Lovely ~ Shinkami ~ BNHA

By DabiLeftEar

13.5K 274 376

Shinsou recently transferred to Class 1A and his dorm neighbor is Denki. One night he hears a crash and goes... More

The Idiot Next Door
Spoiler for the story!
This Can't Go On
Knew it
Anything For You, Lovely One
Star-lit Singing
AN Explanation

Ducks & Brownies

1K 30 56
By DabiLeftEar

Shinsou's mind wasn't on the lesson his dad was teaching, but tommorrow's trip to the nearby lake. Him and Denki haven't really hung out of school grounds. The lunch day bell pulled him back to earth.


Somebody hugged Shinsou from behind. They covered their hands over his eyes.

"Guess who?"


Denki laughed at him.

"No, Silly Boy! Try again!"

"You're the only one that calls me that, Denki."

Denki uncovered his eyes and hugged him. He lifted himself back up and grabbed Shinsou's hand.

"C'mon! It's time for lunch!"

They walked hand in hand to the cafeteria. Denki seemed excited to eat;  which made him really happy.

They got their food and Denki sat next to Mina. Shinsou seated himself beside Denki. They chattered on with the Bakusquad. Normally he was with the Dekusquad, but he sorta knew that they couldn't help Denki enough. Shinsou wanted to be near him all the time before he left.

"What do you think, Shinsou?"


Denki giggled at him, light shining in his eyes.

"Are cats better than dogs?"

"Yes! Cats are the best animal in the entire world! They are soft, sweet, cuddly, and cute!"

Mina and Denki squealed after his rant about cats. Shinsou stared at them, frightened at the response.

"You're such a softie!"

"He has a little calico cat named Pumpkin!"

"That's so cute!"

Shinsou blushed hard and watched as they both squealed over how much of a softie he is. The bell rang again, and they rushed to class.

~Time skip to Saturday morning~


A weight fell on Shinsou's back.

"Who the fu-"

"Glad to see you're finally awake! It's 12:47! It took me so long to get you asleep!"

Shinsou sighed heavily. That was the first he had slept in 2 days. Denki had spent the night with him in his room.

"Denki. Get off."

"That wasn't a very nice 'oh thank you so much for helping me sleep since I'm too silly to do it myself'!"

Shinsou sighed again and rolled his eyes.

"Thanks Denki. It means a lot to me that you care about me and my non-existent sleep schedule."

Denki hugged him tighter.

"You're welcome, Silly Boy! You're so sweet!"

Denki got off of him and sat on the floor with Pumpkin. He had on different clothes than yesterday night. How had he left without Shinsou waking up?

He got up out of bed and fed his fuzzball. Shinsou sat down in front of Denki.

"Okay, you go pack up the food, I'll find a bag for it and a blanket so we can sit there."

"Okie dokie! Also wear something good for walking!"

Denki sat up and pat his head. Shinsou's face became red and he stared at Denki, baffled.

"Why the hell did you pat my head?!"

"See ya, Silly Boy!"

Denki was smiling and laughing on his way out. Shinsou got up and changed. He changed into a purple long sleeve and black shorts. He tied a dark grey hoodie around his waist.

"I swear, Pumpkin! Denki is the most confusing person ever!"

"Even more than Bakugo?"

Shinsou said back to himself, pretending it was Pumpkin.

"Yeah! Crazy, right?"

"Sure is!"

"Well at least I have the cutest kitty ever!"

"Oh, why thank you!"

"You're welcome."

After the 'conversation' with him and Pumpkin, he unpacked his backpack. He looked in his wardrobe and found a good blanket to use. The purple haired teen stuffed it into the backpack.

"I'll see you later, pretty kitty."

Shinsou said to Pumpkin as he left. He went into the kitchen to see Denki preparing the food. Shinsou put three water bottles in the bag. Denki was wearing a pikachu t-short and black skinny jeans.

"Here you go, Silly Boy."


Shinsou blushed slightly as he packed in the food.

"Now that we're done packing, breakfast time!"

Denki exclaimed, putting his arm around Shinsou. He turned tomato red and wore a small smile.

~Time skip to three in the afternoon~

Shinsou and Denki walked out of school grounds hand in hand. Shinsou was wearing the backpack. They had a peaceful walk to the lake. Shinsou listened to Denki ramble on. It was one his favorite past times.

"Oh my gosh! Look, it's a duck!"

Denki yelled and ran off to go see it. Shinsou chased after him.

"Denki, wait! You'll scare it!"

"Fine! Bye bye, cutie!"

