far behind in this game they seemed to play that she hated. She tried calling him again and hope filled her when he picked up, but not one second after he did; he hung up. Teasing her, testing her. Seeing just how far he could push her before she snapped and became the complacent fiancée he wanted.

She wanted to cry, scream, but most of all she just wanted to go home and sleep until she no longer woke up. Closing her eyes, she realised just how tired she was. Not physical exhaustion, but mentally. She was tired of playing these games; she was tired of Landon controlling her, but every time she thought of leaving, she chased the thought away knowing what he would do.

She knew if she wanted, Chase would help her until she was back on her feet. She knew she had nothing, but leaving wasn't as simple as packing a bag and living a happily ever after. As long as Landon was in the picture, she would never be safe. Chase would never be safe. Sighing, she knew today was meant to be a happy day full of joy and celebration and once again Landon knew how to destroy any happiness she found

"Charlie what are you doing out here by yourself?" She heard Mary call from the door. She was still leaning on the railing, worried if she let go she would fall.

"Landon my fiancé called he wanted to know that I got up here safe, and I enjoyed my time at the wedding." She plastered on a fake smile and turned around to face Mary, who had a frown on her face.

"Oh. I thought. Never mind. Why don't you come inside? Harriet is about to put on the dress and get a few photos before we leave. You should get dressed." Charlotte took one more deep breath before following Mary inside to get dressed. Charlotte quickly put on her dress and carried her shoes to where Harriet and her bridesmaids were.

"Oh my God, are they Louboutin." Harriet squealed and came over taking one shoe out of Charlottes hand and inspected them like they were a fine art.

"Dang girl, I would kill for a pair of these. Did Chase buy them for you?" One of Harriet bridesmaids Laura said and Charlotte frowned.

"No, these are a gift from my fiancé." They were a gift for slapping her, but they were pretty shoes. She watched as Laura frowned at her and looked towards her friend Harriet.

"Oh, I thought you and Chase, were you know, together?" Charlotte looked towards Harriet, who passed the shoe back and just shrugged her shoulders.

"No, he is just my friend. Why would you think Chase and I were together?" She questioned and wondered who else thought she and Chase were together. Normally she wouldn't care, but after the phone call with Landon it left her paranoid.

"Well, you guys came together, and you are sharing a cabin. I just assumed you guys were dating." Charlotte shook her head and tried not to frown. She had told Chase people would get the wrong idea and now Landon somehow knew she was up here with Chase. Her head started throbbing, and she wished she had just not agreed to come at all.

"No, we're just friends I'm engaged, anyway." Laura the bridesmaid just shrugged her shoulder and walked away, leaving just Charlotte and Harriet.

"I know you care for my brother." Harriet said, taking a seat next to her. She looked stunning in her wedding dress and Charlotte was jealous that she got to the opportunity to marry the love of her life while she was stuck marry someone she didn't want to.

"Harriet please I don't want to talk about it." She pleaded as her old friend reached out and grabbed her hands.

"He loves you. You know that, right? And I know you love him too, so why are you still engaged to someone else." Charlotte cringed. She knew that, but the thought of Chase loving her made her feel physically ill. Even hearing the words make her want to run and hide far, far away.

"Harriet it's complicated, okay. Not everyone gets to have the fairy tale ending okay. So please just leave it alone." Not being able to be in the room anymore. Charlotte stood up, grabbed her shawl, bag and went to wait outside. As she waited outside she saw the boys exit there villa laughing and smiling. She saw Chase in his black suit with his hair combed back, looking like he just walked off a runway. He glanced over her way as if he had sensed her staring at him and waved a hand before he followed the other groomsman into the car.

Charlotte waited outside for 10 minutes before Mary came out and waited with her.

"We will leave now. You and me will ride in a different car." Charlotte nodded her head as 3 cars rolled up to the villa.

"She looks beautiful Robert is a lucky man." Charlotte said as she and Mary walked to the car.

"Yes. You know you are like a daughter to us as well, Charlie." Charlotte tried not to sigh, first Landon, then Harriet and now Chase's mum. She wasn't sure how much she could take today before she ran away and escaped back to the villa. She was staying in just to escape everyone.

"Can we not talk about me today. Today is about Harriet and Robert, okay." She didn't mean to sound rude, but she knew her voice was clipped and she sounded cold. Cold like her mother.

"Okay Charlie, but one day you and I will sit down and talk okay." Sighing, she knew how persistent Mary could be so she just nodded her head and slide into the car.

The trip to the chapel wasn't long, and the ceremony was beautiful. Chase looked stunning standing up the front and Charlotte could help but dream that it was her and Chase instead. Charlotte watched from the 2nd row as the happy couple exchanged vows, knowing one day soon she would do the same thing. After the vows were exchanged and the happy couple left to get photos Chase came over to her and held out his hand for her to take.

