These Violent Delights

By luna-auctor

1.6M 25.1K 179K

🚨 IMPROVED WITH 150K NEW WORDS🚨 When the Supreme Leader captures you, he has every intention of stealing in... More

Prologue: Bloodline
Chapter 1: Taken
Chapter 2: Rabid Cur
Chapter 3: Hubris
Chapter 4: Obsession
Chapter 5: Becoming
Chapter 6: As Is the Jedi Way
Chapter 8: Seven Devils
Chapter 9: The Missing Piece
Chapter 10: Needs
Chapter 11: Guilt
Chapter 12: Crumbs of Depravity
Chapter 13: You're Not Alone
Chapter 14: Stuck in Jabba's Quarters
Chapter 15: To Persist, Not Perish
Chapter 16: You're My Guest
Chapter 17: Forks & Vibrators
Chapter 18: Equilibrium
Chapter 19: Silence
Chapter 20: Resilience
Chapter 21: Four Weeks & Five Days
Chapter 22: The Heart Wants Dick
Chapter 23: Needy Enemy
Chapter 24: A Stupid Fucking Muffin
Chapter 25: Your Special Banana
Chapter 26: Smoke, Earth, & Rust
Chapter 27: Because You're Mine
Chapter 28: Pinky Promise?
Chapter 29: You Like It
Chapter 30: Fucked.
Chapter 31: Coming Makes You Such a Brat
Chapter 32: An Early Grave
Chapter 33: As You Wish Miss Ren
Chapter 34: His Giddy Little Comet
Chapter 35: I See You
Chapter 36: Give Me Attention, sUpReMe LeAdEr
Chapter 37: Your Monster
Chapter 38: You Failed Me
Chapter 39: Chaos.
Chapter 40: Family
Chapter 41: Hux Has a Cat?
Chapter 42: Don't Forget Who You Are
Chapter 43: Diamonds & Divine Ball Gowns
Chapter 44: Home
Chapter 45: The Hunt
Chapter 46: Rock Bottom
Chapter 47: Sunrises & Sucker Punches
Chapter 48: Fuck the Greater Good
Chapter 49: Love & War
Chapter 50: Tell Me I'm Yours
Chapter 51: A Dyad in the Force
Chapter 52: Say My Name
Chapter 53: An Honorable Man
Chapter 54: Overwhelming Darkness
Chapter 55: Love & Light
Chapter 56: Always
Chapter 57: An Awakening
Chapter 58: Don't Be Afraid
Chapter 59: If Loving Her Was Chaos...
Chapter 60: He Didn't Want Peace.
Chapter 61: Across Space & Time
Chapter 62: Welcome Home
Chapter 63: Things Are Good. It's Weird.
Chapter 64: We Will Have It All
Chapter 65: Me Too

Chapter 7: Coward

53.2K 816 5.3K
By luna-auctor

WARNINGS: physical assault (attacked in retaliation) 

Since you had been taken, all you'd done was wait.

For food, refresher privileges, sleep and company. That's what you were waiting for now, your next visitor. Shivering against the interrogation chair in the beige, bulky sack they called a shirt, you were literally freezing your ass off since it only reached your knees. You thought it was a rag when they had first chucked it at you.

"Your new uniform, Resistance slut." 

When you had asked for a bra and underwear, the Stormtroopers laughed, insisting that the Supreme Leader decided you didn't need undergarments.

Of course.

Being the big, sick fuck he was, that made sense. What didn't make sense was why the hell you were still alive. The Supreme Leader had already stolen intel about D'Qar and the very little information you had on Luke Skywalker. You had nothing else to offer him. At least, that's how you saw it, but Kylo did everything in his power to keep you alive.

Your wounds had healed nicely, thanks to the nurse he periodically sent to your cell, and you were fed well with three meals a day. If you had a request—besides being let out of this atrocious contraption—your needs would be met. Mostly. The only thing he refused to give you was information. You had no idea what had happened to your team and the Resistance when the First Order went to your base, and the sense of helplessness was beginning to wear on you.

So, you did what you had to in order to survive. You shut it out. You told yourself they were dead, something you assumed would be your own fate every morning when you opened your eyes. But even though he had visited your cell every day for a week, not once had he come close to actually killing you. All he did was harass you about Luke and Exegol and General Organa over and over and over again.