Denki was smiling so much Shinsou caught up to him.

"That so much fun! It's feathers were so pretty!"

Shinsou looked into his happy eyes. He wore a small smile. Denki stopped laughing and looked up into Shinsou's eyes.

"What are you lookin' at?"

"N-Nothing! Let's go find a place a place to put down our stuff."

Shinsou stammered and scratched the back of his neck. He walked to a place just far enough away from the lake and Denki helped him lay out the blanket. They both layed down and talked.

"Want to go look for ducks?"

"Hell yeah!"

Denki stood up quickly. Shinsou grabbed the grapes and followed Denki to the lake edge.

"Look for places that are near the lake that have dry spots. Ducks don't have eggs in mud."

A trio of ducks came up to them, quacking away. Denki looked nervous while he gave him a grape.

"It's okay, Denki. Only swans bite. And geese."

Denki reached out his arm, shaking. The duck snatched it and ate it up. It quacked and waddled closer. A huge smile came onto Denki's face.

"They like you!"

They continued feeding the ducks and more of them showed up. Soon, Shinsou spotted a mama duck and her little ducklings.

"Look, Denki! Let's go see them. We can feed the mama."

"Oh yay! Bye bye, duckies!"

Denki skipped after Shinsou. Shinsou rolled his eyes at him. It took a while to get to the cute duck family. Shinsou and Denki sat down once they got there.

"Remember to be quiet."

Shinsou whispered to the blondie. The mother slowly waddled up to them and took a grape. Her babies followed her. Shinsou broke up the grapes into smaller pieces to feed the babies. Denki's face expressions melted his heart when Denki fed the ducklings.

Once all the grapes were gone, they said bye and walked on. After an hour of feeding the ducks and a walk around the lake, they teenagers were back at their blanket with nothing stolen.

"I love strawberries."

Shinsou said after he ate some. They were hungry after their walk.

"Can I have one?"

Shinsou nodded to him and haned one to him. Denki picked it up with his mouth out of Shinsou's hand and ate it whole. His eyes went wide as Denki swallowed it.

"De-what? Y-You know it still had on the leaves, right?"

"That explains the weird taste!"

Shinsou chuckled.

"Denki, you're the weirdest person I've ever met!"

"Hey, don't knock it till you try it!"

"Are you telling me to eat a damn strawberry whole?"

Denki reached into the bag and handed one to him.

"Hell yeah! Just like I did!"

"No way!"


Denki gave him the puppy eyes. Shinsou blushed.

"Damn it, Pikachu!"

Shinsou grabbed the strawberry from Denki with his mouth and ate it. It tasted so strange.

"That was so weird!"

Denki ate another one whole.

"My gosh!"

Denki raised his eyebrows at him repeatedly.

"Fuck it."

Shinsou ate a second one whole. Once they were done with the strawberries and sandwiches, came Shinsou's favorite part. The bite-sized brownies.

Just as Shinsou had opened them, he saw Denki shake with widened eyes.

"What's wrong?"

"Brownies were something I swore to never eat again."

Denki stared at the blanket beneath them. His eyes were overflowing with sadness. Shinsou pulled out two.

"Denki. Look at me."

Denki hesitantly looked back at him. Shinsou pulled down his sleeves to reveal his scars. He ate one of the brownies. He then put his hand on top of Denki's hand.

"I believe in you. You shouldn't let yourself live by rules that only hurt you, they never helped you. Try and put it behind you. You've come so far, I believe in you."

He looked scared, then his shoulders leaned back, he closed eyes, and breathed out. Denki's eyes were bright with determination when he reopened them. He took the small brownie from him and nibbled it. He chomped it with one bite after a few nibbles.

"This shit is awesome!"

Shinsou smiled at Denki as he grabbed a second brownie.

"I missed out on these for 4 months! How could I have been so crazy?!"

Shinsou was really happy to see that Denki was getting better more easily now. It reminded him of how he had eaten the apple the first night of his recovery.

Shinsou heard footsteps and panic surged through him. He pulled down his sleeves fast. Denki moved the brownies and scooted closer to him.

"It's okay..."

Shisnou felt his fingers intertwine with Denki's fingers. It was the first time they had held hands like this. They both blushed heavily.

"Denki... I..."

"I really like you."

He moved closer to Shinsou. They shared a minute of silence before Denki broke it.

"I-I've been thinking about my parents a lot. They moved to America after UA got dorms, so they wouldn't find out about me... Being here... With you. If I was to be your boyfriend, I'd really like that. I think that if I can accept everybody else, then why can't I accept myself? I know that it's okay if I'm not straight. Which I know it's not just an if."

