MHA x Male Reader

By Insertion5432

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One day in Musutafu, Japan, there was a disaster that ended the lives of thousands of people. It was also on... More

Info Chapter
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Special Chapter
My Hero Academia: Futari No Hero
Halloween Special
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Updated Bio
Chapter 17

Chapter 6

791 24 36
By Insertion5432

(Sorry this took so long to make. I ain't even gonna lie, I've been slacking and playing Persona 5 Royal. Sorry about any errors, I didn't take as long I usually do to proofread. But here it is, I made it longer than usual to make up for it, and once again, sorry it took so long.)

Today is the free day that U.A. students were given to recover from the USJ incident. Y/n is coming back from selling the organs of the people he and Toga collected the previous day. He was dressed in a black hoodie and pants with boots and gloves. He was seated across from Toga who was wearing her usual outfit. Neither one had gotten any sleep the previous night so they went to a cafe in order to fuel up with some caffeine. 

He was sipping from a cup of regular black coffee and she was drinking a blood-red drink that seemed to be sweet.

Toga: That was so much fun~! It's been so long since we went out and did something! You keep neglecting me!

Y/n: I'm busy. Unlike you, I don't waste all my time playing around.

Toga: You're so mean!

Y/n: *sigh*

He reached over and pat her head which made her already bright expression shoot through the roof.

Toga: Hehe~!

Y/n glanced to the side and noticed someone in a black hoodie with their hood up and black pants with red high-top shoes was watching him from a short distance away. He also noticed that his cup of coffee was running low.

Y/n: Hey Toga. Do you mind getting me another coffee?

Toga: Sure! Be back in a second!

She got up and ran into the store. He knew she would be gone for a while since she wouldn't remember what he ordered and eventually come back with the wrong drink. Y/n waved the stranger over and they casually walked over and sat in Toga's now vacant seat.

Y/n: You recovered pretty quickly from the USJ, Shigaraki.

Shigaraki: I could say the same to you.

Y/n: Well, Recovery Girl's treatment is hard to beat. So, why are you following me? Do you want to finish our fight?

Shigaraki: No. I'm here because you're interesting. It's not every day a hero in training tortures someone until they're permanently traumatized. It's even rarer when that very same hero in training goes to sell freshly harvested organs onto the black market.

Y/n: What can I say? I'm one of a kind.

Shigaraki: Clearly. Why is someone like you a hero?

Y/n: Isn't it obvious? It's money. Money is the driving force of this world and the singular most important thing to ever exist. As a hero, I can use my quirk to earn money while also taking "generous donations" from villains to overlook certain things.

Shigaraki: So you're playing both sides.

Y/n: That's right. By playing both sides, I always come out on top. Why? You interested in buying my services?

Shigaraki: You could say that.

He pulls a slip of paper out of his pocket and slides it across to Y/n.

Shigaraki: If you ever come across important information at U.A, call this number and we'll pay you for it.

Y/n: Learned your lesson after the last break-in?

Shigaraki: You could say that. The last time we broke in was risky and our plans didn't work out. It's a lot easier if we have someone on the inside.

Y/n: Well, I guess we have a deal. I can't guarantee how soon I can provide you information, but I'll do my best to get some important info and send it over to you.

Shigaraki: That's fine. Just send whatever you find interesting over to us.

He got up and began walking away.

Shigaraki: I'll leave before your date returns.

Y/n: Date? Hardly. She's just an old friend.

Shigaraki: Whatever you say.

He left and Toga soon returned with a frappuccino.

Toga: I'm back!

She sits back in her seat and gives Y/n his drink.

Y/n: Thanks.

The two continue to enjoy their drinks and once they were finished, Toga ran off to find more fun and Y/n continued on his way back to his apartment. When he was about to turn onto his street and continue the bad part, he noticed his class, minus Todoroki and Bakugo, standing nearby. They looked like they were contemplating going into that part of town. He approached them, remaining quiet until he was just passing them.

Y/n: I'd turn back now. You all aren't fit for this part of Musutafu.

They all turned to him in surprise.

Jiro: L/n!

Midoriya: Hey, we came to see if you wanted to go somewhere with us, but...

Y/n: You all didn't want to keep going.

Uraraka: Yeah...

Y/n: Well, it makes sense. I'd honestly recommend you all forget about this place, but if you really want to see what it's like, I'll take you to tour Ergastulum.

Yaoyorozu: I feel as if there is a but in that sentence.

Y/n: That's because there is. You all have to do exactly as I say.

