Percabeth AU one shots

By PJO_Fangirl_13

12.6K 189 276

Random AU one shots consisting of "punk!percy and girly!annabeth" and "mortal AUs" or "best friends/enemies t... More

Frederick Chase
The Punks Don't Approve
Authors Note

Shocking Realization

2.9K 60 85
By PJO_Fangirl_13

I'm finally updating! Hopefully you guys like it!
Besides that, I decided that I will take mortal AU requests bc I have one in mind. But this is not a Mortal AU, they are demigods.

Sitting on her bed, an open textbook layed out in front of her, tapping a pencil against her lower lip, Annabeth attempted to study for her history test. Key word: attempted. Her dyslexia wasn't letting her get anything done, not her homework or studying. She couldn't even read one page of the novel she's reading for English.

She groaned as a headache erupted inside her forehead, slamming her pencil down on her textbook, and falling back against her bed, she stared up at the ceiling. Where was her source of relief when she needed it most? Oh yeah, a few blocks away, probably sleeping with drool on the corner of his mouth. She smiled at the thought.


"What?" Annabeth whispered to herself as she stood from her bed, making her way over to the window. Opening it, she leaned forward and looked for the source responsible for the sound, the moonlight reflecting off her grey eyes.

"Hey," A masculine voice called from below her. "Can I come up?"

Speaking of her source of relief... "Percy, what are you doing here?" She crossed her arms underneath her, leaning on them, and smiled. "It's midnight."

"I missed you." She could make out his cheeky grin in the dark. "So, can I come up?"

"Yeah." She backed away from the window as he made his way up the fire escape of the apartment building. He threw his legs inside and soon he was standing in front of her in her room. "Tell me exactly why you decided to show up right now?"

"No because of what you're thinking," Percy assured her, flopping down on her bed. "Couldn't sleep, not used to you not laying next to me, y'know?" He grabbed her stress ball off her bedside table, throwing it up in the air before catching it.

Annabeth smiled sadly and sat down on her bed beside his legs. She understood how he felt. Just last month she was living in the Jackson-Blofis residence, going to school at Goode High with Percy, and just living the best life. Well, as good as a life can get when you're a demigod.

However, that all changed when her dad, Frederick Chase, unexpectedly moved back to Manhattan with his family, showed up at Percy's apartment, and demanded she packed all her things that instance. Then she moved, unwillingly, back in with her mortal family and started attending a different high school. Thank gods it wasn't a boarding school and she could wear whatever the hades she wanted.

"I know." Laying down on top of him, she crossed her arms on his chest, resting her chin on her forearms . "Anyway, I was trying to study you know." She gestured to the open textbook next to their feet.

He smiled sheepishly. "My bad."

Annabeth laughed quietly and moved off him. "It's fine. You can stay as long as you want but just be quiet. My parents are sleeping in the next room over." She jerked her head to the wall to the left. "And I'm going to study."

"Annabeth!" Percy whined. "I came here to hang out with you! Not to watch you-" He paused, catching her gaze but his eyes roamed over her body, and he smiled. "You look really good in those pajamas. Like, really good."

"Shut up," She muttered but glanced down at herself. It was nothing special, just silky pastel pink pajamas, a button up T-shirt and regular pants. Okay, maybe it was something special, she saved up for them for so long. "Thanks."

"Mhm." He hummed, sitting up himself, and fingering the hem of the shirt but she pushed his hand away. "Oh come on, can I have a kiss?"

"Take the spiky jacket off first. You know I hate that thing," Annabeth told him with a raised eyebrow. "Then maybe you can have a quick kiss."

Percy pouted and shrugged off his jacket, throwing it on the floor, leaving him in only a black hoodie with a band label. "Happy?"

"Why'd you wear a jacket if you had a sweatshirt on?" Annabeth frowned but climbed into his lap nonetheless, wrapping her arms around his neck.

"It's cold out," He muttered before pressing her lips to his.

The kiss turned out more intimate than it was meant to be, soon Percy's sweatshirt and shirt, that he wore underneath, were sprawled out on top of her bedding. Their lips moved perfectly together, praising each other with every kiss.

"Annabeth?" A voice called from the hallway, footsteps growing louder as the person neared the room.

They broke apart with a wet pop and stared at each other with wide eyes. Annabeth scrambled off his lap, fixing her shirt. "Okay, uh, get under the bed," She whispered and Percy did as he was told. "And , uh, be quiet." She grabbed her textbook and set it in her lap, pretending to read it.

Her door opened seconds later and she held her breath. "What are you doing up, honey? It's late; you should be sleeping. School's tomorrow, I don't care if it's Friday."

