By emoisthenewemu

289K 7.9K 1.7K

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01. Since Always
02. Frank Gallagher Search Party
03. Lady Of The Hour
04. Fireworks
05. Moving Day
06. No Fighting!
07. Bricks and Bombs
08. The Barbecue
09. Grammy Gallagher
10. Goodbye
11. Baby Whisperer
12. Pool Day
14. Fight!
15. Where's Ian?
16. Back To School
17. The Promotion
18. Man's Job
19. What is a Roofie?
20. She's Gone
21. Fuck Jerry
22. Give It Up
23. Winter Formal Pt.1
24. Winter Formal Pt.2
25. Cheater
26. Truly Beautiful
27. Gender Reveal
28. Party Hard pt.1
29. Party Hard pt.2
30. Dates
31. The Wedding
32. The Problem
33. Breakups Suck
34. The Trip
35. The Cutest Mugshot Photo
36. Welcome Back
37. Angry At The World
38. The Funeral
39. Change
40. Hot Tub Fun
41. Going Celibate
42. Inner Peace
43. Baby Shower Pt. 1
44. Baby Shower pt. 2
45. Truth
46. Ready
47. New Friends
48. Victim
49. Crazy
50. Stupid

13. Party Time

7.5K 216 136
By emoisthenewemu

Carl Francis Gallagher and Bella Leticia Zambada-García sat on her couch, eating popcorn while they watched Final Destination. Carl laughs as a ladder falls into some guy's eye, killing him but Bella isn't watching the movie. Why does she like him? She tries to think as she stares at him with no shame and he doesn't even realize for a good five minutes.

"You good?" Carl asks, stuffing some popcorn in his mouth. She narrows her eyes as he chews loudly with his mouth open, she hated when people did that so why the hell did she wanna kiss him so bad? "Bella?"

She snaps out of it, smiling lightly as she tries to play it off. "Uhh yes?"

He furrows his eyebrows, looking at her with confusion written all over his face. "You were staring at me all weird"

Bella sighs, laying her head back on the couch and she looks at him out of the corner of her eye. "I kinda have a problem"

"Ookay" Carl nods and puts the popcorn bowl down to face her. "What's your problem?"

She turned her head and looked him in the eyes, he was so much closer than she realized and the proximity of their faces made heart beat faster. He looked at her lips and she noticed, making her lean in to connect their lips. Carl kissed her back and when they pulled apart the smirk on his face made her want to take it all back. "Is that what you had to tell me?"

The brunette laughs, her eyes scanning his face. "Yea pretty much"

"Well Holly and Ellie wanted me to go to their party tonight" He says and notices the look of disappointment on the girl's face. "But I think I wanna stay with you"

He expects her heart to be warmed but then she raises an eyebrow. "You think?"

Carl doesn't say anything else and instead grabs her face and kisses her again. It was worth the wait. Three years without her but the feeling of her lips against his and the smell of coconut from her hair made him feel like she never left. Like he always loved her and always would.

Bella looked at herself in the mirror, inspecting the hickeys she was forced to cover up. Thanks Carl. She actually did a pretty good job, her foundation had definitely come in clutch this time and she sighed, looking at herself once more before stepping out. It was nice outside, not too hot and definitely not cold with a slight breeze to the air. She walked across the street and up the wooden steps of the Gallagher house. Bella entered and went into the kitchen where all of the occupants were, Lip and Fiona in the kitchen while Carl, Debbie and Liam sat at the table. She hoped Carl didn't tell them anything about the events that occurred last night and although she made him promise he wouldn't, she knew it could possibly be too much to ask of him.

"There you are!" Debbie exclaims at the sight of the girl. "Why'd you let Carl go to Holly's party last night and get attacked by those sluts?!" She asks and Bella looks at Carl who was hickeys all over his neck. Jesus Christ, maybe she went a little too overboard but it had just been so long since she kissed someone.

"Wasn't my place to tell him what to do" Bella shrugs, ignoring the look Carl was giving her as she leaned against the kitchen counter.

Lip walked over to her and she kissed his cheek before he went to the table to sit down and eat his breakfast. "What'd you do last night after Carl ditched you?" He asks the teen, suspicious of the fact that Bella apparently just let him leave her alone to get his neck sucked on.

"Nothing much" The Latina dismisses, looking around. "Just watch some movies" And the older Gallagher nods at her words.