Ashido: It sounds interesting! We should do it!

Tsuyu: Ribbit. It's a part of the city we don't get to see often.

Iida: As heroes, it's important that we know about everywhere we may be needed!

Y/n: You all seem to be in agreeance.

They all nod.

Y/n: Then my only condition is that you all keep quiet and let me do the talking. And none of you stray away from me. No matter what.

Everyone agrees and he begins walking with them following closely behind. The further they get, the more rundown the buildings become until they don't see a single building without a few bullet holes in them and boarded up windows.

Everyone they passed looked like they were either some gang member, homeless person, or a prostitute, much to Kaminari and Mineta's excitement. They all continued walking, unconsciously sticking very close to Y/n.

As the group was walking, an older looking man with a raged green jacket and a messy beard came drunkenly stumbling out of an alley and he, "accidentally" walked into Y/n while speaking nothing but nonsense.

Y/n: Get off of me!

He pushes the homeless man off of him, making the man fall to the ground.

Iida: Y/n!!

Jiro: What are you-!?

He raised his hand, making them both stop talking before feeling his pockets.

Y/n: Tsk! Oi, bum!

He walks to the downed man and kicks him.

Y/n: Hand over my wallet.

Bum: Don't know what you're talking about-

He was cut off by another strong kick.

Y/n: I won't ask again.

Bum: Stupid kid should've just kept walking!

Y/n: Seriously, what a cliche. Is that the best you could come up with?

He reached into his tattered jacket before realizing the thing he was looking for was missing. He then looked at Y/n to see him dangling a knife lazily in his right hand.

Y/n: You're not the only one who took something, now give me my wallet!

Bum: Alright, alright. No need to do anything rash!

The man pulls the wallet out of his pocket and held it out. Y/n quickly snatched it out of the man's hand and went through it, making sure nothing was missing. And once he was satisfied he put it back and began walking away, putting the stolen knife in his pocket.

The group continued to follow closely behind him, though they were uncomfortable from the last interaction.

Y/n: I need to stop at a store.

They entered a convenience store and they all hung back while Y/n grabbed what he needed and went to the counter. He began conversing with the clerk at a volume they couldn't hear and he received a brown paper bag from under the counter after all of his groceries were bagged.

He took a look inside the bag and there was a gun with special bullets. They were red with a needlepoint.

Y/n: Looks like Overhaul's progressing well with these bullets. I'll test their effectiveness for him later.

He then left with everyone following and they eventually reached his shithole of an apartment. 

He checked the handle, making sure it was locked before taking out his key and putting it into the door, unlocking it and opening it. Everyone entered the apartment and looked around at the rundown and dark living area. Y/n closed the door and walked past them into his kitchen which is connected to the living room. He placed his groceries on the counter when he noticed Jiro reaching for the lights.

Y/n: Don't bother. They don't work. Damn things haven't worked for years. Take a seat wherever you can. I don't usually have visitors so I'm not prepared to accommodate this many people.

He began to prepare refreshments after putting away the groceries he doesn't need for the drinks while everyone else was awkwardly sitting where they could, with some being on the floor.

Y/n: You all seem like you want to say something, so spit it out.

Ashido: How do you live like this!?

Iida: The way you dealt with the situation earlier was very unheroic!!!

Jiro: How did you get the knife from him?

Kaminari: What was with the bag?

After the last question, Y/n decided he needed to end the questions immediately.

Y/n: Alright, shut up now. I regret letting you guys ask anything.

They all quieted down.

Y/n: As to how I live like this, it used to be worse.

Hagakure: How does it get worse than this!?

Y/n: I could be sleeping in the same alley as that pick-pocket.

Iida: The way you handled that situation was very unheroic!!

Y/n: You can only say that because you don't live here. If you're not careful, someone will take everything from you without a second thought.

Yaoyorozu: That's horrible...

Y/n: Maybe, but that's just how things are here. There's a reason Ergastulum has so many bad rumors about it. Everyone here steals and cheats. We're really an untrustworthy bunch. Oh, and as to how I got the knife, it was just a bit of sleight of hand. A lot of people down here know it. It's a fun party trick that occasionally comes in handy!

He handed all of them their refreshments and returned to the kitchen to wash up. Everyone took a sip from what he made and their eyes widen at the taste.

Ojiro: This is...

Hagakure: AMAZING!!

Yaoyorozu: This might be better than some of the drinks our chefs make...

Uraraka: So it's high-class!