"Studying," Annabeth answered, holding up her textbook. "I have a history test tomorrow."

"I see," His blue eyes drifted from her face and landed on the black clothing behind her. "Whose are those? They look recently worn."

"Oh, uh, those are-" She pursed her lips. "They're Percy's. Yeah, he, uh, gave them to me yesterday to sleep in."

"To... sleep in?" He asked. "Why would you-"

Annabeth interrupted him. "Because- because I haven't done my laundry and needed clothes to... sleep in."

"Uh-huh." He nodded slowly. "You're wearing pajamas right now."

"I wanted his clothes?"

"That's more believable." He smirked. "Anyway, I suggest you get to sleep soon, young lady. And uh-" His eyes drifted to below her bed. "-tell your friend it's not a good night to sleepover."

Annabeth gaped. "Sure. Good night."

"Good night, honey." The door shut and he was gone.

They both waited a couple minutes, making sure he wasn't going to open the door and catch them doing an ungodly act, before they resumed their previous position.

"Wait." Annabeth pulled away and rolled off him so she was laying on her side. "Can you sleep over? You could leave really early tomorrow. I miss you."

"No, crazy," Percy said, brushing his lips against her neck. "Do you know how dead I'd be if my mom found out I snuck out to hang out with my girlfriend? Okay maybe not that last part but the sneaking out part I'd be dead for."

Annabeth laughed quietly and kissed him. "Please?"

"I said no," Percy chuckled, pulling away before standing up. "I should probably get going now. It's near three in the morning. I've got school tomorrow- today too."

"Ugh. Fine." She rolled her eyes but grabbed his T-shirt before he could put it on. "Can I have it? Please?"

"It's my favorite!"

"I'll give it back!"


"Yes!" She squealed, jumping up to hug him. "I'm going to wear it to school."

Percy raised his eyebrows. "Wouldn't that kind of ruin your whole attire? I can't see a... punky shirt over a dress being fashionable."

Annabeth swatted at his chest. "I'm not wearing a dress with it. I don't wear dresses all the time, you know."

"Sorry." He held his hands up. "But I'll see you tomorrow alright? I'll pick you up after school and we can go to my house because tomorrow is pizza night."

"Sounds like a plan." Annabeth watched sadly as he threw his legs out the window. "Wait!"


She surged forward, cupped his face in her hands, and kissed him deeply. Slowly pulling away, Annabeth muttered, "I love you."

"I love you too." Then he was gone.


The door to her bedroom opened abruptly, her father stepping inside, and shouting, "Annabeth! Wake up, you're going to be-" His voice died as his eyes landed on his daughter, seated at her vanity, applying a clear lip gloss to her lips. "-late."

"Good morning to you too." She capped her lip gloss then stood, grabbing her backpack off the floor, and shouldering it before trying to push her way passed her dad but he grabbed her shoulder. "What?"

"What do you think you're wearing?" He gestured to Percy's T-shirt that hung on her small frame. "Where are your pants!?"

She wanted to be annoyed with him, she really did but just couldn't. He was just being a normal protective dad for once. "I have shorts on." She lifted the hem of the shirt, revealing black sporty shorts. "But why do you care?"

"Because I'm your father and would like you to dress modestly!" Her dad told her sternly.

"You didn't want to be involved in my life until just last month so don't come up to me and tell me what I can and can't wear." She pushed passed him. "Now if you'd excuse me, I have to get to school."

Her dad looked taken aback. "But you haven't eaten breakfast."

"I'll get something on the way!" She shouted from downstairs, tying the shoelaces to her fancy new white tennis shoes. "Oh and I'm going to Percy's after school! Don't know when I'll be home!"

"What!" Her dad shouted, practically running down the stairs. "You can't-"

"Bye!" Annabeth slammed the door in his face, exhaling as she unlocked her car, slipping inside and setting her backpack on the passenger seat. She pushed the key into the ignition and her silver car roared to life. Glancing behind her, she pulled out and started driving to the nearest fast food restaurant.

After ordering some breakfast and eating it on the way, Annabeth finally pulled into the school parking lot, parking in her usual spot. She popped a breath mint into her mouth before grabbing her backpack and stepping outside.

It wasn't too hot, a normal temperature for late September, but it wasn't too chilly for wearing shorts and a T-shirt. Half the student population were wearing things similar to her.

She ruffled her long blonde hair a bit before walking up the front steps to her high school. The school wasn't anything out of the ordinary except it was a bit more preppy than Goode High, not that it was a problem or anything. She sort of liked it but she missed going to school with Percy every morning and actually having real friends.

