Lucifer King

By LucifersMistresss

457K 12.2K 4.6K

His lips broke away from mine leaving me panting like crazy and made their way to my cheek. Leaving a hot tra... More

Hazel meets Blue
Sin with me
Mind tricks vs. Reality
Pills N Smokes
The Bachelor
Hot as Hell
Fear and Danger
Our Last Kiss
I am Lucifer King
Family Drama
Hurt Is The New Love
Resisting Him
Hot n' Cold
Silent echoes
The Devil's weakness
Daddy's girl
Confused or Confusing?
Up in the Sky
The Phoenix
On My Knees
Blow Me
I'm Back!
Celestial Disputes
Baby Steps
Dante's Monologue
Fire on Fire
Face the Consequences
Painful Pleasure
Battle Scars

Little Thief

10.4K 305 61
By LucifersMistresss

"What do you want from me? Why don't you run from me? What are you wondering? What do you know? Why aren't you scared of me? Why do you care for me? When we all fall asleep, where do we go?"- Bury A Friend, Billie Eilish.

!Strong language and depiction of violence!

Eliana's POV

"Lucifer." I breathed out as realization hit me in the face like a truck. Memories of him and I, came rushing back and I gasped loudly as I remembered every little detail.

His touch, his eyes, his voice. Everything.

"Remember me, little demon?" He said bluntly, his face void of any emotion."Or would you like a recap?" He said, getting angrier by the second.

"I- Um I-" I stuttered like an idiot as I couldn't even take my eyes off of his. I still had the knife pointed towards him, but my hand trembled violently.

"Let me remind you then." He interrupted me and a small, devilish smirk appeared on his face. "You saw me at the club. Ambrosia. You, humans, love to party. Especially Greeks." He said and started walking around the counter, our gazes glued together.

"I smelled your arousal from miles away..."He trailed off and inhaled soundly, smelling the air and humming afterward. "And so I came to look for you. Little did I know you were already waiting for me."He said and chuckled, while he rounded the end of the counter. I carefully watched as he made his way towards me, his eyes glinting with something evil.

"And then I took you back to my place." Three steps away.

"And I made you orgasm so many times."Two steps away.

"And you enjoyed every. Single. One." One step away.

Now, right in front of me, he pressed his chest against the tip of the knife I was holding. Hard enough to make me gasp, soft enough not to tear his flesh. His majestic blue eyes were piercing through my head as he looked down at me, power oozing out of him.

"And then you left, without even saying goodbye." He said, feigning hurt while he walked around me. I felt his hands on my waist as he pressed his warm body against my back, pinning me on the counter.

I couldn't move. I couldn't even blink.

"I'll admit that I was pretty surprised when I woke up and you were gone. Nobody has done that before. I was pretty pissed." He spoke up after a minute, his hot breath hitting the back of my neck while his hands dived underneath my shirt, caressing my stomach. Lust engulfed my mind and I threw my head back unconsciously, resting it against his pectoral.

"You know what else pisses me off, little demon?" He breathed out on my ear, making me shiver. His voice was calm. Too calm. Dangerously calm.

"Thieves."He growled right in my ear and his strong hand wrapped around my throat. I gasped loudly but I couldn't move for the life of me. My body was as stiff as a board, my hands were gripping the knife tightly, my eyes were wide open, looking at the ceiling of my kitchen and I couldn't breathe.

His hand was so tightly wrapped on my neck, it was blocking my windpipe and simultaneously blocking the blood circulation.

"Where is it, little demon?" When he spoke up, I finally snapped out of my trance and I brought the knife down to his thigh, stabbing him hard.

He let out a loud, beastly growl and his grip on my neck relaxed. I took advantage of the situation and threw my head back quickly, hitting him straight in the jaw. His hands completely left my body and I ran for my life.