Y/n: I wouldn't call it high-class. Finding good ingredients out here is hard. I rarely can make anything decent. I hope it tastes good, I worked in restaurants for assassinations in the past. Politicians love their fancy restaurants.

Everyone continued to enjoy their drinks, temporarily forgetting their surroundings. But a thought crossed some of their minds.

Jiro: Your parents won't mind us being here, will they? I haven't seen them yet.

Y/n: Who knows. It's not like I've ever met them.

Uraraka: You've never met your own parents?

Y/n: Nope.

Kirishima: Are they-

Y/n: Dead? Yep. Have been my whole life.

Kaminari: That's a bit...

Tokoyami: You don't seem very upset about it.

Y/n: You all make it seem like some big deal. Most of the kids here in Ergastulum have dead parents. Hell, I'd bet some of them killed off their parents. And it's really not as bad as it sounds. I've grown pretty independent thanks to it. I also have a lot of life experience.

He looks at the clock in his kitchen and notices it's getting late.

Y/n: We still have school tomorrow. Once you all finish your drinks, I'll escort you out of here. Never return.

Midoriya: And leave you in this place?

Y/n: I can't help but feel like you're insulting my home. In case you haven't noticed, I live here. No matter how much of a shithole it is.

Jiro: You can stay with me!

Most of the class was surprised, though some weren't as she really wasn't that hard to read. 

Y/n: No. That makes no sense. What will you tell your parents? "Oh, this is my friend from school. He'll be living with us from now on." Impossible. No parent would accept that.

Uraraka: Would it hurt to try?

Y/n: Kinda. I'd rather not waste the time. Now finish up and let's go.

They do as Y/n orders and finish their drinks which he collects the empty glasses and places them into the kitchen before they all leave. He noticed Midoriya carrying a plastic bag and starts wondering.

Y/n: Did he always have that? Maybe I'm just tired.

He leads them through the streets once again, occasionally chasing off people that bothered them. Once they were all out of Ergastulum, he waved them all goodbye, but one person stuck behind.

Y/n: Why are you still here, Midoriya?

Midoriya: Do you mind following me? I want to take you somewhere.

Y/n looks at the sky and sees that it will almost be dark soon.

Y/n: I already told you we have school tomorrow.

Midoriya: It's fine. I promise.

Y/n looks at him for a good few seconds before just shrugging his shoulders.

Y/n: Fuck it. Lead the way.

He begins following Midoriya and the sun gets increasingly close to setting. They were currently wandering around a residential area.

Y/n: How long does he plan on dragging me around?

Midoriya: We're here. 

Y/n looks at the building in front of him and it was your average house. What annoyed Y/n was that they could have gotten here much quicker, but they ended up taking the scenic route.

Y/n: And why are we here?

Midoriya: I live here.

Y/n: *sigh* Midoriya, if you wanted an escort home, you could have just asked. Though, you should have asked Uraraka~

He nudges Midoriya with his elbow, while the green-haired boy blushed.

Midoriya: I-I don't need an escort. Come on, let's go inside.

Y/n wasn't really paying attention to what was being said and continued teasing Midoriya. The two went inside. 

???: Welcome home!

A short plump woman exited what appeared to be a kitchen. She had green hair that framed the sides of her face and was put up into a ponytail in the back.

???: Oh, you've brought a friend!

She remained just as cheerful as she was when greeting Midoriya.

Y/n: Odd. I thought she would have been annoyed. Maybe he doesn't bring friends home often.

Midoriya: Yeah, he's one of my classmates.

Y/n: It's nice to meet you, I'm Y/n L/n.

Inko: Oh, you have such great manners! I'm Inko Midoriya, Izuku's mother. I just finished making dinner, you should join us!

Y/n: Oh, I don't want to intrude-

Midoriya: He'd love to!

Y/n looked at Midoriya, wondering what he had to gain from this, but a thought suddenly crossed his mind.

Y/n: That offer Jiro made... He wasted time by having us walk around and having me stay for dinner. 

His eyes suddenly locked onto the bag.

Y/n: Midoriya.

Midoriya: Yeah?

Y/n: Can I see that bag?

Midoriya: He figured it out. Sure.

He hands Y/n the bag and when Y/n opens it, he sees his school uniform and school items that aren't kept in his locker in it.

Y/n: Sly bastard. I don't know if I should be proud or pissed at how he conned me. Well, a free meal can't hurt. I haven't even started preparing anything yet, so this works in my favor.