It was like clockwork, and even though you hated watching him waltz through those doors and the way his low, modified voice sent shivers down your spine, you had grown accustomed to seeing him daily. It was part of your routine. But it was already mid-day, and you hadn't seen him since yesterday when he unlatched you from your restraints. Followed by your mega-meltdown, which, in hindsight, had been low-key embarrassing. Before that, you were handling this entire taken-by-a-psychopath thing pretty well, but then Kylo called you Kitten, and you truly wanted to end it all right then and there.

You knew he called you that to annoy the ever-living shit out of you, leading you to believe that was his motivation for everything. Kylo Ren was keeping you alive simply for his own amusement, not unlike a bored sociopath that found a shiny new plaything. You shuddered. Over the years, you had heard rumors that the Supreme Leader had become less temperamental, but now that you could observe him yourself, you weren't buying it. While he was calm and collected in his efforts to break you down, you sensed something simmering just below the surface. You could see it in the way his chest swelled with heavy exhales, his voice full of muted rage as his entire body tensed, as though his power was brimming beneath his skin and waiting to unleash.

Kylo himself didn't scare you all that much, but the risk of being near someone with his type of power put you on edge. He was a huge, imposing lunatic, filled with dark, domineering energy. Unbalanced and emotional. You had never trusted anyone that let themselves feel so much emotion. No. It was too dangerous, and your captor seemed to have a hard time controlling it. Just like yesterday when he had held your wrists so tightly, pulling your body to his, almost sounding passionate when he offered to take you to his quarters. Like he wanted to care for you as a little pet, his kitten.

You cringed. He truly was a monster, unhinged and unpredictable, and he was coming for you—you just had no kriffing idea when. But then, speaking of the devil, in came your favorite person. You groaned, wanting to kick your own ass for manifesting his presence. But you couldn't do that. You could barely even move. All you could do was look up at the ceiling to ignore him.

"Hello, Kitten. I've come to have a little chat with you." You started to hum, eliciting his exasperated sigh. "Since you're being stubborn today, I'll cut right to it."

You rolled your eyes. "Yay-oh-my-stars-can't-wait."

"I have a proposition for you," he continued, still taking slow steps toward you. "I need access to the deepest part of your psyche. Submit to me and let me in, and you will increase your odds of survival."

Your eyes swung to his mask, your face twisted in confusion. "What in the actual fuck would you need deep in my psyche? What does that even mean?"

"That's classified."

"Of course it is." You snorted, blowing a piece of hair off your face. "Okay, fine. Say I let you in my head, or whatever, what's in it for me?"

"I said, the chance of survival."

You pursed your lips. "Eh. Got anything else?"

Kylo hesitated. "No."

"Then nah, I'm good." You shrugged. "You can kill me now."

"I would love to kill you now," he uttered, voice strained through his mask as he came to a stop before you. "But I am giving you a rare opportunity, one I have never given a prisoner before. Mercy."

You considered him for a moment. "You wouldn't offer me mercy unless there was something in it for, nah, I'd rather fight and make this harder on you."

Kylo cocked his head to the side. "You understand I will take what I want from you, even without your submission, correct?"


"And you will be granted mercy if you submit. I might even spare your life, if your mind is still intact after I'm through with you. But fight me, and you will suffer more than you can comprehend. That—you understand?"


He shifted his stance, agitation rolling off him. "So, you would willingly endure extreme physical and mental pain in order to make things minimally more difficult for me?"

You flashed him a charming smile. "Absolutely."

"Fine," he said, abruptly unshackling your restraints with a wave of his hand. He spun around, walking away from you. "Let's get started."

With a yelp, your feet touched the ground, and you fought to keep yourself steady as Kylo approached the exit. "Where we going? Just kill me in here and be done with it."

"You need to break first," he said, smashing the control panel to open the blast doors. He waited a moment before looking at you from over his shoulder, speaking to you with a tight, controlled voice. "This is your last chance to minimize your suffering, M421. I advise you to take it."

If you didn't feel so dizzy from the sheer effort of holding your own weight up, you'd probably be concerned. But all you could focus on was curling your fingers around the edges of the interrogation device, trying to stay upright. "Nah. Mama didn't raise no quitter." You paused before cackling deliriously, your head lolling against the chair. "Actually, mama didn't raise me at all, but I digress."

Kylo gave an impatient jerk of his head, gesturing through the doors. "Enough. Follow me."

