Chapter 2

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The pain in Lucks legs after cutting distracted him from the mental pain, meaning he didn't have to cut for a while, though he knew he would quickly get used to it.

He was currently on a mission with Magna, Asta, and Noelle.

They were going to stop a gang from robbing a village. The gang was very strong, and had many in numbers.

The group managed to trap the 4 Mages, threatening Lucks life and virginity if they didn't stand down. And Luck was being held up by antimagic chains.

 "Oi, Bastard! Dont touch a fucking HAIR on his head!" Magna yelled, trying to escape his guards.

The guy traced down Lucks sides, making the blonde whimper and struggle to escape.

 "Now now, Sir. Fire..." The guy said with a shit-eating grin, "If you speak or move anymore, I'm afraid I might have to remove his pants..." He looks at Asta and Noelle, who were both glaring at him, "Same goes for you two..."

 Luck was shaking violently as the guy grabbed his chin and forced him to look up, "How cute..." He turns back to the other 3 Black Bulls, "And you're probably wondering why we didn't go for the cute little royal instead? Simple... All my men respect them and wouldn't lay a finger on them. That's why she's not over here with blondie.. And we just like blondies.."

 Luck let another small whimper out as the leader traced his shoulders and chest with a knife.

 "You can shut it too, or else, cutie. .." The guy threatened.

Luck glared at the guy, "Let me go."

 "Sorry, cutie, we cant do that... But ya heard what I said." 

 Lucks eyes widened.

The guy began to take of his robe and shirt.

No.. He was gonna see!

 "I WON'T LET THAT HAPPEN!!!" Luck yelled, and gathered all the mana he had left, "Lightning magic! THUNDERBOLT DESTRUCTION!"

 Luck released every single drop of mana he had, fatally electrocuting their leader and a few other members.

Scared and afraid, the group releases the Black Bulls and runs away with their fallen comrades.

Luck flashed a look to the others. Magna and Noelles mouths were wide open, while Asta had his amazement face on.

 Magna and Noelles mouths were wide open, while Asta had his amazement face on

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Luck took a step forwards...

...Then he collapsed, blacking out...

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