By maricruzr99

34K 715 18

''The five hundred thousand has already made you my wife.'' What can a girl do when she finds herself caught... More

About The Book
Chapter One-Updated
Chapter Two- Updated
Chapter Three-Updated
Chapter Four-Updated
Chapter Five -Updated
Chapter Six- Updated
Chapter Eight-Updated
Chapter Nine-Updated
Chapter Ten-Updated

Chapter Seven-Updated

1.1K 56 0
By maricruzr99


Ella huffed angrily, bringing her hand to her forehead to wipe the bead of sweat already forming. She stroked out yet another possible job vacancy which happened to be the last on her list. Her day just wasn't going right but she wasn't ready to grovel at Dylan Vergara's feet yet.

She needed a job badly and luck didn't seem to be on her side at least not today. She warily folded the paper and shoved it into her tote then put her palm away from her forehead to shield against the glaring sunlight. She muttered something unintelligible and began to walk away.

Ella yelped suddenly as a large hand close over her mouth. Panic jammed across her chest as she was hauled from the ground and shoved into a van.

''let me go!'' Ella fought madly against her abductors kicking and squirming. ''Who are you people?'' she demanded and shrank back when one of them pulled out a switch blade and held it against her face.

'Behave and I wouldn't cut that pretty face of yours.''

''Where are you taking me?'' She demanded again. Glancing around she saw two more men, one was the driver.

''somewhere to teach your father a lesson for taking us for granted.''

Ella felt her world tip over as she thought in horror this cannot be happening. She sat back in considerable silence willing herself to not panic but remain calm all the while thinking of an escape plan. Whatever they were going to do to her she wasn't surrendering without a fight.

They finally pulled over at a deserted part of town. Ella's heart leapt to her throat as she realized her chances of escaped were pretty slim, even if she yelled no one would hear her and they were bigger than she was she couldn't fight them.

She was pulled roughly out of the van and would've fell face first onto the dirt path if not for the hold her captor had on her upper arm. The third man ventured away from them to the nearest bush to relieve himself while the driver stayed back in the van.

''You should take her to Lucio he had been very impatient.'' The driver said to the man holding her.

Ella swore under her breath as his fingers dug into her arm. She glanced back and saw no sign of the third man then without thinking she grabbed her captor's hand and sank her teeth into his flesh he yelped in pain, his hold on her arm loosened she didn't hesitate as she flung her leg out and caught him in the groin. Then she ran for her dear life ignoring the yells that called out after her. Ella darted into the nearest bush.

Glancing over her shoulder, a sense of dread washed over her at the thought of being followed.

Cold sweat beaded her forehead and another trickled down her spine. She heard the unmistaken slam of a car door and then powerful footsteps pounded on the ground.

Panic jammed in her chest.

Ella ran with all the might her body could allow–not that she was athletic of course– her lungs and calves burned with a searing pain from exertion.

Suddenly, she felt herself being hoisted up from the ground by strong masculine arms. She screamed at the top of her lungs, struggling, flailing her legs and arms frantically. When her assailant finally put her back down she twisted and without warning delivered a powerful kick to his shin. His grunt of pain echoed in the woods.

''What did you do that for!''

That voice! Ella's eyes widened in apprehension, she knew that voice!


''Yeah. God that hurts.'' He muttered nursing his throbbing shin.

''I was...I didn't mean...'' she spluttered shakily.

Dylan looked up surprised to see her eyes wide and glistening with unshed tears. His gaze softened.

''Are you alright?'' Without thinking Ella buried her face in his chest before a sob tore from her throat as she buried her face in his chest. She never thought a day would come when she'd be grateful to see him. ''Shh, you're okay.'' He drew soothing circles up and down her back.

She pulled away after some time. Her eyes widen in horror as she stared at his chest. ''I'm sorry I ruined your shirt.''

''Don't worry about it. Why don't I take you back, then we can discuss ways for you to pay me back.''

Ella rolled her eyes, unbelievable he just said she shouldn't worry about it!