You narrowed your eyes at him, seriously doubting you'd be able to follow him even if you wanted to. "I need a minute," you said through gritted teeth, "your little pet isn't ready for a walk yet."

Kylo's mask lingered on your face before he pulled out his datapad. You eyed him as he started pacing, taking in how fucking massive he looked, even from across the room. You were used to seeing him from the perspective of a few inches higher while you were strapped to the chair, but with your feet on the ground, his broad shoulders seemed to stretch the entire span of the exit. And without his robes that usually spilled behind him like matte black paint, you could see just how tall and wide the motherfucker was.

You stiffened, your back peeling off the chair when you realized his missing attire revealed something much more important: his lightsaber clipped to his side and your vibroblade right under it.

Your heart jumped to your throat, and your eyes locked on your knife. His robes had kept the weapons hidden, but now they looked easily accessible, only loosely attached to his sheath. Then, when the shrill ring of his datapad pierced the air and Kylo engaged in a quick back and forth with a First Order officer, you weren't sure he even remembered you were behind him. He was too busy barking at his subordinate.

The Supreme Leader halted, standing unsettlingly still with his back to you, and you knew what you had to do. You cleared your mind as you took timid steps toward him, refusing to map out the plan in your head; you didn't want him to pick up on your thoughts. As though you were on autopilot, you made it across the room and stood right behind him. Slowly, so slowly, you extended your hand toward the knife.

You held your breath. Kylo was still on the phone, his agitation growing as the First Order officer sputtered on the other line, giving you your one and only chance. Without thinking, you acted. Adrenaline pounded in your head as your fingers grazed the hilt for one sweet moment. Then the Supreme Leader turned around.

"You little fool," Kylo growled, placing a palm on your chest and shoving you backward. The push sent you flying across the room until you came to a blunt halt, your spine crashing into the interrogation chair. You yelled as you made contact with the metal, hard and fast, trying to use the momentum to push off of it and attack, but it was too late. Within seconds, he was in front of you again with his hand over your face. "You will suffer greatly for this."

Like a passive observer in your own mind, you felt your lips move around the words you did not want to say. "I will suffer greatly for this."

"You will not sleep."

Of course not. "I will not sleep."

He tore his hand away and stepped closer, breaking your trance. His voice was eerily quiet through his mask. "Even when you're about to collapse, even when you can't see straight...I do not grant you permission to succumb to rest." He took two shaky breaths. "Do you understand me, M421?"

Your mouth went dry, eyes widening. "No."

He grabbed your face. "Yes."

"No!" you screamed, lunging forward and throwing all of your weight into him. He barely moved, even as you smashed his chest with your fists. "Fuck you, fuck you! Just kill me already, you stupid fucking Jedi!"

In the blink of an eye, Kylo ignited his lightsaber.

You stumbled back as he zeroed in on you, forcing you against the chair again. Angry, red sparks of heat buzzed off his weapon, spitting dangerously close to your face. You whimpered, trying to pivot your head as far away from it as possible, but it was useless—he moved the blade in sync with you.

With your head turned to the side, you tried to face the man that was about to end your life. But it was nearly impossible to see anything other than the violent glow of his lightsaber, it's cackling and humming almost as deafening as the red was blinding, but you could make out the visor of his mask fixed unwaveringly upon you.

"What are you waiting for?" you shouted, staying as still as you could—if you moved an inch, you'd come in contact with his saber. "Huh? Just do it already!"

Kylo twisted the hilt in his hand, rotating the blade so it hovered right below your chin. You closed your eyes and tried to shrink back, but you could already feel the heat from the scorching edge burning your skin. You wanted to yell at him, but you could barely breathe like this, let alone speak. You screamed at him within your mind instead.

Get on with it, you fucking coward! Just kill me already!

The Supreme Leader pulled his lightsaber away from your face and pointed it at the ground. "Get on your knees."

You gawked at him. "Excuse me?"

"I said," he seethed, using his free hand to grip the space where your shoulder and neck met, "get on your knees."

Legs still frail, it only took a single push for him to get you on the ground. You hissed as your knees slammed into the floor, trying to scramble to your feet, but his lightsaber was already in your face again.

Without lifting your head, you brought your eyes to his mask and snarled. "If you're going to kill me, at least look me in the eye and do it."

