Your Body

By E1izabethWrites

94.1K 4.4K 596

Their love story has inspired so many on the path to their happily ever after. Kongpob knew Arthit was going... More

Author's Note and Disclaimer
Episode 13 [3/4] The touch of your lips
Episode 13 [4/4] Your heart beats in me
Episode 14 [3/4] Changing circumstances
V1.0 Tasty Eunuchs
V2.0 Wish and Wait
V3.0 Push and Pull
Episode 1 [2/4] 200 Kisses
Episode 2 [3/4] What Goes on in Private
Episode 4 [1/4] A Man's Heart
Episode 4 [4/4] Head Hazer's Reward
Episode 7 [3/4] Keep it Clean...
Episode 7 [4/4] The Last Straw
Episode 8 [4/4] My Sun
Episode 9 [4/4a] A Wish Come True
Episode 9 [4/4b] Temptation
Episode 13 [1/4] Don't Let Go
Episode 13 [4/4] One Heart
Episode 13 [4/4] b Just Ask
I. Wake Up Call
II. Making Memories
III. Promises and PDA
IV. Mile-High Club
V. The Sound of Your Voice
VI. Welcome Home
VII. New Home

Episode 15 [4/4] My body all over your body

4.3K 193 28
By E1izabethWrites

[Authors Note: Never have rumpled sheets been more eloquent.]

Arthit's POV

I thought admitting I missed him would be the hardest thing to do. But taking him into me, being so vulnerable - that I opened not just my heart but my body to him - felt like I was naked in so many ways. There was no way to hide. No way to pretend. No way for him not to know that my entire body and mind and heart longed for him.

He moved over me so slowly. So gently. I felt it in every fibre of my being and moan desperately. Overwhelmed by the feeling of him; the feelings for him. By the way my body responded. I couldn't fight the onslaught of pleasure that assailed me. Couldn't stand against the wonders of the world he had opened up to me.

I held on to him so tight, I knew I was leaving bruises. And still, he made love to me; slowly.

One hour earlier

"I'll make sure you won't be late for work." He declared with certainty.

I knew he was sincere. If anything I was more likely to be on time when I spent the night with him than when I was alone. Kongpob made sure my clothes were pressed the night before. He normally woke up well before the alarm rang. And he had the uncanny ability to get me out of bed on time because, while I had the worst habit of snoozing my clock too many times, he made sure I couldn't.

So even though I felt like I was treading on new ground I walked with him back to his dorm room.

His words from earlier echoed in my head: "I may have a responsibility as the head hazer...but I also have a responsibility as a boyfriend."

I had some of my clothes in his wardrobe, just like he had some in mine. What I didn't expect is that they were already neatly pressed. When he asked if that was alright for the next day I nodded. I dared not speak around the lump in my throat. This man...wasn't he just too good?

I knew I was staring. When he noticed, he smiled and came over to me. "I know you missed me. But if you keep staring at me like that I'll be forced to do something."

"Like what?"

"I don't know." He said moving in closer to me and whispering straight in my ear. "I might have to kiss you."

"Just that?"

He raised his head in shock. I laughed at him. But the laughter died when I realized he had taken me seriously. "You are so..."

When his mouth found mine, I slipped my hands over his shoulders and held on. His hands around my waist holding me to him as he licked, tasted and teased my mouth. He pulled my shirt out of my pants and I felt his hands against my overheated skin. Making me arch and press my body tighter against his in search of more of the delicious friction.

Usually, I was cautious. Sometimes I was afraid. But Kong was so perfect that I wanted to push his buttons. See just how far I could push because I knew he loved me and respected me. But I also knew he wanted me. Wanted to be with me in every sense of the word and for the first time I wanted that too. I just didn't know how to tell him.

"You should take this off." He whispered against my mouth. "I want to see your body."

Kongpob was too bold. Yet hearing his words infused me with such heat my face felt like it was on fire. My temperature was rising like I had a fever but all my illness was centred on my loins and I knew only Kong had the medicine that could cure me...or kill me.

When I moved to take off my shirt and vest, he knelt in front of me and helped me pull off my socks and shoes. Then he reached for my fly and unbuckled my belt. The button of my slacks gave way silently. The rasp of the zipper loud in the quiet room. The rustle of the fabric as he moved it over my hips and down to pool at my ankles did more to arouse me than as a break in the silence that cocooned us in its gentle hold.

Kong leaned forward and kissed my inner thigh. The trail his mouth and tongue made as they travelled towards the juncture of my thighs truncated when he stopped at the hem of my boxers.

"What do you want?" He asked.

I knew that question well enough, he'd asked me the same thing so many times. But while I had always been more intent on what he couldn't do. This time, I just looked straight into his eyes and said, "Whatever you want."

His eyes got wide; then narrowed as he looked at me critically. "Are you sure?"


He gave me no warning as he pulled down my shorts and took me into his mouth. One minute I was contemplating his beautiful eyes and the next I was plunged straight into pleasure so intense I had to grab onto his hair to anchor myself.

"Kong...mmmhhh..." I licked my lips. I swallowed convulsively. I held on even tighter. I tried everything to contain what I was feeling but there was no way. It felt sooo good. "You make me feel so amazing."

I could feel Kong smile around me and even though he had every right to be pleased with himself I still managed the breathless reproach.... "Don't get too full of yourself."