Fiona sipped her coffee amusedly and that was when she noticed it. There was a dark spot towards the back of Bella's neck. She craned her neck, squinting her eyes to get a better view. "What is that?" The woman asks, stepping forward and grabbing Bella's chin.

"What's what?" The teen asks nervously as Fiona moves her hair to one side and tilts the girl's head.

The eldest Gallagher ran her thumb against the side of her neck and gasped at the foundation that she had unknowingly rubbed off to reveal another dark spot. "C'mon Bella! I expected better from you" She teases and the girl broke free of her grip.

"I don't know what you're talking about" She says, walking to the table and Lip gets up.

He leans forward to look at the spot and grins at the bruise. "Oh yeah, that's a hickey if I've ever seen one" Lip says amusedly, putting his bowl in the sink.

Bella gasped, opening the door to the bathroom and grabs a little mirror with her back facing the one above the sink. She lifts it up to inspect the back of  her neck and groans at the purple spot.  "God damn it Carl!" She scolds and he grinned proudly, giving Lip a high five before he left.

Bella closed the bathroom door, leaning against it as Debbie and Fiona stared at her. "I knew it was you" Fiona chuckles to herself, shaking her head. "I just had a feeling"

Debs looked at her disappointedly before speaking. "This is somehow worse than if it really was Ellie and Holly who gave them to him" The redhead stood up and put her plate in the sink as Bella sat next to Carl.

"Sup babygirl?" He asks and she punched him in the arm, making him wince in pain. "Hey! You can't be mad at me! You're the one that got yourself caught"

Bella finally cracked a smile, sighing loudly and she turned her head to face him. "You're right" She could tell that the fact that he was actually right about something for once went straight to his head.

"Course' I am" Carl says, pecking her lips and getting up to put his bowl away.

After a whole day of handing out flyers for Debbie's party it was finally time. Bella and Carl decided to just share one of Frank's homemade beer after being advised from the man himself to not drink too much of it unless they wanted to wake up the next day not knowing where they were. Carl was the first to take a sip and instantly scrunched up his face at the bitter liquid.

Bella laughed at his reaction, grabbing the cup. "It can't be that bad" She dismisses and takes a big gulp. Bella immediately scrunched her eyes closed and handed him the beer before coughing loudly. "Jesus Christ that's awful!"

"Told you" Carl says, waving it in her face and she slaps his hands away. "So, am I getting some head tonight?" He smoothly asks, putting and arm around her and she pushes it off.

"Maybe if you get me drunk enough" Bella laughs and he takes another sip of the rather disgusting beer.

"I'm just kidding babygirl" Carl reassures and she furrows her eyebrows, she never expected him to say that. "You know I'll never make you do that" He says seriously and she can't believe the words coming out of his mouth.

"Really?!" Bella asks surprisingly, taking another drink of the beer.

"Well yea" He shrugs and she can't help but smile at the cute look on his face. "Only if you want to" Carl says, grabbing her hand and the grin on her face stays. She leans forward to kiss him and he reciprocates her actions, bringing his hand to the side of her face and he brushes some hair behind her ear as the kiss grows deeper.

They're interrupted by a loud scoff and pull apart to see a grossed-out Debbie. "Could you guys not tongue each other down on the stairs? People are starting to get here" She scolds, walking away and Carl gets up. He extends his hand out and she grabs onto it so he can pull her up.

They walk outside and Carl says whatsup to a few people, all the while Bella sips on Frank's beer. "I-" She stops to burp loudly. "I think this is gonna get us fucked up"

"Probably" He shrugs, grabbing it and chugging a generous amount and winces at the taste. "But it's a party, that's kinda the whole point" She nods in agreement and looks around for Debbie, spotting her talking to some girls-grinning at how proud she was of the redhead for actually putting this whole party together.

An hour had past and the Sun had set and 3/4 of a beer later Bella was drunk. She had drank a few beers before, like any other normal South Side teen but this was very different. The room was spinning and everything was just so fun as she danced with Debbie, Carl watching in amusement. The door opened, making Debbie run towards it at the sight of Matty. "Carl!" Bella gasps, picking him up from the couch. "Matty's here" She slaps his chest and he looks to find his sister talking to her 'boyfriend'.