Kylo didn't say or do anything. The only sound in the room was his hissing blade and you, panting as you knelt before him, waiting to die. Your eyes darted between his mask and the hand wrapped around his hilt. He kept flexing and unflexing his fingers, constantly repositioning his grip around his weapon as if he didn't know what to do next.

Knowing full well it would propel you onto death's path quicker, you laughed at him. "The mighty Kylo Ren has no idea how to use a lightsaber. How cute."

With an untamed yell, he swung the blade up, and you squeezed your eyes shut. It's okay, it's okay, it'll all be over soon, you chanted to yourself over and over, holding your breath as if you were too stubborn to take your last. The sound of fabric rustling made you tense, but just as you thought your life was coming to an end, the humming of his saber stopped.

You opened your eyes to see Kylo clipping his weapon back onto his belt. That final breath you had been holding came rushing through your lips, and you fell sideways on your ass. "What...why didn't you...?"

"We're not done yet," he said, keeping his mask pointed at your face. "You will submit to me before I kill you."

"Like fuck I will," you shot back, frustrated tears welling in your eyes. You slapped them away and struggled to stand up. "You can't make me give you anything."

"We'll see," is all he said before whipping around and striding toward the blast doors. After they opened for him, he turned to the Stormtroopers and calmly said, "Restrain her. Tightly."

"Yes, sir!"

As the Stormtroopers approached you, you scrambled to your feet and backed away, keeping your sights on the back of the Supreme Leader. "The next time you see me, you better kill me, Kylo Ren. Before I kill you."

Your captor stopped, dipping his cold, hard mask over his shoulder toward you. "Sleep well, pet." With that, Kylo walked away, his arms inflated by his side and his hands balled into fists.

The Stormtroopers dragged you to the interrogation chair, but you didn't struggle. You didn't have it in you. All you did was hang your head and cry.

You hadn't slept in five days.

The tiredness behind your eyes intoxicated you. Streaks of light zipped by your peripherals, followed by sporadic periods of darkness. That started on day one, but the hallucinations came after day three. At one point, you thought your comrades had come to rescue you, and overcome with joy, you had collapsed to the ground in tears. It took a while before you realized you had been trying to hug the wall.

After that, when you still wouldn't submit, the torture began.

Kylo made good on his promise that you would suffer, allowing First Order intelligence officers to use every dirty trick in the prisoner handbook to make you come unglued. They made you endure scorching heat and frigid temperatures. They overwhelmed your senses for hours at a time before throwing you into a sensory deprivation pit. They starved you by putting food in your mouth, disallowing you to chew or swallow, and they made you stand for hours at a time. And those were just the things you could recall. Entire chunks of time were missing from your memories, leaving you nothing but darkness and confusion to try and sort through.

Their efforts broke you down sooner than you'd like to admit, and the hallucinations were constant now. You couldn't stop the voices that called out from the mouths of imaginary creatures stampeding through your mind. Memories, fantasies, all blended together to create a constant, nauseating conversation in your head. Sometimes, you were positive you could hear the voices of the dead drifting to you from the Other World. You wished you could join them.

The Supreme Leader had come to you almost every hour, on the hour, for the last five days. His visits were no longer filled with useless questions about Luke—now, he was adamant about breaking you down, intent that you let him into some deep, inaccessible part of your mind. He was close to succeeding, you'd give him that, but every time you thought about giving up, you remembered who the fuck you were. And dead woman walking or not, you refused to let Kylo Ren win.

"Such a sleepy pet," the devil himself mused, looking down at you lethargically crouched by his feet.

"Shut up, Jabba," you muttered, inching away from him. He had taken you to General Hux's office for something—you already forgot why—and no matter how many times you scooted away from him, he was never far behind.

Kylo clasped his hands behind his back, peering down at you through that faceless mask. "I see you're struggling to hold it together, Kitten. Might I suggest you give me what I need in exchange for what you need?"

"Yeah, no. Sorry, big guy."

He made an apathetic noise. "By the end of tonight, you will submit."

You narrowed your bloodshot eyes. "I don't th—"

Armor clinking, footsteps, and the whoosh of the blast doors made you jump. You clumsily moved your head toward the sound, and even with blurred vision, you recognized the fire-red hair and smug disposition of none other than General Hux.

You stumbled to get on your feet; you couldn't bear your enemy seeing you in such a vulnerable state. It took you some time and a lot of cursing, but once you stood up, you faced him and scowled.

