By DeppressedCosplayer

26.8K 862 983

Luck Voltia was diagnosed with severe depression at the age of 9 years old. How will the Black Bulls save him... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Not an Update
Not A Update
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Not an Update(IMPORTANT!)

Chapter 16

1.2K 48 24
By DeppressedCosplayer

When Luck began to regain feeling in his body, he still could hardly move.  His body was numb but he could feel when someone touched him finally.

The doctors moved his legs and arms up and down when he was awake to return feeling to him. The bandages were removed and a day later he was given his prescription glasses after a quick examination. 

After about 3 months of working his legs and body parts, he was able to sit up, though his legs were too weak for him to try and walk.

Magna visited him a lot, but Luck hasn't talked to them since before he was taken to the asylum.

When the counselor visited, he only asked yes or no questions, writing down each and every thing he said yes or no to.

It wasn't talking, but that would be good enough for now.

Magna was visiting right now, helping Luck eat since his fingertips were still a bit numb.

Luck's nose wrinkled slightly as Magna held the food to his mouth. He didn't want to eat because he would get fat.

"Luck, please eat. For me." Magna would say, and Luck would force down his food and keep it down.

He wanted to get better. He didn't want to be a burden to anyone anymore. He wanted to be happy with his family and he wanted to be able to smile.

And today, they were gonna try and get Luck to stand and maybe take a few steps.

There were 2 nurses and a doctor adding to Magna who was gonna help. Luck hadn't properly stood or walked in over 2 years adding to the fact that he was severely sick for a year or so. It wasn't gonna be easy.

There was a walker ready in front of him and Magna was gonna help him stand.

Magna looks down at Lucks face as he grabbed one of his arms. His face didn't show any emotion. His black glasses rested on his nose as he slowly lifted his arms to grab the walker.

"Ready?" The doctor asks.

Magna and Luck both nod as Magna gets a firm grip on the blonde. Lucks bare feet were rested on the cool floor of the hospital, bracing himself as he prepared to stand.

"Ready babe?" Magna asks, smiling when Luck nods, "Good. One... Two... Three!"

He hoisted Luck to his feet as the said person put pressure to the walker, his feet and legs wobbling.

Luck gasped as pain surged through his legs as he leaned on his walker.

"Luck, are you okay? Do your legs hurt?" Magna asks in alarm.

Luck nods and Magna could see that his whole body was shaking. Magna looks at the doctor, who nods at Magna.

"Do you think you could take a few steps, babe?"

Luck shrugs and while supporting himself on the walker, he raises his foot and places it in front of him. His legs buckles and he falls forwards.

He would've crashed to the floor if Magna hadn't been holding his arm.

"Okay, no more." The doctor says as Magna lifts the young blonde back on the bed, and sighs, "We'll try again later. He is going to be discharged when he's able to walk."

Magna nods, "When do you think that'll be?"

"Maybe a few weeks or so."

Magna sighs and runs his hand through Lucks sandy blonde hair, "You'll walk soon, Luck. I can promise you that."

Luck releases a small sigh of his own and lifts his legs onto his bed.

(Yeah? How is it? Sorry its short)

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