I shouldn't have taunted him because Kongpob just gave me more. More of the stroking and the licking and the teasing and the suction until I was babbling incoherently. My guttural moans and grunts fuelling the rhythm of our love making. My breath stolen away and with it my voice until I was hit by my orgasm so unexpectedly, I felt like my entire body was under pressure that finally burst through the weakest cock.

I couldn't even scream because I felt like I was about to pass out from the intensity of the pleasure. I just floated. Felt like I was reduced to a million pin points of cataclysmic pleasure.

I was lifted. I knew that much.

The soft bed beneath me was a welcome support to my liquefied being. The heat of Kong's body enveloped me and I sighed into his neck where I managed to hold on weakly. The caresses to my body soothing and teasing in equal measure.

I opened my eyes to see Kongpob staring at me with lust and longing. His pleasure deferred in the offering of mine. But I wasn't going to leaving him hanging.

"Come here," I whispered and Kong came to me without question. He kissed me deeply. Seeking with his tongue. Awakening my senses with his ever brush of lip against lip, every swipe of tongue against teeth and the delicate suction that felt like he was once again pleasuring my entire body with nothing but his mouth.

I listened and felt him respond when I reached back. Gave to him as good as I got. I felt like an alchemist. Taking what seemed to be simple acts of touch and taste and tenderness and turning them into heat and desire. I wanted him to feel like he had made me feel. I would not be denied.

Kongpob's POV

When would he stop me? It was the question I had in my head the whole time. Would he tell me it was all a joke before I got a kiss? Would he tell me he was too tired then get into bed and fall asleep in three seconds flat because he truly was beyond fatigued? Would he invite me into the shower like he'd done before?

I will give him whatever he wants...whatever he needs. That had been my vow. I had not strayed from it. So when he looked at me dead centre and said "Whatever you want." I knew I had to make him mine. There would be no clearer invitation than that.

He was boneless. Malleable. His orgasm had taken so much out of him, I thought he would fall asleep on me. But his hands were still unconsciously running over my arms and shoulders and back so I hazarded a guess and went with his earlier invitation.

The condom and lube in the drawer of my bedside table weren't the most romantic items but they were necessary. Even knowing that my hands still trembled. I opened the tube and placed a large bead on his finger. I looked at Arthit again, silently beseeching him not to change his mind. Then reached for his thigh and like magic, he parted his legs for me, revealing himself. I couldn't stop the overwhelming feeling of love and lust and desire from slamming into me like a tsunami.

" perfect."

I prepared him. The haze of arousal making it hard to focus on anything other than his desperate moans and the blatant invitation when he whimpered and called my name. I put on the condom on myself although it took more than one try to coordinate my suddenly clumsy fingers.

"Relax for me...please," I begged when I first invaded his body. The grimace on Arthit's face made my heart shiver. The ache in my lower body demanding my surrender to its relentless drive. Telling me without words that I could no longer walk away from this. "Please baby...just breath with me."

Arthit reached for me. And I went with his directive as my lover caressed my shoulders, my chest, and my arms then pulled me so close so that our bodies were fused more tightly together.

"I love you Kongpob." He said into my ear and I completely lost my strength as my hands gave out for a moment and I crushed into him.

My head was nestled in the curve where his neck met his shoulder. My pelvis moving of its own accord, seeking pleasure; seeking the freedom only he could give. Driving both of us. His hardness pressed into my stomach. His breath shaky and tight. Mine not much better.

" have to move."

The thought of ever hearing such a request had never entered my mind. Hearing it compelled me even further. I thrust deeper, faster, harder. Arthit cried out. I swallowed it down with a kiss only to release him in search of an elusive breath.

"Sorry," I said softly.

He answered without a pause. "Don't stop."

Was Arthit determined to kill me with every word from his mouth?

I did what he asked. I moved. I kissed him. Touched him. Stroked him inside and out. I loved him with my body. Let him hear the eloquence of my desire for him in a way I could never fully express with words. And he heard me. His heart in his eyes. His whispered longings; telling me his secrets. And his response; unfiltered and honest annihilated us both.

My rhythm stuttered. My body shuddered. He called my name. I whispered his. Then he said it again, "I love you." And the world exploded.

I don't know how long I held him. He didn't seem to mind. We just lingered on the bed until the sweat on our skin cooled and our hearts returned to their steady rhythm. I offered him the shower first but he said I should take it. Reluctant to leave him I had to drop a kiss on his lips before I lifted off his body and off the bed. The ablutions were cursory and quick. He followed right after I stepped out.

I dared not get close to him. I feared I would not be able to resist taking him again.

I was trying to settle into an assignment I had when he came up behind me. I thought he was going to do something to me but he reached over my shoulder and grabbed my journal. I smiled knowingly at him; he always reached for it when he was feeling sentimental.

Arthit flipped through the pages quiet for the most part. He smiled or laughed to himself once in a while further distracting me from my work. I wasn't going to get anything done.

When he started talking about the diary and reading parts of it, I couldn't help feeling embarrassed. We had come such a long way and I loved him now more than ever. Would it have happened if I hadn't been such a hot head that first day of our SOTUS meeting? I don't know.

Perhaps we were always meant to be. Perhaps it was more to do with the choices we had made and the chances we had been given. All I knew is that I was glad to be here with him and I wouldn't change it for the world.

[Author's Note: And that is how it finally happened...]

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