Hux looked amused at your efforts. "Good heavens, Ren. What have you done to your prisoner?" He squinted at you, a mixture of horror and fascination playing over his face. "She looks like shit."

"At least I have an excuse, General."

"She has been awake for five days." You jumped when Kylo's deep, modified voice rang in your ears. You had already forgotten that the big bastard was right behind you.

Hux raised his eyebrows. "Impressive," he said as he began circling you. "What for?"

"She refuses to submit."

Hux let out a tight, cold laugh as he stood in front of you again. He spoke through a sickeningly pleasant smile. "You just don't know when to give up, do you, child?"

You struggled to keep your balance, glaring at him. "I'll never give up."

"Ah, spoken like a true Resistance fighter. I see the lack of sleep hasn't dulled your willfulness." Judgmental, green eyes looked you up and down. "Or stupidity."


He tsked. "A shame the Resistance got their hands on you after Tasu died. I've seen your file. You could have made a loyal servant to the First Order."

"I would never fight for the First Order, for you," you sneered. "I fight for what I believe in, for what's right."

"How sweet," he said, his tone doused in distaste. He turned away from you and addressed the Supreme Leader. "And what exactly will her submission get you, Ren?"

He stepped around you to approach Hux. "That does not concern you."

"Fine." Hux sighed as he grabbed a stack of files off his desk. He drawled at your captor, almost like he was bored, as he flipped through the pages. "Once you get it, do consider keeping her intact. I could find a use for someone like her. The Order could find a use for someone like her."

You scoffed. "The First Order can lick my a—" you started to say, but a new wave of delirium flung you sideways. Stumbling into the bar, you sent a bottle of scotch crashing to the floor. Both men turned toward the commotion. You looked down at the golden liquid gushing through the shattered glass, then glanced up at Hux, cracking a toothy grin. "I hope that was expensive."

With a frown, Hux looked back at Kylo and threw the file down on the tabletop. "As I was saying—I will need access to M421 after she breaks. That is why I requested your audience today, Supreme Leader. I wanted to advise you not to ruin her before we have the chance to use her. I'd very much like the chance to assess her worth."

"If I were you, General, I would be much more concerned with your army's worth, not the girl's," Kylo said before stepping closer to Hux. "Seeing as how the last five days on Exegol have proven to be very, very difficult for them."

You yawned—loudly and obnoxiously—but could still hear the poorly disguised contention in Hux's voice as he took a seat behind his desk. "It's a three-hundred-year-old citadel protected by Sith alchemy, Ren. Forgive me if we mere mortals could not override the Force code deliberately designed to keep us out."

Sith alchemy? Force code? Your brows pulled together as you rocked on the heels of your feet. Even without being mind-numbingly exhausted, you didn't understand what they were talking about. But whatever it was, Kylo was not happy.

"I provided very clear instructions. Access to the fortress is not forbidden, even to you mere mortals."

Bitter silence hanging between them, you eyeballed Hux, eagerly awaiting his response. Watching them bicker was the most entertaining thing you've seen all week. You wanted to clap and holler and encourage them to rip each other's heads off, but that plan was foiled when you started to sway on your feet again. "Ah, fucking hells—"

"Yes, and bless you for that, Supreme Leader," Hux asserted over the sound of you clanking into the bar once again. "Perhaps you could grant me some leeway, seeing as I had to prevent my platoons from killing one another by day three."

"Ohmygodsnoway—buckethead on buckethead crime?" you slurred as you clutched onto whatever you could for dear life. They ignored your efforts to stay vertical as Kylo moved closer to Hux's desk, placing his fists on the tabletop to lean in and look down at him.

"I warned you that the Sith Citadel contained a concentrated pool of power, capable of influencing even non-Force-users to act at the dark side's behest," the Supreme Leader said, his modified voice colder than ice. You flung your gaze sloppily between them, dying for someone to throw a punch. "I wish I could say your failure to heed this warning is not my problem, General, but you've granted me no such luxury. My knights and I have no choice but to extend and join your efforts on Exegol."

"Ohhhh, shit, he big mad," came your garbled commentary. Neither of them validated your existence, but you didn't care—you were enjoying watching that big ole' vein protruding from Hux's forehead as he tried to remain civil.

