Mad Ember

By Ayee_Lovelies

108K 4.5K 584

**COMPLETED** The year is 2260. Radiation levels are reaching impossible highs, and humans are dying at a rap... More

1: Clunk
2: Favors
3: Alien
4: Strangers
5: Symptoms
6: Hopeless
7: Relief
8: Witches
9: Flashbacks
10: Dog
11: Attack
12: Together
14: Saved?
15: Friends
16: Kisses
17: Tensions
18: Falling
19: Acceptance
20: Revalations
21: Blood
22: Scared
23: Demons
24: Family
25: Gone
26: Reunion
27: Awake
28: Bonded
29: Cheated
30: Betrayal
31: Challenge
32: losses
33: Treehouse
34: Giggles
35: Annoyed
36: Disagreements
37: Alone
38: Searching
39: Found
40: Restraints
41: Spells
42: Rouges
43: Bats
44: Broken
45: Ancestor
46: Reunited
Running Mad Update & Explanation

13: Connection

2.7K 97 14
By Ayee_Lovelies

The songs I add before a chapter hint to the feelings and messages that will rise within it. It gives my characters a real voice. It brings them to life. All songs will be provided! :) And the playlist is on spotify!

S O N G F O R C H A P T E R : "Kill Our Way to Heaven"
B Y : Michl

"We would say anything just to hear what we want
Right or wrong
Then we lie to be forgiven"

"Matty!" Ember's voice was full of joy as she called out to her best friend, Matt. The two ran around in the field that they always went to. Their neighborhood seemed to resemble a concrete jungle. This provided them with a great escape. This was the one place they could go to and have the freedom to run around in every which way that they pleased.

Matt yelled out in laughter as Ember fell down. It wasn't in a mean way or anything, but a friendly way. Ember and Matt's relationship was perfect this way. They could joke around with one another and be able to keep their friendship in perfect condition.

Matt ran up to where Ember had fallen, his laughter not showing any signs of dying down as he leaned over Ember's face. "Whatcha doin' down there, Timber?" Ember groaned when she heard the nickname that Matt had so graciously given her. Ever since the day that Ember fell out of the tree, Matt took it upon himself to give her a fantastic nickname. This way, they could remember the occasion. Of course, Matt didn't know the whole story.

Ember pulled herself up so that she was in a sitting position. She brushed herself off and glared at Matt. "I told you to quit calling me that Matty." Matt just laughed and shook his head.

"But I think it suits you, you always seem to be falling." Matt laughed at his own joke, and Ember tackled him to the ground. Her older brother Josiah did that to her. He played rough, so she had to play rougher. Matt laughed as he fell onto the ground.

"Maybe I should call you Timber." Ember practically growled. Matt laughed and pulled Ember down with him. Now both on the ground, they both had the chance to catch their breath. Their chests heaved as they laid on their backs, looking up at the bright sun. Ember had to squint; otherwise, her eyes hurt too much. But she didn't care. It was too beautiful not to look at it. The tall grass surrounded them, and it was almost like the two children were in their own little cocoon.

Matt turned on his side so that he could get a better look at Ember, he really did care for her. She was his best friend out of every kid because she was real. She didn't put up an act, so someone would like her. Sometimes his other friends would make fun of him for hanging out with a girl all the time, but he didn't care. Ember was better company than any of them.

With a small sigh, Ember noticed that Matt was looking at her. She turned her head so that she could get a better look at him. When she looked at him, he just simply smiled. His dimples stuck out like a sore thumb on his lightly freckled cheeks. His hair looked so soft, and Ember wanted to see if that was actually the case. There wasn't a single thing about Matt that Ember didn't like.

"Timber?" Matt said softly. Ember smiled and scooted closer to him.

"Yeah, Matty?" She asked.

"We're going to be friends forever, right?" Ember tried her best to keep her facial expression neutral. She was only nine, but something about Matty made her stomach erupt into butterflies. She wanted to spend as much time as she could with him. If she knew anything about anything... she was definitely falling in love. And she was okay with that. More than okay. But first, she had to get Matt to see the things that she saw between them. So she smiled and nodded, holding out her pinky for a promise.

