I Think Your Love Would Be To...

By littleninja0

362K 8.4K 3.1K

Working for Post Malone shouldn't be too hard right? Simple, just don't fall in love More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Authors Note
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Authors Note
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Author's Note
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Author's Note
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Author's Note
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Author's Note
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Author's Note
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Author's Note
Author's Note

Chapter 13

4.3K 93 18
By littleninja0

As soon as we got back to the house, I packed up all of my things into my two large suitcases, preparing for our morning departure to Phoenix, Arizona.

I wasn't the biggest fan of the tour bus due to the fact that I occasionally got car sick and I became restless rather quickly. However I couldn't complain as I had a whole little bedroom to myself. But this time around, we were flying and I hated planes more than anything.

I peeled off my little black dress that tightly clung to me and took a quick but hot shower, washing my hair and my body.

I changed into a pair of shorts and a long sleeved Hollywood's Bleeding tee shirt and then made my way downstairs.

Mostly everyone was in their own room, gathering their belongings or getting ready for bed. With how early we were leaving the next morning, there was surprisingly not going to be an after party.

Adam and Chris were hanging out in the living room, playing video games and taking turns cursing each other out.

I saw Austin alone in the kitchen, grabbing a beer from the fridge.

His dull eyes lit up within half a second as I came into his view, eyeing me down from head to toe. The spark in his irises gleamed as if he had never seen anything more stunning in his life.

I look like actual trash and this man is still helplessly staring at me.

"Hey." I shyly smiled at him as I entered the kitchen.

"Hey. Want a beer?" He asked as he held up his own, raising his brow.

"I'm gonna have some tea." I wrinkled my nose as I reached for an empty mug and placed a tea bag inside.

He nodded at me, taking a seat at the island. He took a long sip of his beer, his eyes not leaving me for a second as I filled up the kettle with water and flipped the switch to heat it up.

"Did you enjoy the show tonight?" He couldn't help the tiny smirk from appearing at his lips.

"Of course I did. You were amazing as usual." I admired the many tattoos scattered along his face.

"I almost announced you to join me on stage but I figured you would probably kill me." He raised his brow.

"Well you figured right, I probably would have let you catch these hands." I chuckled.

Austin snickered at me as if I was speaking pure utter nonsense.

"I would have loved to see that Lena."

"You think I can't take you?" I teased rolling my eyes at him.

"Lena can't fight Austin don't let her bullshit you!" Adam called from the living room, reminding me we weren't being discreet in the slightest with our conversation.

I mean it's not like we're doing anything wrong.

Yeah, not right now but you were earlier Lena.

I squeezed my eyes not realizing I was unintentionally flirting with him right within earshot of Adam and Chris.

Fuck I literally could not help myself around him.

"Shut up Adam." I shouted back, trying not to let my thoughts meet my face as Austin was still staring at me with a smirk plastered on his face.

I picked up the kettle, pouring the hot water into my cup, letting my tea bag seep.

I glanced over to the living room to see Adam and Chris heavily invested in their game.

I took a few steps towards Austin, trying to keep my voice as low as possible, hoping they wouldn't hear my whispers over the loud video game.

"Hey, can we talk later?" I muttered, letting those blue eyes wash over me as I shortened the distance between us. "Alone?"

"Yeah. Meet me in my room in an hour." He rasped, his eyes dropping to my lips. His hand grazed up my thigh, my cold skin instantly warming up under his smooth touch.

I swallowed hard, giving Adam and Chris in the next room another quick glance, before returning my attention to Austin.

He looked at me with intrigue and burning desire. I strained my eyes from getting lost in their darkness and forced myself to avoid the direction of his lips that were near begging to be kissed.

Shit. That was not what I meant when I asked if we could talk.

I quickly pulled myself away from him, turning around to make my way up the stairs to my room, gripping tightly onto the handle of my cup.


I anxiously stared at the clock as the slow running minutes ticked by. My heart was fluttering in anticipation of this talk I was going to have with Austin.

I could barely keep it together when he merely looked at me. How was I suppose to tell him I wanted to stop whatever the hell it was that we were doing?

Austin, it's not you it's me.

No. Too cliche.

Austin, it's not that I don't enjoy what we're doing. I just think we should stop before one of us gets hurts.

I rolled my eyes at myself. He's literally only attracted to me, the only one getting hurt would be me and only me.

Austin look, we shouldn't do this anymore. I work for you and it's unprofessional.

Yeah that sound alright. We'll go with that one.

I glanced back up to check the clock for the millionth time.

1:29 am

I swung my legs over the bed and felt my bare feet hit the floor. Well here goes nothing.

I walked over to the door and turned the knob slowly. I peaked my head out, listening if anyone else was still awake.

I heard nothing but silence from downstairs and I assumed everyone had gone up to bed.

I tiptoed quietly down the hall to Austin's room, ensuring my padding footsteps were nearly invisible to the ear in the dark quiet house.

Once I reached his door, I hesitated to knock, fearing to make any noise.

I awkwardly stood outside, debating if I should just let myself in.

As much as I didn't want to seem like I was barging in, I felt like I had no choice as I didn't want to wake anyone up.

I reached for the knob, turning it slowly as I opened the door.

I saw Austin laying comfortably in bed, shirtless, with the blankets covering him from the waist down.

Be strong Lena. Do not get distracted by him.