After simmering in an unyielding silence, he finally nodded. "Understood, sir." It wasn't until Kylo pushed off his desk that Hux continued, sitting up straight in his chair as he cleared his throat. "Now that we have that squared away, I'd be delighted to discuss your rationale behind selecting Allegiant General Pryde for our recruiting station on Batuu, as I have been nothing but your most steadfast ally in seeking an end to the Resistance. Surely with Skywalker's return, you'd want your most elite..."

Another yawn sucker-punched you in the face. You didn't have the attention span to listen to Hux tell Kylo how great he thought he was. As he droned on and on and on, you dropped your head down to your feet. Suddenly, it was too heavy to hold up, which was a bummer until you saw the pile of glass from the alcohol bottle. Then it became an opportunity. You immediately tried to crouch down to grab a piece. You knew you wouldn't be quick enough to kill either of them, but at least you could put yourself out of your own misery. But as you bent down a little further, the stupid floor jolted again and hit you square in the face.

"Ow," you grumbled, your body melting into the ground. Your head spun, your body hurt, and the same upbeat tune they had been torturing you with turned on in your mind on full volume. It was miserable and unbearable, and instead of getting up, you allowed yourself to crumple to the floor and stay there.

Voices swirled around you, speaking in hushed tones. You felt your body desperately trying to succumb to sleep, but you were physically unable to take refuge in your fatigue. Damn him.

Something squatted by you. "Would you like to sleep?" You shook your head yes. "Submit."

You let out a sob, bringing your knees to your chest, clutching them like a child. You shook your head no.

"Fine," Kylo said, and a warm, delicious feeling spread over you like a heavy blanket. Sleep. You leaned into the euphoric feeling, but twenty seconds passed and boom—you were viciously pulled back into consciousness, your tormentor hovering over you.

A devastated whimper tore from your throat. "No, no, please."

"Submit," the mask cooed, stroking your face with a gloved hand. You jolted away from him, but Kylo hushed you and placed that warm blanket over you again. He only let you doze off into unconsciousness for a few seconds before forcing your mind back to attention, ripping the blissful feeling away. "Submit."

Your mouth hung open in agonizing pain. You couldn't speak, couldn't see. He continued to toss you in and out of sleep, your body writhing on the floor of the General's office. Each time he pulled you out of it chipped away at your soul, reducing you to an empty, splintered shell. It made you wonder if he was right all along—were you a monster, and this was your punishment for all the lives you had taken?

A cautionary voice carried through the room. "Ren."

"Submit," Kylo growled, taking your face in his hands.

You struggled to open your eyes, and when you finally did, you found they were unable to focus. As his mask swung back and forth over you, you began to cry.


The fingers on your face dug into your flesh. An immense pressure invaded your mind, forcing your eyes open, and a low, terrifying growl ripped through your head. "Submit."

"Never," you choked out, gasping. "Never!"

With a hiss, Kylo let go of you and stood up. Even through your state of delirium, you heard the way he moved and could tell he was livid. Boots pounding against the floor, robes whipping into things as he walked by—you were surprised he didn't actually kill you this time.

You heard the doors whoosh open, followed by a snarl. "Bring her to Sector 45B."

The Stormtroopers spoke in unison. "Yes, sir!"

Footsteps flew by you. "Ren! Don't you dare leave your toy here!" When he didn't receive a response, Hux cursed under his breath and walked over to you, tutting. "Pathetic."

You curled yourself into a little ball. You just needed a moment to get your shit together, then you could face General Hux in all your bitchy glory. But this moment was not that moment.

He crouched next to you and sighed. "Poor little soldier," he said, stroking your face. "Give in. Give him what he wants and make it easier on yourself."


Hux pursed his lips. "If you think this is bad..." he said, twirling a piece of your hair between his fingers, "you are sadly mistaken, dear. He will ruin you."

"He can try," you croaked, jolting away from his touch. "Don't touch me."

"I wouldn't dream," Hux mused, getting on his feet in one quick movement. He called out to the Stormtroopers as he walked away. "I suggest delivering Ren's special cargo to 45B now. It will take you ten minutes just to make your way to that part of the ship."

"Right away, General." Footsteps approached you. "Get up."

You groaned. "Let me die in peace."

"Shut up," one of them said, "Resistance slut."