The Latina gasps again, louder than the last time and pulls on his arm to go over. "I wanna say hi!" They walked over and Debbie was about to introduce the two but was cut off by Bella talking. "I'm Bella! I have heard so much about you. You're way cuter than I expected" She babbles and he chuckles.

Carl out his arm around her, shushing her lightly and turns to them. "She's really drunk" He says and the girl giggles. "We're gonna go over there" He points and brings her to sit on the stairs, the same place they were earlier.

They sat down and Bella immediately grabbed his hand, her other one going to caress his face. "You're so cute" Carl furrows his eyebrows at her actions and she tries to kiss him but he pulls away.

The teen wasn't drunk yet, tipsy sure but no where near the level his best friend was on. "You do know there's people here? And you're all over me" He says and she nods.

"What's wrong with that?" She flirtatiously asks, running her hand up and down his leg. He sucks in a deep breath, bouncing his leg as the blood rushes to his special place and he shakes his head.

"I thought you didn't want anyone to know we were a thing" He says and she tries to kiss him again. This time he lets her but pulls away after a few seconds.

"Well I don't want you to like anyone else" She states, still holding onto his hand. "And I don't need anyone else liking you"

He nods and she kisses him for the third time. Her hand went up to his jaw, she rubbed it lightly with her thumb and then brought her hand down to his thigh. He widened his eyes and pulled apart (again) once she tried to moving her hand higher. "I can't" The boy shakes his head. "I like you and you're drunk"

Bella laughs, grabbing the soon to be empty beer. "I think you're not drunk enough" She giggles and hands him the glass mug. "C'mon baby. I can't be drunk by myself"

Carl blushes at the name and nods, taking a deep breath before slamming the rest of the beer. He groans and she whoops excitedly, making him smile. "You're so cute princess"

Bella grins and wraps her arms around his neck happily. "Call me that again" She softly says, rubbing the back of his neck as Carl is trying his hardest not to think about how soft her skin feels and how good she smells.

"Princess?" He asks and she nods, kissing him passionately but this time he makes no plans of pulling away. He could taste the beer on her tongue but he didn't care, kissing her like it was the last time he would be able to as his head spun in circles. Now he was drunk, he was sure of it and he couldn't even remember the moments that led up to their current makeout session, all he could think about was her.

Debbie Gallagher had big plans for tonight and after a hour of dancing with Matty she ushered the drunk man up to her room. He laid down and she placed a hand on his chest. "I gotta go tell Carl something. Be right back" She says, making him nod and goes downstairs to find that Bella and Carl are nowhere to be seen. "Have you seen my brother?" She asks one of the partygoers and the blonde girl chuckles, taking a sip of her beer.

"Went upstairs with that girl" She shrugs and Debbie walks up the stairs, opening the door to her brother's room. The last thing she expected was to find her brother sitting on his bed, his shorts pulled down to his ankles and Bella on her knees in front of him.

"Oh my God!" The redhead yells, shielding her eyes. "God damn it! You guys are not losing your virginity the same day as me! Now get out!" She orders, pointing downstairs and the two get up-stumbling lightly.

"Good luck Debbie" Bella slurs, blowing her a loud kiss. "And use protection!" She calls out, making Carl laugh drunkenly.

Bella walked into the Gallagher house, wearing one of Ian's old shirts she had kept and some athletic shorts with flip flops. Her hair was in a messy bun and she kept a hand up to her temple rubbing it slightly. She walks in to find Debbie and Lip talking and leans against the kitchen counter. "The hell happened to you?" Lip chuckles at the hungover teen.

"I got drunk last night" She mumbles, face down as she rubs her head. "Is Carl here?" She asks in pain and Debbie laughs.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" The redhead asks and Bella raises an eyebrow in confusion.

"The hell is that supposed to mean?" The brunette asks but Debbie ignores her, going on about how she raped Matty apparently.

Carl walks downstairs with a grin, practically skipping as he goes straight to the fridge to pour himself some orange juice. Lip and Bella watch his every move with the same confused look on their face. "What's got you so chipper?" Lip jokes and Carl sighs happily.

"Got my dick sucked last night" He nods and Bella chokes on her spit. Lip looks over at Bella in shock and seems to be having the same reaction as her.

"I-I did not.." She trails off, trying to think back to the events of last night. And then she remembers and her eyes widen. "Oh my God I did" Bella sighs, covering her face with her hands.

