One Hell Of A Butler ★Sebasti...

By KatieWatson7

37.2K 982 77

Kusaichi Sorani, a girl aged seventeen, suddenly wakes up in a strange house with a strange boy and his butle... More

A Painful Memory ★Sebastian Michaelis Love Story★
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Long Since Passed ★Sebastian Michaelis Love Story★
Breakfast Is Served ★Sebastian Michaelis Love Story★
Invited To Short Shorts ★Sebastian Michaelis Love Story★
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Damn Spider ★Sebastian Michaelis Love Story★
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Because You Are Mine ★Sebastian Michaelis Love Story★
A Mad Man ★Sebastian Michaelis Love Story★
The Bedside Drawers ★Sebastian Michaelis Love Story★
Photo Of Memories ★Sebastian Michaelis Love Story★
Spider Memories ★Sebastian Michaelis Love Story★
The Day She Died ★Sebastian Michaelis Love Story★
A Reaper Unknown ★Sebastian Michaelis Love Story★
I Too, My Dear ★Sebastian Michaelis Love Story★

In The Beginning ★Sebastian Michaelis Love Story★

9K 106 2
By KatieWatson7

Kusaichi POV

My breathing is heavy... Everything is fuzzy and going black... I can't feel my body anymore... Everything is numb... I'm falling... Falling... Faster... I hit the concrete... It all fades to darkness...

When I wake up, my head is throbbing. I attempt to sit, but my injured body refuses to move. I let out a slight groan, managing to move my hands. I wriggle my fingers, trying to get my arms to start working. It doesn't make much difference. Every time my finger moves, it stings and forms a pain in my entire hand. I begin to pant, a little scared. Everything around me is blurred and I can only clearly see what is right in front of me. Everything else is just a muddle of colours, jumbled everywhere. I can feel the darkness coming back again. I let go of my breath and allow fate do as it will...

I wake again, this time to find myself in a bed. My vision is better this time, and I can see that the walls around me are white and somewhat welcoming. I don't know whether to be afraid or not. All I know is that I'm in terrible pain and that I could faint any second. Again. Before I can think anything else, the door to my left opens. I am still unable to move very well and barely manage to turn my head, but succeed in doing so just enough to view the entering person. I can see that he is short with dark blue hair and wonderful eyes... well... a wonderful eye, at that. From what I can see, their is an eyepatch over the other one. Hmm.... I wonder why the boy is wearing an eyepatch... I think to myself bluntly.

"I can see you are awake. May I ask what happened that got you in to such a mess?" The boy asks, walking up to me. I tilt my head a little bit, though it brings a slight stinging sensation to my neck. "How did I get... here?" I ask, my voice croaky as it leaves my dry lips. The boy frowns. "I asked you a question, now answer it," He says sternly. "Such a stubborn boy..." I whisper, rolling my eyes. "Alright then. I was attacked, happy?" I say with a slight punch in my tone. The boy gives me a straight face. "By whom?" He asks in an angry voice. "How the hell would I know?!" I shout, my voice recovering with every word. He is pulled back by a man in a long black tailcoat. I am seemingly unable to look up at the mans face, but I can tell he is not the father of the boy. His silence is odd and reminds me of a man that I once knew, though my memory of him is faded and almost gone. It was so long ago... I don't even remember his name. I sigh, hoping that I will one day meet up with the man again.

"I would not get too close to her, My Young Lord, she is still angered from the attack," The man says. The boy nods and reluctantly steps behind her. "I have tea ready for you in the living room, My Lord, I suggest you head that way and drink it before it gets cold. Cold tea is dreadful to drink," The tall man says with a smirk, though I am unable to see the smirk as I cannot look up far enough. I can only just hear the slight humour in his voice, as though toying with the boy. "Alright then. But call me in if she gives you any important information," The boy says, exiting the room.

"Now, let us talk," The man says. "What?" I say, my voice fully recovered. "I said, let us talk," The man says with a chuckle. He kneels down, revealing his face. He looks very familiar, though I can't put my finger on who exactly he is. Those red eyes... The way they show happiness, yet hide sorrow and misery... Hatred and pain... So familiar... I think to myself, running over everyone I know. He doesn't match a single file, not one. Not even close. His existence in my memories remains a mystery, and will probably remain as such for a while longer. At least until I can remember him... "Are you alright?" The man says, a hint of concern in his voice. I suddenly jump back to reality. "Huh? Oh, yeah. I was just day dreaming..." I reply, trailing off. He chuckles. "Of course... Now, would you like to reme... Know my name?" He says, rephrasing himself halfway through. "Sure," I say, croaking a little bit. I cough and he opens his mouth again with a smile. "Sebastian. Sebastian Michaelis," He says. My mind rings, aching to remember him. I know that name... I just know I know... It's so familiar... "Err, you seem to have dozed off again," Sebastian says. "Yes... I suppose I have..." I say, flicking my attention back to him. I smile sleekly. Of course it isn't a full, or real, smile, but it's the best I could do. "Now, we have a lot to talk about. How about we start with the attack..." He says, smirking.

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