"Duh Matty, we will always be friends." Matt's smile grew.


I wake up to Dog barking incessantly at the end of my bed. I roll my eyes and slowly get out of bed, the cold morning hits me hard, and goosebumps along my arms and legs quickly start to appear. I hastily pull on one of the sweatshirts that Corban had left at the Quarry for me.

My mind drifts to two nights ago when Corban and I actually saw each other. My stomach twists just thinking about it. Admittedly, after I saw him, I left intending to never see him again. I figured that now that annoying voice in my head actually got what it wanted, it would shut up and not bother me again.

I was wrong.

If anything, the pull towards Corban has gotten even worse. God he was so infuriating. He had said that this would happen, that nothing has to happen from us, but if I wanted moments of actually being able to think, we would have to see each other. It was terrifying.

I can't imagine being that tied to a person. But as of late, I knew that Corban was right. Pretending that he didn't exist and attempting to work this myself wasn't going to work. And a part of me knew that it wasn't fair for him.

Part of Corban actually reminded me a lot about Matty. They both tried to be what the other person needed. They thought through everything, down to the second. I try not to think about Matty too much anymore because I find that even though I loved him, he was surrounded by a whole lot of bad.

After my mom passed away, and the radiation started to get worse, my dad found out about the crush I had on him. I remember him laughing about it throughout the day. I was a great source of entertainment for him.

"I bet you think he'll save you" He laughed with a shake of his head then taking a quick swig of his whiskey.

"You poor little girl, still waiting for a happy ending that you don't even deserve..."

I internally cringe at the memory and attempt to clear my head, clenching my fists. I try to remind myself that he can't terrorize me anymore. A small part of me actually believes that I deserved everything he did to me. My mom's death ruined him. She was his everything.

My mom was diagnosed with Breast Cancer shortly after I was born. Apparently, after having a child, women have a higher risk of Breast Cancer, the odds are so small, but my mother never was good with beating them. She fought hard for a long time. Everyone thought that she had beat it. The chemo was proving effective, everything was going great. It never fully went away though. What we weren't ready for was, for it to get worse in what seemed to be overnight. She passed away when I was five.

The first thing that my dad said to me after mom died foreshadowed what I would live with until it was his own time to go;

"This will ruin us."

He stuck to his promise.

I hate to say that I am still letting the fear of my dad control my life, but I am. It's a shitty excuse to use on Corban, but it's true. Whenever people tried to get close to me after my mom's death, my dad made sure they didn't stick around for long. In perspective, my mom died five years before the radiation finally did its job. In those five years, I never had one person who I didn't know before, attempt to even talk to me. The first was Collet. And when she tried to introduce me to certain members of her coven, they inched away as well. It's a pattern that I am used to and expect. Patterns are safe. They're math, I know math; You can't argue with it.

Corban is a problem that I don't know the solution to. There are a lot of different ways that things can go, a whole lot of variables... So I decided to make a pact with myself. I was going to work through the problem. I am going to figure him out, and exactly what he wants. He is just another problem that has to be solved. And solving problems is something that I am good at.

I can't deny that there is something about Corban that I like. I don't think it's from this bond we are meant to have I think it's just him in general. In the time that he has come into my life, his intentions have remained constant, and I like that.

Sighing, I straighten out my bed and go to sit back down, Dog's growling stops me. I had never heard him growl before... but then I understand why. Someone was climbing up to my bedroom. I rolled my eyes, she does enjoy her mysterious entrances.

"Collet, hurry up, you're scaring Dog." I hear her huff in annoyance, and her head pops up from the ladder. Dog yelps in fear and trips over himself. He stands up with a shake and runs over to Collet once he sees that she means no harm and begins to lick at her face. Collet grimaces and brings herself fully into my room.

