Psychological Journey

By inu_toge2

74.6K 2.3K 609

"You don't want this pain," he said as he lit a cigarette... A twink and a dom. Two opposites brought togethe... More

Author's Note
Meet The Characters
Eight: Part 1
Eight: Part 2


2.1K 85 25
By inu_toge2

^Her office so imagine his
This isn't all, I'm not done yet

Draven respected Milo wishes, even though every ounce of his body wanted to dominate him. He knew Milo took the situation wrong because he could clearly see the hurt in his eyes. Maybe it's true what people say, that the eyes really are the windows to the soul.

Throughout their work, his eyes would wander over to Milo. Every time he'd see him find him looking out the full wall window, but Milo would go back to working leaving him still staring.

Milo left to get his lunch and Draven decided to stay with his mother for lunch. "Hey son, how was work so far?" Calista grabbed the food given to her by Draven as he sat in front of her desk.

"I thought it would've been great...I was mistaken," was what he said before they started eating. Calista took a second from eating to reply, "Why? Did something happen?" Oh nothing happened, I just fucked up possibly the best thing that has happened to me.

"That Brittany bitch assumed I wanted her," his face gave her the sign to not continue the conversation. They were in silence until Milo walked in. "I'm back from my lunch break. I'll be in your office checking your schedule," said Milo.

What hurt Draven the most is that not once did Milo make contact with him. Calista noticed the difference from now and earlier which made her wonder. Milo left and Draven went back to his food. She also saw his appetite had diminished unlike usual.

"Draven if you don't mind me asking, what's your sexuality?" Calista sat back in her chair and stared at him softly. Draven looked up rather fast with a bewildered expression.

Why would she ask me that at a time like this? She hasn't in the past but that doesn't mean I want to tell her. I could be a man about it but there's always the possibility of her rejecting me. Oh shit, I'm just staring again.

"I don't mind actually...I'm gay mom." Draven watched as surprise covered her face before it softened. She smiled and got up to come around the desk. He was pulled up by his hands so now she was shorter than him.

The smile never left her face, Draven was as confused as ever. "Are you interested in anyone? I definitely won't fan girl," his mom flipped her hair over her shoulder. Draven took that as an acceptance and chuckled to stall in telling her the truth.

"...Milo caught my attention. We went on a date last night and it was one of the best nights of my life." Draven rushed it out but Calista heard everything. Her face lit up like a Christmas tree so Draven held up a finger.

"Before you go off, I haven't confessed my true feelings yet." He felt the need to express this but that didn't stop the avalanche of clapping and giggles. Calista screamed nonsense for a few seconds until she calmed down.

"I'm still proud of you son. So that's why you wanted him as your personal assistant...but why was it so cheerless when he came on?"

Calista rambled on and on to herself, which lead to a slap across Draven's head. "What did you do?! Please tell me this has nothing to do with Brittany," she was not anything to play with when she got angry. Draven sent her a shy smile and backed away.

"This morning when I was walking to your office, she was checking me out. So my natural reaction was to wink and I couldn't catch myself before I did it. She came in my office to start flirting, he was there." Draven patiently waited through the silence that followed.

She went back to her seat and crossed her legs. "At this point, I don't think you deserve him." His face fell all the way once he realized the reality of it all. Other than my family and friends, Milo is the only other one who's company I enjoy. Have I really lost my way out?

Draven left without another word and went to his office. Milo didn't need to look up to know it was him, he wouldn't allow himself. If it wasn't about work, it was silence until they both went home.

Both men walked out the awkward elevator ride. "Goodnight Milo, what you saw is not what you think it was." Draven voice pleaded for him to understand but he got nothing. Milo only side eyed him and walked to his car.

Milo made it to his car and sat there. He finally allowed himself to be vulnerable and shedded a few tears. You were never good enough...he repeated to himself that over and over. Most people didn't know Milo used to cut. High school didn't go well for him and before he left, he got a new razor. He rampaged through his glove compartment and found it.

Draven still sat in the garage, never turning on the car. His rage and anger took the best of him and he started banging his arms on the steering wheel. YOU'RE SUCH A FUCKING IDIOT LIKE ALWAYS. He screamed at himself as memories flooded in.

Draven always kept a knife with him so he found it. He started the car and drove away from the building. The weight of the knife on the passenger seat in his mind.

But only one person resorted back to their toxic ways...

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