Denki had tears in his eyes. Shinsou squeezed his hand. He looked into his deep purple eyes. He looked into Denki's golden eyes. Shinsou couldn't shake how they seemed like they were as bring as real lightning. He stared back down.

"I'm not straight. I've never liked a girl like this. I'm gay and that's okay. I love you, Shinsou. Will you be my boyfriend?"

"I'll be your boyfriend as long as you want me to, so yes."

Denki looked him back up in the eyes. He had a small tear go down. His eyes always made Shinsou feel like the rest of the world didn't exist, and all his worries and stress disappeared for a little while.

"What if that's forever?"

"Then I'll be with you, forever and always." 

Denki pushed himself up and kissed Shinsou. Shinsou kissed him back, his hands on Denki's face. Denki kissed him with passion and squeezed his hand.

After a quick make-out session, they talked about what it would be like if they were heroes. Shinsou had his arm around Denki, and they were still holding hands. Once the sun started to paint pink on the sky, they packed up and started walking home.

"Did you hear that?"

Denki said while they were walking on the path back to the UA dorms.

"Hear what?"

A little meow came from nearby. A squeal erupted out of Denki when they found a little tabby kitten in the bush.

"Shh! Look how scared it is, you have to be quiet."

Shinsou snapped at Denki.

"Fine then! You get it. We have to take him back to the dorms."

Denki whispered back. Shinsou reached out his hand. The tiny kitty sniffed it. It rubbed it's head on Shinsou. He saw how skinny the kitten looked. Th purple haired boy pet him very gently.

"It looks like he's all alone. He's really skinny and small. I don't think they have a mom."

Shinsou carefully picked it up. It didn't seem very scared of humans.

"Here. Be really gentle."

He handed the kitten to Denki. He meowed at him and snuggled into his shirt.

"Oh my All Might, he's so damn cute! Can we keep it?"

"Of course! I'm going to call Mr. Aizawa, and he'd never say no to an abandoned kitten."

Shinsou called Mr. Aizawa.

"Yes, Hitoshi?"

"Me and Denki found a very skinny kitten in the bushes. Can Denki have him since I already have Pum-"

"Yes. Go get it supplies then see me with him."

Aizawa hung up. Shinsou put back his phone and smirked at Denki.

"Hell yeah we're keeping him."


They went to a nearby store and bought cat stuff. Denki also bought a red bow collar. He made a tag with his phone number.

"So, what should we call him?"

"Gerald. Since he's such a handsome little boy."

Shinsou snickered at the name.

"It fits him, surprisingly."

Denki typed it into the tag then attached it to the collar.

They set up in Denki's room. Shinsou taught him all about litter box training while Pumpkin and Gerald played together.

After it turned eleven, Denki yawned. Pumpkin and Gerald were already asleep on Denki's chair.

"Hey, let's sleep in my room tonight. I know you're tired after all that happened today."

Denki said to Shinsou. Shinsou sighed in response.

"Fine. I'm gonna get changed and shower. I'll see you in a bit."

Shinsou went back to his room. After a shower, he changed into sweatpants and a baggy sweatshirt. He thought about Denki shirtless. Summer was coming up, and they could go swimming together. Shinsou rembered his scars.

'after they heal, I'm taking Denki to the pool'

Shinsou knocked on his door.

"Just a minute!"

Denki's voice was shaky and cracked. What could've made it like that? Before he knew it, Denki opened his door. He had on a pikachu jumper on  and yellow sweatpants.

"Hey, Silly Boy!"

Denki looked really nervous. They both sat on his bed, and Pumpkin jumped on. Denki bent over and grabbed Gerald, who was too short to get up.

"You're such a little kitty!"

He hugged his new cat. Denki nuzzled Gerald. Denki looked adorable when he was snuggled a super cute cat.

"You're so cute."

Shinsou whispered to Denki. He smirked playfully at him and booped his nose.

"Don't do that!"

Shinsou layed down and hid his face. Denki could always find the strangest ways to make him into a tomato.

"What's wrong? You flustered?"

Denki teased the purple haired teen. He layed down beside him.


"Uh-huh, sure. Your face tells a different story."



2388 words!

Heyo! I struggled a little bit writing this, if there's any mistakes please tell me! Gerald has arrived, thank you again to dinograveyard on TikTok. Comment your favorite hobby! Mine is swimming. I don't normally put pictures at the top, but it was too cute!Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed it!

Love you, power! 💕

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