"So everyone's just decided they're growing up now?" Lip asks in disbelief, shaking his head. It kind of hurts, knowing that Debbie and Bella aren't the little girls they used to be anymore and he missed the days where he could protect them from the boys of Chicago.

"I'm gonna go get pills from V" Bella shakes her head and walks out of the house, shielding her eyes from the burning sunlight. She doesn't knock, knowing they'd go crazy if the noise woke up the girls who could possibly be sleeping. She stumbles in like a complete mess and Kev raises an eyebrow at her.

"You look like shit" He points out and she smiles fakely.

"Thanks. Didn't realize" The teen dryly says and makes her way over to him. "Where's V?"

"Running a damn dairy farm over at The Alibi" He sighs, rubbing his shaved head. "I finally put the girls to sleep" The mans groans, leaning forward. "What's up?"

"I got drunk last night" The teen groans, rubbing her head. "I need some pills"

"No shit" Kev snickers, getting up to unlock the medicine cabinet. He finds the migraine meds and gives her one, she grabs his cup of water he had and swallows the pill. "How was that?"

"Fine I guess" Bella shrugs and she looks up at him nervously. "I did something possibly bad"

He sighs, furrowing his eyebrows and crossing his arms like a disappointed father. "What?"

She tries to smile innocently and is only able to do so for a few seconds due to the pounding in her skull. "Promise not to get mad?"

"No" Kevin scoffs with his arms still crossed. "Now tell me what you did"

She sighs, laying back on the couch and takes a deep breath. Here it goes. "I gave Carl head"

Kev nods, standing there for a minute silently as she looks at him with a scared expression on her face. They stare at each other a little longer and then he's stomping out of the house, yelling out Carl's name. Bella gets up to run after him and follows the man up the wooden steps to the Gallagher house. He swings the door open and marched to the kitchen. "GALLAGHER!" He points and the teenager runs to hide behind Lip, who was still eating his sandwich.

"Hey Kev!" Carl's voice cracks and the man glares at him with anger in his eyes. "How's it goin'?" He nonchalantly asks.

"I'm gonna fucking kill you" Kevin laughs, lunging forward as Carl runs to the end of the table for his life. The man continues yelling, Carl yelling back out of fear and Fiona enters the house.

She furrows her eyebrows at the scene before her, her head going back and forth. "Hey!" She yells and Kev and Carl turn their heads to her. "The hell's going on?!"

Kev looks at Bella, who stares at the ground and Lip just laughs at the situation his kid brother got himself into. "Bella went down on Carl!" Kev yells, pointing between the two teens. "You're a fucking baby!" He yells at Bella and she feels so bad that she cant even look him in the eye.

Fiona sighs, putting her hand on her hips. "I don't think babies know how to do what she did last night" Carl mumbles and Bella widens her eyes.

"CARL!" Bella, Kev and Fiona all scream in unison and then before you know it they're all yelling while Bella holds onto her head in pain. The arguing goes back and forth while Lip eats it all up amusedly, what an interesting day he thinks as his head goes back and forth like he's watching a game of tennis.

"EVERYONE SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Bella finally screams and they all fall silent. "My head is killing me so please stop FUCKING YELLING!" Her voice raises and of course Lip has to make a smart ass comment come out of his mouth.

"Well you just yelled right now"

Bella gives him the death eyes she got from her mother and his face falls as she shifts uncomfortably in his chair. "I'm gonna go lie down and no one is gonna be mad because you all lost your virginity when you were like twelve" She scoffs and Kev can't say anything to her words. Bella walks forward and Carl moves from his spot behind the chair to give her an ice pack.

"Here" He holds it out to her and she smiles thankfully. "I'll bring you some water" He mumbles and she nods. The teen kisses her forehead and she starts to walk up the stairs slowly.

Kev sighs at the interaction, relaxing his arms that were previously crossed. His face relaxes and he finally speaks. "Just know if you hurt her there will be one less Gallagher in this world" He warns and Carl looks up at him. "Understand?" The man leans in and the teen nods furiously.

Kev walks out of the house, slamming the door behind him. Fiona and Lip look at each other while they stifle a laugh and then shift their attention to their kid brother. "Good job Romeo" Fiona teases and Carl rolls his eyes as he goes to get a cup of water.

A/N What are you liking so far??

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