The three went into a dining area and ate while Inko asked the two about school and how they were enjoying things. He wouldn't admit it, but he was enjoying his time with Midoriya and Inko. Once they finished their meal, Y/n stood from his seat.

Y/n: It was lovely meeting you, but I need to head home.

Inko: Nonsense! It's so late, why don't you stay for the night?

Y/n: I wouldn't want to intrude.

Midoriya: You aren't! It's fine, I'll show you to the room.

He got out of his seat and began to lead Y/n to the room.

Y/n: I'm surprised. You pulled a fast one on me. I knew I should have asked where the bag came from, but I never suspected you as the type to try and trick me. Well played.

Midoriya: I'm just as surprised as you. Maybe more...

They stopped outside of a bedroom and Midoriya opened the door, letting Y/n go inside. It was, by all means, a normal bedroom, but compared to the one he has at home, this was like a five-star hotel.

Y/n: I've got to admit, this place is nice. It's like a mansion compared to my apartment. The lights even work!

Midoriya had a deadpan expression when Y/n said that.

Midoriya: Yeah... Have a good night, L/n.

Y/n: Right, see you in the morning.

Midoriya closes the bedroom door and Y/n plops himself down onto the bed.

Y/n: Oh christ that is comfortable.

He closes his eyes and immediately falls asleep. The door opened a little and Midoriya saw that he immediately had fallen asleep.

Midoriya: How did he do that? I'm almost jealous. Though, he did seem tired.

Outside of the room, Midoriya went to his mother.

Inko: Oh, Izuku, you've made such a good friend!

Midoriya: I wanted to talk to you about him.

Inko: Huh?

The next day, Y/n woke up feeling refreshed. He stood up and stretched. His body released a few cracks and pops. He felt more energized and awake than usual.

Y/n: That's weird... I feel good. I usually feel like shit when I wake up.

He looked at the room around him before remembering the previous day's events.

Y/n: Right... I stayed the night at Midoriya's house.

Y/n quickly changes into his school uniform and exits the room. He enters the dining area and saw Midoriya already seated in his uniform with breakfast in front of him. Midoriya soon noticed Y/n's presence and gave him a smile and wave.

Midoriya: Good morning! Did you sleep well?

Y/n sat next to Midoriya and leaned back into his chair, covering his eyes with his hand before running it through his hair.

Y/n: That was the best night's sleep I've ever had.

Midoriya: Hehe, I thought you'd say that.

Soon Midoriya's mother came running out of the kitchen with tears leaving her eyes like waterfalls. She quickly hugged Y/n around his stomach due to her short stature.

Inko: I didn't realize you had such a sad life! Of course, you can stay with us!!

Y/n suddenly had a dead look in his eyes before turning to look at Midoriya.

Y/n: What did you do?

Midoriya: Well... I just told her about your apartment and what little you told us of your past. I then asked if you could stay with us. We had the extra room and all.

Y/n: Look, this is very kind of you, but I'm from Ergastulum. Surely you don't want someone like that living with you.

Inko: Where you live doesn't define you.

Midoriya: How can I be a hero if I can't help a friend in need? So please, stay with us, L/n.

Y/n: Seriously, you're too nice for your own good. I've already warned all of you, do not trust anyone from Ergastulum. Not even me. Though, I guess I never really said that last bit, but that would be stupid of me to do! *sigh* Y/n.

Inko/Midoriya: Huh?

Y/n: Just call me Y/n. If I'm going to stay with you, you may as well call me by my given name.

Midoriya: Right, Y/n! Call me Izuku then!

Inko: You can call me whatever you feel comfortable with. Even Mom works!

Y/n: R-Right. Did I just stutter!? ME! Almost 36 hours ago, I harvested organs from a live person and I STUTTERED!!?

Inko: Now let's get you fed and then it's off to school with you both!

She placed his breakfast in front of him, and he quickly ate his food, which while not on par with his own cooking, was by no means bad. It was almost at his level.

They were soon both finished and left after saying goodbye to Inko.

Y/n: I can't believe you did that.

Izuku: Hehe... I just couldn't leave you in that place. It didn't feel right.

Y/n: And I just paid for this month's rent too...

Izuku: O-Oh, sorry.

Y/n: It's fine, Izuku. I'll see if I can get my money back when I go to get my stuff. I'll get my money. Either he'll give it up willingly, or I'll rip it from his corpse.

Izuku: I'll go with you after school.

Y/n: I don't know...

Izuku: It's the least that I can do!