I had managed to make three long strides, when his hand grabbed my hair tightly, yanking me back, and smashing my body down on the counter. He pushed me down so quickly and hard that the glass smashed against my stomach, little shards of glass digging inside my skin, and the alcohol burning my fresh wounds. I felt his torso pushing down on me and I let out a scream, as he leaned over my back.

"You bratty, delusional bitch!" He growled in my ear. "You think you can hurt me with a little scratch?" I felt the tip of the knife on my right ass cheek, something wet dripping down to my thigh. Did he just pull out of his thigh a 4-inch knife?

"Wh- What do you want from me?" I tried to talk, but my voice came out as a whisper. I let out a scream as he pushed the tip of the knife a little more, ripping my flesh. The combination of the shards in my stomach and the knife on my ass hurt so much, I just wished to die right there and then.

"SHIT! What the hell do you want?" I shouted at him as he pushed my front harder against the soothingly cold counter. Every fiber of my body was now on fire as terror consumed me. He's going to kill me.

"I'm not going to repeat myself! Where is it?" He whispered beside my ear, trying to talk calmly but his demonic voice was trembling with anger.

"What are you talking about?" I said and tried to push him away, but he wouldn't budge. I desperately tried to think of anything I might have accidentally taken with me when I left his house and then it hit me. "Oh my God! You want your shirt back? You are doing all this for a fucking shirt?" I yelled at him and started shaking uncontrollably trying to shake him off, anger fueling my senses.

"That's it. You pissed me off." He curled his long fingers around my throat tightly and I felt his nails digging in my skin, as he pulled me up. In a second, he had raised me in the air, holding me up by the throat. I started gasping for air and clawed at his hand, trying hopelessly to free myself from his deathly grip. My feet were at least 10 inches away from the ground, hanging in the air, my stomach stretching and the pain becoming unbearable. How the hell is he so strong?

"You dare mock me one more time, human and I'll make sure you rot in Hell for eternity." He spoke, his voice powerful, deep, and shaking from anger. He was fuming.

I glanced down at him and my eyes went wide from the sight. I started choking on my own spit as I looked at his blood-red orbs, glowing in the dark. Huge fires were burning behind his pupils, his eyes resembling the gates of Hell. I felt claws digging slightly inside my neck as he smirked devilishly. I wanted to look away from this creature but I was magnetized by his eyes, the glowing rubies putting me in a haze.

"You clearly don't know anything about it, so pray tell me, you stupid, ignorant human, why did you take my necklace and how?" He said darkly as the hellfire behind his eyes flared up. I felt hot, wet liquid flowing down my stomach and my ass, all the way down to my ankles and probably smearing the floor.

"I-ah-gah" I tried to speak, but his grip was too tight. I felt myself slipping away from consciousness, my hands falling limb on my sides and my eyes rolling back, as the blood continued gushing out of my wounds.

I guess he noticed soon enough because the next thing I felt was my head hitting something, hard enough to alert all my senses. My body was numb to the ground as my head hit the marble floor. All I could hear was the loud ringing inside my head as I tried standing up. I fell flat on the floor and just laid there, my body sprawled out, unable to move.

I groaned as I felt a pair of strong hands lifting me up and sitting me against the counter. I hissed at the stinging sensation on my asscheek, but I couldn't bring myself to open my eyes and my head fell back. I felt something liquid trickling down my throat, as Lucifer grabbed my head, bringing it up.

"Look at me." I heard his loud voice piercing through my brain, talking in slow motion and I hissed again, my hands shooting up to hold my head. "I said look at me," He said louder, knowing damn well what he was doing.

What necklace? What is he talking about? What does he want? Why can't he leave me alone? Why does he have red eyes and claws? What the hell is happening?

So many questions were running through my mind as I slowly opened my eyes to look up at him. His eyes were still a bright red but he looked more calm, satisfied even.

"You-Your eyes.."I said, my voice croaky and low. My eyelids were half close as I stared into the oceans of blood. My hand unconsciously came up and cupped his face. He tensed up and then relaxed immediately. My hand fell on top of his, the one that was holding my head up.