The people here were unusual, always wanting her to act and dress a certain way. Thankfully for her, she already dressed like they wanted her to- girly. Unless she was in combat, then she wore shorts and T-shirts. But today, gods help her.

As she walked through the halls of her school, heading toward her locker, Annabeth ignored the strange looks students shot at her. She rolled her eyes. Was she not allowed to dress normally at least one time? Besides, she wasn't even that girly. Sure, she wore dresses and makeup. But she also liked lounging around in sweatpants and T-shirts. At Goode, she was allowed to and still be girly, but not here.

"What the hell are you wearing!?" One of her mortal friends, Jessica, screeched as she fell into step beside Annabeth. "Did you uh, change your looks?"

"No," Annabeth laughed softly. "The shirt's my boyfriends."

Jessica nodded slowly, her eyes roaming over the shirt. "So, is your uh, boyfriend a bit... depressed perhaps?"

Annabeth laughed louder. "Quite the opposite, actually. He's got a very happy and bubbly personality unless you get on his bad side. He's claims to be punk but he's a big softy and-"

"Hold on!" Jessica held up a hand. "Did you- did you say he's punk!?"

"Yeah." Annabeth gave her a look. "Is something wrong with that?"

"Um. No?"

"Jessica," She said warningly.

"Well, he's a punk and you're a girly girl. How does that even work?" Jessica made a face. "Not to mention how bad punks can be. They're practically criminals!"

Annabeth smiled. "Some of them."

"How could you even like someone who dresses so... dark and gloomy? And who even listens to that bad?" She pointed to the logo on the shirt. "Wait, what band even is that?"

"I have no idea." Annabeth shook her head, entering the combination to her locker. "A rock band probably. Though, he likes slow love songs." She laughed quietly to herself. "Look, he's picking me up after school. You can meet him then."

Jessica bit her pink bottom lip nervously. "He's punk. What if he beats me up?"

"He's not going to beat you up," Annabeth assured, shutting her locker. "Now, let's just go to class."


"Is he almost here? My mom's going to worry herself sick if I'm not home soon." Jessical bounced on the balls of her feet, her arms crossed over her chest. "You know how protective she is. It's annoying actually."

"Just be happy you have a parent who cares," Annabeth said distractedly, her eyes focused on the parking lot. "My dad doesn't give a shit about me."

"Oh come on." Jessica nudged her a bit. "He cares, he just doesn't show it."

"Mhm, that must be it," Annabeth sarcastically said, not choosing to argue because she knew that Jessica didn't know anything about her life, not about her running away and definitely not about her dad not even filing for a missing person report.

An engine roared somewhere to their left then a motorcycle pulled up in front of them, the rider wearing a helmet so his face wasn't visible. His clothes were though, black jean shorts and a black hoodie, the same weird band logo printed onto it.

"Is that-?" Jessica whispered.

"Yup." Annabeth nodded, walking forward. Her boyfriend hopped off his bike meeting and she shook her head, removing his helmet and hanging it on the right handle bar. "I can't kiss you with it on, Percy."

Percy laughed and pulled her to his chest, kissing her.

It went on for a couple minutes until someone behind them cleared their throat. They pulled away and looked over at the person: Jessica. She smiled nervously, cautiously glancing back at Percy. "Annabeth, could I talk to you, alone?"

"Uh, sure." Annabeth gave Percy a confused look. He shrugged and pushed her toward Jessica. "I'll be right back." She walked over to her friend, looping her arm through hers. "What's up?"

Jessica, with one final glance in Percy's direction, pulled Annabeth to a secluded spot at the side of the school. She stared at Annabeth with wide eyes. "That's Percy Jackson."

"Yes, I know." Annabeth nodded.

"Percy Jackson!" Jessica exclaimed. "You do know who he is? He's one of those criminals! Running away from his own mom and dad to go and destroy that arch, leading a whole manhunt! Annabeth, you can't seriously be into that guy!" She gasped. "He isn't threatening you is he?"

Annabeth shook her head and leaned against the school. "Oh boy. How do I put this? Look, Percy ran away from his abusive step-father. He was lying when he was on the news and his mother was also missing. And the things about destroying the arch wasn't intentional. And no, he isn't threatening me."

"How would you know this?" Jessica asked.

"Because, I'm his partner in crime." Annabeth rolled her eyes like: duh! "I was with him through the whole thing, and everything after that."

Jessica gasped and was about to say something but Annabeth was already gone, behind Percy on his motorcycle, her arms wrapped around his waist as he speeded through New York traffic.

"What just happened?" Jessica whispered to herself before getting in her car and driving home.

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