Y/n: Look, if he doesn't give it up willingly, I was going to get my money back Ergastulum style.

The green-haired boy tilted his head at this.

Izuku: What does that mean?

Y/n: I beat the money out of him.

Izuku: Y/n!

Y/n: Look, Izuku. You need to understand, things don't work the same where I'm from. When someone doesn't pay what they owe, most of the time they disappear. A beating is getting off light.

Izuku: A-Alright... But promise you'll at least try to settle things peacefully.

Y/n: Sure. Holy shit! He's actually cool with me breaking that piece of shit!? Maybe I underestimated him.

Izuku: Ok! Then we'll go after school.

They continued to class. When they were passing Ergastulum, they noticed Jiro waiting where she usually runs into Y/n.

Y/n: Yo.

She turned in surprise to see him coming from a different direction.

Jiro: L/n?

Y/n: Hey Jiro.

Izuku: Hello Jiro.

Jiro: Oh, hey Midoriya. I'm guessing since he didn't come from the usual way, it worked.

Izuku: Yep!

Y/n: How many of you bastards were in on this?

Jiro: Well, it was me, Midoriya, Uraraka, Iida, Kirishima, Sero, and Tsuyu.

Y/n: Honestly... And were you waiting here for me?

She looked away with a small blush.

Jiro: Is there a problem with that?

Y/n: I guess not.

He began walking to school and the other two follow after him. They soon got to class and sat in their seats. Everyone was talking amongst themselves until the bell rang. Iida was the only person out of his seat and he was taking his role as class rep way too seriously as usual.

Iida: All right, listen!!! It's time for this morning's homeroom period! Take your seats, everyone!

Sero: We are in our seats you the one who's not.

Iida dejectedly returned to his seat right before the door to the classroom slid open and Aizawa walked in covered in bandages.

Aizawa: Morning.

1-A: Sensei, you're back already!!!?

Iida: Sensei! I'm glad to see you're alright!

Uraraka: Can you really call that "All right"...?

Aizawa: Don't concern yourselves over me. After all your battle hasn't ended yet.

Bakugo: Battle?

Izuku: You don't mean...


Aizawa: U.A.'s sports festival is approaching boys and girls.


Jiro: Is this such a good idea? We just got attacked by villains and we're going to hold a festival.

Aizawa: On the contrary, since we're going ahead with the festival, it means that the school is confident it has all of its ducks in a row when it comes to its crisis control now. I hear police presence will be five times bigger than normal, for example. What you should be thinking about is what a huge chance the academy's sports festival presents for you all. This isn't some event that will be brought to a halt by the likes of villains.

Mineta: No, if villains do appear, can we halt it, please?

Izuku: Mineta... Have you never seen the U.A. Sports Festival?

Mineta: Of course I have! That's not it at all-

Aizawa: Our sports festival is one of Japan's biggest events! In the past, the Olympics was the only sports festival that whipped the nation into a froth of excitement! But as you know, the extent and population has shrunk and it's lost a lot of substance. So what's taken place of the Olympics in Japan is the U.A. Sports Festival!

Yaoyorozu: The country's top heroes are all sure to be watching us!

Y/n: And the villains. What a great marketing strategy! And I'll have the League of Villains and the Shie Hassaikai to vouch for me! This just keeps getting better and better!

Mineta: I know, I know, but...

Yaoyorozu: It's because they'll all be scouting for us!

Kaminari: I'm thinking I might follow the tactic of going sidekick for a pro hero's squad after graduating!

Y/n: A lot of people get stuck as sidekicks their whole lives with that strategy.

Jiro: And you seem like that kind of dumbass, Kaminari.

Both Jiro and Y/n laughed to themselves while Kaminari grew a depressed aura around him.

Aizawa: Naturally, entering the squad of a famous hero will get you higher status and more experience. Remember, time is limited. If you get noticed by a pro, that gives you the standing for a brighter future than otherwise. This is the chance you'll get only once a year for a total of three chances. If you aim to be a hero, this is an event you can't overlook!

Soon enough, homeroom was over and they went through their normal classes until fourth period ended and it was time for lunch. 

Kirishima: I mean, I knew it was coming, but... Now I feel like the tension is flying sky high!! If we put in the effort and stand out to a pro, it'll be a giant step forward!

Izuku: Wow, everyone is so pumped...

Iida: Don't you feel it too? You've enrolled in U.A. to become a hero, so getting fired up is only natural, man!!

Y/n: I thought you of all people would be excited.

His arms were shaking with excitement.