A few moments later, Dylan was walking beside her. It was quiet except for the chirping of birds and the crunching of dried leaves underneath their feet. ''who were those men?'' He asked.

''I don't want to talk about it.'' Ella looked away.

''Why weren't you at work?'' Dylan asked a moment later.

''I didn't think I was needed.''

Dylan pursed his lips but didn't say anything.

''Was that why you were following me?''

''Yes.'' He admitted excluding the disappointment he had felt when he found out she didn't go to work and to top it up her friend nearly chopped off his head claiming that it was his fault Ella was now jobless.

Ella had half expected him to scoff and deny it but was surprised by his bluntness.

''I don't want you to leave on my account.''

Ella snorted. ''You think I'd humiliate myself after you told me in a not so subtle way that I was fired?''

''I did no such thing.''

''Of course you didn't.''

They argued for some time. It was too late by the time they realized they'd gone off the right path to which Ella let out an incoherent litany of curses; all in Tagalog.

A low rumble of thunder sounded across the sky. The once clear blue sky was now replaced by a veil of dark clouds.

By the time they found shelter they were already drenched to the core and shivering with their teeth chattering.

The place looked like an abandoned warehouse. Empty Sacs were littered all over the place not to mention the termite eaten planks against the wall.

They found a rather cozy spot between the planks and a number of filled sacks.

Ella's eyes narrowed suspiciously as Dylan began to take his shirt off.

''W-what are you doing?''

''What do you think? Taking my shirt off of course, you should take yours off too.''

''No!'' he raised a brow at her outburst. Ella cast her head down, her cheeks flaming when she realized the implication– she'd rather freeze to death than take her clothes off in front of him.

''Suit yourself.'' Dylan dismissed scathingly. ''But don't say I didn't warn you when you fall sick.''

Without his shirt on, the guy was practically glistening with his wet skin and all. This was probably the best time to look away but Ella couldn't as if her mind was in a daze, she'd only seen a body like that on a bench magazine and it's freaking her out to be seeing the real thing.

He had well defined abs; his bronze torso not so muscular but perfect enough for her to drool over. As he wrangle his shirt, Ella saw his muscles rippled and at this point, all she wanted to do was trace his fine toned chest with her fingers and, and–Ella quickly tore her gaze away, what was she thinking? She couldn't believe she was lusting over a Vergara, he was her enemy and desire should be the last thing she should be feeling.

It's a good thing he didn't catch her ogling him or she would have died of embarrassment; speaking of embarrassment, Ella felt her cheeks heated, her skin tingled with a foreign sensation. She buried her face in her hands and groaned.

By the time she raised her head, Dylan was sitting across from her keeping a good distance.

''Come closer so we can share our body heat.'' Dylan suggested but soon regretted it seeing the glare she gave him, now she'll think him a pervert.

''I have no intention of sharing anyone's body...heat.'' And especially not yours...

Even though her teeth were still chattering Ella couldn't imagine herself sleeping next to him in his current state of undress, the thought caused her body to heat up. If she could feel this way when away from him, Ella dreaded what would happen if she was close to him; sharing body heat as he so elegantly put it.

''It's just body heat–''

''I. Said...I. don't... want to.''

''Geez I'm not some pervert who'd take advantage of you.''

''Just quit it Vergara!'' she snapped.

That was so like the girl he met a few days ago, so defensive and so sweet at the same time. He couldn't help but worry about her, she was going to freeze to death and he wasn't going to let that happen.

Not on his watch.

She sat huddled in the corner, her face on her knees buried between her folded arms. She was shivering. He shook his head at her stubbornness before he scooted to where she sat.

Slowly he laid her down and wrapped his arms around her. Ella nuzzled into him inhaling heartily, and sighed heavily her body instantly relaxed against him welcoming the warmness.

Dylan ran his fingers through her hair, a smile played on his lips but the action was short-lived as she uttered a name that made his entire body freeze.


as promised here's an update for the week. let me know what you think. next chapter coming up in a few seconds.

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