He saw a hero and a friend...

By MatthieuFall34

2.1K 65 303

Thanks to my friend Hypershades for this idea and thanks to my sister and Hypershades again for the motivatio... More

Characters (edited)
Chapter 1: The 'Drugs'
Chapter 2:The plan is excuted part 1
Chapter 3: The plan is excuted part 2
Happy New Years
Chapter 4:The Assassin Grand Master is Who
Chapter 5:Search and Rescue part 1
CHAPTER 6: Search and Rescue part 2
CHAPTER 7: Matthieu is not who he seems to be.
Chapter 8: Who's side are you on Matthieu?
I got tagged...Yah i guess?
The Road Not Taken
Chapter 9: Saving Cinder and Matthieu part 1
Chapter 10: Team MEMM (part 2)
Chapter 11: Meeting Alex Mercer and James Heller (short)
Chapter 12:The Truth of Why and Backstory of Matthieu
Chapter 13: Atlas/Ghosts Returns from the grave
Chapter 14:The Calm before the Storm
Chapter 15: The Attack
Chapter 16:The Attack part 2
4 Years(Don't read until you read Chapter 16)
What Altas's/Ghost's troops look like like.
Ghost secret fleet.(updated)
Matthieu Fall's Feet (Outer-Space and Naval.)
Sneak Peak of what is to come
Huh... i can time travel
Filler:Class:Professer Port
Fortnites days are numbered.
Just a teaser and a short one.
Bonus chapter sort of.
Little hint to the end of the end. maybe or maybe not.
Now many have probably asked this.(updated)
Charlie Don't Surf (Is now Canon.)
This is/was ATLAS HQ
Defenses for the HQ of ATLAS CORP.
Hey guys and gals
Quotes for the characters in my book pt.1
A short little side story.
A little talk between Ghost and Salem.
(Non-Canon) This is good-bye[EDITED]
Im so sorry

I'm finally back with some motivation

9 0 0
By MatthieuFall34

As the title suggests I'm back with some motivation and I plan on continuing this with suggestions if you have any. So please any at all send it my way and I will try to do it. And to all my friends to those who helped and wanted to help but where busy I thank you guys for helping and/or wanted to help. I really do.

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