Izuku: Of course I feel it too! But still...

Uraraka: Deku, Iida, L/n... Let's crush it at the sports festival.

She appeared to be burning with passion and seriousness.

Izuku: Whoa, your face Uraraka! Your face!

Ashido: What's up with her? Uraraka's being kinda, not Uraraka.

Tsuyu: Maybe it's pm.

Uraraka: Guys!! I'm gonna go for it!!

She pumped her fist into the air and others followed her example though they were less enthusiastic.

Kirishima: Woooo! But, uh, it's like your character is floating off!!

After that ordeal with Uraraka, Izuku, Y/n, Iida, Uraraka, and Jiro began to walk through the halls of the school to get lunch. Izuku decided to ask Uraraka why she wanted to be a hero, and she responded saying that she was doing it for money which Y/n greatly approved of.

Izuku: You wanna be a hero for money!?

Uraraka: Yeah, I guess, ultimately. Man, sorry, I know it sounds lame like I'm not being pure as a hero...!! Iida especially is doing it for high-minded principles and stuff, I'm so embarrassed!

Iida: Don't be!! Why, what on earth is there not to admire about applying yourself to aim for a comfortable life!?

Y/n: Money is a noble goal. Dare I say, it's the most important thing there is!

Jiro: Well, I don't think money is the most important thing...

Izuku: Yeah... though it is unexpected.

Uraraka: I'm working at our construction company, but... There's just no real work out there, so we're flat broke! I probably shouldn't be telling anyone about things like this, but...

Y/n: Oh?

Iida: Construction?

Izuku: With a quirk like yours, if you could get permission anywhere it'd be super economical!

Uraraka: I know, right!? That's what I told my dad!! But... I'm going to become a hero and earn money without fail. I'm going to give my mom and dad the easy life they deserve.

Y/n: I see. She's not doing it for selfish reasons like I am. 

Iida: Uraraka! Bravo!!

Suddenly All Might got in front of the group, surprising them.

All Might: Oohh! There you are Midoriya, my boy!! Would you care to eat your rice with me?

Uraraka: You sound like a teenage girl!!

Izuku: Sure...

The two split from the group while the remaining four continued to the lunchroom.

Jiro: I'm kind of curious, but why do you want to be a hero, L/n?

Y/n: Hmm?

Uraraka and Iida seemed to also be interested in his reason for enrolling in U.A.

Y/n: Oh, I want money. I was sick of being poor and I figured, hey, I'm pretty good at using my quirk and fighting so why not become a hero?

Uraraka: I can definitely understand where you're coming from.

Jiro: Yeah, after seeing your apartment.

Iida: I think it's very admirable of you to try and better your living conditions!

Y/n: Heh, thanks, Iida.

Uraraka: So, what do you guys think is going on with Deku?

Iida: I heard he jumped in the second All Might was getting attacked. It's probably about that.

Jiro: Oh, I heard about that too.

Y/n: His quirk is also a lot like All Mights.

Iida: Maybe he's taken an interest in Midoriya.

The group went on, making small talk and ate their lunch before returning and going through their final class of the day. Everyone was preparing to go home when Uraraka opened the door to the classroom and was met with a large crowd of students looking into the class.

Uraraka: What the heck!!!?

Mineta: They're crowding the exit! What are they here for?

Bakugo: They're scoping out the competition, retard. They want to see the gang who came through the villain ambush. They're checking us out before the big battle, asshole.

Mineta was trembling while pointing at Bakugo in surprise while Izuku just quietly apologized for him.

Izuku: Sorry, that's him in his neutral mode.

Bakugo approaches the door with his usual scowl.

Bakugo: It's pointless to try, so why don't you just fuck off ya goddamn mob.

Iida: Don't go calling people you don't know a "mob" right off the bat!

A voice came from the crowd.

???: I came to see what you were all like but I didn't think you'd be this arrogant. Is the entire class like this?

Bakugo: What was that!!?

The person pushed forward to the front of the crowd, revealing them to be a tall boy with messy purple hair and tired eyes.

???: I'm just surprised is all. So that's it huh. Did you know that there are a lot of kids in the general education department or other departments because they failed the heroic's exam? And based off of the results of the sports festival they can even be transferred into the heroics department. It works the same way for you all. Depending on how you all do you could be transferred out of the heroics department. Scoping out the competition? If nothing else, a general ed kid like me is thinking, hey, why don't I try pulling the rug out from under those heroics kids while they're on their high-horses. Consider this a declaration of war.