As soon as she is standing, Dog curls on top of her feet. She smiles down at him and gently scratches behind his floppy ear.

"Little one, you've found yourself a friend." Collet smiles at me. I nod with a small laugh.

"Yeah, don't ask how it happened because I wouldn't be able to tell." She simply nods and gently scooches Dog off of her feet so she can sit down.

"Well, I think it's good for you, you need the company." I rubbed the nape of my neck. If only she knew how much company I was actually getting. But I am thrilled to see Collet. I have found myself needing her all famous words of wisdom a lot recently.

"So, what brings you around now?" Collet looks at me and cocks her head to the side and furrows her brows.

"Little one, how can you not notice? The radiation... it went up again." the nerves build in my stomach. I used to be so much better at noticing when it was getting bad again. Recently I have been forgetting that I am actually not meant to be here. I shake my head and run my hands through my hair.

"I-I I wasn't paying attention... I." Collet rushes over to me, concern etched on her face.

"It's okay, you're okay. If I am good for one thing, it is looking out for those who are important to me. And you little one are very important." I roll my eyes and sit down.

"It hasn't increased drastically, so we will only need to do a small spell. Luckily I don't think you will experience any side effects this time. I have been attempting to find a way so that this will become the normal method." I nod and roll up my sleeve. Collet's eyes narrow at my sweatshirt.

"Did you go to the pack again?" She asks in shock and sits down next to me. I laugh. Not exactly.

"Well, no. I guess you could say that they came to me. It was Corban Collet. I was right. The pull, it all pointed to him, and we met two nights ago. I think we plan to meet again. I read in a book that we are connected in some type of bond... like, a... uh, soulmate." There was no way for me to say it without thinking that I sound completely foolish.

Collet seems taken aback, but I don't miss the ghost of a smile that graces her face. She would enjoy this. Hell, Collet has wanted me to reach out to shifters since she first found me.

"Are you sure?" She asks. I nod.

"Collet, I don't think I've been more sure of anything in my life. I tried to ignore it, tell myself that I could fight it, but I don't think I can." Collet takes in the information as I do. This is the first chance that I have actually said it out loud.

"What do you think you are going to do?" She asks gently. I look at her intently, what am I going to do? I tell myself I have a plan; figure him out, but what am I actually doing? My head falls in my hands.

"I don't know, Collet. I have absolutely no idea what I am going to do. I know there is something there. I feel it. But I don't know what I am going to do about it." She moves closer to me and hesitantly wraps her arms around me in a comforting manner.

"And that is okay Little one. I think this has been a long time coming. Know that you are the one in control, and you have options. I can't tell you what to do, that is all up to what you decide." I look up from my hands and sigh.

"I wish you could tell me what to do. It would make things a lot better. It's hard to know how to build on something that is meant to be an instant connection."

"True, but this way you get to do it the right way. There is no story with an instant connection, darling." She explains. I know that she's right. But it still felt weird to me. Corban is always on my mind. Even if it is just subconsciously.

"You're right..." I trail off, "He can read my thoughts, Collet. We've talked through our minds before." This instantly grabs her attention.

"Really? How strong is the connection? Can you read his thoughts?" She asks. I shake my head.

"No, not really, but I can somehow hear him at certain times. I think it might be only when he wants to, though."

"No, that's a type of connection between mates. It's rare. It's not mind link, but it's a way to create a connection to them, even if you are far apart." That made sense. The thought of Corban in my mind kept me on edge and always thinking about him, it keeps him at the forefront for sure.

"It will only get stronger little one. If the bond grows, eventually, you will be able to have entire conversations." The thought sent me on edge. Now that's scary, I clench my fists and try to keep my composure together so that Collet will not notice the panic currently going on in my mind. Unfortunately, she does.

"Little one, just take a deep breath. Things will piece together with time. But I think this is a really good thing. Give him a chance." Easier said than done. "But, while we are still on this topic, I should tell you that I ran into Corban and his friends while gathering supplies. He asked a lot about you. I should have figured this was the case sooner." Collets confession only provides me with more questions. What had they been doing? Collet doesn't venture far from her coven and my treehouse, so that would mean Corban was close to me. So why was he over here?