I couldn't focus on anything, I couldn't move my body and my eyelids kept drooping. I felt high.

I think I'm dying...

"Where is my necklace, little demon? Give it to me and I'll leave you alone." He spoke calmly, clearly enjoying my pain.

"I really don't know what you're talking about" I whispered at him. He scanned me carefully with his red orbs and I prayed to God that he was done with me. Either kill me or leave me alone.

"I'm not going to kill you yet. I need you."He said and smiled at me. He fucking smiled at me.

"You're a psychopath," I whispered as I felt tears welling up in the corners of my eyes. He chuckled slightly at my words.

"Okay then, let's have a look upstairs, shall we?" He said and grabbed my bicep harshly, tugging me off the counter and dragging me towards the stairs. An ear-piercing scream left my lips as my body sagged against his, the wounds on my stomach stretching and more blood trickled down my legs.

"Oh for Hell's sake!" He groaned and threw his arm under my armpits, raising my body in the air and pressing my back against his lean torso. He walked up the stairs and went straight for my bedroom like he knew it was there. He threw my limp body on the bed and started looking around my room, leaving a huge mess behind.

"Where is it? Where is it? Where is it?" He whispered under his breath again and again, as he looked around, rummaging through my drawers, my books, and my clothes.

I couldn't bring myself to talk or move. My body was aching and my mind was too tired. My head was ringing and my wounds were stinging.

I didn't even notice when he left the room. Only when he came back, his face as hard as stone, his jaw clenched to the point of breaking and his fist wrapped tightly around my necklace.

Anger rushed through my veins, giving me enough strength to stand up and pounce on him as I saw him holding my mother's necklace.

"THAT'S MINE!" I roared loudly, my voice so deep and guttural, I didn't even recognize it.

With a slight flick of his wrist, my body went flying and smashing against the bedpost, my head banging against the wall and my eyes closing shut. I groaned loudly as I reopened my eyes and saw his face inches away from mine, flames burning behind his beautiful eyes.

"No, little demon. That's mine." He growled. "How did you manage to steal it from me, huh? Are you a witch? Are you from heaven or something? Did daddy dearest send you to take it away from me? Are you another victim of his foolish games?"He roared back at me, with such intensity I felt my heart skipping a few beats.

"What are you talking about? That's my mother's necklace. I wear it all the time. I just forgot to put it back on after I showered." My voice was trembling, laced with both fear and anger. I looked up at him the same way he was looking at me. "Now give it back!" I ordered him. And he laughed.

"You pathetic human...I went through heaven and back, literally, to find this. And you think you can tell me what to do? Let me tell you something, Eliana." He said as he wore his necklace and looked straight into my eyes. I felt as if he searched inside my mind, trying to find something, anything. "I am Lucifer King. I don't take orders. Especially from petty, little humans like you. So if you ever dare to talk to me like that again, I'll suck your worthless soul out of your body." He whispered in front of my face, his eyes never leaving mine.

I felt my body heating up from his gaze and my wounds in my stomach started stinging like hell, making me shut my eyes and arch my back. My hands clutched the bed sheets tightly as I groaned out, my mouth falling open.

"To be honest with you,  you entertained me tonight. So for this one time, I'll heal some of your wounds. These right here seem bad enough to kill you in two hours."He said and palmed my open wounds with his scorching hand, burning me up. My eyes opened wide and I immediately looked down to see his hand pressed against my stomach, a bright blue light emerging. I screamed in pain and agony as I gripped his hand tightly, shutting my eyes tightly because of the light. My breath was caught in my throat and I felt tears welling up in my eyes, but they never fell down. Instead, they evaporated and I saw steam in front of me.

"Sshh, little demon. Don't worry. You're not meant to die yet." He said smiling like a lunatic. I just watched him, relaxing back on the bedpost as he removed his hand from my wounds. I looked down on my stomach and saw that there was only blood. Not shards of glass, not open wounds. Just blood.