Y/N: Kirishima since when could you make clones?


Y/n: He's obnoxiously loud.

Kirishima: Hey Bakugo! You just made enemies out of all the other classes!

Bakugo: It doesn't matter. None of that matters, once you're at the top.

Y/n: The top, huh? I gotta admit, I like the sound of it.

Kirishima: Oh man, there's so much manliness to be had in sheer simplicity.

Tokoyami: He does have a point.

Kaminari: Don't listen to that idiot! All he did was make new enemies for no reason!

Y/n: A problem for another day. Come on, Izuku, we have errands to run.

Izuku: Oh, right! Coming!

Izuku follows Y/n while wondering how they were going to get through the crowd, when Y/n unleashed a wave of bloodlust, making the large group of students immediately back away while growing pale.

Y/n: Huh. That actually worked. Guess Stain wasn't kidding when he said it was effective.

Izuku: How did you do that!?

The rest of his class was also surprised by the trick while Y/n just laughed it off.

Y/n: Eh, it's just something I picked up. Now, let's go! We have a long day ahead of us.

The two left while the usual group they walk with was too stunned to follow, only realizing they were gone when it was too late. 

Jiro: I wonder what they're doing.

Uraraka: Wanna follow them?

Iida: We shouldn't upset L/n too much! It would be rude of us.

Y/n and Izuku could be seen inside of his apartment right now, after going through the tiring and annoying journey through Ergastulum.

Izuku: This is only my second time through here and I already see why you're so violent with these people.

Y/n: Told you. This place sucks.

Y/n grabs the paper bag he got from the store and walked to his door.

Y/n: I'm going to talk to my landlord. You can either start without me or wait. It's really up to you.

Izuku: Okay!

Y/n exited his apartment and went down the stairs and continued to a small building off on the side where his landlord could usually be found. He knocked on the door and a low stout voice came from inside.

Landlord: Come in.

Y/n opens the door and walks in. The room is simple, with a tv on the wall and a large wooden desk at the end of the room where his landlord is sitting. His landlord is a tall fat man with a pig-like face and sharp canines on his lower jaw that jutted out from his underbite.

Landlord: Y/n! It's been a while since we talked, kid. You usually just drop off the cash.

Y/n's face scrunched in disgust from the smell of his landlord as he smelt of sweat and dung. His landlord has two businesses. One is renting out apartments if that wasn't obvious enough, and the other is human trafficking. He specializes in girls who are in high school or younger and could easily be called the scum of the earth. Y/n did a few jobs for him in the past, kidnapping and bringing them to be sold for the pig and Y/n swore to never do another job for him again. Despite Y/n's willingness to commit numerous crimes, the slave trade was a little distasteful to him as he'd much rather just kill someone then leave them to the fates that befell those girls.

Landlord: You here for work?

Y/n: No, I'm here to tell you that I'm moving out. I want a refund for this month's rent.

The man looked at Y/n for a few seconds before bursting out in laughter.

Landlord: Move out if you want, but you're not getting your money back.

Y/n: I'm not leaving here without my money. It's your choice whether you give it to me willingly or you make me pry it from your corpse.

A bead of sweat could be seen running down the pig's face. He was frightened of Y/n's reputation and new he wouldn't win a fight against him.

Landlord: How about we cut a deal? I saw that group you brought to your apartment the other day. Bring me a couple of the girls and I'll give you your money!

The fat man had an almost dream-like look on his face while remembering his classmates and was even drooling a little, causing Y/n's already disgusted face to show clear disdain and rage.

Y/n quickly reached into the bag and pulled out the gun. Before the man could say anything, Y/n fired one of the special bullets into his chest. The man's body immediately began to undergo changes. His body shrunk in size, his teeth fixed themselves, and his face no longer looked like a pig. 

Landlord: W-What did you do to me!?

Y/n answered by slamming the man's head against his desk before throwing him to the ground. He tried crawling away, but Y/n placed his foot on the man's back, pushing him down to the ground as he no longer had the strength his quirk granted him. Y/n grabbed both of his arms and pulled back, pulling his body up while still having Y/n's foot on his back.

Y/n: These are the hands that you so proudly used to defile and ruin those girls' lives, right? I wonder how you'll fare without them.

Landlord: W-W-Wait!!

Y/n pushed forward with his leg while pulling back with his arms, causing the fat man's arms to dislocate and forcing him to scream in pain.

Y/n: I don't know how long these bullets last, so I'll have to make sure when your quirk comes back, you won't be able to do anything.