You feigned a pout. "That wasn't very nice. I just—ah," you said, gasping as they lifted you off the ground. You squirmed as the Stormtroopers threaded their arms in yours. You tried to break free, but it backfired—the harder you struggled, the tighter they held you. And in doing so, the shirt-that-was-really-a-sack rode up, nearly exposing your bare ass. "Whoa, watch it, buckethead. If you're gonna get me naked, you better take me on a date first."

"Shut up, rebel scum," the 'trooper hissed, squeezing his fingers into your flesh.

"Did you fry all three of your brain cells trying to come up with that?" you said, stumbling as the Stormtrooper pushed you through the corridor. "I mean, come on. So unoriginal."

"Shut it."

"Sure thing," you said with a smile, licking your cracked lips. You were seeing double. "Stormtrooper scum."

You tensed, anticipating his next move. A sharp pain invaded your shoulder blades as his blaster dug into your back.

Fine, I'll be quiet.

Wherever you were going, it was a long walk—and a cold one. The number of looks you received were countless. Sanitation workers, First Order officers, even droids gave you the stink eye as they dragged you through the halls. You did your best to wink at them, but after a while, you didn't pay them attention. You were too distracted by the sheer size of this place.

You knew the First Order had extensive resources, but you didn't know their technology was this advanced. You passed dozens of hangars on your way, all filled with TIE fighters, warships, bombers, and countless legions of Stormtroopers. Regular soldiers in white, special operation 'troopers, shadow scouts, Stormtroopers all in red with heavy made you realize that the Resistance was up against something much bigger than you could have ever imagined.

If anyone is even alive....

Bitterness invaded your gut, chasing away the sadness. If they left me to die, why would I care about them? But even in your fatigued state of mind, you knew you couldn't deny the loyalty you had for them. They are my new family, you told yourself, as the 'troopers pulled you through more twists and turns of the ship. You frowned. Or at least they were.

You looked around, confused, as the Stormtroopers brought you into a secluded corridor. After you were dragged through three different sets of blast doors, you realized this place felt distinctly different from the rest of the ship. You had just seen the most pristinely clean show of wealth and power, but this corridor felt rundown, lacking the sterility of the other areas. It only got worse the farther you walked down the long, grimy hallway, and just as the Stormtroopers released you with a shove, the lights flickered off and on.

"Have fun."

You bit your lip as you looked at them from over your shoulder, waiting for them to exit before trying to open the doors they went through. You gave it a firm nudge, but the control panel remained locked. Okay then, I have to keep going down this scary-ass hallway. You faced forward and took cautious steps down the dark, damp path. This is great. Fabulous, even.

Wrapping your arms around your chest, your mind started to spin out, imagining the scenarios for what was to come. What's next, waterboarding? Feeding me to rathtars? Pushing me off the hangar as they watch me float aimlessly and choke to death? Boiling me alive and—

Your heart sank when the doors opened before you, revealing a large, defunct kitchen.

You stepped through, jumping when the blast doors slammed closed behind you. Pinning your back against the sheet of metal, your eyes darted to the pots, pans, and trash littered on the blood-stained floors. Then to the rusted stove tops, ovens, and refrigerators strewn around at random, and lastly, you saw the rusted table in the center of the room, equipped with restraints and a yellowing light fixture set above it. It was archaic and gruesome, similar to a table used for medical procedures, but worst of all—next to it stood Kylo Ren.

"M421," came his level greeting, drawing your eyes to his mask. "What a lovely surprise, seeing you here."

You tried to steady your breathing, your gaze flitting behind him to the massive, dark figures that hung back in the shadows. You didn't notice them at first, but now that you had, you felt the overwhelming urge to run, to escape. Not because of the dark, grungy room, or the way Kylo had his mask fused on you, but because those six masked figures were holding very large, very scary-looking weapons in their hands. A war club. A vibrocleaver. An executioner's ax. A fucking flamethrower, to name a few. And all of them had their sights set on you.

"Kriff," you said under your breath, your hands blindly searching for the control panel to get the fuck out of here.

These masked men—you knew who they were. Everyone did. Even while you were in Kanjiklub, you had heard stories about the band of Force-sensitive warriors that served Kylo Ren in his evil, ruthless ways. Cruel, unstoppable killers without objectives, without boundaries. Just an appetite for violence. They were the Knights of Ren, here to break you down and do what their master could not: make you submit.

Screaming at the top of your lungs, you spun around to pound on the blast door.

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