His one arm was behind his head as his eyes shifted from the television to the doorway where I was standing. He instantly sat up, pushing the covers off of him. He sat on the edge of the bed in a pair of black joggers.

Jesus Lena, why were you secretly hoping he was in his boxers?

I mentally rolled my eyes at myself for even letting my mind go there.

"Come in."

I stepped inside, closing the door behind me as I nervously walked closer to him while he eyed me carefully.

"You look good in my merch." He said, seemingly almost mesmerized by my presence.

"Thanks." I replied, trying to keep my focus.

"You would look so much better without it." He fought the smirk that was forming on his face.

Fucking hell. How was I going to do this?

"Austin look-" I began, my voice trembled as I spoke.

His eyebrows raised as if he was predicting what my next words were going to be. As if he knew exactly what I was getting at.

He stood up, towering over me as I could no longer meet his eyes. He stood barely inches away as I opened my mouth to continue, my eyes fixed to the ground.

He brought his hand up slowly, pushing my hair away from my face so that it fell down behind my back, away from my neck.

He wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me close to his body. His lips attached to my neck, kissing and sucking unbearably slow. I gasped at the contact and almost immediately raked my fingers into his curls, almost as if I had developed a reflex.

But I caught myself dead in my tracks and took in a long breath, my hands resting on his shoulders instead.

"A-Austin, we shouldn't be doing this. It's bad." I panted, barely able to keep my legs from shaking beneath me as his teeth pulled on my sensitive skin.

He broke away from my neck and cupped my face with his hand. He brushed his hungry lips against my own as I struggled to fight my desperate urges.

"Oh yeah? Last night you were saying it was so damn good."

He watched as I squeezed my eyes shut, internally fighting with my mind on what to do.

"Come here."

He led me towards the bed, sinking down and pulling me to sit across from him.

"What's on your mind Lena?" He questioned, mystery filling his eyes. I couldn't tell if he was upset or disappointed or if he honestly didn't give a fuck.

"I'm just worried this isn't going to end well. I work for you Austin. I don't want anyone to think I'm unprofessional or thinks I'm some sort of slut that jumps into bed with her boss the first chance she gets. I've never done anything like this before." I honestly blurted out as he stared intently at me.

"Lena no one is going to think that. We're two grown adults, extremely attracted to each other. What we do is no ones business." He tried to make sense of our situation.

Well what exactly are we doing? I questioned in my head, much too afraid to actually ask.

I sat there quietly, unsure what to say.

"Let me ask you one question."

I nodded my head for him to continue.

"When I do this, how does it feel?"

He leaned forward, pressing his soft lips against mine. They felt warm and familiar. My body turned hot yet I felt chills at the same time, and I knew in my heart I didn't want the kiss to end.

As he pulled away, I was taken back by his words as well as his actions and I was certain I was turning the darkest shade of red, thinking about how he made me feel.

"It feels really fucking good." I admitted softly, boldly looking him in the eye.

He pulled me into his lap, his hands traveling up the loose tee shirt I wearing. I closed my eyes in satisfaction as I felt his warm hands connect with my skin.

"Then we'll keep things simple. We won't get caught, and you'll let me make you feel good. How does that sound?"

I shifted my eyes to the side, to avoid letting his blue eyes make my decision for me as I got lost in my thoughts.

I came here to end this and here I was, letting him convince me into giving in to him.

But as strong as I tried to be, I was fucked the minute I decided to walk into his room.

"We have to be careful Austin." I sighed, leaning my forehead against his.

A wicked smile took over his face in complete content as he attached our lips once again.

I moaned softly as he slipped his tongue into my mouth.

I felt the ultimate high off of his lips alone, and I couldn't imagine how my body would react if we took it any further.

I cupped his face with my small hands, feeling his own rub against my bare skin underneath my shirt.

The room was completely still except for the sounds of our lips passionately colliding and our warm panting breaths.

I grinded down further into his lap, feeling his growing erection turn hard against my heat.

I groaned at the sudden surge of pleasure, radiating to my core through our clothes.

If this is how he made me feel with clothes on, I was afraid to find out how he would make me feel without anything in between us.

"Fuck." He moaned, burying his face into my neck as we were both caught in the heat of the intense moment.

I knew if I stayed any longer, I was going to end up naked and underneath his sheets within minutes.

I placed both hands onto his face, and pressed my swollen lips against his, savoring what would be our last kiss for the night.

"It's late. I'm gonna go to bed." I whispered.

I watched him swallow hard and nod his head at me. He placed a few more kisses along the crook of my neck before he spoke.

"Goodnight beautiful." He mumbled, gently squeezing my thighs before I got off of him.

We both looked down to his obvious bulge, imprinted through his pants.

"You're making it habit of leaving me like this." He smirked as he shook his head at me.

"Who me?" I teased, acting as if I didn't know the big effect that I had on him.

His eyes dropped down to the tattoo on my thigh, running his warm finger over it like he did before.

"I can't wait to find the other one."

My body flushed at the thought of him seeing me completely exposed and I couldn't help but feel more than turned on.

But I had to get out of there.

He was the worst type of drug and I felt like a fucking fiend.

"Goodnight Austin." I smiled, walking backwards out of his reach. I finally turned around, reaching for the doorknob, turning it and closing the door behind me.

I moved slyly through the hallway, as I carefully treaded to my room.

Just as I was about to reach my door, I squeezed my eyes shut tightly as I heard a voice behind me.


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