"What did he do?" I ask. Collet looks down like she is battling with whether to tell me something or not. "Collet... tell me." She sighs in defeat.

"He could smell you on me, he thought I was a threat. You see, witches and shifters do not have the best relationship. It goes back years and years ago to a witch named Kaspars-" I cut her off before she could go further.

"Kaspars? I know that name...-" I trail off looking at my table and see the book from the library sitting on top. The story of the moon goddess and the man she fell in love with who murdered her... his name was Kaspars. But the book didn't mention anything about him being a witch. Though this would be a valid reason for these two supernatural not to like each other. "I read about him in a book. It's where I learned about what Corban and I are." Collet sighs.

"Then you know what he did. You need to know Ember... that there are witches, who follow the light and then those who follow the dark. The wolves call them bats. Kaspars was a very corrupt witch and now, for those who want to avenge him... he is portrayed as a god. It is a terrible path. Then some practice with natural elements that the earth offers. Or what is already provided for them as I do. Shifters can tend to only see the bad side of our kind. I can not blame them." I take in the information she told me and nod.

"We should perform the spell." She smiles at me, "No, cut this time, just a simple incantation." I let out a sigh of relief.

"Hey, Collet?"

"Yes, little one?"

"Are there any witches in your coven that follow the dark side of magic?" The questions stirred something in her, I can tell that it was a touchy subject, and I immediately regret asking. Still, her reaction only makes me more curious. "You don't have to answer-" Collet cuts me off quickly.

"No, it's okay Little one. The answer is no. But there used to be... My... My sister. She preached to our coven Kaspar's words and how it is a growing movement, how witches do not deserve to live in the shadows. Dark magic devoured her. She is no longer my sister. She was quickly exiled. I haven't seen her since." I reach out and take Collet's hand.

"I am so sorry, Collet. That must be so hard." She nods. I can see the hurt in her eyes. Collet isn't one to talk about her feelings. I think it's because she has to appear strong for the coven. It's rare when she opens up to me, and this is huge. It warms my heart that she trusts me with this. She looks up at me and smiles.

"It's in the past. We are here for you. I'll do the spell, and then I'll be on my way," I nod in understanding. The conversation we just had was a lot. She gently takes both sides of my head in her hands and mumbles something softly under her breath. She is done in less than a minute and takes a deep breath to re-ground herself.

"There." She states. "You should be safe for a while now. I give her a thankful smile.

"Thank you so much, Collet, I owe you everything." She shakes her head, standing up and pulling me with her.

"You pay me by being you." I laugh and shake my head. She pulls me in for a tight hug. And I let out a sharp breath, taken a bit off guard. Dog barks and runs in between us. I laugh, picking him up. hold him up so that his face is looking at me.

"I forgot about you. You were so quiet." He barks successfully getting slobber all over my face. I squeeze my eyes shut with a grimace.

"I wish I could forget about you now, Dog." I hear Collet laugh from the level below my bedroom.

"Give that poor Dog a real name, Little one." She yells. I scoff.

"Once Dog's slobber goes completely away, is when I will give him a different name. But I think that Dog suits him." I can practically feel Collet rolling her eyes.

"Until I see you next Little one. I lean my head out of my window so that I can see her.

"Until then."


Eeek... I am so sorry for the late update :(
If I'm honest, I honestly just lost track of the days. I had no idea that yesterday was Wednesday lol. SO! In spite of this I will be publishing two chapters today. There will still be an update on Friday. I am honestly so sorry guys. I pride myself on keeping to a routine. It's definitely because this is chapter 13. 13 is such an unlucky number.

Still, thank you SO FREAKING MUCH for the support. I can't believe we are almost at 300 reads. Please don't forget to vote and comment what you think it means the world to me. Enjoy the extra chapters!

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