"How did you-" I started but he interrupted me with a snap of his fingers. I blinked and when I opened my eyes again, my room was the way it was before. Every little thing was back in its original place. I looked at him in confusion and saw him staring at me with bright blue eyes. I guess he calmed down.

"Wha- How- What is happening?" I said, my head still ringing painfully from the harsh blow. I can't believe I'm still alive, to be honest...

"Not in the mood to explain. It was a pleasure torturing you, little demon. By-"

"Wait! Who are you?" I interrupted him and tried standing up. Of course, I failed miserably and fell back on the bed, hurting my injured asscheek in the process.

"I already told you that, Tinkerbell." He said, fixing his creased black, button-up shirt and his blazer.

I'm done with this shit. The hallucinations, the pills, therapy, the dreams. It all started when he showed up and I need answers.

"Yes, I know your name is supposedly Lucifer," I said with a little sarcasm laced in my voice. "What are you though? Are you a vampire or something? Are vampires even real?" I asked and propped myself up on the bed, unable to make a move, my eyes never leaving him.

"A vampire?" He spat out in disgust, his lip curling up and his eyebrows pinch together. " You poor humans are so dumb. Vampires don't exist. Don't believe everything you read online." He said while looking me up and down.

"Then what in God's name are you?" I said, eager to get an answer. With all this shit going on, I'm open to any supernatural explanation. He chuckled darkly as his eyes changed color, now being completely black. His eyes turned into two black holes and I felt dread consume my mind.

"Not what... but who." He said and started making his way towards me. I watched closely his every movement until he was standing right in front of me. He leaned down and nuzzled his nose in my hair, his lips grazing my earlobe.

"I'm the Devil." He whispered seductively in my ear and I closed my eyes in bliss, trying to hold it together when a sudden wave of lust hit my senses.

When I opened my eyes, he was gone and I was left alone, on my bed, with a growing concussion, a cut in my bottom, five open punctures on my neck, dripping blood, and a magically healed stomach.

And about one billion unanswered questions.




I didn't sleep last night. I was physically exhausted but my mind wouldn't let me sleep. I showered, treated my wounds, changed the bloody bed sheets, and threw away my bloody clothes. I cleaned up the blood and the broken glass from the kitchen counter and the floor. I washed the knife and cleaned the trail of blood leading upstairs. By the time I was finished, there wasn't even a single clue that he was here. Except for my wounds of course.

Although I was tired and in pain, I didn't even think about lying down. I spent the rest of the night watching Riverdale, drinking coffee, and smoking. Because if I stopped distracting myself, my thoughts would eat me alive.

The sun was slowly rising as I felt my mind wandering off to dangerous places, a cigarette placed in between my lips.

Everything that has happened in the last month isn't normal. None of this is normal. I don't even know what to believe in anymore. Was I really hallucinating before? Was I dreaming when he visited me at night? Was he real?

I mean he says that he's the Devil... I'm not even sure if I believe in God, let alone the Devil.

But his eyes, his claws? That shit is far from normal. Don't get me started on his strength. Or the fact that he talked to me inside my mind. Or that he moved so fast... Or..Or...

Ugh, so many unexplainable things have happened and I can't stand it. I can't just sit here and do nothing, while someone who claims that he is the Devil, wanders around us!

Okay Eli, take it slowly. Let's start from the beginning. Let's think that everything you have experienced is normal.

I met Lucifer King at Ambrosia. On the 24th of September. He was on Olympus talking to someone but I didn't see who it was. He was wearing an extremely expensive suit and he had access to get on Olympus so he must be really rich. His house was enormous too.

Gluttony, my subconscious spoke up.

He said that he smelled my arousal and that's how he found me. What does that mean? Like he could smell my endorphins with his heightened senses type of shit? Well, that's a pretty good explanation if you consider the fact that he's the Devil.

Heightened senses. Taste, hearing, sight, touch, and smell, she said.