"You look absolutely stunning, Charlie." Her hand was wrapped around his arm as they exited the chapel together.

"Thanks." She looked down at the ground wondering if one day she would ever be as happy as Harriet was when she married Robert.

"What's wrong Charlie?" Chase had stopped them outside where people were congregating. The reception was next door to the chapel, so people didn't have to go far but go right next door.

"Its nothing okay, Chase. Let just go inside and you can join your family for photos." She watched as Chase frowned but he said nothing as he led her into the reception area, giving her a quick kiss on her forehead before he dashed off to get photos.

Finally, able to breath without his family around, Charlotte walked over to the open bar, ordered two scotches and threw them both back before asking for another. The bartender said nothing as he slid the next one to her before going to grab orders from the other guest. She walked over to her table was with Chase's family and sat alone as others mingled around the room.

Charlotte recognised a few people, but she did not make conversation. Instead, she sat alone at the table drinking her scotch, wishing she had never come.


The party was in full swing, and Charlotte withdrew into herself. Everyone was smiling, laughing and enjoying themselves while she sat at in her chair drinking glass after glass and making small talk with Chase's family. She knew Chase was watching her from where he sat with the bridal party and every time she looked over he saw a frown on his beautiful face instead of a happy smile like everyone else. Dinner had just finished when Charlotte stood from the table and she saw Chase's mum and Dad follow her movement.

"I'll be back. Can you mind my bag?" She asked politely, and when Chase's Dad Richard nodded his head, she left. She went to find a toilet instead she found herself in a spare room and sat down on a couch.

She wasn't alone in the room for long before the door opened, and Chase filled the entryway. He closed the door behind him and soon they were both engulfed in silence. Charlotte wasn't surprised that Chase had followed her. She wanted to just be alone for a few minutes, but now that he was here she didn't want to be alone.

She was tired of being alone.

"You know I sometimes wonder if I'll ever be as happy as Harriet and Robert were today. I wonder if when I look at Landon about to say I do whether I'll feel happy or downright terrified." Charlotte stood up and walked over to the ceiling to floor window that looked over the bare winery. The afternoon sun was setting, creating an orange-pink hue over the valley. She felt as Chase came up behind her and placed his hands on her shoulders.

He gently turned her around, and she raised her head to look up at him.

"You don't have to marry him, Charlie. I can't stand seeing you like this. All night you have been sad with a faraway look. You didn't eat, and you always have a drink in your hand. I know he has done something, but I can't stand to see you like this. It breaks my heart. I can't stand by and watched the women I love destroy herself like this." When Chase said the L word Charlotte stepped out of his embrace and shuddered. She felt like she would throw up and her stomach churned at that dreadful word.

"Don't. I have told you not to say that word." She went to walk away instead Chase grabbed her arm and stopped her.

"This is what I mean. You can't even stand me telling you how I feel. I hate that he has done this to you." Charlotte sighed and when she tried to remove her arm from Chase's hand he let her.

"Why does it matter Chase at the end of the day I am marrying him, not you." She yelled, and she couldn't help herself. She waved her hands around in the air and shook her head.

"You think I don't know that. You think I don't stay up at night knowing that one day you will be his. That he will get to marry you, have kids with you. He doesn't deserve you. Charlie. I could treat you better. I could love you, pay attention to you. Why can't you see that I can give you a life so much better than what he is offering?" Chase yelled back at her, and she just shook her head.

"You think I don't know that Chase. I do. I imagine being with you instead of him. I imagine having a life with you, but I can't. It's a fantasy. I could never love you because I can't even love myself. I can't even stand to hear those words. They make me physically sick, so why bother dreaming about a fantasy that will never come true." She watched as Chase took a step towards her and gently cupped her face inside his hands.

"I could make the fantasy come true. I could show you a thousand different ways I love you without ever saying those words. Just choose me, Charlie. Pick me for once." She felt her heartbreaking as he stared down at her. She had chosen her painting over him all those years ago and look where it got her.

"I can't." She watched as he stepped away and shook his head.

"You can, you just choose not to. I don't know what he has over you head, Charlie, aside from treating you like shit. But I think after this weekend it might be best, we don't see each other for a few days. We both need some time to think and you need to decide if putting up with him hurting you is worth it at the end of the day. I still care for you and I don't care if I can't say the L-word, but I can't stand by and watch him break you repeatedly Charlie." Chase walked up to her and kissed her head and wiped away the few tears that had fallen down her face. Her chest felt tight, and she knew she would have a panic attack. She hadn't had one in years, but the overwhelming emotions of the day were catching up with her.

She stumbled back from Chase, clutching her chest, trying to breathe. Her breaths were short and sharp and soon she found herself sitting on the couch with Chase's hand at her nape, pushing her head between her knees.