Y/n then proceeds to break both the man's arms and legs in multiple different areas, before dragging him to his chair by his face and sitting him in it, huffing a little at the weight of the man.

Y/n: Would it kill you to lose a few pounds? Well, don't worry, I'll be sure to shave off a few.

He pulled out a knife from his school jacket to get his point across. Y/n then proceeded to tie down the man's arms to the chair using both the man's belt and his own. He then checked his watch, seeing that about 10 minutes had passed. He looked at the landlord and noticed his body was starting to change back. He grew in size and his pig features had returned.

Y/n: Hmm... the duration is about 10 minutes. Now, about my refund.

Landlord: Y-Y-Your money is in the safe! The combination is 1234!

Y/n: Right, 1234... Are you kidding me?

Landlord: No! I'm telling you the truth!

Y/n: What are you, a child?

Y/n opened the man's desk drawers and found a pair of pliers, looking between the man's face and the pair of pliers before a dangerous glint appeared in his eyes. He took the pliers out of the desk and walked to the safe, putting in the combination and watching it open.

Y/n: I thought he was making fun of me when he told me the combo, but it was actually right... I'm not sure how to feel about this.

He properly looked inside and noticed a much larger sum of money than Y/n gave him for rent and decided to, "liberate" it from the pig of a man. He then walked back to the man who was still tied down to the chair and quickly grabbed one of his long teeth with the plier and without warning, ripped it out. More screaming rang out through the building and Y/n quickly grabbed a pen from the desk and jammed it into the man's throat, ending his life.

Y/n: And now I've done this world a service by removing some trash. I should call Toga and tell her I'm moving.

And so he calls the girl to tell her of his plans to move before leaving the small side building with a rather large sum of money and returned to his now-former apartment where Izuku was looking through the fridge, wondering what to take and what to throw out.

Y/n: I'm back.

Izuku: Oh, welcome back. Did you get your money?

Y/n: Did you hear screaming?

Izuku: Yep.

Y/n: Then that should answer your question.

Izuku: R-Right... Well, I already packed everything in your room, so we just have in here to clear out.

Y/n: I was only gone for a little more than ten minutes.

Izuku: Hehe, I actually wanted to finish before you came back.

Y/n: Either way, I'm impressed.

Izuku: So what should we keep from the fridge?

Y/n: Most of it is good, but I don't know what's in your fridge at home so I'll prepare it all now and we can put all of the food into containers before heading back.

And that's what they did. Izuku would help Y/n with cutting certain foods or just by moving things in and out of the small oven. Once something was done, Izuku would move it into containers while Y/n continued preparing and making everything. Once they had finished in the kitchen, they packed all the food away and were soon on their way back to Izuku's house.

On their way back, Y/n made a stop at the same convenience store, sliding the brown bag back to the clerk.

Y/n: Tell Overhaul that each bullet lasts roughly 10 minutes.

They nod and take the weapon back and Y/n and Izuku are once again back on their path to their home.

Izuku: So, why was there so much screaming?

Y/n: *sigh* He said something he really shouldn't have.

Izuku: Hmm?

Y/n: Well, he noticed that you all went to my apartment yesterday.

Izuku: And?

Y/n: He specializes in human trafficking. Specifically the sale of young girls. He wanted some of our classmates in exchange for my money and I got a little mad.

Izuku had gone pale. Even after everything Y/n told him and all the rumors he heard, it finally started to sink in that Ergastulum housed the worst of the worst.

Izuku: Why aren't the criminals here intimidated by All Might?

Y/n: All Might is only a new presence in Musutafu. Sure, he went to school here, but he generally travels everywhere, fighting crime where he's needed. They didn't really have to worry about him for a while, and not all heroes are pure. Many take bribes and overlook crime. That's just how things are in Ergastulum.

Izuku: I... didn't realize how bad it was.

Y/n: Not many do. I'm sure if some of the top heroes got together, they could clear the place of crime, but the problem is finding all of the underground stuff. The drugs, weapons, slaves. They're well hidden and it would cost the DIET more than they'd make to clear out the crime here. (The DIET is Japan's legislative system.)

Izuku: That's just...

Y/n: But, I will miss this place.

Izuku: Really?

Y/n: Hell no! This place is a dumpster and should be burned! I hope I never have to come here again.

The two continue making small talk all the way to home and they eat the food the two prepared for dinner with Inko who was surprised at how good it was. Now all they have to do is prepare for the sports festival in their own ways.

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