When we met for the first time, I remember feeling like my will was being suppressed. Like I was following orders. So he has the power to control peop- human minds. That's how he convinced me to lie to Blake and go home with him because there is no way I would simply go with him so soon.

Sixth sense. Mind-controlling. Compelling.

Then we went home. Well, I suppose his perfect body and face must be crafted by the Gods because I haven't seen a creature more handsome than him.

His Father is God, what did you expect? , she asked.

Every time he looked at me with those fiery blue eyes and every time our bodies touched, I felt like my whole body was on fire and I couldn't breathe evenly. My core would immediately heat up, wanting him, craving him, needing him. That's why I couldn't stop myself that night. Four times. We fucked four times in a single night. No man could ever do that. They usually pass out on the second round. But he kept going, wanting more of me as much as wanted more of him. And he was good at every single one. Talk about stamina.


When I tried to resist him just a little, he threatened to kill me. As if he wanted to be in control. He didn't want anything or anyone to resist him or defy him. Power was oozing out of him wherever he went. And he clearly wanted more. He wanted to have the upper hand, to control everything I did that night. He ordered me around and I complied. And when I did, he felt satisfaction.

Greed, my subconscious spoke up again.

And when I didn't... Well, let's just say he smashed a glass full of Gin on my stomach, choked me until I saw stars, threw me on the floor, giving me a concussion, slashed me with a knife, and dug his claws inside my throat. If he did that to "thieves", I don't want to know what he does to killers and rapists. His anger consumed him completely and he saw red every time someone wouldn't comply with his orders.


And the worst of all is, that he doesn't even care. I was seconds away from losing consciousness when he held me in the air. But he didn't care. He said he wouldn't kill me yet, because he didn't know where I had hidden 'his' necklace. Heartless bastard.

Sloth. My subconscious added, confusing me.

What's sloth?

It's the desire to do absolutely nothing. Laziness, apathy. Someone who doesn't have a care in the world, She explained.

Well, that sounds about right.

Okay, moving on.

If Lucifer was the one talking inside my mind when I was with Caden, then he sure as hell is one jealous Devil. He said that Caden will face the consequences if I didn't leave his house immediately. Which I didn't...

Oh my God! What if he hurts him?

Envy. Although Lucifer doesn't really get jealous. He just uses it as an excuse to do horrible things to someone. To torture someone. To kill someone.

Will he hurt Caden?, I asked my subconscious, a worried expression plastered on my face.


I have to go check on him! What time is it?

I looked down on my phone to see that it was 6:27 in the morning. In two hours I had my first class of the day at the Uni.

I'll go check on Caden before I go to class. I thought to myself.

I wouldn't do that if I were you, my subconscious said.

Why? Is Caden a demon or something?, I snorted.

Don't be ridiculous. She snapped back. If Lucifer reads your mind while you're thinking about Caden, he'll remember that you disobeyed him and he'll go after him. You'll put Caden in danger if you keep seeing him.

But Lucifer said that he'll leave me alone after he took my necklace, I replied, clearly confused with my own conscious.

You fool human...First of all, your necklace is inside your black purse that you were holding the night you met Lucifer. Second of all, you did steal his necklace from his room when you left his house, although not intentionally. And last but not least, Lucifer is a man of honor. He keeps his word. And if he said that he'll kill Caden if you disobeyed him, then he'll do.

I stood there, speechless as my subconscious spoke to me. How does she even know all these things about him?

Pride, she added.

Pride, Greed, Envy, Wrath, Gluttony, Lust, and Sloth. All of the seven deadly sins, gathered inside a creature so powerful, that he can snap this world in half and let Hell break loose in the span of a minute.

The son of God. The first Fallen Angel. The ruler of the Underworld. The king of Hell.

The Devil.

Lucifer King.




Alright little demons, another juicy chapter for you.
Also, I made a new cover and it turned out so good. What do you think?

Until next time,
Luci's Mistress.

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