"Deep breaths Charlie okay, take some deep breaths for me." She tried and failed as her vision tilted in and out of blackness. She felt her chest tighten again as a sinking feeling opened up in the pit of her stomach. She tried to remember the techniques she was given but her mind was fuzzy filled with a buzzing noise. She knew Chase was trying to talk to her, telling her to take deep breaths, but it wasn't that easy.

The panic overtook every nerve in her body and she knew she just had to ride it out until she was fine. She wasn't sure how long she sat there with Chase trying to calm her down. Eventually, her breathing went back to normal, and she felt weak and tired. She wanted nothing more than to go back to the villa and sleep and forget this whole weekend.

"You okay?" Chase said calmly as he rubbed her back.

"Yes." She raised her head and saw that he was kneeling on the ground next to the couch she was sitting on. She closed her eyes and waited for the dizziness to pass and when she opened her eyes Chase was sitting next to her. He brushed back some hair that was stuck to her hair and tucked it behind her ear.

"I can take you back to the villa but I want to have 1 dance first if you would allow me to." She looked into his beautiful hazel eyes and found it hard to say no.

"Okay." Chase stood up and grabbed her hand and together they walked back to the party. Charlotte realised they had been gone a while and when Chase took her back to her seat, his family were giving them both questioning looks. Once Charlotte was seated she watched and Chase pulled up a chair next to her and poured her a glass of water before passing it to her.

"Drink this. I'll be back." She watched as he stood up and walked over to the dj booth and whispered in the man's ear before smiling, coming back to her. He took a seat next to her and talked with his family while Charlotte tried to sort through her emotions.

She was confused, sad, but most of all terrified. She was terrified of Landon and what he knew. She was terrified of losing Chase, which she knew she would, but most of all she was terrified that she wouldn't be able to let Chase go. The tune to the next song started, and Chase got up and held out a hand to her.

"Dance with me then I can take you home." She nodded her head and placed her hand in his as Chase lead them to the dance floor.

"I don't want you to think that we will stop seeing each other, but we need a few days to breath okay. I hope this song tell you how I feel." It took Charlotte a few lines of the song to be sung before a realised what it was.

Lifehouse started playing as Jason Wade's voice started signing. Together they swayed, starring at each other and Chase whispered the words of the song in her ear. The song ended too quickly, and she knew his family were watching them closely. Chase led her back to the table where she used the excuse of her sickness and being tired to leave early and kissed everyone goodbye before her and Chase left.

They were silent on the way back to the villa and Chase walked her inside and helped her undress and take off her makeup before tucking her into bed.

"I have to head back, but if you need anything, don't hesitate to call okay." He kissed the top of her head and when he left, she pulled his pillow to her and curled around it and cried.


The trip back to Sydney was a quiet one. Chase had an audiobook playing through the car, but Charlotte paid no attention to the words being spoken. She spent the first half of the trip sleeping and the second half looking out the window. As they arrived back in Sydney Charlotte felt an impending doom. She didn't know what surprise Landon had waiting for her and she prayed it wasn't him back from his trip early.

When Landon pulled up to her house, he entered the pin code into the gate and drove up the driveway. She didn't see Landon's car, but he could have it hiding away. When Chase finally stopped they both sat in the car neither saying a word.

"Do you want me to help you inside?" He questioned, and she shook her head. If Landon was home, Chase coming inside was the worst idea on the planet.

"No, I will be fine. Thankyou or the weekend and please tell your sister again I am sorry I had to leave early." She watched as Chase nodded his head and faced her.

"This isn't goodbye, okay. I'll call you during the week all right, but I think we both need a few days apart okay." She tried not to cry because this felt a lot like goodbye.

"Okay." She chocked out and blamed the tightness in her throat from her being sick rather than her heartbreaking. Charlotte undid her seat belt and leaned over the console and gave his cheek a quick kiss before she left the car. She grabbed her stuff from the back seat and waved Chase goodbye and watched as he left.

Knowing she had to go inside, she opened the door and started walking to the kitchen when she froze. There sitting at the island bench were two men dressed in suits. Both had a cup of coffee in their hands and looked over to her with hard eyes and even harder faces.

"I see you have met your bodyguards." A voice said from behind her as cold hands gripped her shoulders painfully. She felt all the air in her body leave and the looming presence behind her tightened their grip. Landon was home.


Ookay so this chapter did not turn out anything like I had planned lol. I meant it to be romantic and beautiful instead it didn't quite turn out that way, but it also makes sense. Charlie is scared, being at the wedding bought up fears. Chase just wants to love her and can't so yeah everything is a bit complicated. Also, the cliffhanger wasn't meant to happen either lol.

So before people jump up and down and say that Chase isn't thinking about Charlie remember he doesn't know the whole story and truth neither do you guys yet hehehe. He isn't leaving her he is just dying they need a few days to remember he asked Charlie to pick him and she said no. That doesn't mean he doesn't love her.

Sorry for any errors.

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