Our foxy protagonist in a sti...

By Aethra_Aman

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White... Bright white light surrounds me in a bright vortex of nothing. There's something beautiful in the si... More

Autors note
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Chapter 1

421 27 7
By Aethra_Aman

Here's the first chapter~ hope you all enjoy ^o^
All pictures belong to their respective owner, I do not own any of these pictures. If there are any grammatical, punctual or informative mistakes please tell me~ Tell me nicely though or I'll have to punish you~ *brings out handcuffs* huehuehue
' Inner thoughts'
Picture is of the emperor and empress ^^


1st person POV

Bright white light surrounds me in a bright vortex of nothing. There's something beautiful in the simplicity of death, one minute you're alive and the next your gone, just like that. People always tried to describe the moments before death, before the end of all you know.

Many said that when the end is coming your life flashes before your eyes... it's funny that in these last moments of mine the only thing I could think is... is that a truck??  (truck-san strikes again XD)


I felt myself get pushed out of something warm and comforting into frigid air that stung; I unknowingly release a shrill cry. I feel confused, what just happened? Where am I?

I feel a stinging smack being delivered to my butt and I again release another cry of pain. I then feel a warm damp cloth wipe away the liquid clinging to my skin and clogging up my nose. I then hear the sound of something being cut, the sound echoes in the quit room as it seems there is a tension in the air. My eyes finally start to focus on my surroundings... why are there huge people around me?!?! WHAT'S GOING ON?? Why do I keep on crying? I hear one of the giants say "it's a boy your majesty! Congratulations consort  congratulations!" I look at the giant currently talking and it was a woman that was wearing traditional Chinese clothing that looked to be from the Xia dynasty in China. I felt disoriented and shocked... I looked around a little, wondering what happened... the realization suddenly has struck me;

Omg I was just birthed (*'Д`*)!?!?

This can't be right! I'm a fully grown adult man! How can I be f*cking birthed! Ewww... I just came out of a vagina (● ˃̶͈̀ロ˂̶͈́)੭ꠥ⁾⁾, I'm not into things like that!!

The people who I assume to be nurses place me in the arms of the person I assume just birthed me. She's a beautiful woman with luxurious, tangled brown hair with shining warm honey brown eyes and fair skin.

She looks tired but happy, though I suppose pushing a whole ass child out of your uterus does that to you.  In the back of my head I realize that I'm having the largest procrastination of my entire 20 years of life... can I even say that I'm 20 now ( ._. ;). A handsome man bursts into the room exclaiming "Chen Chunhua!!", the now named Chen Chunhua shouts out with tears in her eyes and a bright smile "it's a boy!!" The man who has midnight black hair, sharp cutting ice blue eyes, a strong face and a strong body immediately softens when he catches sight of me and Chen Chunhua.

Or who I assume to be Chen Chunhua, he immensely catches my attention, who's he? He's hot~ *drool*. The maids immediately kowtow and exclaim "long live the emperor, long live the emperor!", I come to the realization that he's probably my biological father and I immediately take back my statement of his handsomeness. He ignores them and strides towards Chunhua, embraces her and asks "how are you and our son?" She replies "we're both fine love, what should we name him??" The emperor thinks for a moment and says with absolution "he shall be named Jiao Meihui"

How is it? Please tell me~ Hope you liked it <3

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